/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3006

► Detected: 1,349,584 (+3,580) ► Died: 74,808 (+154) ► Day: 89 (-18:10:27)

— 4.3 billion people put under lockdown —
— 213 countries and territories infected —
— 4.1x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,087 strains have been sequenced —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —


Japan to declare state of emergency

51 patients in South Korea reinfected after "recovery"

Sky News reports virus might have escaped Chinese lab

US underreports amount of deaths, investigation confirms

16 year old without health conditions dies in France

Cruise ship "recovered" case reinfected in Japan

HCQ and azithromycin trial in severe patients ends in failure

HCQ aids recovery in randomized trial, but only for mild cases

Olympics for 2020 cancelled, postponed until 2021

CDC refused to test infected man

China industrial capacity estimated to be at 50-60%

Over half of China shuts down: 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

05:51: 232 new cases and 55 new deaths in Italy
05:29: 586 new cases and 4 new deaths in Pakistan
05:28: 280 new cases and 9 new deaths in Peru
05:28: 87 new cases in the Czech Republic
05:21: 105 new cases and 6 new deaths in Norway
05:20: 255 new cases and 1 new death in Israel

► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2: MORE: pastebin.com/raw/qy5RFpVX

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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (915x1152, 289.63K)

>Dead: 74,692
lol, still only 74,692.
How many days has it been stuck at 74,692? Four days? Five days?

Attached: Still.png (727x1685, 133.58K)

If the stars,
Fall down on me,
And the stripes,
Refused to fly,
Then may the shekles turn defunct,
May all the old tweets cease to seem fine
If the sky's,
Covered by ash,
It would matter not at all,
For there is no cure,
It's a lie,
Wallstreet does not wait,
For our downfall!

Let the voice of reason shine,
Let the normies vanish,
For all time,
Trumps's farce here,
It's unreal,
You can't ask him,
What it all means,
/ptg/ was never right,
Trump was never on your side,
Let live or death,
by the plague decide
Trump was never on your side.

See ten thousand bodybags
See the whole of FEMA drop,
They claim to heal,
But all they do is steal,
An illusion of help, cheats, a flop,
If Trump is wise,
Why is he still,
When these infected mutts,
Call him prez,
Why is he silent,
Is he blind!?
Are we abandoned?
in the end?

Let the flames in NewYork shine,
Let us be free of shills, it's fine
Trumps's face is hidden,
Turned away,
He never has a word to say,
/ptg/ was never right,
Trump was never on your side,
Let facts and graphs,
alone decide,
Trump was never on your side!
No, no, no.
/ptg/ was never right,
Trump was never on your side,
Never on your side!
Never on your side!
Trump was never on your side,
Never on your side

Attached: dancing-skeletons-dance-of-death.jpg (3208x1940, 752.4K)


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Lying hospitals

Attached: 20200406_004312.png (594x310, 58.31K)

Empty hospitals

Attached: 20200406_000715.jpg (472x1024, 156.95K)

>More threads than daily American deaths
nothing sausage

Attached: 1573507147727.png (642x358, 246.54K)

>a whole 6-9 people less
wew lad
it's over

>went through several airports to get home, good chance I got the coof
>about 13 days later, start feeling kinda shitty
>can't hold breath nearly as long, bottom-left part of lungs feels like deadweight, hurts to laugh or cough
>oh shit I have it and I'm fat
>do as much cardio as physically possible for several days even though it hurts just to give my lungs a little boost before they get destroyed
>get worse, but then get better, and now feel fine a week later
Cardio is the cure. Goodbye Americans.

Attached: akemi.jpg (1280x720, 83.97K)

Attached: the absolute state of doomfags.png (562x91, 7.74K)

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Fake death stats

Attached: Fake Virus 18.jpg (901x654, 147.28K)


Attached: sup.png (1280x1970, 2.3M)

Holy shit, you're so autistic I legit thought you were a spambot. Consider suicide.

When will N95 masks become available to us plebs?

Attached: happy-halloween.large.jpg (1365x2048, 357.79K)

Fake hospitals ...

Attached: Fake Virus Multi 1.png (1844x960, 1.96M)

>2nd trial fails
Oh no we got to cocky magapedes!

Attached: 1584571102467.png (231x218, 8.25K)

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i don't believe canada's numbers one bit

Attached: happeningchad.png (768x803, 552.32K)

Need a quick rundown on boris and other vip getting corona.

How the fuck does it happen.

Why arent these retards in some bunker or something. Have everyone they meet be checked for corona.

Attached: 1585270994114.png (306x306, 72.86K)

Come on now Bill, give it a rest.

