Stop smearing Israel goy

Nazi's, anti-semities, and anti-zionist Christians CANNOT and all haters of Israel cannot refute any of these claims:

1. The "synagogue of satan" trope is retarded replacement theology, it's actually referring to anti-zionist Christians who claim they're Israel (Romans 11:1,2,) (Ezekiel 20:34)
2. God is not finished with the Jews yet, god has blessed the physical nation state (Zech 12:6-9)
3. The USS liberty incident was an ACCIDENT, Israel gave restitution to all of the victims families
4. Claiming that Jews are actually Khazars is based on Arthur Koestlers debunked book
5. Jews are just smarter that's why they disproportionately represent the media and academia
5. "palestinians" were already disposessed Arabs with ancestral ties to surrounding Arab countries, such as Jordan, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. In fact, those same Arabs were invited to become Israeli citizens if they so chose, and many did. By contrast, over one million Jewish citizens in surrounding Arab states were forcibly expelled and their possessions confiscated as an act of retribution for the founding of the modern Jewish state, which the Arab nations perceived as an act of war against them. Proof of this is in the numbers. More than 20% of the population in Israel today is made up of Arabs. How many Arab states have even a 1% Jewish population? The charge that Israel is an apartheid state is sheer propaganda.

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Other urls found in this thread:

1. Nobody cares about your pubic beard mythology.
2. Israel will be nuked by Russia in 2033.
3. USS Liberty was an incident. Failure to cover up their ulterior motives was an accident.
4. Jews are not Khazars, they're a rootless cosmopolitan tribe of borderless racemixing bank scheming penny pinching niggers.
5. There are enough Whites, smarter than Jews, to proportionately represent the media and academia, but we do not see that in the presence of nepotistic kikes
6. I don't give two shits about the fate of Arabs, unless they're the sole reason for the death of kikes. Then they'll have my praise.

>Israel will be nuked by Russia in 2033.
>Jews are not Khazars, they're a rootless cosmopolitan tribe of borderless racemixing bank scheming penny pinching niggers.
how retarded are you user? ashkenazi Jews have close knit ancestry and are of Abrahams seed. just stop you're a cringey goy

smearing israel?
how about you get the fuck out of our books tv film and internet space?

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>Yas Forums massive text
not a real argument, your hatred for Israel is irrational

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not relevant

>your hatred for Israel is irrational

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>not a real argument

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>of Abram seed
No they aren't dumb nigger spawn. They're from a different branch entirely.

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muh big graph.

(Zech 12:6-9)(Romans 11:1,2,) (Ezekiel 20:34)

but i bet you're just a pagan whitey so who cares

Zionists are Khazars originally, a sect of Jewish mystic teachings mixed in with pagan worship. Jesuits and the Catholics have the same shit. All Zionists are Jews but not all Jews are Zionists. The synagogue of Satan were the Pharisees who valued human tradition and personal gain over God and his grace, they blatantly ignored the old prophecies.

>Woe to those in the last days who call themselves Jews but are not

Zionists are the fake Jews, Hitler is a psyop put in place by them to encourage the NWO one world under Israel movement. The Jews were the chosen tribe in the old covenant, the new covenant broke that tradition. If you really think that those Hollywood fat cats attend synagogues, read the Torah, and follow the teachings of Moses than you’re just lying to yourself. They are Satanists with a Jewish disguise to divide and conquer the truther movement and the general population.

Not even a single Jew will be spared. Not the women, not the children.

The world will burn, to be extinguished in jew blood. Nothing can save you now.

revelation 2:9 is a double edge sword, it's referring to gentiles like you (assuming you're Christian) claiming to be of Israel when you're not

You really are inbred people. You don't even know what these passages mean or imply.
>Benjamites, a separate tribe from Judah, or Ashkenaz kikes

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>not relevant
you tilted the pinball machine
your numbers is up
time is out
so you pull a biowarfare attack and
imagine we didn't traceroute all your behavior through NSA? We know, we will punish your nation and those other nations that helped.

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Amen, spread the word, brother. Yas Forums WILL be a Christian board, Satan will NOT have a hold here, not in the form of racism, antisemitism, bigotry, or any other hateful speech, AMEN

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"inbred" I think you mean racially pure, mutt. Unlike you white niggers. Anyways, how are these verses being taken out of context? you can't even defend replacement theology

When did I claim to be of Israel? The new covenant made the tribe of Judah and Israel irrelevant, Israel is all but a landmass and idol at this point. It’s the fig tree that Jesus said would wither.

Spread this around, brother. More ammunition for the war.

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Meme flag eat shit

keep crying read all the verses blessing Israel

another jew hater, get in line goy

All those verses were in the Old Testament, it’s an entirely different age and method of receiving God.

Your fucking gook youtuber wasted his entire life on a topic so inane and irrelevant, but I can only expect retards like you to have some interest in it. They're not verses taken out of context. Replacement theology is garbage tier strawmen even for Yas Forums. Jews do live in parts of Israel once called Judah. The ones occupying Israel are not fake Jews, in fact they're not even Jews to begin with, they're Ashkenazim. If they had any shred of decency and honesty, they would point out that they didn't come from the tribe of Judah, not to mention a part of the 12 tribes of Israel. The more times you repeat Ashkenazi "Jews" the more you taint the history, or Americanize these accounts of territorial claims.

muh muh muh new covenant this goy didn't read Revelation

>another jew hater,
you believe in spooks
they fucking rot your brain

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Just read revelation about the fake Jews aka the Zionists. What more proof do you need?

wow you're a retard, implying that Yas Forums comes to one consensus. MANY people on here claim that the jews residing in israel are of not direct lineage to Abraham. That is not "irrelevant" topic given the fact it's the main driver of anti-zionist Christianity.

