I'm "off my meds"

I run black budget projects and you'll only hear about them if you're nice.
Any questions?

Attached: Equilibrium_1.png (1440x602, 327.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

patents.google.com/?inventor=Keith A. Raniere

OP won't disappear.
I'm not a faggot.

>I'm not a faggot
Why do you lie to us OP?

I am sometimes a faggot & an op.

Elarporate and please post screenshots of the patents because alphabet

everyone has seen these old ass patents larper

>and you'll only hear about them if you're nice.
fuck you niggerfaggot, you re a dumb cock swallowing Op niggerfaggot larping looking for attention AND off his meds

look at this no brains nigger monkey

Attached: 644079.png (540x491, 227.19K)

But you are a faggot though

>I am sometimes a faggot & an op.
You goddamned queer!!

Attached: faggot_rays.jpg (323x327, 21.07K)

I am very nice. Have a good day OP. Now you can tell us your secrets.

I don't.
This has to do with how signal processing interfaces with a statistical distribution.
When you reduce the wavelength frequency to zero, there is an infinite probabilistic distribution across all frequencies.
This is the origin of the statistical distribution of "quantum mechanics."
Get yourself a good drum synthesizer and spectrum analyzer.
I'm using an Elektron Rytm with the nicer version of Ableton Live and I'm able to prove all of this myself.
Eric Dollard had a wayyy nicer set up than I did, and proved the same thing more expensively.

Attached: Pythagorean dream.jpg (300x314, 7.64K)

fake you posted these before

And you're a nigger.

I've never posted this before.

Did the technology boom happen because of the fallen angels.

Were the 1997 Phoenix Lights a test run ?

>i'm off my meds
That part is not a LARP
The WP on your Quant Tokens is laughable...
Juicero/10 ,OP

Attached: 1586147549439m.jpg (1024x542, 65.56K)

What types of tech do you work with? Weapons?


Attached: zorin.gif (500x258, 1.1M)

OP in his BBC project Lab

Attached: cddf42e06d61703537404eeaf7297722a1778306.jpg (370x370, 22.52K)

I worked on scale invariant algorithms. Some of them were used for DNA, some for targeting algorithms for fighter jets.


Attached: Hendricus G. Loos.png (693x613, 75.54K)

Like TR3B's?

Attached: Raniere's patent 2.png (1072x718, 134.67K)

>I googled "scale invariant algorithms" Some of the articles were mentioned DNA, some mentioned targeting algorithms for fighter jets.

FTFY Frankbro

What do you work currently on?
Why do you have to take meds?

Do you have a diy project that would entertain me and result in a redneck spacecraft?

If I want to separate from society should I put the effort into making a bunker, or wait for FTL space travel - as in, is disclosure happening soon?

No one here can explain to me the math behind WHY the the pythagorean theorem with respect to Euler's formula equals zero and how when the the wavelength equals zero and the bandwidth approaches infiity.

some of his patents were fucking weird
patents.google.com/?inventor=Keith A. Raniere

I'm working on it.
Stay scared.

tell me about the kikes

>Any questions?
Yes , can I have a force field pls ty ?

>high frequency
asking anyone who paid attention in high school physics to ignore this retard please

Niggers tongue my anus.

We didn't get rid of their hierarchy when we should have.

DNA invariant algorithms. Can you please give us insight as to why this is needed and in what context can it be applied to aside from the initial theory in practice?

>invent gun
>can shoot bullets
>can also hit people with the butt of a gun

it might sound silly, but its just a general idea as to what would be the initial reasoning of this that you are doing with DNA?

Nice name.
Not quite me though.

The story goes that the algorithm was used for targeting computers in Russian fighter jets.
Just sayin.

Scared of what,exactly Frank...
Are you gonna post the patent for spine beetles next?

Attached: DBMR.jpg (879x1367, 378.81K)

Tell us about the aliens

I asked you questions Don't be a fagit OP

Fuck off unless you're the one developing that new organelle
That nigger is based as fuck

Attached: ubermensch.jpg (1901x2264, 1.61M)

Not sure what you're talking about.
But I'm sure we'd all appreciate if you posted it here.

Is there a full method available anywhere, mon cheri?

I kinda like Airl...

