Why is the American south so violent, Yas Forums...

Why is the American south so violent, Yas Forums? What went wrong with the culture down there to promote so much crime and mayhem?

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people will say niggers but we all know southern whites are just as degenerate


It was niggers though


Yup, this.

Check the demographics. The American South has a very large population of blacks.

Imagine being a nigger and being irritated that you can't fuck every white girl simultaneously 24/7. Thats a good reason for white people to carry 2 firearms.

Iraqis should be the #1 suspects in this case, obviously

It was niggers you fucking kike

Show me the perps


Pic related are the defendants.

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Unless we are talking about southern Appalachia, then it was niggers 100%, and if we are talking southern Appalachia, then it's niggers by about 33% and raising daily, sadly.

It's because of about 6% of our population are niggers.

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Might I suggest a 22 and 45 double stacked mag

am south, can confirm. been shot at by niggers. its always niggers.

did you really need to ask?

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Is this real?
Fucking Hell. Literal stereotypes.

>killed in their driveway, and not in a bar or golf club or something
Probably niggers.

There are a lot higher percentage of niggers in the south

>am south, can confirm. been shot at by niggers. its always niggers.
Fellow Southern man here to back up this user.

All the money in the World will not stop me from hating niggers.

If the news story doesn't include the face of the perp- he was black

When you are in the cartel game, you are always aware of your surroundings. Even children can be armed.

thank you for your service of protecting the zog state and blacks who fucked your wife while you were killing kids in iraq

Also technically southern man (florida), and can also attest that there's a lot of niggers doing nigger shit down here. If you aren't somewhere "expensive", or out in the middle of nowhere, there's going to niggers being niggers.
At least when you get to "expensive" or rural areas the blacks are close to be normal humans.

I looked it up. It was from 2016. It was niggers and they all got caught, but plead to some lesser bullshit and didn’t even get convincted of murder. Probably already back on the street, sad.

covid-19 fe2+ fe3+

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>Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to empty your pockets.
>Yes, all of them.
What's in his pockets, Anons? Clearly he's not sneaking his own children into a movie theater.

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niggers and spics

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You are so naive, deug empires extend to US soil you know. When someone becomes a liability they cut you. Could be a based white sheriff running drugs for cartel, hired some nigs to do the dirty job.

Piss off Chang

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Interesting hypothesis, but it’s actually niggers

If you can see Niggers from where you live...MOVE!

You sound upset hongo

nigger cope

Reminder: places exist in America where there are next to no niggers. Here on the east coast in middle class single family suburbs it’s very segregated. Out of all the towns in this county more the half are still nearly all white. MOVE TO WHERE ITS WHITES ONLY RETARDS!

>but I can’t afford it!

Nigger, work harder or stay and die with the Nigger scum


>literal war veteran
>not prepared to defend himself in his own home in a gun nut state

>we all know
No, not at all. Nigs are way worse

>Police contended Charleston Wells of Bessemer was the shooter, but a Jefferson County jury in May 2017 found Wells not guilty of murder. A second suspect, Ahmad Jaquan Johnson of Bessemer, was identified by police as being complicit in Gilotti’s killing, but he, too, was found not guilty of murder by a jury in April 2018.

>A third suspect who cooperated with police, Darrian Bryant of Birmingham, testified against Wells and Johnson. He plead guilty to nine counts of breaking and entering vehicles and had the murder charge against him dismissed. A murder charge also was dismissed against the fourth suspect, De’Ron Lucas of McCalla, after the other cases failed to produce murder convictions. Wells, Johnson and Bryant all are currently in custody on other charges.

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How long will white southerners tolerate this state of affairs? Forever?

This shit is sooo fucked up! How is this even possible?

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You really think niggers would convinct one of their own? They would’ve gave them medals for that murder if they could have.

Leaf here can confirm black threat

Except crime statistics prove that you're retarded.
And, no, being too much of a dumb ape to read them or understand per-capita isn't an excuse.

Nice sauce you LARPing faggot.

The gross majority of murders in West Virginia occur in either Huntington or Charleston, coincidentally enough the two cities with the highest black population. Huntington is basically Little Detroit and serves as a stopover for drugs to be distributed southward.

Alabama is way more dangerous than iraq.

Hoover Alabama is white as fuck you retard. This was YT. Stop blaming all your problems on us.

Eat a dick nigger

Now show me the jury you inbred pastoid.

southron whites are super nice and chill

>A Jefferson County jury

And the county seat of Jefferson County, Alabama is... Birmingham.

The trial was in Jefferson County. I know niggers are dumb, but c’mon you monkey at least try.

tell me chinaman, how do you know so much about southern whites?

Never come here

Stereotypes exist for a reason brainlet

Come and visit sometime if you really don't know how it is

Do your own research you ugly ape

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Alright alright fine, I guess it's niggers

Good riddance, one less murdering pig in the world

You learn early to cross the street when a pack of nigs is coming your way. He must have been ambushed or a diversity indoctrinate.

It's always niggers, stop being a fucking bleeding heart and grow up.

What do you think his Stand is?

What does youtube have to do with anything, and how does a suburb of BIRMINGHAM (+60% NIGGER) equal the entire county?

Texan here, almost got car jacked in Dallas when i was on a date.

Can confirm it was a nog

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The deployed the national guard on them when they resisted.

The media subjected them to relentless mockery and ridicule. Most are honest people who just want to get bye.

Because Scottish immagrats brought their highland culture to America and then blacks adopted it and the South became the shit show it is today.

Read Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell. He explains it in great detail.