You should start to prep NOW

Seriously. It hasn't even begun yet and hospitals are almost collapsing. Now imagine that but 5 times worse. Death rates will skyrocket due to lack of treatment and other diseases and conditions will spike in their death rates. Millions will die.

Attached: coronavirus-chart.png (550x365, 11.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nigga I already prepped in january

Your stockpiles won't last until september/october. That is when shit will really start to hit the fan.

Hospitals are mostly empty. It's just a hoax to put 5G

It's a hoax and will "come back" prior reelection. Then never heard of again.
But yes, I prepped in January.

> You should start to prep NOW
You should start to prep 2006

Attached: tonninpauku.jpg (480x566, 30.55K)

We all know this is whats going to happen. People are already getting restless and demand going out to consoom McD and starbucks once again. Shit will flare up bigtime and healthsystems will collapse left and right. Then the same normies that demanded reopening will start dropping dead like flies and will be begging big daddy government to step in and save them.

Attached: 1585571589426.jpg (750x556, 359.88K)

Just put on a mask and avoid people at the store, then wipe down your groceries with a lysol wipe. Most stores have like a 5-25 person limit now.

This pandemics is worse than summer, really.

Internet is so full of all bullshit - doomers, coofers, money-craving boomers, nothingburgers, serious schizos.
Media are trying to get each one of them to tell them some opinion. You see so many people you never heard about in the newspaper these day. Each one has their theory, everybody knows how the world will look like in one month, half year, two years, etc.

Instead of being humble, shutting up your mouth, cut your consumerism and attention whoring, thinking about your life and praying for forgiveness, many people are still just blablabla, being dicks as always.

>seriously guys any day now, it’s gonna get crazy
I’ve been hearing this for months now, and all I want is for panicfags to die ASAP so I don’t have to listen to their autistic screeching anymore

i dont believe shit will get much worse, basic infrastructure is alive, quarantine works world is just going a bit slower for the next 2 years which im totally fine with, you forget our technology and understanding in how viruses spread, how to deal with infected, how to protect ourselfes, general hygiene standards and nutrition(immune system etc) are all better than back then. ifyou consider these things,. this virus isnt even as bad as the spanish flu, its close to it, but combined with said factors 2e probably reached our worst point of infwctions in the EU, US will follow soon

Prep how exactly?

Get the bull hard.

>worldwide economic crash
>hospitals so full that they're rejecting people dying from things not covid-related
>doctors and nurses dropping like flies
>nurses striking
>4.3 billion people quarantined
>nearly nationwide lockdown in multiple countries where you can't leave your home for anything other than to get groceries or to go to the doctor, and not past a certain time limit
>"hay guys wen is it gonna get bad u guys said it would be happening!"
Open your eyes, my dude.

First, it's a fucking hoax.
Second, even if it's legit, comparing it with spanishflu is absolutely retarded. We were literally coming out of a world war and immune systems were absolutely obligerated.

its almost over and hospitals handled it just fine

The only effect I've observed from this is that I can't buy toilet paper and stores are closed.

>I am a low IQ without an opinion
Not everyone is a sheeple NPC like you.

Finally, someone who bought a decent amount of water!!

That's because you have the internet the keep you occupied and your mind off of it.

You got any sources? Im curious. Hospitals on average are always at least at 50% capacity, so saying theyre mostly empty is a bit of a stretch.

I also have a job and haven't observed any ill effects there either.

Most people stayed at home during WW1

I have potato bags, a good stockpile of ammo, three guns, and a recurve bow for food hunting. I've got tools and resources to work with water storage, water purification, and minor medicine. What else should I be on the lookout for?

Are these the real death rates or the “revised” ones they’ve fudged up since the start of CV

I agree that comparing it to Spanish Flu is a little over the top.
But people's immune systems back then would have been 10x what ours are now, we medicate for the smallest of things meaning our natural immunity has been going backwards.
That's why the Spanish flu was such a strong killer, it managed to rip through people with strong natural immunity like nothing, imagine if covid was like that, we would all be dropping like flies


Not to mention reinfection rates

>I didn't understand a single post

Low IQ detected

Spanish Flu was H1N1. We had an H1N1 outbreak in 2009 and it barely affected us.

Fuck off you fear mongering sluts.

>But people's immune systems back then would have been 10x what ours are now,
Yes and no. Normally yes, but after WW1 many people were extremely malnourished and it is generally accepted that this is a major reason why it spread so rapidly and killed so many.

yes you lazy fag, so many videos in one clip right here.
It's all just a hoax.

oh shit i will need mor deenz

>Its all a hoax because it doesn't affect me yet

Attached: 19853248814412.png (300x316, 29.22K)

OP, you’re an ignorant fucking retard. The second wave occurred primarily because a more virulent form of virus emerged and started killing younger people because of cytokine storm affect. Stupid fucking cunts who show up here are even more stupid than the dumb fucks on Fuckedbook which are comprised mostly of hysterical moronic cunts. 9/10 chance OP dilates his asshole with a fucking eggplant.

Go for a walk, get some fresh air and calm down.

>I’ve been hearing this for months now
Has it not kept getting crazy? Every day things are worse. By mid-April, food banks in hard-hit states like Washington expect to be running out of food. Farmers are destroying crops and dumping milk because buyers and habits are changing and they can't pivot that quickly. In countries that weren't big food exporters that means starvation is coming later this year. Imports won't be available, countries like Vietnam have already stopped exporting rice.

Attached: ahdb-processing-demand-drops-as-restaurants-close-due-to-covid-19-1200x743.jpg (809x501, 42.02K)

well, good thing spanish flu isn't going around

oh no, not the poor food banks

Go fuck yourself you obnoxious fuckcunt.