Fake deaths

Attached: Fake Virus Multi 3.png (1664x1292, 1.57M)

Listen faggots
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>falling off ladders kills 40,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
Total nothing burger

In January.
You prepped didn't you user?

just because it has a new picture doesn't mean it isn't a spambot

he spams and only answers one person saying hi cia or pay me cia

The South Korean doctor that made a video about treating infected with Vitamin C and D just got removed from youtube for violating (((community guidelines)))

Anyone have a mirror?

Attached: 1bc.png (626x754, 94.78K)

>he doesn't know the corona is dormant and can reactivate to fuck him anytime

Fake tests

Attached: Fake Virus Multi 2.png (1500x1560, 1.26M)

Does anyone have an updated version of this? Or something similar.

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I have plenty of food to last me a few months and I just purchased a box of 50 surgical masks from Newegg for $35 but that was a one time thing.


Attached: the absolute state of virgin niggers.png (1517x398, 35.22K)

More fake deaths

Attached: Fake Virus Multi 4.png (1256x1176, 1.38M)


I started drunkenly organizing my thousands of Corona files. Picrel. Keep in mind the folders have subfolders.

Attached: started organizing.png (1071x293, 213.43K)

fake lying empty poster.

No, but he responded.
To be fair, that might still be a bot then. Too bad someone is too busy eating hot pockets right now.

> and I'm fat

Imagine my surprise

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Most security logistics are not set up for contagion, which is retarded. Additionally Boris was shaking hands with Corona patients.


Hey guys! As now that we've reached more than 3000 editions, I'd like to give my thanks and appreciations to all of the /cvg/. You guys have helped me get informed, prepped and helped me get through all this in an entertaining way. And now I want give a little something of that back. I've been collecting hazmat edits and other media since late January and have amounted a bit more than 3000 of them. I've collected them for fun, to document a bit off history but also to provide you with some great edits and pictures that have come out of all of this. I wanted to release this as we hit 3000 editions, but I had to sleep before that to get my sleep schedule in order. But anyways hope you'll find some you'll enjoy and maybe some you've made yourself! I plan to update the mega frequently from now and new edits are greatly appreciated.


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United States 367,650 (10,943) Spain 136,675 (13,341) Italy 132,547 (16,523) Germany 103,375 (1,810) France 98,010 (8,911) China 81,740 (3,331) Iran 60,500 (3,739) United Kingdom 51,608 (5,373) Turkey 30,217 (649) Switzerland 21,657 (765) Belgium 20,814 (1,632) Netherlands 18,803 (1,867) Canada 16,667 (323) Austria 12,386 (220) Brazil 12,232 (566) Portugal 11,730 (311) South Korea 10,331 (192) Israel 9,006 (59) Russia 7,497 (58) Sweden 7,206 (477) Australia 5,895 (46) Norway 5,865 (77) Ireland 5,364 (174) India 4,858 (136) Czech Republic 4,828 (80) Chile 4,815 (37) Denmark 4,681 (187) Poland 4,413 (107) Romania 4,057 (176) Japan 3,906 (92) Pakistan 3,864 (54) Malaysia 3,793 (62) Ecuador 3,747 (191) Philippines 3,660 (163) Luxembourg 2,843 (41) Saudi Arabia 2,752 (38) Peru 2,561 (92) Indonesia 2,491 (209) Mexico 2,439 (125) Finland 2,308 (27) Thailand 2,258 (27) Serbia 2,200 (58) Panama 2,100 (55) United Arab Emirates 2,076 (11) Qatar 1,832 (4)…

United States +646 (+72) Brazil +49 (+2) South Korea +47 (+6) Israel +102 (+2) Russia +1,154 (+11) Australia (+1) Norway (+1) Czech Republic +6 (+2) Pakistan +98 (+1) Mexico +296 (+31) Thailand +38 (+1) Ukraine +143 (+7) Moldova (+2) Hungary +73 (+9) Bosnia & Herzegovina +42 (+1) Bolivia +11 (+3) Sri Lanka +2 (+1) Guyana (+1) China +32 Austria +89 India +80 Saudi Arabia +147 Finland +132 New Zealand +54 Lithuania +37 Armenia +20 Kazakhstan +8 Bulgaria +16 Uzbekistan +15 Afghanistan +56 Taiwan +3 Oman +40 Cuba +13 Honduras +7 Ghana +73 Montenegro +6 Kyrgyzstan +12 Georgia +7 Faeroe Islands +1 Paraguay +2 Cambodia +1 El Salvador +9 Guatemala +4 Gabon +6 Fiji +1…


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Well anons my father just passed away couple hours ago. Because of this virus I couldnt visit him at all. I thought he had corona but he tested negative. Dont even know why im telling you guys but fuck it hurts

Can anyone give me an actual reason for why America shot ahead of everyone else in March?


