Decisive proof of corona hoax

Everybody knows that black people are immune to coronavirus. Then despite being only 13% of the population how do black people now make up 50% of the AMERICAN-virus cases? this is the clearest evidence that coronavirus is made up.

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I hope they continue with this cavalier trend. Nothing is better than a thinning nigger populace

When the virus started to hit the MSM, all of the black folks were going around saying that they were immune.
Every single encounter I had in a store where someone was invading my personal space was a black person.
They thought they could kill off whitey, now it's coming back to get them.

Whoever stsrted that rumor knew what they were doing. The slowness of the virus hitting Africa plus the arrogance of a race high on we wuz kangz propaganda plus the high rate of underlying conditions in the black community plus the fact that urban blacks treat congregating on street corners and sharing drugs, food and alcohol as both employment and socialization is really hitting them hard.

coronachan is built for BBC

Please spread the rumor about blacks being immune and how whites are fragile and have to stay indoors.

this is real ya
get down on your nees and start prayin ya
this is foreal ya
yoa all nawt take this serious
this is may make you wanna take it serious
this is for real
this is real
this is real ya
this is for real
this is real
lawd have merci
plise all stay inside
i got a mask ya
they puttn them bodys in a frieza truck yo
this is no yoke yah
this is for real

It was only slow hitting Africa because no one wants to visit Africa.

Chinks all over Africa.

The person that brought the virus to Eritrea was an immigrant in Norway visiting Eritrea on vacation.

Thats because Corona binds to your cells the same way HIV does. When covid shows up and all the seats are taking by the niggerfaggot flu, it has to stand outside.

>weakest slavery in history
>still clinging to it as an excuse in 2020
Malcolm X was right, even if he was a filthy criminal nigger.
Blacks have gone full jew after being stupid enough to put the chains back on.

>lemme found out we immune
wut ?

Attached: confusedlemmy.jpg (980x653, 64K)

Blacks are just too dumb to quarantine correctly.

The spades of aids

>God needs to pay reparations

Attached: 1585028628500.jpg (300x300, 19.63K)

Why are these identitytards so fucking retarded?

The black people alive today NEVER experienced slavery, so they are not entitled to any special treatment or "revenge" against white people.

They just happened to be born from nigger parents, just like they could've been born from parents of any other race. How the fuck are they somehow spiritually connected with the slaves of the past?

Hell, by that logic a random Chinese citizen could ask for special tratment because there is a possibility that he's a reincarnation of a black American slave who suffered in the past century.

Sharing a race with some opressed group from the past means nothing. You didn't experience what they did, so stop with this bullshit.

>Blacks have gone full jew

This is correct but not entirely as your post may suggest.

Attached: malcolm_x_on_jews.png (704x550, 190.65K)

Jews and increasingly the Chinese teach them to feel perpetually victimized in order to use them against whites and the west.


Why the fuck do niggers talk like that

Good, you see the truth.
Now you just need to find out who is poisoning these peoples minds to think like this, and your transformation will be complete

Reports and rumors here say ~90% of hospitalised (and probably make up a majority of dead) are middle easterns and africans, somalis in particular and Järva (ghetto in Northern Stockholm where many of them live) is a hotspot.

If it pisses off memeflags it's probably good

they think speaking eloquently or even having acceptable grammar is a sign of "acting white"
same thing with holding a job or not stealing car stereos

If they talk properly other blacks will beat the shit out of them.

60% of cases in Louisiana are black (blacks are 30% of the state)
Similar rates in Chicago, Atlanta, etc.

We have no idea how much of Africa is really infected. People regularly die from one of the many diseases they have. if they didn’t care before, why would they start investigating how many corona deaths they have?

Its amazing to me how retarded tweets like that get 300k likes, what the fuck are people doing, so they just hang on Twitter all day everyday and melt their brains with this asinine content?

Truth is whites are most immune.
Not niggers. Niggers are quite susceptible right after Chinese.

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>slowness of the virus hitting africa

Africa has very few if any testing kits. Also Africa is also fucked.
Could you give a shit if an african dies of malaria or of coronavirus?

Do you think their medical system can tell the difference?

You mongs look at data and interpret it according to your own retarded 'redpilled' it's a hoax conspiracy theories without realizing that most poor countries are propbably swamped by it but they don't have enough money to confirm it with testing.

