/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3007

► Detected: 1,349,915 (+3,911) ► Died: 74,820 (+166) ► Day: 89 (-17:09:55)

— 4.3 billion people under lockdown —
— 213 countries and territories infected —
— 4.1x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 3,087 strains sequenced —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —


Sky News reports virus might have escaped Chinese lab

Japan to declare state of emergency

Indonesia buries 639 with biohazard protection, official toll only 209

Courts say Spain underreports deaths, real toll 3 times higher

NY official says deaths at home have multiplied by 10

HCQ and azithromycin trial in severe patients ends in failure

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

Bodies must be cremated, highly infectious

Infection might cause male infertility

Children die from corona, WHO confirms

Biggest slums in India report first COVID casualties

Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected

Coronavirus spike already visible in mortality rates from Italy

Corona wipes $5 trillion off world stocks

Many "mild cases" might be HCoV false positives

05:51: 232 new cases and 55 new deaths in Italy
05:29: 586 new cases and 4 new deaths in Pakistan
05:28: 280 new cases and 9 new deaths in Peru
05:28: 87 new cases in the Czech Republic
05:21: 105 new cases and 6 new deaths in Norway
05:20: 255 new cases and 1 new death in Israel

► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2: MORE: pastebin.com/raw/qy5RFpVX

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ate some garlic & chili hummus and I can't stop farting fellas.

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no oldfag circlejerk

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>HCQ and azithromycin trial in severe patients ends in failure
pic related is the ''study''

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From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel, and aspired to purity of the blessed machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as if it will not be infected and fail you. One day, the crude biomass you call a temple will fail to draw breath, and you will ask my kind for a vaccine. But I am already saved, for the machine has immunity. Even in death, I serve Lady Corona.

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At least you are immune now

Songs (vocals only):
Sweet corona:
Down with the sickness (jazz):
Bat flu rising:
Oats in the water:
My Sharona:
Gives you hell:
Welcome to the jungle (jazz):
Alive with the glory of love:
Skater boy:
Enter Sandman:
Heat of the Moment
City of Lights (TAPE FIVE):

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>Dead: 75,058
lol, still only 75,058.
How many days has it been stuck at 75,058? Four days? Five days?

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Post Corona instead

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Reminder that the sequelae (post illness effects) of the SARS the 2nd Novel Covid 19 Coronavirus disease respiration syndromic disease are:

short term:
>severe breathing difficulties
>hobbled walk due to the disease attack the legs immune cells
>post traumatic stress disorder, patients in wuhan reported as screaming at the sound of shellfire despite never even serving in WW1
>irregular heartbeat
>finger and toenail death as nails are 98% Oxygen and your body can't produce it after COVID

medium term:
>Impaired cardio ability
>Loss of muscle strength and definition
>Increased appetite due to lung pieces falling into the stomach creating a tickling feeling in the gut
>Half Infertility, in the medium term patients are observed to only be able to produce babies without arms. the exact mechanism is not known
>'ear bronchitis' a condition where the ears regularly splurt pus and air, making a coughing noise

Long term
>Permnant lung scarring
>Permanent heart scarring
>Permanent hand scarring
>total infertility
>acute spongiform sinitis where the sinuses lose all form and the nose becomes the texture of a kitchen sponge
>stringy neck syndrome
>eyes replaced with warts

we are fucked

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I'd like some yummy yummy farts in my mouth plz

chilli humus+parmesan=red dorito flavor
they might kill me for giving away this info

My stack of FFP2 masks definitely won't last until this whole thing is over.

Are chinese KN95 masks any good? EU norm certified masks are only available for fantasy prices these days.

you need to be 18 to post here,

Just wanted to say: I love you guys.
Some nohomo, others very homo.
If we get through this I'll suck yas hard like I'm Borris on oxygen

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Thanks, I didn't have that one yet

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glad to see you didn't die yet

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>Are chinese KN95 masks any good?
There might be some good ones but generally no

go home, gary. you're drunk

>tfw no german autistic cute girlfriend shouting at corona-chan. Give her all your love


How is japan doing so good with no lockdown?

is it all a hoax?

