Work at infowars

>work at infowars
>mind my own business
>Owen Shroyer starts yelling
>all of a sudden pulls a gun from his belt and points at my camera

Attached: owen shroyer.png (639x356, 290.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:

holy shit i forget about this guy
didn't he get famous for interviewing that "you're a fucking white male" guy

Attached: owen shroyer 2.png (639x360, 216.01K)

Yeah that's him. Infowars is kinda getting psychologically unstable right now.

based snake oil merchant

do I feel lucky? well, do ya, camera man?


Firearm saftey rules are for communists.

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wow that fucker looks loaded. id be slightly upset if i was the cameraboy.

You think Alex Jones just carries an empty revolver around? No, he carries a fully loaded problem solver in a back holster.

>Your move, globalist.

Keep in mind, he has to work his way up to Alex’s level of crazy.

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he's got good trigger discipline

lmao he seems pretty uneducated on covid.
"they're attributing heart damage to coronavirus?"
yeah bro it literally dials the heart up to 100bpm for a week

Rumor is that Jones would bring his employees to recreational activities at the shooting range and ended up shooting at the dirt in front of people's feet for a goof. Granted there's lots of liberal bullshit stories about Infowars but I believe that one.

Time stamp?

That's just a form of bantz in Texas

its literally in the picture you dumb femoid

Gonna watch this. Gotta love me some paranoid schizophrenia mixed with truth.

It’s theatrical dude, they’re there to entertain you. Infotainment

In the picture friend. 1:08:30


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Im listrning to this right now, and theres no truth in it dude.

Is this what cabin fever looks like

That shouldn’t do too much damage. When I’m sick my heart rate is like 80 to 90 bpm and yes can get to 100 bpm, it’s called being sick. The heart damage would be from lack of oxygen.

hes a globalist.

Attached: EU6zAifXkAI1Ke8.jpg (1125x961, 91.61K)

>Bhutranny reaches a new low of retardation

seems based to me. you never know wtf could jump out at you

ayyy april 16th. i called april 18th but that was for nj. not a fan of infowars, sometimes alex is entertaining. i actually watched this live and this guy fucking sucks.
>amazing trigger discipline
bc it's so fucking hard to keep your finger pointed.

>Owen Shroyer starts yelling
>all of a sudden pulls a gun from his belt and points at my camera
god I wish that was me


>me working at inforwars

Alex Jones is a violent, narcissistic cult leader.

Alex Jones is the shit. All his second bananas and henchman are total shit.

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Say what you will about AJ, but the guy has tremendous energy and talent.

yeah there wasnt much truth in this guy's segment. i gave it a chance yesterday cuz the goofs are ok sometimes and i think a thread here reminded me about them, but wasted an hour or so really...

Based schizos over at infowars

>be Herschel at JIDF HQ on VPN
>hehehehe im gonna do gonna make an infowars thread...hehehehehe
>make thread about a specific moment in an infowars video
>post 3hr clip with no timestamp
Kvetched & Goypilled ,Herschel

Attached: 1586221802154.jpg (872x960, 55.01K)

isn't the JIDF HQ at Infowars?

>thats bullshit, but i believe it.
ehhh, he seems a little nutty but i highly doubt he did that.
>problem solver
i like the cut of your jib

Sounds like a classic Faggot Europeans vision of a Texan. You are confirmed for a faggot

Jesus, this fuck is annoying.


>post 3hr clip with no timestamp
OP literally posted a picture with timestamp

U get me.

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Carpetbaggers love to over react. That’s just a Texas salute.

Owen "The Cunt" DeShroyer

Why? Every time you see him hanging with Eddie Bravo he asks to get choked out, punched, and all that. Just watch him being crazy uncle mode on that kid's podcast with that blonde guy who poses with corpses. I totally can see Jones being a goof with firearms in a private setting with couple of beers in his system.


doing practice/display sparring bullshit with a professional fighter is a pretty fucking far cry from shooting at someones feet.

god damn you, you tricked me into defending AJ.

Should've said lies mixed with truth, either way. Main reason is entertainment.

What are the chances of him snapping for real during a demonstration or something like that and unloading on some antifa hipster?

Is it, user? Is it?

he's unironically based.

Wait so him and Alex Jones are throwing a fit because of the shutdown? It's literally Jews that want to reopen.

>"You are a coward and a fraud if you want a shutdown!"

Confirms Alex Jones as a kike shill.

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I don't know what's going on honestly. I just like the thought there's still random mad men running around congress halls and whatnot. Getting a John Wilkes Booth vibe from Owen.

Do you guys think he's on a watchlist now?

I mean he's already violating other firearm rules on purpose, is it so far fetched to assume he might get drunk and shoot at people's feet?

Owen "you bring the info, ill bring the war" Shroyer

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I wonder how much does he pay him.

yes. without 1st person account/complaint, yes it is far fetched it believe.