Why are women always so self confident?

Most guys I know have anxiety and duffucoty socialising with others while all the girls I know are social butterflies. Something I’ve noticed my whole life is how confident most women are in themselves when talking and presenting to others. Most of the guys I know have spoken about insecurity in regards to height or dick size while all the girls I know are very comfortable in their own bodies, I’ve never heard of a girl complain about her breast size whether she’s an a cup or a g cup. Why are women so comfortable in themselves?

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Women are only confident on the outside.
Most women, even the super beautiful are plagued with anxiety, self-doubt and a crippling need for validation at all cost.

You need to see deeper



>every simp trying to fuck her
>men who routinely bust each other's balls drop what they're doing to help the weaker sex
>doors opened, bars lowered, media, tech, and corporate simps invent entire mythologies about all the super powers women have to the tune of millions in marketing, movies, etc.

It's a mystery.


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because simps

they're all on drugs


Women are pathologically insecure

Men are only slightly better

guadeloupe, lol


Men jerk off and lose their power. Women are good at pretending to be confident.

Make up makes them delusional. They’re mostly average behind the mask.

What you see as confident is just competence. They are good at showing a fake face. Keep in mind they do this by lying to themselves.


how do you even make this big of a mistake

Can a pathology be natural though?
Maybe, maybe.

this, make-up must be prohibited in ethnostates

Clearly you don't have female friends that you haven't tried to fuck.
Get a nice female friend, get trashed on a bottle of gin together and ask this question.
They have to learn, hard that they need to maintain a confidant disposition or be resigned to un-fuckable "crazy cat lady"
I guess the the other side note is that feminine attraction isn't as narrow as masculine.
My type is pale, petite, ginger, nerdy small breasts. That archetype applied to men has very little appeal.. Maybe you ugly?

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Because they're weaker- so they must make themselves appear stronger... simple instinct. If you people could understand this, it'd be easier for you to communicate with those creatures, explain certain things to them, potentially copulate with them.


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Not true girls are always happier and less prone to depression

Unpretty girls who also have a 130+ iq stay out of any limelight. bad self esteem + smart enough to realize being a whore will not fulfill that void.
T. Unpretty 130+ iq girl


Choose wisely, only one

Used to be a chad and always had problems with my gfs and i always went for the 8s and 9s.

Then i let myself go and gave up on life and im probably a 6 maybe 7 just from a nice face, but lost all my gains and chainsmoke and barely even care to shower most days.

Now i have zero problems in my relationships with the same girls. Get treated better actually with almost zero effort to pursue or take care of myself. Although i make slightly more money now.

Go figure.

It actually is. No idea why the fucking loser keeps coming here.

Nah ur just shy

I know loads of girls who are incapable of holding a conversation because they're nervous in social situations.

Shit thread OP

If you're a girl and literally do anything not illegal you're praised for it.
Go well in school, incentivized.
Become a mother, incentivized.
Following a career on anything, incentivized.
Moral does wonders to you user. I remember when I was jogging and met some ex-classmates, they noted how I had already taken a lap when they were still halfway and I took as a compliment. I didn't had half of my stamina I had now, but I broke my record that day. Hell I was gay since then, it still made me feel confident.
Believe me if anyone actually cared for you you could be a piece of shit, but you'd have peace of mind.

Did you spell this based on a New Zealand accent?

Based watermelon

It's a kike shill. Its specialises in demoralisation.

Politics and current events. Fuck off with this shit.

It's because they are judged less harshly. Social dynamics have several mechanisms that give them substantial social advantage.

you're confusing confidence with attitude
people who are insecure use attitude to show false confidence .
real confidence is humble and most times silent.

>simp posters
Aw, is the widdle incel mad that the girls don't want to play with him, and he has to play with himself? Does using your new buzzword make you feel better? Well go on, sweetie, say "simp" 150 more times. You'll be super cool, like Paul Joseph Watson, who last time I checked was 38 years old and didn't have a wife!

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"Unpretty" (not a word by the way) girls still get tons of male attention. A girl has to be basically deformed to not get lots of male attention. Even obese women still get chubby chasers.

Must be this

Yas Forums is

Women have life on easy mode because men want to get in their wet hole. It’s a Man’s world and pussy is catered to.

Bumping this thread just for you, simp.

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>real confidence is humble

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Was the Nazi goal to protect kittens?

Yes but the thing is it is a desirable trait in females. All the shy and passive girls were the center of attention when I was at school and at work.

did you get that stance from your reddit subforum, Faggot?

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>130 IQ

You’re a man.

This. I'm a guy who does drugs and now I'm super confident.

Sorry I generally don’t reply to anyone over 300lbs

This. I don't know of any guys that have the problems you have

based cantaloupe

What Said, it’s all a show, simply tell a women her eyebrows look bad and watch her crumble

marina and the diamonds?
god how old are you like 100?

>incel poster
Aw, did the widdle tumblrtranny come to Yas Forums to show everybody how mentally ill he is?
Well go on sweety, say "incel" over 9000 times.
You'll be super dead, like 40% of your kind soon.

Wah eff it was no mistake?

(Modern) women are more depressed than men. Especially the ones who constantly need to re-affirm their self-worth and self-esteem like instagram "models"


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Show your standard distribution. And vagoo.

PJW is a homosexual. your point is irrelevant.


Women have it easy.

If women were truly confident, they'd show up at my door presenting both beer and their bare naked breasts, instead of expecting me to waste my time chasing them and playing their stupid little games.

>Does using your new buzzword make you feel better?
Nice, irony.

>Paul Joseph Watson,
The homo? Lol.
Die trannie.

Memeflaggots get the bullets


Yes, good, spam "simp" 500 more times. You'll be edgy and cool like the man who popularized the term, PJW. Who is so charismatic he's single, at the age of 38, despite being 6'2" and having great facial aesthetics and lovely eyes. Emulate a man who was given every genetic gift he needed to slay pussy and somehow was such a giga-chad he fucked it up and now he's going to die alone. Great idea! Shine on, you crazy diamonds!

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Exactly, if even someone like that can't get a decent pair what hope does an average man have? It's all fucked. Most men should just abandon hope of dating and relationships and focus on other things. It's definitely a cope but life itself is one big cope.

Part of the reason is because up till about the 70s-80s women were pretty much just told/treated as being good for nothing more than fucking and starting a family or simple jobs. This results in women needing a push that they can do X in all sorts of fields and things which might sound crazy to younger people today. Its probably reaching a point of exaggeration in some areas but o well.

Shit just look at . Who is the bigger slut. The chick that posted or the random guys who want to dick a chick they've never seen before?

This and also a lot of them are insecure and shy af you just don't notice them

It's almost like Yas Forums loves double standards, but that shouldn't be anything new to you.