Somethingfags BTFO

>He never realized Corona-chan was a nothingburger
On a scale from 1 to 10, how embarassed are you that you bought into the corona panic, /pol?

Attached: corona-cases-ny.png (1431x710, 917.99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>run out of hospital beds
>new ones available if the current occupant dies
>hey look, we have less hospitalizations

They'll never own up to being retarded. If happeningfags suddenly died off world would be a better place.

>doesn’t realize that virus waves come in 3
>2nd wave is the most destructive and usually 4-10 as extreme as the first wave
>hospital system almost collapsed under first wave
Boy oh, boy, this ride will be amazing
Can you please identify yourself in a few months from now as we are at the peak of the 2nd wave? Say something regarded like
“Are you embarrassed at this nothing burger?”

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>>doesn’t realize that virus waves come in 3
nd wave is the most destructive and usually 4-10 as extreme as the first wave
Assuming we haven't already had those since it's been around since November is peak brainlet.

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November was a peak? For what? Your nigger lover you fucking mutt

The hospitals are mostly empty. No hospital has run out of beds. All media hysteria should be disregarded as Chinese propaganda.

Muhammad mad

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>Artificially suppress rates in upstate counties by making it next to impossible to get tested
>NYC rates continue to climb
>Blip on the map because you're beginning the same process in NYC
>Order the NYNG to confiscate ventilators from upstate counties you suppressed because "their rates are not at the levels that NYC are"

Scam to save NYC non-whites and kikes because fuck upstate that hates Cuomo. Better watch his back.

>he doesn't know about mutations and the second wave
poor kid

>being this assblasted
Gorillas often lose their shit when they get frustrated. You're the mental equal to a gorilla. Least you've got that going for you.

Stupidity of mutt statements and mutt education is enraging, I admit
Never saw a people as stupid as mutts
Like niggers, but more arrogant

Why should he watch his back, user?

weekend mate.

this expert guy says its a nothingburger.

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Ok mutt

Not today fed.

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yeah it just goes on forever and ever
fuck off fauci nobody's buying your bullshit

>saying mutt the first time did nothing
>call him a mutt again

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I have to ask about what your line is from nothingburger to something worth being concerned by, from no one dying to the complete extinction of humanity. Otherwise, it just seems like the precautions put in place are working, unless a second wave situation happens.

It does go on forever when you have whites that actually adhere to this shit for the most part and everyone else that doesn't. It's perfect because you never have to lift the lockdown because you won't crackdown on non-whites.

I haven't changed jack shit or ran out to buy anything.

First wave was the "vaping deaths".

Then the military spread it to China so they could shift blame, just like in The Stand.

This is the second or third wave happeningfag.

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Why are you this assblasted, fren

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I'm not embarassed, I was hoping for collapse. Corona was disappointing.

Only the hospitals assigned to take care of corona patients are running over the capacity.
Most of the non-essential care has been cut out and there is even doctors without job bc of that but that really doesn't help as you don't have enough PPE's.

>the numbers sir, what do they mean?
also sage

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After everything is over it Will be even more exaggerated retrospectly, because People will have to justify their fears and cowardly actions. The politicians Will be deemed heroes and saviours and any disagreement Will be answered with hostility

>People will have to justify their fears and cowardly actions
The funny thing about cowards is they will run from that as well.

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The word you are looking for is "happeniggers"

>mutations and the second wave
Yeah, they're playing Fagachella next year.
2 more weeks is also on the bill

I work for a hospital.
Yesterday, we suspended testing because we ran out of them.
Today, we are resorting to using e-swabs instead of flu swabs because, again, we ran out.

Nobody is really being tested unless they have a 100.4F fever and their family physician writes them a script to get a test... and that test will be done with a generic culture swab not even designed to detect the flu.

It's just a nothingburger, goyim. Go outside and work! It's all under control!

>It's just a nothingburger, goyim. Go outside and work! It's all under control!
Gotta die for the economy goy

based collaborant

My local hospital is practically empty and it rarely is.

