The official "white" map. Anyone who disagrees with this map is most likely a fucking non-white subhuman.
Official White Map
>Asiatic poster
>tells us who's white
Listen Up here faggot, I may be from America, but at least the place is 56% white and not 0% white like Japan. So GTFO Gook.
ok nip
Fucking mutt chiming in aswell. May aswell ask a nigger a dune coon and a jew too
ching chong nip nong toyota subaru samsung
Cool map davido-kun
But whatcha gonna do when the Chinks liberate Nippon from your ZOG claws,zogbot.
Yankee go home
If the French and Anglos are white while Hungarians and Czech aren't, then I don't care about being white.
didn't the Czech's commit a genocide against your people in 1946?
why exactly would you be rooting for them in particular?
Correct. these countries are the only 'true' europeans left. Too bad they're extinct at the end of the century.
I think this is the used to be white map, and are no longer.
Also, fuck you shlomo.
>telling europeans / TRUE european decendents who are and who are not european
a man is irish, british, french, and spanish in europe, but """"""""""""""""""""white"""""""""""""""""" in america
lay off the propaganda, retard
Get nuked gook
i was wondering where the slide threads went
Imagine wanting to be white
>Potato Niggers
Hajnal line already exists for this, faggot.
If you're going to include Finland might as well add czech's and baltics
honestly, they should come in ahead of finland
Fingolians are bros not white scum
top kek
the only "white" french are the normans which was settled by vikings
>has double digit muslim and/or black/arab population
you're retarded
Remove south France and the Greater Paris area.
Haha France.
It's 2020 mate
Anyone who agrees with that map is either jewish or dumbfuck 70 IQ ape
>Official white map
>Curiously it's the most cucked countries in Europe
Really makes you think
Agreed! Remove Finland
It seems as though Poles are the purest Aryans. Persians are Aryans as well.
Russians are white. In the northern part of the country close to Finland lots of blonde hair and blue eyed people.
He gets it
>has literal suicide forest because his people can't cope with existing
Sure Lee you can't be serious.
>hitrer himserf carred us honorary aryans
Whites are only attractive if they have black or brown hair.
Blondes are fucking disgusting looking freaks. And don't even get me started on gingers.
Turks are anatolian and therefore anatolian nobody said we want to be white. Couldn't care less if I tried.
>>Potato Niggers
You Turks will pay for all the Aryans you massacred in the 1900s
BEADY is the only true form of white
I don't know about that nor do I care if it happened. I didn't kill anyone personally so I won't be paying shit to anyone. But I will give you 20 turkish liras if you wanna come and eat some decent food.
REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab
you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey
Estonians may be alcoholics but that doesn't mean most of us have gone yellow from cirrhosis
yes if the green countries aren't white
Turkey genocided tupac and biggie.
>chink monkeyface in charge of who is white and who is not
2 Hiroshimas was not enough for you?
Central Europe is the most white and beautiful of all european regions desu.
The average Italian is whiter than the average person of those countries nowadays.
Because we don't breed with niggers, despite EU forcing us to take immigrants in.
Family and Catholic values are protecting us drom the threat of racial extinction, something those pro-diversity countries have forgotten.
>tfw andalusian
Choose. Stop fooling yourself saying that you are central Europe. You are a trash tier slav who wants germoney to notice them.
Italians can be dark-skinned by choice, not by genetics.
Without sun exposure we're indistinguishable from, say, the average brit or german, but we can get a nice suntan if we want to.
The albinos who get burned to a crisp when they get sun exposure will never understand the advantages of choosing your skin tone without resorting to chemicals.
It is proven that if you call a romanian a gypsy your IQ is lower than 20. Romania has the biggest gypsy population because it relied heavily on gypsy slaves for agriculture while other countries had a better feudal system. Just like the us with their niggers
Remove Finland and it'll be OK
>Without sun exposure we're indistinguishable from, say, the average brit or german, but we can get a nice suntan if we want to.
Funny you say that when the average school class from those countries, especially yours, looks like this.
We don't have this shit here. We are the ones protecting the white race the most. Stop breeding with niggers and show some appreciation, you ungrateful hypocrites.
That can’t be real Kek it’s the fucking meme irl
Lmao eastern euro’s are white than you do hirohito.
Georgia is white than finngolia
and of coursu onorary zapaneez includo
I have question my fellow goyim.
If these white people are so advanced and developed why do they implement marxism, promote degeneracy and import niggers to racemix with to have their country into third world shithole?
Sounds pretty retarded.
>implying European = Wh*te
Sorry sweaty, Slavic BVLLS are far superior to wh*toids in the west. We don't want to be degraded by calling ourselves wh*te. We are Slavs, the true heirs of Europa by virtue of the Third Rome being in a Slavic state.
Georgians look like Turks. Finns look like swedish.
زنجي هذا مجنون
لكن لا اتذكر انني سألتك
Whiter than you MoHAMed
Do you have maps of other related haplos?
Italians have always been niggers
I went to cirque Italia and those pepperoni wops can't even come close to being white
It's the jews , retard
I’m from outside the green zone and I agree with this map
Not anymore