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>Why arent these retards in some bunker or something. Have everyone they meet be checked for corona.
i mean politicians have to get among the proles comfy bunker in new zeeland is only for the extreme rich jef bezos tier

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please report for spamming so we can enjoy 48 hours without this dude trying to derail the thread.

Attached: the absolute state of virgin doomfags.png (803x187, 14.96K)

Who has those gardening infographics? Trying to start so I can see some sun before the supply chain breaks down

>1 yuan has been deposited in your account

Attached: xi operative.jpg (501x585, 78.47K)

NOOOOO the happening has to BE REAL. If it's not the END OF THE WORLD then what am i gonna do with ALL THESE DEENZ AHHHHH

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I wish I could get drunk

But I’m 8 days sober and I’m gonna stay on this fucking wagon
But I miss it heh

>Hispanic panic

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Politicians are not at the top. They are private servants and are like that disposable. Boris can be replaced, Trump can be replaced.

And you shouldn't. It's nearly impossible to get tested in Canada. The wife spoke with our health unit and the woman flat out stated they dont have the resources to test people. I dont believe Canadian numbers at all.

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Did he left you a big house and trust fund

Didnt knew about the holding hands shit hmm

No post this no more ok ? We Pay you Big time ok ?

F, stay strong, user.

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How many people have committed suicide since lockdowns started?

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he was annoying at first but now his crazy has grown on me. i even saw other anons using my shitty oc to taunt him. feels good, pic not related

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United States (+2.93%) Germany (+3.76%) France (+4.03%) United Kingdom (+3.32%) Italy (+2.68%) Switzerland (+1.67%) Spain (+3.90%) Austria (+0.00%) Poland (+4.18%) Netherlands (+3.61%) Hungary (+0.00%) Russia (+2.93%) Greece (+0.00%) Brazil (+7.32%) Japan (+4.55%) Hong Kong (+2.18%) China (+1.06%) Australia (-2.27%) Singapore (+3.80%) India (+7.28%) South Korea (+1.77%) Taiwan (+1.30%) South Africa (+2.51%)

Sydney (-48%) Tokyo (-43%) Beijing (-86%) Wuhan (-94%) New Delhi (-93%) Dubai (-95%) Moscow (-84%) Rome (-86%) Milan (-88%) Berlin (-50%) Munich (-69%) Brussels (-87%) Paris (-94%) Madrid (-91%) Barcelona (-97%) London (-100%) Johannesburg (-82%) Sao Paulo (-100%) Buenos Aires (-100%) New York (-100%) Washington (-100%) Miami (-100%) Toronto (-100%) Chicago (-100%) Houston (-100%) Mexico City (-100%) Los Angeles (-100%) Seattle (-100%)

India (1.3b) China (760m) United States (311m) Pakistan (211m) Russia (144m) Mexico (129m) Egypt (97m) Germany (82m) Philippines (71m) Thailand (69m) Brazil (66m) France (66m) United Kingdom (66m) Italy (60m) South Africa (56m) Colombia (49m) Spain (46m) Argentina (44m) Ukraine (42m) Iraq (38m) Poland (37m) Nigeria (36m) Morocco (35m) Peru (32m) Venezuela (32m) Malaysia (31m) Nepal (29m) Australia (24m)…


Attached: CVG.jpg (1020x574, 56.09K)

GL, but if you're wishing you could get drunk instead of being glad that you're free from the obligation of 'having to' to live your life, you are probably ngmi. Also nice blog faggot.

Anyone here know people in China rn? What do they say?

>asuming people in positions of power are smart

one italian chick that i know of so far
a fuckton killed their wifes or gf's though kek

Attached: 174377-full.png (400x300, 107.72K)

comparing our countries is hilarious especially if you consider density and population
atleast cases are ramping up deaths are ccp tier though

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The only thing material we have is a rent we cant pay and oxygen tanks he never used

Between all the spambots, schizos and retards in this general, I've never, ever used so many filters.

Attached: 4chan filters.png (398x784, 42.38K)

Japan is kill
Are we all going to hyper inflate?

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-07 at 3.08.23 AM.png (800x460, 81.47K)

Literally nothing, because if they do, they disappear mysteriously.

>What do they say?
"Ching chong nip nong"

youre anonymous but not alone. stay strong, brother. pic not related

Attached: haretriggersmall.jpg (2224x2952, 1.43M)

Good. Boomers must die

Attached: images (2).jpg (645x475, 37.79K)

> Plague is a thrash tier waifu instead of a Chad Plague Doctor.

