Is it important that your spouse is a virgin?
Is it important that your spouse is a virgin?
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So if she's burnt coal she is effective DNA tarnished
Yes. And Asian women are virgin more than any other race of women. I found my virgin and married her. Hope you lads don't settle for a white slut like pic related did.
Statistically, the more partners she's had the worse your chances of a stable, happy marriage.
Holy shit, so incels were right??
What’s the point of worrying about DNA if you’re going to racemix? That defeats a lot of the purpose, retard.
The study is based on microchimerism. It occurs between mother and baby during pregnancy. The exchange of DNA. Once a male has sex with a woman she is changed forever.
More like dead beat dads have the last laugh. You fuck some bitch that has your kid, now you can kek as every kid that she has afterwards carries your DNA. Someone wants to be a step-daddy, and actually gets this chick pregnant, it's still your fucking kid. Top fucking kek. These fucking cucks thinking they can man up and raise another man's kid, they're still raising another man's kids. It's fucking pathetic lol.
Women are only supposed to have sex with one male for life. microchimerism rewrites their DNA to make them more like their partner and male children. when a woman is a slut who fucks dozens of men, it fucks up her brain chemistry and turns her into a psycho.
Yes. This bitch I was dating with I was the first to be with her. She started getting uppity so I cummed down her throat and we broke up a little while later. But you know why I don't feel bad? The next guy has to kiss the lips that my dick work on in. That bitch is genetically infected by me, and any other man that touches her after me is a bitch that is a simp
>Is it important that your spouse is a virgin?
Yes. I want to be the first to see her naked so I can fully experience her reaction and shame at being seen butt-ass naked and fucked by a man for the first time in her life. I want to see her embarrassed and blushing.
>all races are the same
Why are all stormLARPers so broad-brush retarded?
nice link faggot
Dude stormfags are the ones who are into race supremacy and all that. They aren't equalists
Sperm cells and egg cells each contain half of the human genome. During reproduction a sperm cell fertilises an egg cell so the fertilised egg contains a full human genome for a new person, half of which came from the sperm and half of which came from the egg.
How does the DNA from the woman's prior sex partners in any way affect this process?
I never said all races were the same. I also don’t care about IQ. The Chinese are supposedly high IQ but they act worse than niggers. I care about racial purity.
Wheres the article fag
You can literally google the headline and the damage control that goes with it.
Genes matter.
They are equalists. They think all white people are the same, and all non-whites are the same. They are broad with their retardation.
Even if not, why would you want to put your dick somewhere, where not only another mans dick has been, but a nasty std filled nigger dick
it's called residual DNA activated with melanin being a key factor
Of course genes matter which is why racemixing is retarded. And no, I don’t believe all “whites” are the same. Slavshits are clearly not like Western Europeans while Anglos are not like Germans. That’s why painting EUROPEANS as nothing more than whites is very jewish and it’s only a thing done here because everyone here is rootless and mutted to hell and back just like you want them to be. That is the end result of race mixing. No singular people or culture to call your own because muh dik was more important.
This. In Europe there are Germans Anglos French etc. In America only a meaningless white description
>with melanin being a key factor
Do I understand the article correctly, that if a woman had sex with a man she will acquire man DNA? If so, does it mean just pure virigns or lesbians have right to talk against men?
What you just wrote makes literally no sense. You just strung a bunch of random words together.
Microchimerism theory is total nonsense. It was thought up by someone who flunked high school biology.
Seems like it
Based mutt
so if I've COOMED in a girl a couple time, but didn't get her pregnant i've hit natty chimera levels?
>doesnt post the article
Microchimerism just means that cells from someone else live on in your body. It does NOT mean the dna of these cells is passed on to offspring.
That bit is just wishful thinking by the cucks in denial who keep reposting this shit.
My gf has had around 14 previous partners. But so have I. I coomed in 2 consecutive virgin gfs over and over again when I was in my degenerate teens. Hundreds of times. Plus hundreds of cooms in non virgins later on.
I think microchimerism exists, but it doesn’t matter that much. Because already by definition, if you pass your genes on, they’re going to get mixed with other men’s in successive generations. Being in the gene ‘pool’ is the important thing.
So maybe my kids will have 0.5% of their genes come from other chads, but my genes will be in other couples’ babies from all the sowing I did as a teenager (the ones who’s virginities I took are now in long term relationships and they always wanted kids). So it kinda balances out in my mind.
I’ll get abuse for this but honestly love matters more. Your gene-ego isn’t that important. My kids will still be 99.5% me. I will be 0.5% of many other kids. My dominant genes will carry on in the gene pool, simple as.
My gf never loved anyone before me. In that way she’s like a virgin, extremely loyal and innocent. She slept with people as a mistake when she was a kid. I don’t think people should be written off for having no guidance, especially since I did the same thing to many girls. She is a great cook, redpilled, Yas Forums, submissive, hot and smart.
