Japanese Vice PM Says WHO Should Be Renamed ‘Chinese Health Organization’

Is a Third Sino-Japanese War inevitable?


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I am beginning to really not like the Chinese

Honest Abe

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this lil nip is a firecracker and beyond based
abe let's him loose to play bad cop from time to time, but his last few pressers have been VOLCANIC, he literally sounds like an oldpol or wholepol hardliner. Best part is, he isn't joking, one of the last based statesmen.
Same, my grandpa and great grandpa make more sense every fucking day.

It happens

Nippon banzai!

We will make sure the Japs stay safe when we're done wiping out the Chinks. They're the good Asians.

Based beyond belief

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Based Aso Taro.
ywn real life shitpost in parliament.

fuck China.

Wuhan Health Organization

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Nobody likes Chinese. Not even the Chinese themselves.

We should have let Japan annex chinkland during WW2 and do whatever the hell they wanted to the chinks. Instead the USA listened to the jews and cut oil to Japan forcing Japan to try and hastily grab as much oil as possible so they wouldn't become a puppet state

kek, touché

based and hammered-on-film pilled

a treasure the zoomers may have missed

Beisudo no jimukyoku desuka?

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Yes, but this time we'll help Japan make the rape of Nanking look like a fucking joke.

All we have to do is somehow disable commie chink nukes and its 55 days at peking 2: electric boogaloo

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Each American can bring a full Japanese soldier as a sidearm.
Imagine them getting to have a full scale army again.
Those fuckers are intense, and it would create more jobs, fit men, and nationalists.
Thus upped birthrate. Might see a new Nip golden boom.

based,fuck china.

Nippon Kaigi was fucking right!
one can dream
You should see this guy talk about vegetables.

>beginning to

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It is time to retake Hokkaido with our narrow-eyed commie bros

Not even mentioning, that japs love being nuked, so we can help them

Why does anyone think mao went out of his way to kill so many? He hated them more than anyone in history

Honestly, the way chinese women betray their menfolk, it'd be tricky for American soldiers to actually rape them. They're more than willing to jump on white dicks at every opportunity.

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Imagine taking the side of chinky dog-eating, street-shitting, 0-2466 international war W/L ratio, smelly, unwashed, disease-infested, opium-addict plastic trinket manufacturers instead of the side of noble, hygienic, clean, sophisticated Japanese.

You've drunk too much vodka, Ivan. The nips beat you fair and square in 1904, and you had your shot at Manchuria in 1945. Don't ally yourself with ugly, filthy chinkggers just because of some old grudge.

Yeah and we don't really wanna fight with you either, too many whites would die.

Whobei Health Organization.

I hate the Chinese and like the Japanese, but one has nukes and the other has been a pussy for half a century.

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>my grandpa and great grandpa
This is an 18+ board

>he thinks russia and china have any real means of fucking with the rest of the world
Newsflash Ivan the only reason the soviet union didn't get completely ass raped by Hans was because america foolishly did lend lease for the soviet union. Sure China has over 1 billion chinese warm bodies to zerg rush with but with nukes on the table and modern anti zerg tech it doesn't really matter so much. China has no real means of zerg rushing the US thanks to the vast fucking ocean between us but america has always been able to poke the shit out of the rest of the world. Good luck

>been a pussy for half a century
Are you talking about practically the only developed ethnostate, and the only country to resist globalism and open immigration policies in the post-45 world?
Howabout we start learning from the Japanese instead of criticising them the way our ZOG overlords want us to?
BTW Japanese women have 1.4 children each, more than white women in every single western European country.

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You know what’s funny I never thought grandpas opinions were wrong

I'm 28
My ggpa passed a few years back.
Gpa still kicking around.
Not my fault celts are so long lived.

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>fair and square in 1904
>The formal declaration of war between Japan and Russia was issued on 10 February 1904, a day after the battle

nips are same rats as chinese, but bat-eaters aren`t so much dishonorable, as anime people

Nippon being based.

Newsflash John, the only reason China is fucking you in the ass today is your own braindead decisions in the past, including not letting us nuke them in 70s. Enjoy sliding more and more into irrelevancy as your country becomes majority shitskin and can't opperate it's army or economy anymore.

>because america foolishly did lend lease for the soviet union
>america unironically started to help in late 42
>battle of Moscow in 41

Surely burgher

Note also that China has never won an international war pretty much in its entire 4000 year history. Every bunch of illiterate steppe niggers that could stay on a horse for 20 minutes conquered them.
For context, when the British showed up in 1842, with a crew of about 25 white englishmen and around 80 pakis and poojeets, all off their face on opium and rum, they successfully defeated the entire Qing dynasty, population ~560,000,000.
Later, some disgruntled (drunk) British merchants got annoyed at some deal going south, and sailed up the Yangtze and set the Chinese imperial summer palace on fire. Nobody in the entire Qing army could stop this attack, which had the sophistication of an evening run to Tescos to pick up a twelve pack of wifebeater.
Chinks literally don't know how to fight. No wonder their women betray their race so much, it's fucking pathetic.
There'll be no zerg rush. Chinks can't fight, and they're cowards.

