South "europeans" are not actual europeans and have nothing in common with the ancient people who once lived there

South "europeans" are not actual europeans and have nothing in common with the ancient people who once lived there.
Just look at these ahMEDs now and their failures of countries
incompetend unstable and corrupt leadership
lazy people doing nothing all day besides siesta
ahmeds are the only people in europe who lost a war against full blooded africans

It is time for us europeans and slavs to stop financing these failures and kick them out of the EU or even better deport them back to africa.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Dc sage

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Eupedia maps are notoriously made-up BS and this shows

Fuck you Fritz. Sage

Based kraut

Divide and conquer thread. Do not respond.

Have you seen an Italian??? They are fucking sand-niggers

Genetic testing was not invented before 1977 so this russian made meme picture has no value.

I did and indeed these apes look like sand apes

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South Europeans are the ones fighting the hardest to maintain the white race alive, despite the EU and your shitty PM forcing us to take immigrants in. But at least we don't welcome them with open arms and we steer clear of them.
Your country, as well as virtually all of the protestant ones, have normalized mixed couples because you have forsaken your religious cultural roots.
Thanks to our strong catholic background and family values no parent here wants their kid to bring home a muslim boy/girlfriend. Try that here and watch how swiftly you get disowned by your family.
My grandkids will most likely be white, yours probably not.

Why do you care?

>the ancient people who once lived there.

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Damn Portugal really is a nigger country

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thought southern italy would be closer to portugal and spain. but i only know a bunch of immigrant and mutt versions.


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Hahaha, German is talking about people who lived here. While South European ancestor lived here, built empire, you were living in mud hutts killing eachother

We need to focus on the real problem. Southern Europeans are not immigrating en masse, and they're definitely not conspiring to destroy our societies. Unlike some other groups that I could mention.

Posts like these are really just targeting our allies. Southern Europeans are overall more nationalistic and have nothing against the creation of Ethno-states in the north. Thus, they're our allies.

Pretty sure I'm way whiter than the average American.
Also, we actually have the option of getting a tan here unlike north Europe. You'd be surprised at the difference between winter skin tone and summer tanned one. Not that I would recommend it, it's really damaging for your skin.
Either way by a generation or two most of your family will be indistinguishable from Africans while mine will be just as white.
Shouldn't have elected a nigger twice.

this is one of those meme graphs with portugal standing out, isn't it?

Attached: AlbertoBarbosa.png (265x258, 89.8K)

das rite we're not white. Feels good to be a med chad with ancient glory unlike pink historylets.

Attached: 1585331873232.png (410x598, 160.04K)


Attached: African admixture according to Eupedia.png (800x581, 255.89K)

>We need to focus on the real problem.
desu we need Internal borders or the destruction of the EU because some countries are FULL of immigrants and I for one do not want more of them.
Take Sweden or France, its fucking brutal. Do you want their shitty refugees crawling their way from france all the way to sweden because your government is inept at not giving immigrants gibs?

Besides the EU fucked us, you think they deserve to exist. Those cushy fucking jobs of theirs which we pay for via EEA/EU?

Attached: 1585809668402.jpg (600x600, 73.26K)

>Look, they've got 1% of North African admixture. They're clearly black.

France was never a meme though, why so quick to post the wrong version without France if you're not just a butthurt Southern immigrant mutt?

>desu we need Internal borders

>Do you want their shitty refugees crawling their way from france all the way to sweden because your government is inept at not giving immigrants gibs?
Indeed. An EU without border patrol is just insane, esp. when governments like Sweden are handing out lots of gibs to anyone who comes here.

BUT the southern Europeans themselves are not the problem. These "bureaucrats" are the ones who are knowingly inviting these hordes. If you've spoken to italians for an example, you'll know that they're not in on this shit. In fact, the Italians, Greeks, North Macedonians, Croats, Spaniards, Bulgarians and Hungarians are all doing their best to keep the immigrants OUT. It's government like Sweden and France that are enabling this invasion.

>France was never a meme though, why so quick to post the wrong version without France if you're not just a butthurt Southern immigrant mutt?
You're a fucking retard. The map I posted is using a different scale, hence you can't see that France is above 0.5% African because my map doesn't show numbers below 1%. Next time you're about to post something retarded, consider shutting the fuck up.

I didn't even notice the difference when I posted it. Anyway it doesn't matter. My map is correct, the one OP posted is edited for a meme.

It's not edited and you still haven't denied being a southern invader

Italy has a nigger problem as well bro.

