Why are Swedes so fucking retarded?

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more swedes die now, there will be more room for new swedes. All according to plan



Swedes are easy to replace, so it's not a problem

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>She is black
>She stole the strap-on dildo, she didn't even buy it

LMAO stupid fucking niggers.

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Nothing of value was lost.

dictatorships breed incompetence

they technically have elections but the same power entity grew from the ruling party (which is in power for decades), through the media, the police, the education and so on - the result is that whenever there is a problem, they ignore it and hide the numbers
just like with immigration problems


That actually sounds more interesting than run-of-the-mill American superhero film's

>sweden is a dictatorship


I ask myself that everyday.

don't be so germophobic, bigot.

maybe it is 4d chess by the swedes since it seems to be particularly bad for non-whites

What Norgays don’t understand is that we will reinfect you with Corona once you open up again, and since you won’t have herd immunity you will need to shut down the economy again and again and again.

Maybe the whole herd immunity thing was a bad idea

Swedes used to be logical once. Then they became cucks.

Didn't you know that vikings thought that Finns were magic people?

the found swedebot living in finland



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The victim has raised from the dead through prayer! praise be!


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I don't see the issue. We're getting rid of the parasites of society and a few boomers.

Maybe we can elect a decent party next election and get the sandniggers out too

>bad idea
>weed out the weak so the strong get space to live
>bad idea
>bad idea
What is a bad idea is to close down the entire economy to save 0.1 % of the population that are gonna die soon anyway. Let the old die. You can’t live forever. Boomers are just afraid to meet their maker.

They are not, they just have a housing shortage and the kikes want to import more niggers, so some swedes need to be coronad

i can see why your parents never loved you

Since ruling class are old, it doesn't surprise me at all.

>thinks there is such a thing as herd immunity from this bioweapon

>muh economy.

See how mentally crippled you are by the massive brainwashing. Disgusting. Who needs society if society is not for the people?

You could see every country when panic hit elite. There was shit ton of denials then one morning they realised they all Gona die.

was he right?

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Did you know spanish flu came in three waves. Second wave was deadliest. How will your herd immunity work against second wave?

Nobody expects it to happen to them. It’s extraordinary—they can watch people drop like flies in other countries, and they still manage to convince themselves, at least for a while, that it’s just somebody else’s problem. Normalcy bias, totally irrational.

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Finnish masterrace

But my parents do love me gaytard.
How is this relevant to my post?
Yes the body produces antibodies and makes you immune. This is proven and measurable.
The economy is what keeps you warm, feed, clothed, it’s what runs your electricity, water, sanitation etc.
More like death has crippled you.
Yes we are door mats because we work through hardship instead of acting like a pussy.
You silly moron, the reason why the virus went in waves was because they tried isolate the virus, like what All countries - Sweden is attempting right now, just as back then it is totally futile. The virus will come back to those who have no immunity, it won’t come back to Sweden because we didn’t close shit down, we got immunized, because we didn’t panick like Finland.


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Unfortunately it kills mostly niggers in USA and Sweden, so they need to find a new solution for this.

Large immigrant population

I think we really need to find why because it's amazingly scary how self-hating swedes are, they didn't even get the german hate yourself brainwashing from WWII to present, so wtf is in their water?

Now is it actual swedes sick or is it NuSwedes? Since we know how hygienic goat fuckers are.

They'll just have to double the migration until it goes away

my theory is they couldn't shutdown because it would collapse their already strained welfare system. just a theory though

How it isn't? It simply expands on your post by concluding that's the reason for for boomers shutting down the countries to reduce the chance of them getting infected and dying. Get some fresh air user, not all replies are made by d&c shills.

Finns are so utterly hostile to all outsiders, even that person's very cells told the virus to fuck off.

Sauna resurrection ritual.

>You silly moron, the reason why the virus went in waves was because they tried isolate the virus, like what All countries - Sweden is attempting right now, just as back then it is totally futile. The virus will come back to those who have no immunity, it won’t come back to Sweden because we didn’t close shit down, we got immunized, because we didn’t panick like Finland.

