The European Union’s Food Safety Authority has approved the sale of bugs as “novel food,” meaning that they are likely to be mass produced for human consumption throughout the continent by the end of the year.

“These have a good chance of being given the green light in the coming few weeks,” the secretary-general of the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed, Christophe Derrien, told The Guardian.

Since 1997, the EU has required a “novel food” classification to allow the sale of products that had no history of being consumed by humans, meaning that the sale of bugs has been banned in countries like Spain, France and Italy for over two decades.

However, with the new approval, mass production of bug-based food is set to ramp up later this year. This means that locusts, crickets, grasshoppers, and mealworms may all appear on supermarket shelves by the autumn.


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Insects have good protein in them

Does that mean this Sardinian maggot cheese is finally legal?

Does this include turkroaches?

Eat the bug before the bug eats you!

I've had grasshoppers once, they are pretty tasty. Kinda taste like chestnuts actually.

>may all appear on supermarket shelves by the autumn
There won't be because nobody will buy it as long as theres still real food available

great! going to start a bug farm, there will be no competition and i will feed my family steak from the proceeds

imagine all the disturbing viruses waiting to be unleashed on mankind in insects.

Man don't make me remember that disgusting shit.

Depends on how cheap they are and how big the portions are, if both of these are good you might see it get popular.

Otherwise, not so much. At best a novelty snack.

Eating insects is so fucking Reddit.

Not nearly the same as a disgusting bat that lives in filth and is then held at markets with other animals in filthy conditions near humans.

That's the real virus spreader and carrier, insects are pretty easy to store safely. The ones you'd buy would already be dead and prepared for consumption.

Cazu Marzu

Legit always wanted to eat it. Looks pretty tasty for some reason

Is the world actually run by lizard people?

Who cares, still not eating them.

frog people too

they want us to eat flies

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This is a pic from a bar of Cadbury's chocolate. Note the resemblance to a bug. We have been eating bugs all along!

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So why are you guys so triggered about the idea of insect meat again?


D...did you eat it?

their plan is unfolding right before our eyes. suddenly news of meat shortages will pop up. maybe due to "infected cows" the government will probably just kill them all or store them for the elite somewhere. within one generation we will all be malnourished docile chipped sheep

So do bats.


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finally you can try it
its on me brother

>I've had grasshoppers once, they are pretty tasty. Kinda taste like chestnuts actually.
Not in the least. Why are you lying again?

every animal is made of protein you retard

So do niggers.

yeah on the other hand they'll be parasite and bacteria ridden having limited immune function against either

They will use 5G microwaves to fry the locust plague in Africa and make us eat the damned bugs.

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what if the macros are good and the taste is shit, so you get FUCKING SHREDDED?!?

Take your meds

The EU also allows for the sale of maggot cheese, so this isn't new

so do nigger babies

Lobster, crab, crayfish and shrimp are all considered bugs.


Insects are safer for consumption because the specie barrier is stronger between us and them. The diseases afecting them don't do anything against humans
>Inb4 sleep disease/malaria
Those are human ilnesses using insects as carriers. Just don't eat tse tse flies and tiger mosquitoes and you are good.

in europe we can actually by whole raw high quality products and cook ourselves so who cares, its not like they re gonna mix bits of insteaks in my cut of steak

>Insects have good protein in them
>irish flag
are you gonna tell me you can survive for 20 days by drinking your own urine next?

Within two generations, everyone looks like this except elites.

Attached: Stalker.png (228x742, 123.09K)

Good luck
The EU is at its end anyway
And desu, who the fuck cares what a bunch of Commies in Brussels say
Nuke them already
>Due to the close relation of humans and nonhuman primates (NHP), disease transmission between NHP and humans is relatively common and can become a major public health concern.
Viruses are specialised in the cells the infects.
For the same reason Bacteriophages won't attack your cells because they are specialised in bacteria infection. Insect viruses won't do anything against mammal cells because the cell membrane's receptors are too different.

In fact they are safer for consumption than pigs who have quite a lot of disease that can be transmitted to humans (for a non-human primate at least).

It's just unreal. This life is just a god damn nightmare.

I had silkworm pupa once, which apparently is a Korean delicacy. Shit tasted like paint thinner with eggshells in it. Wish I never got talked into it.

You can't raise cows and pigs in skyscrapers and a discarded head of lettuce will produce a lot more protein and calories giving it to bugs than if you gave it to a cow. They also won't give you diseases like mammals and fowl would.
You will eat the bugs. Because we can't sustain 10b people on mammal and fowl. Not without turning this planet into a giant disease infested shit hole, which is exactly what happens in china's highly trafficked wet markets.

That was obviously satire my autistic toothpaste

>10 billion

You mean 480 million starving slaves and 20 million overseer elites.

slaves eat insects. slaves are microchipped. slaves subject to whatever 'medical' procedures mandated by the elite. slaves have no sovereignty over their minds or body. slaves have no rights. gobohomo rammed down your throats at maximum velocity. slaves do not rise up. uppity slaves sent to death camps, chips deactivated.

Y’all are making a big stink about nothing with this larp. Have you never been on a road trip through the south west, stopped at a gas station, saw the crazy bug food like chocolate covered ants and grasshoppers or cheese dusted grubs?

You never know with all these schizos.