>It's not edited
Yes it's edited and you are a shill.
>and you still haven't denied being a southern invader
I'm 100% Swedish so I'm not insecure enough to think that you were serious about that part. So what, you think I'm a purebred Walloon who's trying to hide having 0.5% African ancestry?

>BUT the southern Europeans themselves are not the problem.
course not, but we need Nationality.
In order to preserve our own cultures and nations which we should preserve because
Our identities which is rooted in our history and which our ancestors fought and died for. Who the fuck wants to die for a bunch of french or some ungrateful german socialist who likes to eat out trannies.
I used to be in the military and i had no problem with the concept of dying for my nation if it was required because i felt like it was an extension of my family, it gave me purpose knowing that i was useful and a part of something historically meaningful.

The EU is nothing like that, what does it have, a bunch of romas going around begging for money, germans trying to fuck everyone over by pushing for immigration. I dont share those fucking values, I hate sympathy.

I dislike my government but not my nation, lefties hate the concept of nation and national identity anyway.
We can never be something we're not, might as well embrace who we are.

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I think it's weird a Swede would be this defensive about some Arabs in distant countries he probably haven't seen in his life

This is good stuff. I wish there were more people like this on Yas Forums but this place is shilled to hell and back. Any tips on where to go?

Also, we should be working for Scandi unity. I'm not saying Swedes, Norwegians and Danes are identical. But when Swedes and Danes have become so isolated from each other that they can't even understand one another, then it has gone too far.

>Portugese is more African than Egypt
Oh no no no no no no no
it`s time to go home


I'm defensive because cucks like you are trying to divide and conquer Yas Forums. You're calling Frenchmen Arabs. Listen cuck, I've been to France, and they're not Nordic, but they're also not Arabs. This shit is just bait to divert from real discussions on topics that are relevant to all of us. They are fighting the same battle that we are. Only difference is that Sweden has cucked out a hell of a lot more.
>b-but, 0,5% African DNA according to this Amerimutt website!!!!!
Kill yourself.

I'd say 0.5% is pretty catastrophical

thanks fren
>Any tips on where to go?
no idea.
But I think this situation could end immigration, globalism cant survive Corona. People are waking up and seeing how the international cooperation is working out in real life and everyone but Northern Europeans are thinking of their own people first.
later bro, have to walk my dog.

Unlike Ameriniggers they aren't fucking everywhere because they are pure 60 IQ Africans so they can't even handle a simple management position. We can still send back the majority and bleach the rest.

(((germans))) pushing for immigration
here with the (((greek)))

Fuck off, kike
>I'd say 0.5% is pretty catastrophical
That's because you're a fucking shill. 0.5% African DNA means that almost everyone in that country will have zero African DNA whatsoever. That is, if you even trust these made up maps.

Again, we could be focusing on how to make Europe a continent of ethnostates right now. But you would rather shit on South Europeans. It's divide and conquer, you're not even hiding it. You know what's worse than having 0.5% nigger DNA in a country? Inviting hundreds of thousands of niggers to a country with less than 10 million inhabitants.

We're already more niggerized than Spain and Portugal and we didn't even need to be conquered by moors. If you really cared about our nation, you should focus on reversing that.

I want to send all niggers back though only hot mulatto wimminz can get a pass

They are not made up, I've examined the DNA of southern europoors closely and it's pretty spot on for averages of those countries.

the black haired woman in the first video is literally the personification of the (((media))). fucking disgusting human

"Southern Italians were considered “black” in the South and were subjected to the Jim Crow laws of segregation. They weren’t allowed to marry “whites.” It was difficult, damn near impossible.

They were designated as “black” on census forms if they lived in the South and that is because the majority of them were dark-skinned Sicilians.

Mass lynchings happened to them often.

One of the biggest mass lynchings happened to Italians in New Orleans when they thought that a Italian immigrant had killed a “white” police officer.

The very few Northern Italians that immigrated here perpetuated the myth that Southern Italians and Greeks were of a different race than them in order to save their own asses. This wasn’t true, and there are actually dark-skinned Italians all over Italy, not just in the South, as well as light-skinned Italians all over Italy.

The reason I say very few is because over 80% of Italian immigrants were from Southern Italy (Sicily, Abruzzo, Calabria, Campania, Sardinia, Naples, etc.)

It was highly unlikely (damn near impossible) for a Southern Italian to own a slave because they were seen as the same as blacks, and at the time, they were the second (right behind blacks) most discriminated against group.

The mass immigration for Italians didn’t start until 1880 and even then, they were discriminated against. However, this mass immigration leads into Italian-Americans today:

Italian is the fourth largest ethnic group reported among white Americans."

