India hate thread

Imagine having a superiority complex when your country is the biggest outdoor toilet on the planet with primitive sexual predators running around raping everything that moves.

Press S to spit on this smelly shithole of a country

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Just wait 10 years

indians are kinda rapey weirdos and there's too many of them in england and their scamming shit is annoying but they're not that bad compared to other mudraces


can confirm

1 begging bowl credited to your bank account by Pakistan government.

Cope Bhikari.


this time it will work lads, believe me.

Why are there so many poo's on here these days

>India super power 2021
>Augmented reality designated shitting area
>virtual bobs and vagene
>low cow piss indicator
>mustache optimal trimming directions
Literally can’t wait

Imagine bathing in the Holy Ganges as a corpse, crawling with maggots goes floating by.

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buddha was the only based pajeet
wait he was nepalese
poos can drown in their shit


We're sitting at home. For reason, I used not be able to post without VPN. Now it works.


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> Post link to Chinky propaganda website.
I went recently to the Ganges river and it's clean af. Rest of India is getting clean too by all metrics, slowly but surely.

>We have a lot of poo doctors at the hospital I work for and they barely speak English

Yet all viruses and plagues in the world seem to weirdly originate in China. Pure coincidence though.

most of us can't be NEETs like the west, we are out working.This lockdown has given me time to post here.

>imagine having a literal anus as your flag.
kek. Indian's are living memes

But still, so many indians on Yas Forums in general for a while, why would you come here knowing you're the easiest victim to bully

They have no concept of hygiene. I remember indian tech students. They would take the elevator and you couldn't go in because the stench was unbearable. Not as students they had access to showers like everyone else.


>This is because of unique microRNA, called hsa-miR - 27b, which successfully mutates the coronavirus responsible for Covid-19. In other words, Indians have a comparatively better immunity compared to other countries which will help us fight the pandemic better.

Built by God to fight Chinks. Seething Fingol.


Indians are truly spectacular

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>Built by God to fight Chinks. Seething Fingol.
kek godspeed

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> created all of the religions currently ruling Asia
> created the number 0 (foundation of everything in modern science)
> has better hygiene than Italy , Spain , France etc. (0 corona cases)
> actually HATES women (based)
> hates mudshits (based)
> actually ARYAN (based and beloved by Hitler)
> can look hot AS FUCK or UGLY as FUCK (based spectrum)

meanwhile what has finland to offer?

> aurora chinks (chink autism coupled with drunken lappish genetics)

have fun waking up to the smell of frozen vomit every day you zipper headed panface

signed and BASED Rajesh

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>aurora chinks
oh im laffin

I once walked past a group of Indian tourists here in Finland. My goodness, the musty stench combined with the hot humid summer weather made me physically sick.

Cope harder Poojeet

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imagine waking up and not being able to see yourself in a Mirror because your genetics Prevent you from Opening your eyes fully

get the fuck off my Yas Forums you Albino subhuman

why must they use poo instead of just MUD?

you can think and say what you want

0 viruses came from India in the past 2000 years.

inb4 haha Indians are the Virus el em en oh

even Germany and France have contributed more global epidemics than India

so shut the FUCK up About poo this or poo that

And pretty sure ants don't poop on the sideroad.

Your hot humid summer is my winter. So you are fake news buddy.

pol can't cope with the fact that we got minimum impact from the corona chan

Meanwhile their PMs are in hospital (hope he gets better soon) and they're having cat fights over toilet paper. Gold.

What are you doing in Switzerland, Pajeet? Found a designed shitting mountain?

Shut the fuck up retard

It's called having an education (which you do not understand because well, you are a subhuman) and White People being too retarded to deal with their own shit.

>and they're having cat fights over toilet paper.
You know why India doesn't have cat fights over toilet paper?

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I support india over Pakistani scum any day of the week

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>a smart indian
never met one tho. Good thing you exist.
> White People being too retarded to deal with their own shit.
coping this hard must be painful. Doesn't it bother you that every day you have to repeat this mantra in order to fall into existential crisis?
>you are a subhuman
how so?