That's just the first sign, retard. That food dries up first when there are shortages coming.

2006 at the minimum.
Based Finn

>That's why the Spanish flu was such a strong killer, it managed to rip through people with strong natural immunity like nothing, imagine if covid was like that, we would all be dropping like flies
It's the other way around. The Spanish flu was so deadly to young and healthy people because it caused their immune systems to go into overdrive. Having a slightly weaker immune system would increase your odds of survival.

Omg not the potatoes

I'll stock up during the lul between the virgin first wave and the chad second wave when we're actually allowed to fucking go outside for a bit.

>immune systems were absolutely obligerated.

lol would you describe a food bank as being a key part of food production infrastructure?

Yes goy, go pray

we are choosing to plunge ourselves into economic chaos
corona was a hoax but the reaction will result in an actual happening if we stay locked down much longer

i think the pole meant to say that people weren't exactly the healthiest at the end of the war, either from conditions at the front or food shortages back home. there weren't a lot of well-fed people in 1918

People get way too worked up over nothing. OP warns people to prepare for the second wave, and this guy says
>Stupid fucking cunts who show up here are even more stupid than the dumb fucks on Fuckedbook which are comprised mostly of hysterical moronic cunts. 9/10 chance OP dilates his asshole with a fucking eggplant.
In what way is telling someone that's clearly going through some things to get some fresh air and chill out obnoxious? It's sound advice. This place is clearly making him miserable.

If you're too dumb to understand then starve with the niggers.

Can't buy a gun if all the stores are closed.

Why does that graph go back in time?

first i need you to explain how a place that gets food donations and gives them out for free is somehow going to implode the supply chain. surely you don't think it's an actual bank, do you? because that's just a cute name they give it

> warmer weather
That shows the initial spike right in the heat of summer though.

The deadly second wave of spanish flu was a mutation.

they shut down floors for elective surgeries at our local major hospital. they are so overstaffed right now, nurses are doing janitorial work. btw, stay away from hospitals at all costs, containment is a complete joke.


So tired of these people

Ohhh guys
Just give it 2 more weeks hurrrr durrr

KYS shill

I don't recognize or care to hover my mouse over your flag, but you're clearly an embarrassment to your country

and the the rural:city balance wasn't the same. that this will have already practically lapped the globe withiin 3-6 months points away from this massive second wave fear quite a bit. being seasonal is likely without better testing and contact tracing but this being a half-hearted start of something bigger isn't that reasonable.

Blacks and Mexicans depend on these things for food after they blow through all their EBT gibs the first two weeks in the months.
If the food banks are dry, those hungry young black mouths are going to get angry at the white man for not providing them free food gibs because “racism”, and then turn to crime to take back what they’re “rightfully owned”
Crime will increase, but police aren’t investigating during the lockdown.
Be sure to own a gun

>hospitals are almost collapsing
are they tho?
i keep hearing it but i'm not seeing it. my local hospital is actually slow because all the retards are hiding in their homes.

This wouldn't pass 5th grade homework

how you fucking retarded doomcucks haven't topped yourselves yet is a fucking mystery

For every Anglo Australian,
two more Chinks

This is Qanon tier stuff. I like good conspiracy. Underground bases, stargates, Nazi secret technology. But this is much worse than flat earth. Boomers are so bad at this.

>doesn't affect me yet
NYC alone where most of this footage is from has more cases and deaths than most entire countries do. It's here and at its peak, not on the horizon like it was weeks ago. And still nothing.

This is all completely manufactured by the elites. Yes there is a virus, but it barely effects 5% of the population with anything more than mild flu symptoms. Deaths reported due to "complications" with the corona virus are replacing deaths that would have been attributed to something else. The msm is complicent in this fear mongering and manufactured panic, as are the world leaders and many celebs. When the time comes when we are all going crazy from isolating and the rioting starts, they will flip the switch on this nothing burger and give us an out from the manufactured nightmare, which we will take gladly. It will come in the form of an implant that will mark us as virus free, and it will be scannable from a distance. Local law enforcement will take down anyone wandering in public without it and, eventually, military assets will be used to track down those who managed to stay of the grid. These implants will be expanded on by becoming our ids, wallets/credit, health sheet, etc., and will also open the door for more synthetic augmentations of the human body/mind with technology.

Yeah man doomers BTFO! Its only been a worldwide pandemic with 95% of America on lockdown, the stock market down 30%, and over 1 million globally infected.

Global society has ground to a halt and nobody has any idea just how bad its gonna get with new outbreaks or not, or if we will have to stay inside all fucking year and suffer economic catastrophe, but doomers sure are "BTFO"!!

I can't really think of a more fucking retarded thing to write at this point than to argue with "doomers" about the severity of this pandemic because you didnt want to listen in January (likely because youre a contrarian liberal faggot retard).

> "doomers btfo!! I think its gonna stop here at a 7/10 happening and not progress to a 9/10 happening! Martial law will only be in the worst affected areas LOL AT SEETHING DOOMKEKS!! there will only be food shortages in select areas!!!

Shut the fuck up

Yea fuck that

Yas Forums is always right because its always just about to happen sometime soon™

>hospitals so full that they're rejecting people dying from things not covid-related
>doctors and nurses dropping like flies
Can confirm, registered nurse here, seeing bodies stacked like cordwood in the halls, it's a warzone and we're the frontline. Gotta get back now, have to make a multiparagraph post about it on Facebook, take some face mark selfies for Insta, then practice choreographing the routine I'm gonna record later and post to YouTube with my impromptu nurse dance club, war is hell