Is this real?
Is this real?
Other urls found in this thread:
Definitely a third knee
Yes, Trudeau is really your PM
Are they twins?
Is what real? His leg? Probably?
A crease in his pants while walking? Impeeeeeach
ahh yes I remember when I too was young and innocent
Yes. Pants can wrinkle when you walk.
It's moochelle Obama's dick. Lol.
Aye cause it was yesterday.
Could be possible
His father
this is what happens when you let women vote
it's his semencontainer. when he starts to feel straight, he sips some semen and goes full homo again.
i always thought it's common knowledge that every canadian has one.
one day you'll be old enough to accidentally sit on your balls, kiddo.
and about 20 years after that you'll know what that leg bulge is for.
He's got odd shoes on.
he has feet? what am I looking at?
It's an ankle holster user. You'd know that if you weren't a gun hating faggot
Guess I'll just wait then grandad. Like so much of your shit on this board, it just ends up being a disappointment.
MEDS, you ought to take them.
That curl poking out from under the orange cap INFURIATES me. The whole thing is faggy as a bag of dildos, but that curl makes me want to punch him
wow, your english is very good! keep trying you are almost there.
Namaste, fellow traveler
If you look better it the low res just makes it look like a box. It probably just wrinkles weird, because he has chicken legs.
Was he sent an indictment too for trade crimes against America?
post a vid faggot
A crease on his pants leg? this is peak schizo-posting
Flags are peak faggot posting.
he's as arrogant and confident as he's ever been, with zero sign of anything resembling fear
He's got ankle monitor on because he was under self isolation for 14 days. It's also a security measure for abductions and ransom scenarios. He posted this on his twitter this morning.
Is that the tip of his wang in the red circle ?
If, so this is pretty remarkable. Glad OP is on the case.
The government is arresting the government, IM QOOMING!!!
Well he's not in America needing baby Andro juices, it's probably a hooker pistol or something, the People want this guy daead ya know?
There is no wrinkle cuz they're cuz the Canadian PM is a faggot and if there is no wind for that day, look up the weather, dumbass idiot
wow epic sarcasm that totally removes the need for proof my dude ;')
i love how Yas Forums thinks every crease is an ankle monitor because they're a bunch of fucking neets who have never gone outside wearing adult pants in their life
I mean a faget as in his pants are always too tight or fitting...
He hasn't left his house since like March 10th so the shit may actually be real.
Worry about your growing sick and the constant thought of Chinese over running your little Weebo island with no defense you fucking Jap..
He looks like a fuckin diddler to me, goddamn women voting with their pussies
why do you think his family paid that the girl he raped when he was a teacher and left teaching at that cushy private school?
>That turnabout from Bolsonaro
Every fucking time.
lmao q tards are trying to say this is an ankle monitor.
They think the military is on our side and is currently arresting all of the "elites" and putting them under house arrest and that corona virus is simply a cover for this massive operation lol
He was just playing the charector.
The fuck is it then? His MtG deck?
He literally touches Jair and point to the person to the left you moron, trust Yas Forums autists to completely misinterpret a social interaction.
Fake and gay I hate Canada. day of the rake when
Is that Liam's Nissan?
One pant leg is a lot longer than the other.
I'm gonna go with fake and gay.
Because the US isn't.
No he had his hand out to shake you retard.
Yes. Dick socks confirmed. What a feggot.
American Education ™
lol you're so dumb
Ìs Coffee good for you?
it's called wool dress pants...