It’s been over 3 years since I got her and she knows I’m not having kids with her until it’s been 5+ years, thus reducing the chances of microchimera surviving in her.
Also this. If your kids have DNA of previous mates, that means they have a few random cells that have different DNA. I haven’t seen any evidence it changes the actual normal cell genomes at all.
Why aren't roasties producing niglets then when they settle down with their cuck white beta provider ?
>tfw tore ex's frenelum
>she kept sucking my cock
>my friend who cucked me who I meta-cucked by fucking his gf in his house a thousand times over before she was his gf kisses his mouth, and he LIKES IT
>sometimes he puts mouth where my peepee has been;it's been in her butt, and pussy
>one time I was ballsy enough to stick my finger in my ass during a really bad argument, and stick it in her mouth
>he kisses that mouth
the fucking keks;i've even pissed on his girlfriends leg. umm hello? based department?
Women truly are disgusting creatures.
its bs, women can have non self dna derived from staminal cells from fetuses during pregnancy that travels the bloodstream and can end in some tissue like tyroid fro instance and differenciate. So it can happens that a woman that had a male son can have traces of male dna in some tissues. Surely it doesn't work like you intended that a woman is a fucking sperm bank and when you impregnate her you get a mix of all the men she fucked. Now you can believe me or keeping being retarded.
t. medicine student
>My gf never loved anyone before me. In that way she’s like a virgin, extremely loyal and innocent.
>She slept with people as a mistake
My little user can't be this naive.
>t. medicine student
thank you for posting proof with a time-stamp oh trust-worthy pasta nigger
look at
>she slept with people by mistake
she just accidentally tripped on some nigger dicks
The state of wypipo
what proof? i am not gonna dox me. Let me be more clear, the dna thing affects regards only the woman (that had pregnancy, not that just fucked someone) not the future spawn. there is an hypotesys that this may cause an increase in autoimmune tyroid diseases like hashimoto tyroiditis becuase of the non self cells there
it gets even better pine-apple nigger
>once fucked ex who cucked me with ex friend on her uncle/aunt's furniture while the entire family was in the room
>I coomed, and cleaned up inside her
>we literally got some plan b right after breakfast
>literally stealth coomed inside his gf while he and everyone in the room including her family were eating breakfast
what if I told you women are shameless whores
Do you actually believe women store sperm that just chills until she gets pregnant for real and all that absorbed sperm becomes tge new kid? Do you realize how retarded that sounds?
should emphasize she and i were on the couch with a billion blankets over us
I really hope that her family thought we were fucking on their furniture, and that exactly what they thought was happening HAPPENED.
the sperm is broken down and the dna within is stored forever in her cerebrospinal fluid
>do you really believe women are prone to BPD, because they're literally succubating the life out of you both metaphorically, and physically, and that having a massive TRAIL of partners affects their psyche, and DNA
>one time I was ballsy enough to stick my finger in my ass during a really bad argument, and stick it in her mouth
>he kisses that mouth
lol what a fag
I refuse to ever be with a nonvirgin. But after almost two decades of looking for a virgin girlfriend I've concluded that they just don't exist anymore. I couldn't find a female with a partner count below 2.
This is propaganda. It’s supposed to normalize the idea that dna tests are useless in determining the parents. Don’t fall for it.
>have kid dna tested
>get child support reduced for every 1% that isnt your dna
Anticipating paedophiles:
Child marriages have always been the exception to the rule. Hesiod, the most ancient Greek writer, says that a woman should not be married until she is at least four years past puberty (age 19); and Plutarch informs us that Spartan women were to marry "not when they were small and underage for wedlock, but when they were in full bloom and wholly ripe" (Life of Lycurgus). Nor did antiquity approve of out-of-wedlock relations with prepubescents. According to Aeschines, any person who molested a free child in Athens was to be put to death (Against Timarchus); and when Alexander the Great was offered a boy as a gift, he turned it away in disgust.
In 1900, the average age of marriage in Germany was 27.8 for males and 25.5 for females; in the U. S., 27.6 for males and 23.9 for females (Haines, 1996). In 19th-century France, it was 30 years for males, 26 years for females.
The average age of marriage in England from the age of Elizabeth to that of Victoria was twenty-five for both sexes. In the year 1839, there was not a single English marriage contracted with a person of either sex under the age of 15. Read it for yourself here:
"... According to this table there were under 15 years, none for either sex."
19th century Prussia: "Thirty-five is the average age of marriage in Prussia, and, where the land is much divided, the peasants never marry before 32. Nor does the habit of late marriage increase immorality, for, apart from the larger towns, Prussia is among the states of Europe characterized by fewest illegitimate births."
And now G.A.T.E. starts to make sense.
Monarch butterflies pass info thru DNA.
Who cares?