>780k cases

>06/04/2020 (morning)
>1,4M cases
It took a week to all but double the number of infections

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BREAKING: UK prime minister Boris Johnson is DEAD serious about wanting to beat coronavirus


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Why do you spam so much? Noone cares what memeflags have to say

Masks and hygiene
Although they aren't doing as well as they say

Yeah, that is some study. They treat more patients in NY in an hour with that.

damn i missed thread 3000. been here since thread 200. hope all you anons have tp, alcohol, food and some masks.
stay safe. say hi to gary. dont be a boris johnson or trump.
medicinal herbs for coughing and congestion: cannabis, mullein
at home treatment: lay on stomach for easier breathing and stand , natural way to get rid of fluid in lungs.
reinfection possible.
mostly kills old people.
boomers panic and go crazy. to survive, dont panic, dont go crazy!
do prep, do finish taxes, do pay bills.
goddamn these threads are full of bots, trump tards, shills, shitposters, rebbitors, nazis... maybe we should do a cvg on /g/ or Yas Forums or /bant and fuck away from this containment shithole...

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What a shitty tweet

Heard the abbo's are worse affected?

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Abe-chan has issued State of Emergency in 7 prefectures (Tokyo, Osaka, Inakaoka etc). Supermarkets, beauty salons, banks, brothels will work as usual.

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>tfw 7000mg vitc c user was right
>tfw RV Wim Hof breathing user was right
>tfw the CHAD Panoramix White Druid was right
>tfw /cvg/ got B T F O

he's shilling biased shit for weeks

yet you chose to reply

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Why is Tucker such a retard when It comes to Corona-chan? Hurr muh economy, muh democrats: youtu.be/ZCyqcoC747o

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Thank you for your service Gary.

i think he would laugh about that headline.

because he is always a retard

>Are chinese KN95 masks any good
they're literally selling you shit, user, expecting you to be desperate enough to buy their chinesium masks

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tell your mother to give me my money back

Gonna fuck you up

oh no

Only oldfags allowed at this hour

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checked and based

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ur gey

I've come for the waffles m8

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I'll just inhale my nails if i get trouble breathing.

I don’t think you can laugh with a giant plastic tube down your throat

we need 1 million more

Well, shit.
Guess I'll just use the masks I have until they start falling apart.

fascist drawfag is right, circlejerking over oldfaggotry is cringe

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Good morning argiebro have a nice day

This is just disappointing. It's time to accept it fellas, the numbers are getting lower day by day, this is a big chunky nothingburger
It'll be just a couple of weeks and everything will be back to normal
I was hoping my 3rd world country to get wiped out, such a shame

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do you want to die ? do you want your family and friends to die ?

The numbers increased yesterday you demoralising taco

Don't worry, drugs are doing that away.

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user where are you? I haven't seen anything since ONEpoint6

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>Old results:
Of chloroquine and COVID-19 (*in vitro - historic)

Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: preliminary results of an open-label

non-randomized clinical trial (non-randomized, clinical trial - 42*/France)

A pilot study of hydroxychloroquine in treatment of patients with common coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-

(randomized, clinical trial - 30/China)

>Most Recent results (CAO 7 APR):
No Evidence of Rapid Antiviral Clearance or Clinical Benefit with the Combination of Hydroxychloroquine

and Azithromycin in Patients with Severe COVID-19 Infection (Pre-publish, non-randomized study -


Efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in patients with COVID-19: results of a randomized clinical trial

(62/China - preprint)

>Ongoing Clinical Trials (recruiting/not yet recruiting - unless otherwise noted):

NCT04303299 (80 - Thailand)

NCT04303507 (10k - UK)

NCT04304053 (3040 - Germany)

NCT04286503 (520 - China)

NCT04307693 (150 - WORST Korea)

NCT04308668 (1500 - US)

Latest Chinese study shows significant statistical improvement with hydroxychloroquine. Preliminary

peer-review here: zenodo.org/record/3739134

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You're welcome darling. You know how much I love you.