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The Soviets did the exact same thing in Operation August Storm.
THe score is settled, vladmir. Move on and open your eyes to who your true allies are. The only developed country to effectively resist immigration and POZZED politics.

I admire that about them, but their military is cucked, and because of the atomic bombings in WW2 they will never develop nukes or other devastating weapons, putting them at the whim of N Korea and China, two weaker civilizations with less morals.

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yeah, I admire a country that doesn't flood its genepool with niggers. Yes.
And their military is relatively strong.
Your point about nukes is well taken, but don't disregard the excellent parts of their culture.

Finding out their military is called the Japan Self-Defense Forces is the funniest shit ever

The steppefags were no joke though, ask russia and the baltic niggers, they even got into deep europe and had to be coalitioned out, just barely and just for a while.
But yeah chinas GLORIOUS WARFARE HISTORY is all among themselves.
It's like spidermonkeys fighting in a valley for a thousands of years, with all these legends and shit about how rad they all are, then they carry this fire in their bellies and this spidermonkey pride, then wander out into the forest acting like king shit, high steppin, new-boot goofin, then they meet gorillas.

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What do those "excellent parts" matter when faced with an all out war?
I wish they would have mobilized and militarized years ago, but now it's too late. Consider them like Italy before WW2.

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I'll give you that, although by the time the mongols came to China proper the Golden Horde was dissolved, Ogodei was old, and Khubilai was way less warlike than his grandfather.
The manchus were complete pussy faggots, not even proper nomads, and outnumbered 50-1 they crushed the Ming empire.
The British, the French, the Nips, the Germans... Literally nobody except Korea has lost a war against china. They're fucking useless.
Oh and command in the PLA today is awarded based on daddy's money. And it's a military of however many million "men", with a combined battlefield experience of 00 hours : 00 minutes : 00 seconds.

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Nigger if it's nuclear war, nothing fucking matters, we all die.

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High fuckin art.

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The Chong fears the Samurai


That's the only large-scale war that will occur from here on out, many countries have developed technology to intercept nuclear warheads, Japan, meanwhile, is further behind India and Pakistan and refuses to develop nuclear warheads let alone deterrents.

>to who your true allies are.

Not the country, that what our territories

One of their officials said no coronabux should be given to foreigners living there and that fags were unproductive drains on society. The samurai shows the way.

CHO doesn't have as nice a ring to it, maybe CHI, Chinese Health Institute

>Note also that China has never won an international war
Chinks beat poos in '62.

You're a mess, Piotr.

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based nippon

If Boris dies, Japan and UK will declare war on China.

that was a meme skirmish with a laughable death toll. Your average evening in Glasgow has a higher death toll than that faggot farce.

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This is your brain on Common Core. lma fucking o.

Tip to Yanks: If you want to make a point, do it via common sense, not via your "education". You will weaken your argument otherwise.

based ! a toast to you too !

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>give up your territories
>mandarin man is bad

Lol, muttburgher try better

we'd have to join in because those two are our allies way before fucking CHINA is

Are you a cryptochink?
What part of what I said is wrong?
Also I'm european, so your criticism doesn't even make sense.
Tidy yourself up hans

They have a tremendous amount of reasons to have self confidence, but they seem to have trouble getting over feelings of inferiority.

>tremendous amounts of reasons to have self confidence

Welcome to the club

Troll the chinese video threads and see their sadism and soullessness firsthand. They really are fucking human cockroaches


Bayonet the babies Yamato!

Wow, the tide sure is changing, ie. Nips starting to care about things other than their own navels for the first time in decades.

their navel-gazing is the precise reason they haven't flooded their countries with somalis, pakis, and other varieties of nigger and spic.
Frankly, I applaud Japan, practically the only developed country not to get both ZOGGED and POZZED in the second half of the 20th century.

That's what's kinda shitty about living in the 21st century. People aren't allowed to rightfully kick someone's ass if there's tomfuckery afoot. Its all proxy and insurgent bullshit which can be summed up as 4th generation warfare. Nation states can't really fuck with each other its all just this dishonorable glownigger bullshit. As soon as two nuclear nations have a problem with each other all they can do is shout mean words at each other lest the entire earth go bye bye forever

Hell yeah brother

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