Was communism really that bad or is it distorted by American Cold war jingoist propaganda? Russia and Eastern Bloc aren't exactly paradise today under capitalism, and we all know how degenerate the West is.
Was communism really that bad or is it distorted by American Cold war jingoist propaganda...
take your meds schizo
Read "Archipel Gulag" by Solshenizyn
It was pure Madness.
>r is it distorted by American Cold war jingoist propaganda?
what do you think
murrica doesnt actually know what communism is
Communism was distorted by propaganda--it was REHABILITATED. American news agencies were running damage control for the Soviets all throughout the war.
There's a reason why you don't learn about the Holodomor in schools.
Communism cannot exist(stateless, moneyless, classless society), so the next best thing seems to be an oppressive regime with a garbage economy because central planning is dogshit.
it was a fucking paradise
Yes, Gulag Archipelago is highly recommended, 200 years together is also eye opening
Better dead then red
There never was communism in USSR.
>implying the murritard education system teaches you anything that isn't revisionist propaganda
VPN nigger.
At least they won’t need to know how to spread butter on bread
lol subtle
falsehood propaganda
take your truvada, bro
>nooooooooo you can't just hate regime that murdered over 30 millions of your people noooooooooo
I am not implying any such thing. In fact, the American educational system ONLY teaches revisionist propaganda.
One such example: World War II began explicitly as a war to guarantee the independence of Poland. France and the UK guaranteed Polish independence, the Soviets and the Germans invaded Poland, so the war began.
But at the end of the war, Poland was not independent. Poland was now Russia's bitch, and would remain so for half a century. So technically, the US, the UK, and France LOST WWII. We failed to achieve our stated war goals. Only the USSR got what they wanted--which was to expand their territory.
This is why the Holocaust narrative had to be invented. If the public were to ever realize that they had lost died in the millions for literally nothing, they would have hung Churchill and FDR from streetlamps. So the war was turned into a great moral cause to smite Literally Hitler, to distract from the cold pragmatic geopolitical fuckup it actually was.
And this is why today, the Stalin-era is lionized because "they fought the Nazis," when they were worse in every imaginable way than the Nazis, who were themselves not swell guys.
jingoism is the only true way
>Was communism really that bad
>i'm not the kike you're the kike
Oy vey, VPN nigger.
>soviets bad
If you're genuinely interested, I would suggest starting with the 1848 workers international..Anarchists dominated the gathering with their arguments, but communists demanded there be an intermediary step between status quo and anarchy where THEY took over the state and the means of production..it's a pretty transparent power grab in retrospect..then look up the 2nd international..and the 3rd..the problems with communism should become clear
as a man who lives in belarus i can say that communism is a very bad thing
It had its upsides and downsides. Of course that's a boring answer but this topic has been done to death on this board.
Putin is effectively a soviet leader and your country is his bitch. Is that your point?
>soviets bad
Question : Hypothesis : Research : Conclusion
The modern left on display. These are the people who wish to rule us and re-make our country.
Apologies *1864* 1st workers international..1848 was the revolution..it's not yet 7am and I haven't had any coffee or cigarettes to wake up yet..quarantine has my routines all screwed up
You cant just change the definitions of things retard. Marxism isn't communism. Read a book.
it turned backwards peasant societies into industrialized world superpowers all while being attacked by the western world order. poor third world countries didn't fare any better under non-communist governments, a good chunk ended up with military dictatorship any ways set up by the west to prevent them from aligning with the communist world. poor agricultural based societies tend towards dictatorships but with communism that dictatorship can lead to industrialization and the eventual betterment of living conditions.
>1 post by this ID
>but with communism that dictatorship can lead to industrialization
Zimbabwe, Angola, Afghanistan, South Africa and Mozambique would like to have a word with you.
>Communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is a philosophical, social, political, economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money[3][4] and the state.[5][6]
Are you one of those 'only my own crackpot version of communism is true communism' types?