>lowest coronachan cases are almost always in the poor parts of bumfuck nowhere
There's two reasons for this
1. There's little to no tourism and people don't move around much or have any reason to go there so there's no international transmission
2. If you die they probably assume it's some other form of fucked disease of the third world and not corona.

Niggers do.
They need something to feel superior is my theory

Perhaps many of them are already on malaria medication, impeding the virus from take a hold.

>Could you give a shit if an african dies of malaria or of coronavirus
I'm a buddhist and don't wish harm on anyone. You don't have any idea how diverse Yas Forums actually is. I'd estimate there are more hispanics here than whites. Most countries are racist. Babies are racist. Good luck fighting mother nature. Hint: she wins.

Twitter is completely worthless. The most retarded tweets get fucking hundreds of thousands of likes
There was a tweet a few weeks ago about how anti-bacterial sanitizers don't work on the coronavirus because it's a virus and not a bacteria. That tweet got 250K likes and 100K retweets. It is literally fundamentally incorrect

The entire fucking world is being buried in a blizzard of bullshit. It’s fascinating to see. You have “conservatives” demanding the government get them aquarium cleaner and libtards suddenly becoming actually fucking libertarians.

Meanwhile the glow niggers are laughing their asses off. It’s the most amazing thing.

What I mean is that the world as a whole doesn't give a shit what the ebola and malaria infested region of the world does.

Also if you're african do you really think they give a shit about another less life threatening disease infecting the population?

They even think God is racist. Surely the most pathetic race on the planet

Which is why /pol is dying. It’s filled with spics and chinks pretending to be white and or inserting their shitty degenerate values into the mix. Fuck all of you please find a different website to browse. Your not wanted here.

>My sister has malaria, my mother has AIDS, my brother has ebola
>White person so concerned that my grandfather who is 40 will contract coronavirus
>No one in my shit infested hellhole lives past 65 so you're fucking retarded if you think that none of us have it just because we don't have enough testing

Mongs actually believe africa has no cases because they're immune.

>t. the 60% white amerimutt.

>“Diabetes rates among blacks in Chicago are double the rates of what they are for whites in Chicago,” Arwady said. “When it comes to our most vulnerable population, the need to do everything we can to help protect people in the older age groups of the most important folks to be keeping at home.”

>According to Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, more than half of the people who died of COVID-19 have been African Americans. She added that there has been significant under reporting within the Latinx community.

a job well done

Found the gook

Go back to Ho Chi Minh city bamboo boy.



niggers are indeed immune and should continue partying and gather in large black groups

populist politics that wants to get into power because that's what the systems actually incentive, you dumb fuck kike lover

oh' yes
as a black person I agree, we are being deceived by the media. we have to go out and strengthen our communities and give a big fuck you to government and show that we are not afraid of chilling out in groups

>lol you must be the bogeyman

Sure thing leshawn 'chad' martinez

What happens is blacks are too busy surving already to go and start believing the wufluhoax, that's something only stupid white people do since they have all the time in the world and love Hollywood programming and shit , anybody who isn't dumb enough to get brainwashed into locking themselves up to avoid vitamin d from the sun to develop who knows what respiratory infections, masturbating frantically to lower testosterone, practicing fasting to get malnutrition, and social distancing even with family members to develop a paranoia and anxiety and panic attacks that lead to shortness of breath amongst the rest of the stupid ass advice Jews are giving that whites love to follow, then you could say your immune to... anyone not falling for it is immune simply put.

Lemme finna blame wypepol
I love seeing these low IQ sub humans kill themselves like this

In Michigan here,. My neighborhood has been a ghost town for weeks, with the lone exception for the blacks down a block. They just had a big bbq 2 nights ago with a dozen cars on the street. Just asking to get infected.

What was that? “Ching Chong book bop lik lop” huh? Sorry I don’t speak insect.

Low intellect.


>one hell of a run-on sentence.
You forgot to include that their IQs rarely allow them to escape the hood where they live in densely populated squalor.

Any statistics on dead/infected blacks from there. Don't you have lots of zoomalians?

holy fuck, that tweet. Niggers even think GOD owes them something. Their sense of entitlement is inhuman.

They aren't humans.

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>just now putting it together
The masses of them don’t think properly. Mix that with education and lifestyles that lead them to believe they wuz kangs cause how else would they leave any impact on society besides degeneracy?