>hindunigger calling me a mongol
Nice proxy there Poojeet. Imagine being so self conscious that you start larping a white first world country. Fucking kek. I’d rather live the rest of my life in Somalia than set a foot in your designated shitting country.

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Name pandemic that started here just one?
Stupid poo

fuck India has it all figured out..

> LOOOL A HUMAN NEEDS TO SHIT!!! what a fucking subhuman!!!!

shitting on the Ground is literally the least of your worries that you could ever have

its Incredible you don't seem to realize that , Chinks and Asians in General think they are higher than Indians but just look at them, they Keep creating new viruses, and their Buildings Keep collapsing etc. etc. because they cut Corners everywhere just to LOOK good

>engineers manage to make pajeets shit in a toilet by disguising it as a street
>in time, India becomes the cleanest country in the world
I'd actually be amazed

we had bidets before it was a thing in the west


Measles (rubella)

its not a Proxy, why would i waste Money on a Proxy in 2020 LMAO

Show your face and ill Show you mine. I can guarantee i look better than you and you look like some panfaced Albino chink.

like holy shit have some humility or im going to come and slap the shit out of you you low test elvish nigger

why would anybody who is smart ever meet with you? everybody who has an ounce of intelligence AVOIDS slavniggers

including intelligent slavniggers (that leave their countries asap they can get a ticket)

not even fucking refugees want to stay in your shitholes and you think you can make fun of Indians

Let them suck bat soup guzzlers. I wish the blonde pig dies gasping for breath.

Apart from poojeets which I despise and hate and the general snobbyness superiority complex that poos have, I do love their history and culture that movies like Bijaro Mastani show, it's pretty kino

because nobody travels to that shithole. It's still been incubating slowly and you're gonna get hit harder than China.

toilets are actually not a very important Invention or appliance in themselves, especially if you CANT MANAGE TO KEEP THEM CLEAN

almost nobody i know here IN SWITZERLAND uses PUBLIC toilets because they are known to be fucking disgusting

now imagine a public toilet in india, it would be a Nightmare to Keep it clean

and shitting on the street is really not a big deal especially if you live in a Village and do it on a field and it fertilizes the Ground and you clean your Hands afterwards with Soap

better to be an indian than a faggot

also it’s ironic that you call anyone a “rapey weirdo” considering all homosexuals are pedophile rapists kill yourself join the 41% faggot

nope, we just have better Hygiene than Europeans

you seem to think that because we shit on the Streets we automatically also don't wash our Hands or shower etc. which is completely untrue

this corona issue has shown you just how hygienic you European s really are - protip: you aren't at all

the Virus transmits via bodily fluids aka unhygienic behaviour

you gotta be jealous of someone better than you

I like indians, a bit innocent but they have good hearts. Always felt sorry for the indian men though, the indian women always only went for white boys like me. But I turned them down out of respect for my indian mates.

Your PM is a doormat. your own doctors don't have HCQ but your PM decided to export it to the US even though trump made direct threats of retaliation. The HCQ will be vital to indians but american lives are worth more for your PM. I would be embarrassed.

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>everybody who has an ounce of intelligence AVOIDS slavniggers
>posing himself intelligent so desperately while failing by calling me slav. Ok.
I've studied with your kin at university, and live in the same room bond. You are fucking disgusting and moronic as fuck. And your fucking smell, and accent, what the actual fuck.
this aussie nailed it.>snobbyness superiority complex that poos have

No. Your a wanna be oldfag self hating cow piss shit eating lower than nigger tier nobody. Don't worry. We've got you covered. We hate you especially me because I can fuck as many white women I want becase I live in London and I'm a rich Dalit. I send money to Dalits all the time to fuck you up in so rich. I literally fuck brahmins daughters and they love sucking the shit off my dick because I'm rich. Bhaan chodes. All of them. Kek.

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>almost nobody i know here IN SWITZERLAND uses PUBLIC toilets because they are known to be fucking disgusting
Kek nice proxy faggot. Not sure why you are getting so worked up though.

only failures that can't cut it in Indian universities study in eastern Europe.

its the same with the failures from Switzerland btw.

and its not About snobbiness, slavniggers just aren't that intelligent, the ones that are leave their countries