I know that pythagorean theorem is applied to many aspects of life, that especially of navigation, however i admit i will not know how to explain with Eulers Formula as to why it would equal zero and the point behind it.

Aside from x^2 + 1 = 0, why would i apply this to pythageroen?

Oh shit. Didn't expect anyone to mention Dollard. Ive wanted to work with Maxwell quaternions but haven't had the time. Is that the model you are using for this?

Then with DNA would that imply that you can send signals to simulate radioactive decay onto the human body without producing radiation?

at least Im not a faggot

It's actually pretty crazy, the consistency of the style. Like, so much time is invested that one could actually just learn a subject.

>should have HAD
Respect grammar, narrator blyat

It has to do with the bandwidth of a signal with a wavelength of "0".
The bandwidth will approach all frequencies the shorter the impulse.

Making too many assumptions...

Give me a qrd on Frank. Other than being a grandiose narcissist that is.

No, I mean up to the present sense.
I mean NOW.


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I work on the TRB-3 "Ghoul" next gen bomber. It has several modular packages that can be changed in a few hours to optimize the loadout for the next mission. AMA.
Don't listen to this faggot. He's super boring.

What the real cause of yawning?

They were checking to make sure people were too far gone, at which point they could be trusted.

Let's have some fun.
tell me about the loadout.

Can confirm he's a blacknigger, spooks never reply to my questions because my file says I'm an attention whore

I'm interested in this semi-secret techs, moar?

This board has gone drastically downhill since 2016. Every newfag that replies to a LARP thread is a verified NPC

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Tell us about the bubble vacuum

OP what do you have to say on torsion fields?
Legit or shit?
How will you comment on the matter, huh?


Attached: 7192ABD4-088F-436A-841C-7B4BD5A73115.png (2048x1536, 1.78M)

Wavelength cannot equal zero, but as it approaches zero, the phase angle must approach zero or 360°, bandwidth is typically determined by the phase angle, and the phase angle determined by impedance, zero wavelength means a perfect impedance or no space/perfect expansion

Go fuck yourself

how do I make it brah?


Euclid's parallel postulate

Declass when?

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I got quite a few replies.
I'm only one person.
Sorry it took a minute. Some aluminum foil and a high voltage computer monitor power supply.

That's the point.
It hits the planck scale and you have "quantum mechanics."
It's a purely statistical signal.

>but we should
Simple as

litteral schitzo thread

narrate my nutsack you faggot

Suck my dick toothpaste.

Nuclear, conventional, and "heavy" loadouts can be accomodated by swapping out pods in the center of the plane in just a few hours. It gives you the flexibility to have an optimal strike package in a modular system. No reconfiguring, no manually loading weapons in the bays, you just swap in a pod and it's ready to fly the next sortie.
Also, magnets

Fuck yeah, thanks user

You aren't a Fed though, not saying you're fake but you definitely don't work for the government

No wonder you lost the war, faggot.
Your MG-42 aint shit when I bust out the proto-particle beam.

seriously, when did pol become x ?

when they handed out the red cups


I'm not gonna throw you shit.
keep it goin.

take your medicin and turn in your phone

>muh quantum physics
This is such a terrible LARP. Sage goes into the options field.

Starve to death.
I'm fucking sick of captchas.
This thread is dead.

Damn right I don't, fren.
But I know what they're working on,

My threads used to last for 6 hours bro

stop attacking everyone, be charming and erudite.

I am no longer "the narrator."
Fuck it.

i bet you are a member of the church of gail

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So if you shoot a specific frequency at a jet to create destructive interference?

so are these 0 Hz weapons developed so the government can weaponize the wiring in your house for targeted attacks?

and steel can shield it?

"stop attacking everyone"
Never did that.
But I sure know what it's liked to be attacked.

That doesn't matter much. IMO, The key to good sound reproduction is a low signal-to-noise ratio.

I unironically met my spooks playing videogames, my post about my file isn't larp

Question though, why do so many spooks play EvE online?

You are pretty fragile user.
Do you know where this fragility comes from?

You people we're stupid enough to let me know what sets you off...
Now I'll know.

Yeah? What do you know about the zero point of DMT?

Hendricus G. Loos... this obviously fake name has many weird patents tied to US government black projects etc.