Messiah is coming this week! Prepare for the coming of the Lord! He is set to deliver his people from the plague during this Passover. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Messiah is coming!
I think we've got enough kikes as it is thanks
In fulfillment of feasts, he most likely will come some october in alignment with the feast of tabernacles.
I hope he uses protection.
How do we tell the true Messiah from cg holograms??
Tell him to bring toilet paper.
you have no idea do you.
no thanks
i already believe in God, and only God. no intercessors
Why do Yas Forumstards like to LARP/pretend as Christians?
Do you imagine that you will upset some atheists?
If you want to do that, do it on plebbit, you will trigger more atheists.
Nobody cares here, you just look ridiculous. There are no actual Christians here, only LARPers. It's a ridiculous religion that no self-respecting intellectual person of European stock will take seriously. It's a childish superstition.
OK, the idea that the Divine would out of its own will choose to descent into mortality and suffer through it, to then return to itself, has a certain "Hegelian" appeal. You can read it metaphorically and then it does have a profound spiritual message, I agree. But when it comes to actually believe in angels, heaven, magic, inerrancy of the Bible, and similar laughable dogma... c'mon, let's be serious.
>Messiah is coming this week!
No. No, he's not. God gave up on this place long ago. He doesn't care and he's not coming to pull anybody's chestnuts out of the fire, that is up to you, so save yourself, buster. Grow the hell up.
Fauci is the antichrist
>I'm not upset.
>two paragraph rant.
Jesus is King, fren.
He does no know, because he has not seen.
Magic is real my friendo, those other pagan gods are fallen angels, they hate humans and will lead you astray
What did the pagan gods do against humans that is so bad?
And it's even more stupid because this will be (probably) Bibi, or some other Zionist leader. Not the second coming of Jesus.
You will not join the righteous in haolam haba
This is a Christian board. All non-Christians can gtfo. If you are European and aren't Christian, you have lost your way and have made yourself worthless.
I thought it was next year but we may see two, the Anti & the Christos. I always hoped it could be embodied in one person & perhaps it still can.
If you happen to be one of the ones you makes it to the end. Remember to cry out to Jesus and he will come and save you. Even after everything that will happen.
The blindness has been put upon you. May he have mercy and forgiveness.
He has to be a Libran if you read your stuff. Work better than Solomon did with Demons also. Work with the consciousnesses of the planets & stars also, that is how Uber his consciousness will be copmpared to normie consciousness.
Jesus already came and paid for the price of sin in full, anybody who claims the Messiah mantle that isn't Jesus Christ is a false Christ looking to change the laws and times of our era.
Jesus Christ is nigh, He is returning to free us all from captivity! Praise the Lord!
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. The kingdom of heaven is near.
For any non-Christians reading this, whether or not OP is right, either way, it's still true that there's never been a better time to bend the knee and accept Jesus Christ into your heart.
I walked with Christ a few years ago. He avatared my mind, body & spirit. I think He may have saved me then from troubles & I decided to keep Him hidden from humanity because I didn't trust the people who executed Him last time around.
FPBP. Keep an eye on the news for mass deaths or atrocities, (((they))) especially love their sacrifices and death orgies at this time of year.
Why do Christians take something good, mongrelize it and pretend that they invented? Just look at this Yas Forums logo
What is your pic related? God shooting you with his gay wave? If you think about it, Christianity is inherently homosexual. The goal of it is to love a middle eastern man more than your family, wife, or anything material so you can live and submit under him for all eternity. If you think about it logically you can see that male Christians are all literally gay. Same thing with Muslims, they literally have their ass up in the air so their semetic God can fill them up with his omnipotent penis.
>There are no actual Christians here
i beg to differ. many of us are sincere. you just wish we weren't so you had some way to socially shame us
What is that, op? The cover for the new system of a down album?
>Yfw Trump makes it mandatory for all Americans to bow down to the anti-christ
No one knows the day or the hour you massive fucking retard. Unless you're God the Father, then you don't know.
We still haven't seen the 2nd Beast of Revelations nor have we give through tribulations. I want my Lord and Savior to come back but, it's not yet
God is the light
The rainbow was a symbol given from God as an agreement not to destroy the world through a flood.
The rainbow was important to him.
There are 7 colors of the rainbow.
There are 7 Spirits of God.
Homosexuals took the Rainbow to mock God that he would not destroy them. They took out one of the spirits and made it 6 colors of the rainbow, again to mock God.
Doesn't messiah mean "annointed one?" What's so special about an extra greasy sand nigger?
"Jewish Nation, have no fear, Moshiach will be here this year. We want Moshiach now, we don't want to wait!"
When dajjal comes, there will be a real holocaust. Kikes are going all or nothing on the anti-christ.
As I've been trying to explain, the jews are about to announce the mega-jew, not 2nd coming of jesus.
Fapped to too much tranny porn these days. I'll get there one day.
There are more closet gay Christians than regular gay males.
>schizo kike thread
When will you religous retards realise noone wants to discuss which jew cult is more based? If you believe in any religion you are delusional.
Let's do this.
This is true.
Nobody will know the second comming of our Lord. One can only guess at best. I think the entire trans-humanist technocracy must come into fruition first.
Men took the bite from an apple to know the knowledge of fire. But with that knowledge, came the knowledge of everything. Now, we must experience the consequences of that action... and learn.
>not pisces
It's meant to be March 2021 but nobody wants the suffering, which is refreshing to see tbf.
You wont have to go outside for the real deal.
actual Christian here.
say what you, you're still wrong.
The grand time was Pisces, moving to Aquarius. However
but also
No One will know the coming of the Lord, your 2 week deadline for "Mossiach" is complete tripe Schlomo, you rape baby buffoon, how can you try to bind God?
>Implying that basic light refraction never happened for millions of years until god killed everyone except Noah and his family and we are all the result of incest
>Oh nvm God is cool bc he gave a double rainbow woooooooowwwww
I believe you
Good. I want a word with him.
He's a very naughty boy.
Woah buddy, you cant use logic to argue against a christian
Based and chequed
Its happening and it ain't gonna be jeebus
>Messiah is coming this week!
Jawohl! Um wie viel Uhr?
Go worship your jewish deity somewhere else, stupid american.
Uh should I be putting baby blood on my door or something?
Take your pills, americans are honestly the worst posters on this board. Always starting shit or being complete conspiracy schizo's, and if not that then this retarded Christ worship attributing everything and anything to god or the wrath of god.
If you truly believe this, then, comes this Passover, you won't need your puny dollars anymore. Give everything you own to charity, or better yet, hand them over to me!
Show your blind faith to your fellow anons, user.
There should be 13 months of 28 days and a new sign called Ophiacus. In ancient times there were only ten (Virgo & Scorpio being one) Libra was birthed from Virgo the Virgin.
In September 2017-December 2017 we saw our skies begin to reflect the life of one man on earth. A man child as he was reborn, Holy Spirit wise. Ophiacus shall be born from the same place.
Venus(Lucifer) & Jupiter (Jesus) consciousnesses came into the mind and life of this man. That was the star falling to Earth.
I didn't get to the second link yet, but the dude in the first is serving too many masters. Read the golden bough, or about the "ceremony of the tail"; sun imagery is synonymous with lion imagery, simple as. Erego, LEO is the representative here, further reaffirming the connection between Leo and Jesus, the Lion of Judah. Everything from virgo thru aquarius is more likely to be the epoch of isis.
Not this week, but soon.