>nutrition is the only that matters

no it wont energy loss between plant -> animal conversion is the same, cow or bug. yes maybe more protein instead of fat but so what? you can't live on protein and who would want to? They absolutely will carry more bacteria and parasites. We can give antibiotic/parasites etc to mammals you cannot to insects without poisoning them and the end consumer.
But really the who gives two shits about feeding more people? Why would I debase myself to eat trash just so more third worlders can exist? I would far sooner eat people than insects.

Cant wait to eat some fine spaghetti alla bugognese user

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>its just like eating shrimp and lobsters goy
ok i'll eat shrimp and lobsters then

no because I'm not a fucking mongoloid obsessed with nintendo products, and bug byproducts. I get alien jerky, and make a craft baja blast like a patrician you fucking pleb. fuck off back to your maggot fields.

Those all have meat. Insect have liquid muscles.

>as long as theres still real food available
It wont be for long. Don't you see where this is going, smooth brain

>in europe we can actually by whole raw high quality products and cook ourselves
yeah until it gets taxed to shit because it's 'not sustainable'
the EU is already giving shit to Hungary for lowering the VAT on pork and beef

>what is per body weight

Yas Forums loves to knee-jerk, happening culture is strong here. Also mind you they are heavily influenced by the jewish dietary laws, save for mmuh bacon and mmmuh alcohol, Yas Forums doesn't have the mental capacity to read about the subject, or understand that there are millenia-year old cultures that eat specific insects and are better for it
>inside of insects
>the rest of your post
stop now

The EU. Also known as China 2. Haha. Burn it down.

I would rather fucking die.

I lived all over the southwest and you are both a cuck and a nigger. Bow down to your nigger royals.

Does that mean we can start offing chinks now?

Nice. Get to finally try these.

>>>what is per body weight
completely irrelevant
>>inside of insects
>>the rest of your post
>stop now
what in the fuck are you talking about? are you actually mistaking parasites for insects?

Only you can give yourself permission to do that. Day or night. Any time. WINK WINK.

Bug meat is good eats you fucking faggots. You never had lobster? Learn to fucking taxonomy. Cricket protein kicks the shit out of that weak beef and pork crap.


>You never had lobster
>american education

I can't eat bugs because I don't eat animals.

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So......dogs and cats are going to continue to eat meat.While we eat bugs?
Why dont we eat dogs and cats first??

those deers are fake

ahahahaha fucking eurotrash eat yer bugs ahahahaahahaha

Kosherr buggs???

unironically it is the thing that matters most, but these "m-muh bugs have protean" fags are too retarded to realize that micronutrients matter a whole lot.

Next step: approve humans for bug consumption.

hey dimwit, here's a video of a worm inside a grasshopper

I already eat lobster and prawns. However I wouldn't start eating additional bugs unless they turned out to be especially delicious.

You mean, actual cheese.

99% of parasites are worms or insects. Since insects don't have dangerous worms (cows, pigs do), they must have insects inside of them. Which they don't. Mind you even edible insects aren't pefect, but they are far less diseased than swine flu, mad cow flu, avian flu, etc. Also it should be noted, this is for supplementation, nobody is expecting you to eat a bucket of bugs for your dinner.

>Mealworms - A 100-gram serving packs 24 grams of protein. To put that in perspective, 100 grams of 90% lean ground beef has only slightly more, with 26 grams. Mealworms actually beat wild Atlantic salmon for protein power — an equivalent serving contains only 20 grams!

>According to the USDA, adults should have 1,000 mg of calcium per day. That can be accomplished by eating one heaping handful of soldier fly larvae. A 100 g serving has 934 mg of the bone-strengthening stuff!

>Horsehair worms and the grasshopper nematode parasite, Mermis nigrescens, are both harmless to humans.
nice try, rabbi

The southwest of America, you faggot lying nigger kike?

I'm not. They were baked, and tiny. They reminded me of baked chestnuts (which, by the way, are far more delicious)

That's a conspiracy theory you goyim.
Only calories and vitamins required!

Eat the bugs goy. Meat is bad for you and the planet.

yeah, cause trying to convince people to go with eating bugs is the right thing, not trying to convince them to do the opposite.

Tell me, during the times of traditional farming, as opposed to factory farming, how many cases of mad cow disease, as well as swine flu and bird flu were there? I am pretty fucking certain that those diseases have something to do with the conditions and treatment of the animals.

>GMO Onions
>Chlorinated chicken
>corn fed everything
>battery raised everything
>Fake cheese
>Fake honey
>HFC in everything
The US is second only to China in having no food safety standards.

you seem very poorly educated

Bugs are a good food source but I have no idea how to process them into something I would want to eat.

>Minerals. Mealworms contain comparable values of copper, sodium, potassium,
iron, zinc and selenium.
>Vitamins. Mealworms have generally higher vitamin content than beef, with the
exception of vitamin B12.
honestly there's nothing wrong with insects, not to mention that breeding can improve their nutritional content, and you already eat a lot of GMO shit, you might as well have GMO insects

they already sell protein bars made from bugs here. Its ok man as long as you dont really think about it. Its the same like seeing some animal faces then asked to eat them. You just have to pick the final product in the store and devour it without any thoughts, kek

They also wash eggs and refrigiate them like complete retards.