Hey shitgertina! I have had enough of your spammy NON-POLITICAL threads about the cvg. I literally piss on your face and on your life,you absolute retard. The """virus""" is showing signs of stopping and you keep on posting SCHIZO-tier nonsense about ut killing everyone. Control yourself,you animal. It's not my fault that your mother is a whore who's treating you like shit because she owes me my money back and it's not my fault that she can't fuck.
Daily reminder that the cvg OP is an idiot
Other urls found in this thread:
>deaths keep increasing
Slit your throat,you filthy lying cunt
thats saying fuck all about deaths you absolute fucking retard. disgusting dollar store slav
You don't even speak english! Kill yourself,fake Germany
>Dead: 75,058
lol, still only 75,058.
How many days has it been stuck at 75,058? Four days? Five days?
He can. You’re a retard. Seeth more, faggot
>twoo weeeks
I know what you're saying ,Garry but they just can't understand,can they?
Missed you man, keep doing good work.
>that's saying fuck all about deaths is a coherent sentence
esti tampit? Da, esti
well they're not going to decrease are they
I agree. The important thing to know is that deaths is almost exclusively 85+ year olds with severely compromised immune systems in the first place. In Italy 80% of deaths have not only one, but at least two comorbidities. So you have to be old as fuck, have beetus and heart disease, and then you have a chance of dying. Most pathetic plague in the history of mankind.
>ignores the fact 20% of current fatalities are people in their 30s or 20s with no previous conditions
>also the fact even if you survive the fucking virus your immune system is gone and you've lost your sense of taste, smell and are infertile
It might as well kill me at that point
CVG is protected class glow nigger psyop. Forget about getting jannies to clean up the Corona vomit on this board.
>ignores the fact 20% of current fatalities are people in their 30s or 20s with no previous conditions
Source this crazy claim please.
>also the fact even if you survive the fucking virus your immune system is gone and you've lost your sense of taste, smell and are infertile
Also source this even more crazy claim please.
Maybe you should take a break from the /cvg/ threads bro, nothing but rumors and faggotry there.
Ai terminat clasa a 4-a?
>That’s saying fuck all about the deaths.
>That’s saying nothing about the deaths.
“Fuck all” is an expression meaning “nothing” you absolute mentally retarded faggot. It’s a valid sentence.
A namefag that actively makes a thread just for the purpose of calling the OP of another thread an idiot
You could have just posted it in that thread but you won't
You're here with a mission and your mission dictates that disinfo must be spread and through that you make the absolute newfag move to create a thread to call the OP of another thread a faggot
If you could glow any harder you would be as bright as the sun
>Infected: 999999999
>Died: everybody
It's supposed to be "that's saying fuck about deaths" ,you cretin
We're all gonna die bro. Might as well kill ourselves,right? Do it already FfS
Fuck off you snivelling boot licking pussy. Corona is a hoax, only weak cunts have died (of seasonal flu) so fucking what. This is just run of the mill seasonal flu whored by worthless neets, shills and MSM. You're a retarded weak cunt and I piss on your cheese wheels. Go and suck the eus cock a little deeper, merkels balls need their hourly chin bounce
>I piss on your cheese wheels
Checked. Based and bongpilled.
This. Those faggots are so weak that they piss their pants when they see the slightest change in their routines.
Imagine the smell
it took a long time for someone below the age of 65 to die here. its literally some pussy virus, only slightly worse than the flu
I bet noone told him there's no upvotes to collect here.
sorry i dont understand dollar store slav
From what I remember, he is just posting some articles and numbers. Just because they look bad, doesn't mean he is trying to convince us we are all going to die.
Hey you fucking faggot, just post your reply in a cvg next time like everyone who isn't crippled by mental illness. Your stupid fucking unhinged schizo sperg out does not warrant its own thread. Did not read. Fuck your mother.
Here's the latest estimates from Oxford, taking account for the Italy situation:
>Taking account of historical experience, trends in the data, increased number of infections in the population at largest, and potential impact of misclassification of deaths gives a presumed estimate for the COVID-19 IFR between 0.1% and 0.26%.