But you won't have immunity either, Coronavirus immunity/antibodies usually last 6-8 months with the seasonal strains, it's not permanent.

good luck with keeping the economy going without people

That graph can be explained by a bigger population so is irrelevant but that aside our nations response is literally the worst on earth. Maybe the niggers are worse because they don't have a response. At least not anything of value.

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Sweden is also the earliest place where Yersinia Pestis was found, around 3800BC.
So if Covid19 is commonly named Chinese virus, then The bubonic plague could be commonly named blonde death...

anyone who uses numbers instead of per capita is a retard

>Yes the body produces antibodies and makes you immune. This is proven and measurable.

(Sven doesn't know)


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Hard to tell, I’d say it’s the soviet demoralization campaign, with the infiltration of the educational structures in the 50’s. Educated swedes are horrible, the red pilled ones always leave

If population was a factor, you would only have 2x more deaths than us. You have 7x more deaths than us

>using the virus to kill opposition voter base

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The problem is that "redpilled" ones leave instead of putting up fight for their country. How are those even called redpilled idk.

Its that Jewish family that took over your media after the second world war, they traines you to hate yourself and accept millions of refugees and endless abuse, in return for saving the Jews

Lack of a free market of ideas didn’t help, cowardice of independant thought, fear of death because a lack if religion? I’ve given up

I understand them, who wants to be austracized

Surely they realize the comedy in this

White flight faggots. What happened to "Jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden?"
>I want to live, I want to die in the North (Sweden/Scandinavia)

>the reason why the 1918 virus went in waves was because they tried isolate the virus, like what All countries are doing now -

do you have a source? I was thiniking of that possibility but its was just my speculation.

There is a blanket control mechanism, media is one part. Bezmenov’s explaination makes a lot of sense but it all stems from central banking whos directed lines of credit or kack thereof bankrupted every independent source of news

Because they can't afford anything else because of all the vibrant diversity they imported that does nothing but sit around and chew khat all day?

Niggers and Feminists

250 is nothing
Besides isn't Sweden half the pop of Denmark?
And they have half their death toll despite enforcing no restrictions
Deaths are actually lower than previous few years

Subversion and demoralization happened.
You can’t talk to people, tried for 15 years, you just give up and move to a real country

So normalizing retardation and faggotry by not speaking against it is something you accept?

True, but look at Denmark. Doing just a little bit better than us. Is it the proximity to Germany?

*twice the pop

They're at 477 and rumors would have it their real numbers are twice that or more, they're just under reporting so people don't panic. Their hospitals were already overloaded a week ago.

Red pilled swedes know to isolate , leaving the nu-swedes and lefties to carry on and die .
The left don't just eat themselves.

older people tend to be more conservative
and they also tend to be more vulnerable to chink virus disease

I'm obviously not talking about the normies Ahmud. If you commit white flight you are not red pilled but a faggot cuck.
Not everything revolves around you. Your father land is infinitely more important.

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This is Sweden we are talking about. Everyone is a socialist.

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Goddammit. I stay indoors for two weeks, that's it.
Your people lobotomized themselves and they will have no future if they keep going. I would never want to switch places with you

Oh no not the obese boomers how will Sweden survive now

Also pakis here are dropping like flies so I don't give a shit

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look at this, it's just whatever

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Sweden has a deathwish but it's correct that these numbers aren't yet so bad. The car crash is still in early stages.

Typical "everything is going to sort itself out" mentality.

>Look anons! The effects of a peace damaged population.

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There was an article about how somalis got infected because they didn't understand the information and "liked to live close and among themselves", and somehow it was the governments fault that information hadn't reached them.

Luckily the article got called out on its bullshit and that it can't be expected that the Swedish government publishes information in niggertongue because somalis can't be bothered to speak the countrys language

The decition to keep it open is the right one I think. The horrible preparedness of it is just complete incompetence as always.

I was one of those who thought it was the end of the world, need to shut it down now. Now when I see more facts, I think its better to just live with it. It surely sucks for everyone who gets it and dies, but it seem like it spreads like wildfire, cant be stopped.

The numbers can also be explained with the massive nigger population we have.