Why would you hold a butchered man of utmost virtue as the moral ideal?

Why would you hold a butchered man of utmost virtue as the moral ideal?
This is terrifying and not at all inspiring

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Dying for even your enemies is the greatest show of love a man can do.

He didn't die for his enemies, he died for the good of all people, jews don't go to heaven

Sinners are enemies of God. He died so that they might be cleansed, and be able to receive entry into the gates of the city.

>Dying for even your enemies is the greatest show of mental illness a man can do.

your father is the devil

Because Jesus took the place of sacrifice in the temple for the forgiveness of sins. His sacrifice means we no longer have need of a temple and that forgiveness of sins is through him alone.

Nope. My dad is a good man.

The idea is he willingly went through the worst the world can do to you and came back from it. It's the same idea as the mythical phoenix, or the Osiris death and resurrection story, or Dionysus growing back to life from his heart after the rest of his body was torn apart.

Time for mythology.

You're a retarded little redditing söyloving bitch boy, enjoy your tendies your cuck dad lovingly provides

It's the classic hero saga.

Such naked anger and emotion so early in the thread! This in going to be a fun night.

There are only two kinds of sacrifice in this world, my friend. Self-sacrifice and other-sacrifice. You have to pick one.

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Religious people have a psychological need to be told how to live.

Isn't Gilgamesh one also?

It's from Plato and about why good men suffer and prefer to suffer over benefitting from evil.


With a little extra. Not only was he a 'classical hero' in his own life, but the whole point is that by humbling himself to the position of lowly man, then living a perfect life; he re-established a Divine connection to us, as men, who were prior to this event in a fallen state where we could never truly know the Divine. He conquered death, not only for himself but for all of us; and in the process has allowed us to commune with God himself, and to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

There's way too much to unpack in a Yas Forums post and most Christians have no idea what the significance of half of this stuff is; but its absolutely huge. All of nature points to the necessity for a redeemer, for one who purges the corruption, for one who puts the wayward back on the right track. There's a million ways to understand the story and sadly the most commonly regurgitated is the one to do with 'law' (because Hebrews and Romans were obsessed with law); and thus many people think of God as some sort of all-powerful tyrant who arbitrarily decides whether we ascend or burn, when it makes far more sense to understand the story as God healing our corruption or setting us on the right track in a similar way to a great teacher saving a wayward child who seems to be on the track to becoming a criminal and with help becomes not only good but a great individual

He stepped in for us and took our place so that we are not doomed to destruction.




What if you get to heaven, and you discover that god only wanted the most obedient of men because you are to be slaves for eternity.

The stripping bare of the man culminates in his death by crucifixion. Republic 2.361e - 2.362a:

Go away, dildo. I love these threads.

he raised himself from the dead and left the only empty grave in history to prove it

Hahaha. Right. Prove it.

>1 post

You religious guys know that the concepts of heaven and hell were developed more recently. They were just words for like 1500 years, then biblical people got together and talked about it, and now you have this idea in your head that originated 1500 years after your savior.

Christ set the bar high when he said, "Greater love hath no man that he would lay down his life for his friends."

But in death he exceeded that standard to die for his enemies as well. For he said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."

The moral teaching of Christ IS the highest moral teaching that has ever graced the earth. Even the other major religions credit Christ as a "prophet" or an "enlightened one".

And his teachings and the movement he started has had a major positive impact on the earth, leading to such blessings as charity, orphanages, the end of infant exposure, slavery abolition movements, the end of gladiator contests, the origin of universities, hospitals, restaurants, mass literacy, and modern political freedoms and thus wealth, which are based on Biblical principles. Christ's ministry also ultimately resulted in a large section of the Law of Moses becoming part of our modern civil code in the Gentile world. Such concepts as division of powers, human rights, fair trials based on the testimony of witnesses, and even the origin of science.

The Underworld is not a new concept

Jesus refers to Hades specifically

You can't prove your own thoughts objectively. At some point, reason concludes the necessity of faith for there to be an objective world of sensory experience, causal relations between objects/matter etc.
Coming to terms with this took time, a lot of reading and finally humility in admitting I had no truly logical foundation by which to justify my thoughts as objectively true/verifiable a priori.
We rely on faith for even the most mundane or obvious "truths".