>Marxism isn't communism
Nice rhetorical point. If Marx isn't Communism, then what is? Was not Das Kapital the genesis?
keyword can, its not a guarantee. the tenants of communism are all about industrialization as its ideology is focused on "the means of production" and not agricultural output so it can transform a country to industrialize.
socialist afghanistan actually tried to modernize that cluster fuck of a country like trying to curb their 90% illiteracy rate, until we armed rebels to keep afghanistan a middle age theocracy in a plan that totally didn't come back to bite us in the ass.
The Soviets were bad. I don't know how anyone could deny this given the crimes they themselves admitted to. Lenin coined the term "Red Terror."
But taiwan did alright? And they didn't have to holohax the sparrows or some other birds.
Sad day that shitskin mutts are now promoting communist talking points
Death to commie faggots
Hitler was right.
hmm, how do we indeed know communism is bad... because WE FUCKING LIVED THROUGH THAT SHIT YOU INVALID FUCK
Russia is a colony of belarus IMAO
>Hitler was right.
Stalin was left
Thomas More
but it can be traced back almost another 2000 years to the antique
Marx was for a long time a critique of communism and socialism (especially the latter he stayed for his entire life)
it took Engels to make him into a communist instead of just a philosopher engaged with the topic of the current Zeitgeist
what makes you think "Das Kapital" is the genesis?
Is it being subject to propaganda?
No real political interest?
You being under age?
It's not like that is a hard answer to answer for yourself and if you were invested in political argument, wouldn't it behoove you, as such an esteemed specimen of the shitlardian culture, to be at least somewhat informed?
Most eastern euros who blame communism for all their problems can't even begin to articulate what the soviet union was or why things were the way they were. They just regurgitate NATO talking points.
They goyim are dum, but a rabbi such as your self has a deep understanding why goyim need to be ruled by a commie nwo
oh yeah, taiwan is totally a major super power now that has global control and bends international organizations to its whims.
dude communist china has made it so that nobody can even mention taiwan's name, even their best ally USA gave up on recognizing taiwan as the true china so we could get that sweet chinese trade. our movies now show taiwan as part of china as well as the rest of china's territorial claims because we don't want them barring the release of our films from chinese theaters.
Good response. I grew up in eastern europe myself. Most of them don't understand any of the cold war or communism, zionism, nazism, etc. They just think communism is evil and capitalism is good.
You are missing the point you shitskin. Taiwan is a small country and they are doing the best they can. China is a big country, and they are quite successful, but they would be way more successful if not for the communism, if you even call that communism? Or just a mandarin elite taking over the world.
I think ns is good, and people promoting communism should die
Yes, it was that bad. I grew up in Poznan Poland, born in 1975. Yes I'm an oldfag who was here from the beginning, ok gen X'er, whatever fuck you. I'm American now and it is glorious.
If you really want to see what it was like i invite you to go to Poznan, Gniezno, etc and look at the old artwork, buildings, etc and if you get a chance, talk to the older locals about it. The thing is that much like the Chinese today, most of the atrocities committed against us were scrubbed. We didnt have an internet with a billion cellphones to record everything then. We had eyes. People vanishing in the night. Everyone spying against each other. A level of poverty that you as an American especially (I assume) couldn't even begin to comprehend. Nothing worked. You could not even go to the hospital because you could end up in a line with your broken leg behind everyone else with a cough.
You know, here is an example that you could empathize: Go to the store. Look for toilet paper. There is none. Only cheese this week. Or meat. What kind of meat? Is meat. No toilet paper this month. Get in a line for meat and cheese. What you are seeing in stores right now in the asswipe aisle is what Communism was like.
You know Hitler was a communist his entire life and the nazis only existed to kill whites and create Israel right?
>what makes you think "Das Kapital" is the genesis?
The history of the Soviet Union. That is, the history of the nation that was born from the first successful Communist Revolution.
Your point seems to be a derivative of the "That wasn't Real Communism" school of thought.
If I may be blunt, you are indoctrinated.
Oy vey. At lest he killed 6m, God bless him.
Also no, parasites didn't even want to go to israel, because they would rather stay parasites in DE, or go to the states.
Here we go the new opium of the goyim - the communism
>I grew up in Eastern Europe myself
Bullshit nigger. My mother has told me constant stories of all the propaganda, lack of food, brainwashing, she lived under while communism tried to rule the country. The thing that always mentions the most is how badly movies were edited to fit communist views and feed the propaganda machines, if the movies even made it over from America.