Average age here in Norway is 89 years old with comorbidities. I mean... it's literally just a flu, bro... like the CIA nigger meme.
Take your daily drug intake and you might be able to
You’re wrong. Entirely and obvious.
You should feel bad.
The fact you namefag as
and embarrass yourself like this is beyond ironic.
Lmao, go ask your 4th grade teacher, homo.
It's ok OP. Not everybody can be a based individual. Resign yourself to a life of turbofaggotry and frustration.
Like in all CIA nigger generals threads that are made and populated by bots and shills, if you try to post anything that could lead to any sort of discussion you're instantly reply bombed with forced animu girl memes, thread is derailed and faggotry re-established. No one sane is in generals threads and it's completely fine to point out how they are ultra-cancer on the side.
Implying that you can read
We're sorry in his name, he probably didn't meet yesterday rape quota, so the village rape chief scolded him.
No,I'm not. Since when are you an authority on english? last time I checked,you weren't even able to spell simple words such as honour or neighbour
too bad it won't kill you,George or Horhe or whatever
>t chelnerul din anglia
garçon,vreau o "bottle of water" (ca nu stii cum ii zice in franceza oricum)
>retard can't use punctuation or capitalization properly, yet berates others with no basis
S-a umflat tărâța în tine de când s-au închis școlile, așa-i?
You're functionally illiterate, miss me and everyone else you're replying to with your 3rd world babble.
just filter the threads then? those guys are going to keep at it with the non stop shitposting, just look at the content of that shitfest
when new information gets in it's either ignored and lost with the spam of the same copypaste and memes or "le epic reddit moment" so they need to post some shitty reaction image
Oh my. Now I feel bad. I hadn’t realized I was chastising a legitimately mentally regarded gypsy.
Good job on using a keyboard, I guess.
I’m sure having 4th grade English skills makes you the smartest thief in your caravan.
Why are bots allowed on Yas Forums now?
Yeah, I get your point. But the cancer spreads like a virus (hæh), it's not like it's contained to the faggot generals.
Actually this lad is based, it’s the namefag that is the idiot.
My sides
Learn the bantz before posting, underage moron
What's the best name to flagfagname Spaniards with? I've always used Manuel, but I somehow feel this is a name that's a name that's going out of style down there.
> nu stie ce e adresarea directa
you dont even speak a foreign language
why are nothingfags so fucking mad lmao
just enjoy the happening dude, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity :^)
>no normalfags dying
>no collapse of zog
>zog increases their power 10x instead
>normalfags survive
Worst fucking happening ever.
Learn to speak proper english as your butchered words make me unable to hold back my giggles each time I see them,you infatuate faggot
Tests which are designed to pop hot.
Tests which are designed to pop hot against general coronaviruses (which are common.)
The scarcity of tests makes sense at this point, and would be a design feature of the operation.
Think about it, if the fake tests are kept restricted and only given to the deceased or gravely ill and likely to die soon, then you have almost total control over your diagnoses, disease statistical growth and so on.
If everyone was tested because tests were abundant, people would soon notice that something was amiss as healthy people popped poz.
In fact the media is already preemptively hedging against that for when legitimate test kits become widely available to all(govt can only plausibly delay that for so long), with stories about how "many may already have had the virus and transmitted it, while never developing symptoms.,)
This is how they can explain doctored tests popping on healthy people when they become widely available.
There is no need for even high level professionals to be active conspirators, although many will be participating through hidden COMMON PURPOSE membership.
bump for all the seething idiots
No more EU gibsmedat for you gyppo
No more free stonks money
Go rob your grandma
Manuel is good enough
Jose, Paco, Javier, even Pepe, but that has other implications here
Ok but I want all of your people out of transylvania. Stop stealing our forests,little germany.
This is another good one. Same as Manuel really, but it sounds more insulting.
Take notes, faggot OP
>Ok but I want all of your people out of transylvania
Just block it and report repeat threads.
Actually checked this guys sources and the graphs are misleading and wrong I advise you guys actually check your sources.
if you say so, george
seethe more faggit
I miss the days when the number was under 1000
Yeah no fucking shit. Incredible how everyone was instantly BEGGING to have their rights taken away