Czech direct supply planes to Slovenia after Germany steals shipment

>Czech direct supply planes to Slovenia after Germany steals shipment
>Poland announces it's ready to deploy medical personnel to Slovenia if need be
>Hungary sends more aid to Slovenia from their self sustaining operation
Thanks Visegrád frens

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stay strong fren

Visegard aka NATO bootlikers who can’t do anything without America’s supervision

How about you shut your cunt mouth? Chink nigger.

based frens doing based things

Better than EU

he is literally an aussie what did you expect of him lol


we are just leeching off protection we will never move a finger for americans

gay, fuck slavic unity and fuck chechs, they helped germans in ww2.

do you really thing they would do anything else than nuking us all to create no man's land?

Prussia and Saxony will also be part of V5.

You mena Slovakia?

That's just a Serb Wog down under :D

Can you give sauce for Germans stealing again?

hohol i know you are jealous, you could join us in like 15 years if your country civilizes and stops all corruption

>fuck slavic unity
this but v4 is a union of cunts so it's ok. Oh and czechs also helped poles.

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you forgot to change ip

Need to extend Visegrad to Croatia and Slovenia ASAP

But that's already becoming a thing as well
It's called the Three Seas Initiative and your country is, along with us, a cofounder of it


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found the ukrop

sad this project ist almost dead.
I hope after pandemic, when Italy/Spain gonna leave UE we gonna make something with Visegrad

Serbs are gypsy faggots

Danubian Federation when?

You can look up how Merkel put a new law up halting exports. It affected many other countries aswell.

fuck jews, niggers, kikes

Fuck you, slavs are slaves and peasants. We, Poles and Hungarians, are descendants of Sarmatians and Huns, we are destined to rule over you, filthy Slavic masses

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Hello based department?

It’s not our fault that our retarded commie government doesn’t want buy new military equipment. Our military in such a bad state it’s really pathetic.

Show flag shlomo

not actual protection but serb animals stopped bombing our border very quickly once we joined nato, that kind of protection

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stop larping you fag


>Danubian Federation


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These are pretty retarded tho

Schleich di!

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>D&C shill with fascism memeflag
every fucking time
show flag

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kek, saved

>Poland announces it's ready to deploy medical personnel
deploy what?

>halting exports
What an entitled little cunt you are.

I think the Visegrad countries are based but let's be honest, you all combined have less cases then Switzerland so it doesn't cost you guys much to act friendly and "moral". The Italians,Germans,French and so on are in a complete other boat,giving away resources easily now means for them sacrificing, who can blame the French if their actions may cost more Italian lifes in the present but saves French lifes in the future?

More like stopping you from stealing you retarded cunt. Also that order got reverted after a few days but go ahead with your Jewish divide and conquer tricks.

U mad? XDDDD

The 1 million masks never came to us from your airport. That's called stealing.

I want fourth commonwealth

Reminder that Germany did actually take Italian cases and sent personell to help France when we already had a ton of cases.
No idea if we still do, doubt anybody's going to remember anyway.

You have to own something for it to be stolen, tardo.

Visegrád Commonwealth? Sounds comfy, especially with poles

god NO!!!!!!

Fucking elections, liberal faggots with actual proven records of tax fraud yelled "the establishment are corrupt fraudsters" and won the elections, now we have 4 years of unimpeded sabotage against the V4 ahead of us.

Wojtek, Vladislav, Sandor, I am sorry

When did that happen?

Fuck you kike

>shipment arrives to german airport
>has for slovenia written on it
"Ah,, was ist das, Slowenien, ich kenne diesen Land nicht, Ah mein Gott, was sollen wir mit diesen masken nur machen jetzt.."
Fuck off

Maybe too Oesterreich.

Who the fuck gives shit about Smallenia?

>the eternal german cries theft as he steals from you

Aussie faggots are pissed they are a US colony and get shat on by burgers at every opportunity.

Cool it, or we'll revoke your work permit

One Yugo MiG-21 launched two missiles at the town of Barcs in '91 and caused some damage, though no casualties.

>the eternal German claims you're leeching off of him as he doesn't pay tax

Yeah,Germany is helping quite a bit considering you guys are also not much better off. Italians and Meds in general act greedy as fuck and think Germans and other North-Westerners have to help them and even pay their debts.
>Mamia Mia pay our debts where is the European solidarity
And least the Dutch have the balls to call out this pathetic behavior.

Czechs are based and make Krauts butthurt.
>helped germans in ww2

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Not that I agree with any of this niggerish behaviour but you did the same shit tardo. So why are you complaining again? Inb4 more of your head canon bullshit you keep making up schizo.

>Slovakia don't do shit as always
>get thanked anyway

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You did when we arranged a convoy for 100s of Serbians stuck abroad.

Kek, you do that and I'll bash your head with beer bottle here in belgrade's finest nightlife.

Still beats being Australian

Blame (((Matovitsch)))

Kike shill exposed.

Shut up, Shlomo.

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Funny how it keeps coming back to this. United States of Greater Austria when?

>things happening in an alternative reality, the post

Since we have no control on our monetary policy due to the check and balances of an external commission, things cannot remain the same as before when a plague hits our country.

That was stupid fucken YPA. And who cares, as long nobody died. Also you sent secessionist croatcucks your weapons, which was not polite of you mongrels.

bring it back

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Slovenia, take that as an invititation to the V4. You know where you belong.

Austria, you might join the V4 once we all leave the EU to create EU 2.0 Eastern Deus Vult Edition

This is what I meant when I wrote nobody would remember anyway.
We should really just dump all the Italians we took in our hospitals out of the window, it's not like anybody's going to care about it after 2 weeks.

why the fuck did you do that lol
Who gives a shit about gastarbeiter niggers

>i don't agree with us stealing we never did it anyway um um actually you stole
Look at this Hans go

Germany taken ten people or so in their ICUs when they have few cases and that's it