Western Europe are the fucking faggots trying to get there these days, almost like they're the ones who don't actually know what it is.
>Read "Archipel Gulag" by Solshenizyn
Why not Conan The Barbarian? Both are works of fiction, but Conan is much more entertaining.
>Also no, parasites didn't even want to go to israel, because they would rather stay parasites in DE, or go to the states.
That's why Hitler was created.. dumbass. To terrify them into moving.
All of hollyjew is propaganda. What difference does it make if a movie is made to fit an agenda or edited to fit an agenda? It's the same thing.
>falsehood propaganda
>but Russian numbers are reliable and propaganda-free
nigga you dumb
>You are missing the point you shitskin. Taiwan is a small country and they are doing the best they can.
they are a small country because they are chinese exiles who were kicked out of mainland china by the communists.
>China is a big country, and they are quite successful, but they would be way more successful if not for the communism, if you even call that communism? Or just a mandarin elite taking over the world.
they wouldn't, they got where they are from embracing the industrializing and dictatorship ideology of gommunism. before mao china was in dissaray as KMT (taiwan) overthrew the monarchy but couldn't stabilize the country leading to all landlords becoming warlaords and the whole country splintered. Taiwan could not control the massive populace of china but mao could, even if his policies cost millions of lives in famines and purges he was able to unite the largest country on earth through dictatorship and then industrialize it so that all of the world's production is in china.
My Grandmother who was born in the 50s enjoyed the time but I cant say that about my grandfathers parents who once relied on cannibalism to survive.
Fuck you and your stupid trap pics.
Almost coomed to a man.
Nigga, you dumb. Soviet numbers were not for public use. No one was able to see them except the government. Archives were opened by liberal-democratic fans of America in 90s and they had no interest in covering the shit up, otherwise - they put some fakes of their own about Evil Stalin being Evil.
>the new opium of the goyim
Yes. It is all so tiresome. They live in societies that provide the best standard of living in the history of humanity and think it is all evil and corrupt. Only spoiled children live in mansions, eat every day, drive comfortable cars, see doctors whenever they wish, and use the internet - the greatest single invention of the human race - to complain about how unfair everything is and how we must embrace communism because that will make things BETTER FOR EVERYONE.
Pinochet was right, He Did Nothing Wrong.
>Question : Hypothesis : Research : Conclusion
You only have the first two.
a) Western Europe has been the United States' bitch since the end of the war, add East Europe after 1990. Atlantikbrücke is enough proof.
b) Wall Street funding of Nazi Germany is public knowledge nobody even attempts to deny. Russia has always been the enemy and still is.
c) I'm East German and not a zoomer so I know plenty of people who were nazis, communists, or nazis and then communists, who lived through the war and "stalinism" and 40 years of GDR. They say it was rough, but they all turned out to be fat, satisfied pensioners. With less pension thanks to West Germany annexing the GDR (see point a), but so what.
I'd have to assume that stalinism wasn't really a genocidal regime, because why the fuck would nothing have happened to the losers of the war? My grandmother's family was displaced from Sudetenland and they kept going on about it for DECADES after settling in nicely.
What has to be done, has to be done. Necessary evil isn't crime.
No, taiwan had chinks before
Let's dumb it down
China 1+B chinks
Taiwan 20+M chinks
Would you expect the same power in the international arena between these 2 countiries? Even the chink taiwan wuflu response was more efficient!
No, deng litterally reversed monkey mao communisms. Bla bla bla talking points, imagine how successful they would be if they would not have been enslaved by monkey moa, and went directly into souless bugpepole world domination mode?
That's not all- Russians used the term "concentration camp" before the Germans
Russian concentration camps copied the idea of striped prison uniforms (those striped uniforms you see for example in Auschwitz)
It's the mind gymnastics every commie does.
They can't just admit they ride pretty much same boat with, say, Stalin- they know that's a shot in the foot.
This faggot got properly BTFO'd by this guy:
I'm Polish, heard a shitton of stories like that myself as well. And somehow they all agree on the point that commies are pieces of shit.