Attached: ENSEÑAME SEMPAI.jpg (1280x1253, 410.79K)

They say fuck America for creating this virus and spreading it in China, not kidding.

sober buddies. Gotta stay frosty for this one.

Attached: nohomo2.jpg (2048x1365, 222.38K)

just a flu, bro

Attached: Screenshot_20200407_100037.jpg (1080x1034, 213.93K)

>tfw he got so butthurt he's filtering like the argie turbo-virgin
they just make it worse

Attached: 173865-full.png (400x300, 137.91K)

Based. Femicide happening.

Should I buy this anons?

Attached: Corona.jpg (1600x1200, 246.95K)

The price of gieger counters never fully recovered after Fukashima.

Impressive. Danke Hans

Superior Thread
Argentina is garbage

Attached: 1 million.jpg (97x125, 2.46K)

Because it is, you fear-mongering nigger.

Our time has come...

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>Boris bows to Coronachan
>In contact with nurses
>Possesses no respiratory abilities
>Controls UK via Raab
>Owes PPE & Dosh globally
>Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first funeral of a PM in ages (HydePark will be his resting place)
>Owns 99% of the original RNA strain
>First designer PPE will in all likelihood be worn by his survivors
>both wife and child said to have corona, such viral loads on Earth have only existed deep in Wuhan & NewYork
>Ancient Chinese recipies tell of two bats who will be served and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>Boris owns ICU beds around the world
>You likely have BoJo-Beds inside your city
>The Torries are in regular communication with the PM's replacement, forwarding the word of Boris to the Herd. Who do you think set up the makeshift hospital in London?
>He forgot how to process oxygen in under a day
>Nation states entrust their herd plans with him. There's no cure by the NHS, only bodybags.
>Boris will be 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality,he will die within a week birthing a new strain of coronachan. We don't know her ultimate plan yet. We hope she's a benevolent being.

>Hoegaarden in singapore

The flu is just a mild SARS infection guys

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The nervous system is where it gets interesting. The ability to infect nerve cells is, while not unheard of, extremely rare. It is common knowledge that HSVintegrates itself into nerve cells, effectively “hiding” beyond the reach of the immune system. HIV similarly hides in immune CD4+ T-cells and remains latent for years. Herpes is mildly symptomatic; breakouts occur occasionally, the immune system handles them, and the virus remains dormant. HIV, through a different mechanism, acts similarly, remaining dormant and latent for so long as the immune system, and any medical treatments, can keep it in check.

Neither of these diseases, however, cause such severe symptoms while in latency. SARS-CoV-2 acts very differently.Rather than remaining dormant, it continues to replicate, spreading throughout nerve tissue, no longer vulnerable to the immune system. While doing so, it also spreads back into the body and causes reinfection,100% of the time. Due to the way the virusattacks CD4 immune cells, in the same manner as HIV, the body is unable to develop immunity. Reinfection is just as deadly, perhaps moreso, and inevitable.Heart damage continues, and can be lethal. Pneumonia is actually milder upon reinfection, as the immune system is largely exhausted

Attached: Screenshot_20200312-191704_Reddit.jpg (1080x2220, 747.85K)

Attached: nohomo.jpg (900x900, 443.37K)

absolutely based nippon user

Attached: 1586144368493.png (400x300, 147.52K)

Nice thumbnail you absolute retard.

>daring to speak ill of argiebro
Never come here again

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Needs typhus-chan the Nazi, since she took out so many jews.

Have you ever considered that in a fuckhuge country, not every single hospital is going to see the same level of case load?

Even at the height of the outbreak in China, their lockdowns only extended to half the people in the country.

>superior thread
>carbon copy

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The virus isn't just killing fat old boomers. No one is recovering. It hides in your nervous system and reemerges again when your immune system lets up. It does this again and again, wearing you down and scarring your lungs each time. That's why people are being released only to die later after being "reinfected".

WE ARE ALL FUCKED, do you understand? If you catch this virus you are absolutely fucked.

WHO does not include "recovered" in their reports, poorly defined

New: "Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

28-Feb: Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

28-Feb: South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

27-Feb: Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

27-Feb: "Recovered" in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

26-Feb: 14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

21-Feb: Patient reinfects himself after "recovery"

19-Feb: "There is a likelihood of relapse", expert says

14-Feb: Reinfection possible and even deadlier

31-Jan: Patients can get reinfected, no immunity after "recovery"

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

Virus invades nervous systems

17-Mar: Italy first case tests positive again after "recovery"

14-Mar: Cruise ship "recovered" case reinfected in Japan

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Get fucked leafs

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Sars is pretty fucked up shit. We will have entire generation of disabled people.


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Even Wuhan had these retards

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>carbon copy
typical chinese expat living in japan tbqh