Age of consent should be raised to 21.
Age of consent should be raised to 21
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okay, voting should be raised to 21
Lowered to 15
unironically agree
18 year olds are almost as dumb as 21 year olds
but quite a bit dumber, yet
>roastie detected
Its not because shes younger than you. Its because you're worthless
that would only keep older dudes from banging young girls.
Not turn Stacy into a trad girl - she'll still suck Chad cock as young as 15
It should be raised to 30 for women. I've exclusively only had sex with cougars in my lifetime
There should be no age of consent. All pre marital sex should be considered rape.
>inb4 pedos arrive
Also, mandatory civil service for 5 years or no voting rights.
this too, based leaf
Based answers
you forgot and only white men holding property
Consent should just be puberty. That's literally what's it's for.
nah it's passover
>All pre marital sex should be considered rape.
rape is a myth perpetrated by the femocrat biocunts to hold power over productive members of society
Aw man, now I feel bad. Was just about to post some cunny
Voting age should be raised to 40
lowered to pubescence
thats fucking disgusting
Raise it to 65.
age for voting should be raised to 35, and limited to people that have had a stable job for at least 5 years.
Also 65+ years old people should not vote.
I agree with this extreme take, but legal age to wed should be a thing.
What's the hottest picture you have of a little girl
No, 15 and illegal to have pre-marital sex.
Face 10/10
Feet 0/10
Go to bed Plato, you have a long day bumming lads and doing hecka squats at the gymnasium ahead of you.
Jose, what a fuck, compadre?
Males are attacked enough as sexual predators during college as is. Could you imagine if the age of consent was raised to 21? Literally every non beta cuck male would end up in jail. Kys faggot.
14 is the only reasonable minimum.
What's the point? Age of consent only punishes males. Females will keep taking dick as soon as they want.
have sex, incel
Years? months? Days? Hours? 21 what?
God I wish it were me.
It should be:
>18 for women
>25 for men
>pre-marital sex illegal
>adultery illegal
>no gay marriage
>no divorce
no age of consent
premarital sex is punishable by public whipping for women,
Based. Don't forget the "Only if married" Provision.
Eat a sharp knife, tranny.
Show your old pancake tits, roastie.
ohnono the faggotory of this thread tho...
The brain is still developing at 21.
It should be raised to 30.
Kiki is so hot.
Raise it to 50. If I'm not even allowed to jack off to cunny at home without bothering anybody, I don't want anybody else to get their fix. Enjoy dating 50 year old grannies.
How do we get China to raise its age of consent?
I want to fuck all of your teenaged daughters in their tight assholes.
>soggy tits
That is very common among negresses
Consent is an idiotic consent. Women are property. Property cannot consent. A woman is old enough to fuck when her owner (i.e. her father or eldest male relative) decides she's old enough to fuck.
Consent is negotiated between the woman's owner and the man who wants to fuck her.
ok boomer. girls are gonna jump on chad cock as soon as their vagina starts tingling (usually around 14-15, some even sooner), regardless of AOC laws.
imagine unironically believing women ever mature into something with comparable cognitive faculties to those of an adult male.
newsflash - mentally, women don't actually mature past puberty. the (((maturity))) that feminists claim older women are supposed to posses is actually a lack of innocence - they are jaded from being pumped and dumped too many time. they aren't mature in the way an adult man is expected to be mature.
The way a 16+ yo girl matures is either:
- becoming increasingly jaded with every pump and dump
- approximating (but not matching) male maturity as she becomes a mother
and again, in case it isn't obvious - the guys that tend to pump and dump tend also to not care about AOC laws very much. So all you are doing by raising AOC is increasing the number of Chads that will pump and dump a recently developed Stacy, turning her into an even bigger roastie before she finds a simp who will take care of her
I'm in.
Fuck off intersectional feminist.
If her eyebrows are that bushy... imagine what her asscrack looks like.
>no niggers, commies, or fags
0/10 African savannah tiddies. Super floppies.
9/10 Also, neck band.. negro women do need to be enslaved. Remastering the oldies is based.
Nope. Mandatory sex at 15 regardless.
Very redpilled.
Just like goats in Afghanistan.
Most of them have sex before the current age of consent already.