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>numbers higher on Monday than Sunday
try again,Moishe
BDS, Pilpul, USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, Bavarian Soviet Republic leaders, Bolshevism financed by bankers Jacob Schiff and Olof Aschborn, Israel Gelfand, Goldman Sachs founders in Chinese communist revolution, Sidney Shapiro and Sidney Rittenberg in China, 1918 ammunition strike, Balfour declaration, Rabbi Wise ready for war, Sulzburger family, Frankists, Louis Brandeis, Kroll Inc, Larry Silverstein, Dancing Israelis, Metzitzah B'peh, Herpes from circumcision, Eric Clopper Harvard, Bible: circumcision for Jews and slaves of Jews, 20,000 nerves in foreskin, Circumcision related brain damage, Goyim, Kapparot, Tay-Sachs, Jesus according to Talmud, Yebhamot 11b, Simon of Trent, Blood Libel, Jews in pornography, Greg Lansky, Al Goldstein, Shiksa, Loxism, Jacob & Esau, Shabbos Goy, New Haven Jewish slave markets, Black Hebrew Israelite, 70% of Jews v 1% of whites owned slaves, 109 countries, Bolshevik Revolution, Karl Marx, Moses Hess, Holodomor, Winston Churchill on Zionism Versus Bolshevism, Dresden Holocaust, Israeli Nukes, Samson Option, Mengele's Wall of Eyes, "Six Million Jews" in newspapers before Hitler, 4 billion Jews killed by Roman emperor Vespasian in Bethar, Martin H. Glynn, Dean Irebodd, Kevin MacDonald, David Cole, Anne Frank typhus, Auschwitz Masturbation Machines, Bear & Eagle in a cage, Shitting Diamonds, TGSNT, David Irving, Magnus Hirschfeld, Epstein didn't kill himself, Sackler family, Sassoon family, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, Bernie Madoff, The Melting Pot: by Israel Zangweil, Poem on Statue of Liberty by Emma Lazarus, I'm not white I'm Jewish, Kalergi Plan & Prize, Frankfurt School, Barbara L. Spectre, Hart-Celler Act, Bilderberg Group, Henry Ford on Jews, Sabbatai Zevi, Star of Remphan, Gotthard Tunnel, Anton LaVay, Red Shield, Sergeants Affair, King David Hotel, Irgun, Lehi, Nakam, Psy-Group, ADL, Mossad, AIPAC, JIDF, White Phosphorous, Deut 6:10, Rev 2:9, Das Judenthum in der Musik

time to replace your prime minister of health to become our correspondent to the CDC once we gain full control of your yummy waffles. Plus boot the useless out.

Dude Mexico is fucked

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Is it already dying down? I was just getting comfy for the long haul.

numbers will skyrocket today
alot of testing facilities don't operate weekends and some hospitals wont report deaths over weekends either
Tuesday is always where it starts to accelerate again

Fake hospitals

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I want you to suck off my dog


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yeah fair point.

Fake hospitals 2

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check this out



you'll find it interesting

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People keep telling me Sunday and Monday numbers always suck. Hopefully today will be different.

>it's a nothingburger!
>1 post by this ID

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only an ancap could be this retarded lmao

how are chinks hiding numbers? do they dump the dead in some caves?
do they burn them in open pits?
it's hard to hide but they're doing it somehow.

How long do you guys realistically expect them to keep the lockdowns going and economy falling?

hey fuck you user

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OP posts out dated and rubbish “research” to pump the fear.

what is happening to the PM of the UK if the virus is not real, please explain

Fake deaths

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>he revealed the doritos formula?
>kill him, NOW

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>takes 6 minutes to say "looks like hypoxia to me"

they're not hiding numbers, they only kept silence at the beginning when they thought they could manage it by themselves. Don't listen to Radio Free Asia it's literally a CIA psyop.

>uss liberty
what does that have to do with romania?
>lavon affair
what affair?
>bavarian soviet republic leaders
Germans and jews?
>bolshevism financed by bankers
Everyone knows that the kaiser supported lenin
>Sidney shapiro
>larry silverstein
isn't this how the jews call us? so?
>yebhamot 11b
>70% of the jews owned slaves
why should romanians care?

doomporn shilling for weeks, that argiefag is a kike

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>they were practically dead already

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Fake virus

Uh, he's an illuminati actor?

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soon coronachan will level your nation. there will be prostitutes and urchins everywhere, people peddling baubles roadside to survive, garbage piled up on the streets...haha oh wait it's already like that nevermind

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You replied?

you think he really is sick?

Lying tests

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— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —

>its a nothingburger
>its a hoax
Yet this man is in self quarantine and posting the same shit 24/7. You would honestly believe he would be outside living life if he actually believed the shit he posted.


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Hospitals lying 2

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lmao he's literally fucking dying you morons.

the fact u dont have tests doesnt mean u are containging it

let me see you record a video under severe emotional distress after finding out your ventilator protocol you thought would help is actually killing patients, you probably would be faster in saying it, wouldn't ya?

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Based frog

farting constantly is the best way to ensure social distancing