Modern brits are literally niggers. Prove me wrong

Modern brits are literally niggers. Prove me wrong.

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Brits are even lower than niggers. They're like some kind of rat/human mutants. Disgusting creatures without any redeeming qualities.

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Riddle me this pol. Why the fuck is my hair falling out? My scalp is fucking itchy and I can see my root for the first time ever. Am I going bald? Help

This started about a week ago. I'm losing my fucking mind(and my hair)

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>Modern brits are literally niggers. Prove me wrong.
lmao ok mutt.

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>Rent free
Rent free
>Rent free?
Rent free!

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It appears our superiority has led to some controversy.

Thank you for your opinion. Stevie, Fucking, Wonder. Jesus, how thick are mutts.


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Seethe mutt

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these aren't 'brits', they're a sub species known as the 'chav', they're of irish gypsy origins


Back you go

Not proof, using shitty catchphrases and bootleg wojak as usual. niggers gonna nig

>be England
>send all your religious weirdos and criminals to other sides of the planet.
>Both countries end up being infinitely better

The British are the biggest cucks on the planet.

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Imagine basing my perception of America on Jerry Springer.

Also, taller and with higher IQ.

Lol says Japan

>be Japan
>Pearl Harbour goes better than expected
>Can technically invade the entire West Coast, crippling the United States and preventing them from becoming a hegemon, effectively winning the war in three weeks
>Abort West Coast invasion plans because ????????
>Get nuked


Wtf do you know about "Brits" OP? You want to through some kike stereotypes out for you own amusement? Why not start a high quality thread about kike subversion or paki rape gangs?

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Says the autistic shit porn addict with literal weeks before suicide.


all your ancestors are literally from the british military invading and raping the women in african and indian territories.

That's a nice language you, me and everyone on Yas Forums is using. Good on English, you know, from England, eh Jiro?

Hair freedums.

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Hes still right my man. Yall gave up colonialism to sit and feel good about yourselves. History will look disdained at the fate you wrought on yourselves.

>Yall gave up colonialism
All good things must come to an end old chap

>get nuked and lose the war
>rebuild yourself into the worlds second biggest economy in just 30 years
>2020 and still racialy homogeneous and have our own culture

>win a world war
>have gigantic debt to America
>invite foreign hordes into your homeland that rape and kill your women.

Tell me about it.

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The entire world speaks english. I'd say that's a success.

I'm not denying Japan's power, just remember who's the real boss.

based bruce

We're so poweful and mighty we can invite hordes of shitskins to our country and still be just as relevant as China, Japan and Russia, all countries which have +2x our population.
Realistically, France, as always, is our only competition, other countries are pathetically weak.

I swear we have to kill all these cunts. It's getting shit down here.

>well at least all the invaders in my homeland speak our language!

Go back and re-read the part i called you all cucks.

ok nigger.

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>we are just as relevant as China and Russia
>literal communist shitholes

I have never seen so much cope. Admit it, the criminals and religious weirdo's you booted out both formed far better countries.

Scots nigga with Scottish name here,what did you just say faggot.

Oh you wanna play this game?
We have a higher GDP per square mile than any state in the United States. Even California can't beat us.
You just admitted to being extemely inefficient.

>Far better countries
United States: literal third-world shithole filled with illiterate fucks. Ukraine-tier.

Australia: commercial failure, gvt. just as cucked, GDP is Spain-tier, make nothing, live off selling minerals to the rest of the world, zero competences. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom makes some of the best cars, planes, software and weapons in the world.

Oh no! I might not sleep tonight!
How much do ya bench bra!?

>muh landmass
Kek literally muh dik, typical mutt response
Even Canada is bigger than you kek

I'll admit that France and Japan are superior countries to the United Kingdom. The hard question is deciding which is better than the other?
The french are better are doing crazy shit and are much more efficient than the Japanese. They're based and are the opposite of wagecucks, whereas Japs are the very definition of wagecucking. But Japan isn't culturally enriched by shitskins...
Both make high-quality stuff. Both are historically warrior-tier populations and extremely based. Both make S-tier food. I just can't decide...

>I'll admit that France
Take off the proxy

>Warrior tier

Ok, you almost had me.

Wouldn’t I be born in Africa or India then?
Do you know how timelines works?

Shame you failed before you even got started.
American dominance lasted all of 70 years
Couldn’t even take Vietnam

nah mate I'm british as fuck. But the french are just better than us.
Historically speaking, we are a french colony.

higher GDP per capita than japan itself. AKA they make more money with less people who only work 35 hours a week instead of 80 hours like the average jap salaryman. I'd say that's pretty efficient.

>warrior tier
literally the military with the most victories throughout history, only country in history to have conquered the ENTIRETY of Europe multiple times (two times, that is). Won 2/2 World Wars. Open a history book: Europe is literally France waging war against everyone else.

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T. Davido San

Stress probably. You should chill out and do some exercise.

it is all niggers in all white lands....we have to remove them and ship them back to Africa....AND STOP FUCKING FEEDING THEM....THEY ARE NOT EVEN HUMAN

OK I meant continental Europe, but the argument still holds.

le 100% british creatura

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America should airdrop guns there and bomb everyone who disagrees

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>GDP per square mile

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yes that's a thing I just invented. It still works. Shut up.

You think it could have anything to do with the weather change? I'm sure that my hair was fine a couple of weeks ago.


Let's check.... Yeah the slider doesn't lie.

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чтo ты имeeшь пpoтив aмepкиaнцeв, мyдилa? Tы pyccкaя cвинaя гнидa, хyли ты здecь пoтepял пaцaк, пшeл вoн oтcюдa пидop.

russian trash, shut up and fuck off from here.

French Colony!? Absolutely golden!
A literal teenage grasp of history.

remind me what was the Norman invasion of England led by Guillaume the Conqueror, vassal of the King of France?

triggered balt

you could land a plane on that nose.


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