Guys please answer me, why is Brazil so mixed what happened?

Guys please answer me, why is Brazil so mixed what happened?.
Pardos were 44.2% of the country in 2010 imagine now.
It's terrifying!

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You'll be mixed soon too

Greece has strong bonds we will not miscegenate in large numbers like you. Hellas never dies Η Ελλάδα ποτέ δεν πεθαίνει.


Jews raped everybody out here.

Unlike most of the rest european Empires Portuguese colonization lacked the transport of women into the colonies, this was due because Portugal was not a very populated country and the voyages were very dangerous, since we were the first ones to do such a thing.

Portuguese colonists/sailors were told to racemix with the native population unlike the Dutch/English who started colonization 100 years before and brought women with them

i mean after

And slave owners raping their nigga slaves. Yes, mutts have jewish and portuguese psychopath genes.

>Greece has strong bonds we will not miscegenate in large numbers like you
t. 30% turkish 40% slavic 15% illyrian 10% armenian mutt

very few people can resist the bundapill user.we shouldn't blame them.

bitch izabel freed the niggers from nowhere and the monarchy fail, the new government trapped Europeans to come here, but the farmers treated them like niggers so they run poor for the city, guess who was also poor in the city? the niggers.

>what happened
Jews and niggers

99% of Greeks would fall within the pardo category if they lived in Brazil tho

Brazil is probably 90% non white

turks and greeks don´t genetically cluster you fool.

But in the other portuguese colonies you guys did not mix much, angola, mozambique, timor, macau all of these tou have almost no mulattos.

African americans are on average 25% european genetically. Brits did it too.

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Being mixed is seen as part of what makes a brazilian brazilian.
The myth of the mixing of the three races is an important part of Brazilian Sociology.

See Gilberto Freyre.

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And it didn't work, obviously.

more like 65% atleast, many white people are only white outside europe and na, if you will, but here they're white.
Fuck greece god bless albania

The funny part is that the US is making the same mistake we made 100 years ago

Should of done what the arabs did, castrate the slaves so they can't procreate. That's why there's so little blacks in the middle east.

>not going according to plan

Slave owners wanted the slaves to procreate because mortality was high and it was cheaper to raise a little nigger than buying one from the traders

and now your nation is filled with nigger admixture. should of taken the economic bullet rather than living in new africa. hope it was worth it.

why is it hard to admit that women find black men attractive

I legit like it tho

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Yet look at any country with significant black numbers : colombia, brazil, US, and there is a huge mixed population

readTLDR; we fucked up

North is indio and pardo, northeast is pardo and black. Southeast is pardo and white and south is still white.

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It makes me wonder, are we in front of or behind the USA? hahahaha

That is a great question. But based on geography and history I would say the US will be ok, while we never really had a real chance to properly develop our economy.

Damn tugas.

Only white trash women like blacks. I have noticed

>south is still white.

fucking lmao

You started mixing it up because you suck like niggers. There is no justification for you to have sex with blacks and if you do, you accept a mixed child.

If the south is not> 80% white, the southeast is no longer white.

mixed = nigger

>christian women

>Niggers and hispanic population growing proportionally.
>Be ok.

usa did to south america what it is now doing to europe

My God. Latin America is such a mixed up continent. Indians, Europeans, Blacks.

Anytime I see the word brazil I think I'm about to see a video of someone getting cut up in a empty room with a white tile floor

You negotiate with the countries for the liberation of slaves.

Look for you in the story of the planet's destruction, anglo.

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If you think history is linear you are a brainlet.

>If you think history is linear you are a brainlet.

Linear? Do you know what you're talking about or just want to look less like a monkey? Explain to me what the story is like then.

>Linear? Do you know what you're talking about or just want to look less like a monkey? Explain to me what the story is like then.
This is not reddit, fuck off

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OK macaco.

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Sorry about that bro I had to dump my cum somewhere and we only found guarani puss in the jungle

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Don't try to look like chad, tuga monkey. You fucked monkeys because you didn't have women for you.

Many portuguese stayed in Brazil and suffer today with the presence of monkeys and their children. And Portugal today is being occupied by its monkey children.

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Brown and black girls seduce white men, they are too easy. Once pregnant many marry them.

É verdade,desculpa filho. O pai ainda te ama, mesmo tu sendo bastardo.

Bruh pic related is for white Brazilians. Their country is a product of colonising with very few White women available. It’s just a sausage fest of European men with African+ Amerindian women generation after generation of bleaching. Hot as fuck

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its missing fb smartphone and ig

Filho? Você pode ser filho de um macaco brasileiro, e isso é bastante provável.

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eu não nasci em 2018, portanto é pouco provável

White Brazilian girls are total qts.

Pretty much this.
Portugal was too small to colonize Brazil so they had to form alliances with the kuruminhas to have the manpower to fight french and the dutch.

Because in Africa they only established feitorias while in Brazil they went to the interior bc of the tordesilhas treaty

Pura propaganda requentada dos tempos do ufanismo clássico. A falta de raízes raciais e culturais sendo usada como raiz racial e cultural é a negação da realidade objetiva.

Agradeça ao DIP de Vargas e aos esquerdistas de merda

For 2018 to reach this, it is because the situation was already ugly before. Take pride in being who you are.

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>white girls are total qts.
0 surprises there

What difference does it make now?


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O problema antecede Vargas

lol não sou nem preto nem lelo.
E esse post tem mais de 10 anos.
Até agora nunca vi 1 único polícia que não fosse Português.