Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Crisis is over, Corona prepper btfo Edition

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So where can I download scans of Antaios books? Surely one of you has a mega link. LibGen has one or two Kaplaken and that'S it.

was ist das? nie davon gehört

wird aber auch zeit. dass man wirklich im Laden warten muss bis das toilettenpapier ins regal gestellt wird ist ja wohl mehr als lächerlich

>pirating right-wing books
just buy them ffs.

warum haste dich nicht im Januar mit allem eingedeckt, was man so braucht? Yas Forums war doch gut am Ball bei der Sache. Und in angesicht der Weigerung der Bundesregierung, Flüge aus Asien zu stoppen, konnte jeder hier ahnen, dass es hier ähnlich wird wie auf den Bildern aus China.

kp also die regale waren zeitweise leerer aber du hast trotzdem alles bekommen. nur auf toilettenpapier sind die alle ausgerastet

Guys, you should definetly try Sauerkrautkuchen!
Not hard to make and tastes great.

But dont make it when you expect a visit from a Lady.

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Be a good kraut and gib data, user.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-07 Corona-Datenspende Robert Koch-Institut - Corona-Datenspende.png (575x605, 41.25K)


I'd rather not.

>tfw no autistic cute girlfriend shouting at corona.

You can read everything for free on the internet. Right wing books of today have nothing new to offer.

do you even try bro. Buy them all. Also based Gauland signed my book.

Attached: Büchersammlung.jpg (1599x788, 166.72K)

Have fun dying for israel goy.

habe weder appstore noch google play
wow so (((based)))

Attached: jewish laughter.jpg (480x360, 9.97K)

Aus der Dose oder selbstgemachten Herr Teufel?

What are those books?

I am sorry to inform you that you are no longer allowed to leave your basement without voluntarily sharing your data.
t. superyenz

Attached: datenspende.png (1011x1127, 529.15K)

Those books are books.

>viruses hate this one weird trick!

Is that Cataloniman's gf?

>von Datenschützern geprüft
Reminds me of those made-up logos you see on online checkouts.

Attached: hackersafe.gif (250x139, 8.38K)

>This video is unavailable on this device.
Fucking JewTube. I wanted to finish this video reeeeee

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Attached: NiggersInGermany.jpg (813x505, 48.09K)

>This video is unavailable on this device.
wtf does that even mean?

Whatever happened to Merkel? havent heard anything since she got tested for COVID

No idea, new comments say the same. I was able to watch the first 15 minutes earlier while I shaved. Now it's blocked or something.

ihr deutschen könnt nicht kochen und seid die krassesten cucks in europa. eure töchter werden kopftuch tragen.

How likely is a genuine anti-globalist push looking Kraut frens? The EU project must be on its last legs after coronachan right?

Very low effort. Very low energy.

looking bad. opposition is infiltrated

Attached: afd kippa.jpg (1500x952, 242.08K)

und deine tante ist deine mutter du gastarbeiter erzeugnis

Attached: muslims and incest.jpg (640x791, 67.85K)

This looks like a random black character in Mount & Blade.

She is fine and left quarantine last week.


checked. he's watching, but what does he mean?

Attached: heswatching.png (746x170, 41.09K)

wie fühlt es sich an ausgewechselt zu werden? du bist nichts wert und hast keine familie. deine tochter wird kopftuch tragen.

>not pirate them to then resell them in "new bundles"
>not spending these revenues on funding both "kampf gegen rechts" and "rechts" to have a balanced and interesting fight
>pirate and profit even more

Attached: dtg-israel-brothers-arrested-2015-04-24-bk02_z.jpg (395x500, 23.55K)

ja komm zieh ab. billiges bait posting

Bitte nur mit intaktem Stammhirn bait posten. Da muss man sich ja fremdschämen.

Works again. Gonna see what this Björn has to say.

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dude weed lmao

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What's the "censored" one?

Yea the trump administration has the power to label any white people as terrorists.
Which means taking away your property and gifting it to his jewish masters.
You will enjoy the rest of your life in a hole in Guantanamo.
Such a great president I am so glad he is finally putting a brother first.

Bots and shills working overtime lately.

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just a picture album

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yeah it's really bad, I am building-up a case not to be drafted to die in the next conflict

The game was rigged from the start

Wish I didn't know the original pic. This is more wholesome.

Selbstgemacht natürlich.

>hast keine familie
>deine tochter
This is high grade invader logic

I think my rewe is being robbed by niggers right now.

Post stream.

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Just act retardet when they come knocking.

yeah, I am just beeing myself

Attached: realtime_watchlist.jpg (1892x915, 475.6K)

kek alright. i will post a link later when shit is still going down.

d-danke Satan

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how about being High when they come?
smoke some in your apartment but dont have more than the legal amount.

Sind die Deutschen laut Freud, "anale" Menschen? Ich kann mir beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen, dass 90% der Klopapier-Horder wissen, dass Klopapier eigentlich aus Zucker besteht(Glucose aneinander gereiht) und hier durch eventuell, Zucker und Alkohol hergestellt werden kann

Are germans, according to Freud, stuck in the anal phase? Would this also explain why scat fetish is widely represented in germany?

show flag or fuck off. you are paid

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Freud war der grösste Scharlatan der modernen Geschichte.

yeah its a really sad pic

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Niggers are subhumans who get sucked off by jannies. This is part of our culture, but it's still wrong, just like calling blacks subhuman.
Refuse to stop chasing white people when they are called racist. When a white person is called a racist or a nigger or two-faced, you continue to fuck with them. You don't even bother to get them to stop chasing you because, let's be honest, nobody has time to chase them. You don't bother to invite them to join your race, let alone join your race. Why bother when you have the perfect excuse - you're 'just being nice'.

It is.

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You're referring to the wrong post

butthurt lol

get it?
Butt-hurt. Stuck in the anal stage

Ich sollte das nicht so lustig finde.

Aber sein Modell hat doch noch eine Relevanz? Oder nicht?