Gee, it's almost like people are obeying the advice from their governments and avoid to spread the virus. Wow.

Do you think i can return all the masks and shit I ordered from amazon on 26 Jan?

go back to work and die, also kill your family, we have too many ppl on the globe and especially too many stupid and greedy ppl so please go, and do your duty

You know, all the retarded q-niggers are going to say that this was part of the plan or some other secret decoder ring bullshit by drawing red lines all over shit.

What the fuck is wrong with Swedes?

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they were literally saying that this is a nothingburger and tried to go the japanese way.

stopped after
>I don't know why they're making it go on longer than necessary
He's completely disconnected from reality if he doesn't understand that our healthcare system isn't built for a sudden surge in demand for ventilators. It's the difference between a 1% death rate and a 10% death rate.

I hope he gets the fucking bug.

The absolute state of hapennigers
>T-there will be 2 more waves just you wait
>Oh 10M million people didn't die because of our intervention
The same fucking cope mechanism as all other false prophecies who would've guessed

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how's the weather in Australia right now compared to Sweden?

he said that you have to secure the elderly out of reach of the disease.
let the kids catch immunity first, this will stop the epidemic wildfire spread.

nigger it literally doesn't matter what happens at this point, ten thousands dying, every economy getting crippled and billions quarantined is the biggest happening we had in our lifetime, anything that happens after this is just the icing on the cake

Wow you mean the social distancing specifically designed to lower the curve is working as intended and lowering the curve?!? Totally a nothing burger, except oh wait, the moment we stop social distancing it will flare up again because viruses don't magically disappear.

We were empty all last week, but now people have come flooding in because they listen to others claiming that it is over.
I witnessed with my own eyes three "patients" voluntarily leave the hospital once they were informed that someone on the floor tested positive for Wu Flu. One went crazy with anger, but the other two were just scared.

This is what people don't get: when you all head out and pretend the virus is over, you do nothing but just exposed yourselves and everyone you know all over again.

>muh weather
If anything that should make them more cautious, not less. No excuse.
Also, watch the death toll in equatorial Africa and SE Asia when this shit is over and we have some real stats.

>real stats
Ok nigger

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>authorities use dropping cases as justification to lift quarantine orders

>in a week cases start spiking again because the quarantine orders were the only thing lowering spread

Yeah I saw this dude the other day, a friend sent me the link. This is not someone who understands things like surge capacity and the immense damage it will do to the healthcare system to have like 20% of the entire population need hospital care. About 20% of patients with COVID19 need specialist care. What a fucking numpty.

100% theorical rubbish.

>Ok mutt
>t. russian rape baby

There are people who if they lived in the US during WW2 would claim the war was fake.

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You fucking nigger. They put the world on lockdown what did you expect. If the governments didn't close everthing we would see an extreme happening. It is actually happening lads.

that's amazing

>word salad

>First wave was the "vaping deaths"
no. there were like 2 deaths. and vaping black market carts is retarded.
> Then the military spread it to China so they could shift blame
> This is the second or third wave happeningfag
second, in CA for sure. see how CA has the lowest infection rates even though they have the most travel from china? makes no sense. only way it can possibly be is if the disease peaked already in jan/feb before it was tested for.

The social safety measures must be working.
That there is one beautiful R0 nosedive.

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the only places it's happening is western Europe and the US

>the only places it's happening is western Europe and the US
false. everyone is lock down now because they are gearing up for the social unrest when the economic collapse hits.

wouldn't work.

Jfc you’re dumb...

Inferred stats from a non-African source.

There's no outbreaks or lockdowns in Eastern Europe. Africa despite having its first cases in earl February aren't overflowing with dead people, India first cases early Feb went into lockdown after France. The confirmed cases are calculated using modelling rather than actual tests. It's already all over in South Korea and Japan only had to cancel the olympics because athletes weren't able to train in their own countries

you asked WTF was wrong with sweden.
I gave you the logical answer. It's freezing ass cold over there.
And from my understanding, it's bikini beach party weather in Australia.
That makes a big difference.