>Either way by a generation or two most of your family will be indistinguishable from Africans while mine will be just as white.

I don't know. Southern Italy is depopulating and just as low a birthrate as anywhere else. Perfect opening for invaders to replace you.

sweden is pure though

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>and bleach the rest.

Another stupid idea.

the last 20 years (((they))) were partying because we didn`t pay attention.these times are finished.if (((they))) don`t like europeans they can go and live with their islamistic friends.

that map date from 2002 to 2005 ´

great sourse.

>doge posting
Kill yourself you furfaggot.

Lmao, shut the fuck up butthurt white larper. You are indistinguishable from an arab

>They are not made up, I've examined the DNA of southern europoors closely and it's pretty spot on for averages of those countries
You're a divide and conquer kike who never responds to my actual arguments. Just nitpicking and focusing on details that are irrelevant. That's the easiest way to tell that you're just shilling for Israel.

And besides, if the average in a country is 0.5% then that means that means a big part of the population has 0% African DNA. You're not worth responding to. Eat shit and die, Sholomo

>ayooo you wuzn't ancient

t. rootless turk spawn

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If you're an Italian who looks Arab then how come Arabs are dysgenic, dysfunctional morons and their countries massive shit holes?

Brw nice fake picture. I wish all med Countrys would get kicked out of the EU. Jew Organization and super jewed cancerous currency. Hope slav Countrys dont give up and continue refusing to join euro corrency, it will be their dead.

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Fuck Europe.
Only Greece matters.
If you're not a Greek you're not one of us.

poor swede boy,gets bullied daily by islamists,shits his pants,and comes in Yas Forums to tell how superior he is.

>how come Arabs are dysgenic, dysfunctional morons and their countries massive shit holes?
As opposed to Italians? Seems like a perfect description for this country

(op) is a turk and you bite

you can move if you don`t like it.come on.hurry up

R1a and r1b are asian haplogroupps, only I1 and I2 is native WHG Y-DNA.
+ southern europeans created classical civilizations
+ southern europeans stopped semitic expansionism
+ southern europeans are not cucked as germans are

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Sorry Tuscany, but we had to let you go. Sad.
Haha look at France, how do you like your African empire now?
My fucking God Portugal IS AFRICA.

Venetian master race: ruling the Mediterranean for 1300 years without getting Moored by Othello and his nigger brothers.

Greasy guinea Terroni on suicide watch!

Attached: Venice Major; anyone shouting Allah Akbar on San Peter's Square will be shot.png (1944x1398, 584.93K)

> have nothing in common with the ancient people who once lived there
do you wewuz like the nigger you are in real life too. i swear the germans are the dumbest people ever existed.

What has Germany done that's so great, except perennially plunge everyone around them into civilization-collapsing wars?

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haplogroups are pretty meaningless, and according to haplogroups spanish are the most R1b people on the planet

i don't care if you all think we are shitskins
i don't even care if we are actual shitskins
but you have to kick us out with force, because we are not going anywhere voluntarily

Before you get entrapped in arguing for or against OP's premise: Why does it matter? Let's say Meds are basically Kenyans, what changed now?

Based giustiniani

Never said I don't like it, I just enjoy making the butthurt diaspora in Australia mad. He loves larping as Italian and pretending we are the creme of the crop

I is pre-hindoeuropean,r1b is the first hindoeuropean invasion through minor asia,r1b second through russia.if we want to call something `germanic` is the I

Stop this divisive trash. Spaniards are based, so are most italians (when their politicians arent throwing a tantrum over money, at least)

Calm down brother. His map shows we are white and snow, and most of the south has only 1-2% admixture.





Speak for yourself, subhuman

We already know your kind among us serve as a leavening agent.

you are pretty good.better than most

Yes I know, I only refute what OP said posting "african admixture" (natufian), I wonder how they talk about "muh haplogroups" when only Cromagnons were "natives" of the continent.

You aren't Italian, diasporoid

r1a second

I'm whiter than you ahmed

Attached: whiter than you.jpg (1900x967, 166.03K)

Cheers my greek friend

Imagine selling your DNA to the enemy.


I know I'm not.


>Based giustiniani
Is this a complex joke?
Giustiniani was a Genoese commander (Venice archenemy) who failed defending Constantinople in 1453.

A lot on here are just Yanks with racial insecurity. And a few Nords who are flattered that some (really not that many) Nazis paid them attention eighty years ago.

Turkroach is such a fitting name.

Based PastaBro

what could he do man?really?