You're just being disingenous

>The ones occupying Israel are not fake Jews, in fact they're not even Jews to begin with, they're Ashkenazim

the mental gymnastics you must go through to justify your bigotry of the chosen people

go back to that nazi christian website with the flame swastika nigger

This. Ashkenazi Germanic Turks are the real evil here.

I wouldn't expect Yas Forums to brush up their history when it comes to genealogy. Ashkenaz are not direct lineage of Abraham. The Judeans are, who used to have their own land in modern day Israel. After a thousand years, I wouldn't be surprised if they're not in the blood of Palestinian Arabs. Zionists are overwhelmingly Ashkenaz and are justifiably called occupiers. Israel to the Ashkenaz is nothing more than a hub for their criminal network.

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>the mental gymnastics you must go through to justify your bigotry

sure thing Count Dracula

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you are room temperature IQ so all you can do is post videos with 5 words

The only thing Chosen about them is the missiles target.


Absolute retard. Even in the book, it says Ephraim and Manasseh are the Chosen. A replacement theologian would have to assume Jewishness means saved through Christ, which it doesn't, since it's a racial tie to the land. Just kill yourself.

no retard it's the state of Israel God has blessed, nazi incel just admit you're a replacement theologian

>you are room temperature IQ
no i just know that i can appeal to the masses
this way
you on the other hand are trying to impress
yourself and flatter yourself
you are definitely lower IQ
projecting your own hate
on anyone that doesn't give you a rimjob
on command
considering that I reside in the top
percentile and luckily didn't turn
into rainman, i understand
social and popular appeal

keep it simple stupid
otherwise you are just rainman talking
in the corner of the room at the party
in which case
you were not invited to the party in
the middle east
you crashed the party, didn't you?

the future will be secure
under the watchful Aryan Eyes

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Genesis 12:3
Face it. You're just another Talmudic kike afraid to read the Bible. He passed the blessing to his son Isaac, not the fucking state of muh Israel.

Hebrew was the everyday language of Jesus; that means whatever you're talking about is something good


Imagine larping as a retard only to find out you were one.

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imagine not following the seven noahide laws
>goy (You)

good goy

You are so blinded by fear you don’t even know what truth is anymore. You travel down the never ending rabbit hole but stop at 6 ft under, too stricken by your own pride to acknowledge that it goes much deeper than simply Jew and gentile. You have yet to have an original thought that didn’t come from a false prophet.


just kill yourself

jfc you're projecting

jews will believe anything so long as its written on piece of shitty scroll or paper
they will buy into and believe in their own shit
think their own shit doesn't stink
think everyone else's stinks more

you'll get oblivion for being such

you've now fucked up the world economy so
you could steal more from
the magical money credit bank

desperate times create desperate men
you have no idea what you unleashed
this past month
you should be in a state pf paranoia and fear
when you think you are on top
is the likely moment
you are about to get toppled

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nigger the bible is literally the most pro-israel book you ever get. You nazis have to go down weird rabbit holes and speak in riddles while the bible clearly lays out they are the chosen people

Nazis and jew haters are also always gay

it's clearly relating to those miscreants that came from babylon
why else would god have cursed them with their troglodyte looks? they literally look like evil satanistic degenerate clowns
they do not fit the descriptions of the people of israel, either by people who abducted those or by the old testament itself, just see the most profound quality of Adam, to blush, the description of their skin, eyes, other qualities.
Nothing in those babylonian miscreants is even similar.
They wrote two books to justify all their genocide of israelites and hebrews, they added a whole epoch to the testament that at least in style and language must have been written over a thousand years later, at least according to modern israeli scholars that identified the styles and language used in those epochs.

They literally diverted you from the holy scriptures to only read theirs in all relevant traditions and festivities and they leak with hate and degeneracy compared to what was worshipped before and was only god's and not the creation of sick evil men who wanted to take the world and had no issues eradicating those that god left in israel and still followed the hebrew religion.

did you get paid to put in this much effort to write this here, or are you just retarded?

If you think the whole message of the Bible is to praise Israel as a landmass that just proves to me you have no idea what you’re talking about.

did you get paid to be a loser?

you need to watch the chink. Also he does praise the land mass, RESTORING THE LAND TO THE JEWS you fucking dummy

>25 posts by this ID
holy shit, you reply to every post. See, my newfriends, this is what a paid shill looks like. How many shekels per reply?

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and without Jews there would never be all these muslims flooding out of the middle east into europe and the USA
this nation of assholes is hated by the inhabitants of both Europe and USA right now
as well as all the fucking arabs that have to exist around them and have no chance to get the fuck away from them

you've managed to generate hate from every direction of the planet
so when it gets attacked
you'll have no clue which enemies were scheming to bring it about

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It was already restored thousands of years ago, that prophecy was already fulfilled if you finished the book.

You mean without Zionism. Most Zionists are athiest/pagan. The Jew connotation is just a card they’re playing, don’t fall into the trap.

No, Modern israel is a big fat lie, Revelation happened in AD 70. It amazes me so many fellow Christians fall in to this trap. watch this video to understand why they lie about their heritage and covenant.

Why would Yeshua come down and rule as a physical earthly king when thats specifically what he spoke against. Christ Sacrificed himself to open salvation for ALL men. the old covenant has ended and they are allowed to graft back in to the tree by admitting they are absolutely wrong and accepting Christ(which they will not)

Lol the word defeats you and you cannot respond. The further down this path you go, the more hate your heart carries. Take the preterist pill.

>without Zionism

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my problem maybe not so much with all christians but ones that maybe unaware of what they are following
most of all the scofield crowd

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