I mention science because the Bible emphasizes the importance of gaining knowledge and of the exact measurement of things. Paul said, "PROVE ALL THINGS, HOLD FAST TO THAT WHICH IS GOOD." When Descartes wrote "Discourse on Method" he explicitly credits his meditations on the Bible. Isaac Newton's Principia Mathematica similarly so. Bach signed all his words "Solely to the glory of God".

Also consider the evidence of the trial and resurrection. The four gospels all testify slightly different versions of the INRI inscription above the cross, "JESUS OF NAZARETH, KING OF THE JEWS". A polemic was recorded where the Jews contested this with Pilate, claiming "Do not say he was the king, but that he SAID he was the king." Pilate responded, "What I have written, I have written." This polemic was recorded.

Polemics are important; see this example. When Christ said, "A house divided can't stand" he did not give that teaching in a vacuum. Rather, he said it in response to an accusation that he was in league with the devil -- an accusation that he (and early christians) would be unlikely to make up. The polemic was recorded because it happened. And why would they accusing him of being involved with devils? Because that was their response to miracles Christ was performing.

The crown of thorns, the reed, the purple cloak, and soldiers bowing down and mocking him as "Hail King of the Jews" ALL of these pieces corroborate Christ's central Messianic claims.

Even babylon talked about the underworld, mate. But hell isn't biblical

Also interestingly Abaddon appears in the resurrection story then reappears in the Revelations

In court he was required to answer the high priest who asked, "I charge you to answer me under oath: ARE YOU THE MESSIAH, SON OF THE LIVING GOD?" And Christ responded "I AM, AND YOU WILL SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN AND STANDING AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE POWER."

In saying this, Christ confirms under oath his claim to be:
1. Messiah
2. Son of God
3. "I AM" (the tetragrammaton, or unpronounced name of God)
4. The Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven as described in the prophet Daniel. Daniel states that all tribes and people will bow down and worship this Son of Man.

The high priest then tears his clothes saying, "What further need to we have of witnesses, you have heard the BLASPHEMY with your own ears." And they all condemned him to be worthy of death.

The Burial story is one of the best-attested historical events. Joseph of Arimathia is named in all four gospels as donating his own tomb to Christ. The reason? "Because it was near" to the place of execution. (So everyone knew where it was). Early Christians are unlikely to have invented a story about a PHARISEE giving Christ the respect he is due. And if false, there was no need to name Joseph specifically. These all point to its historical truth.

Early Christians are also unlikely to have invented a story that WOMEN were ones who found the resurrected Christ. The reason it was recorded that way is because that's what really happened.

And since everyone knew where the tomb was, this is good evidence that the tomb really was found empty. No one had an incentive to steal the body. Christ's followers were the ones who lovingly buried him in the first place, and there was a group of guards assigned to guard the tomb after that point. Neither the Romans nor Jews had any incentive for the body to go missing and in fact they took steps to ensure it would stay put.

Christ died for ALL. His blood was poured out for MANY.

Historians basically admit that there must have been some kind of "resurrection appearances" that were convincing to the Apostles and to hundreds of other Christians. The nature of these is debated, but clearly those people really believed they had experienced the risen Christ, and it transformed their lives into the Apostles who established the Church -- these same men who had been cowering in fear only a few days prior! Many of them went on to horrible deaths based on their teachings and beliefs.

Keep in mind: Many will die for something they BELIEVE to be true. Even Jihadis die for something they believe to be true. But no man will die for something he knows for fact to be false.

The more you research the resurrection and teachings of Christ, and the prophecies that he made (such as the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, naming the exact generations who would suffer that judgment, and the prophecies that he fulfilled in his birth, life, death and resurrection.

Anyone who thinks Christ is easily dismissed, simply is ignorant and needs to be educated on the subject.

Yeah, it's popular for people and cultures to imagine there's a place where wicked people are punished.
The current christian conceptual hell isn't the same thing as any of these. One of the first popular conceptual versions of hell was that of Dante Aligheiri's Inferno, which held in popular belief for quite some time, but it's evolved quite a bit since then.

What's with the paragraphs.

Be concise.

Sounds gay

Here's the beginning of a good bit of prose about Christ, the rest is here

Jesus Christ
By Daniel Berrigan

The gospel of Jesus is spoken in a world
intoxicated with death
mesmerized by death
convinced of the necessary rule of death
technologizing death
acceding to the omnipresence of death
And Jesus says No
to this omnivorous power.
So his word makes the slight
all but imperceptible difference
(which is finally the only difference).
A good man, himself powerless,
stands at the side of powerless men
and says to death No
for them for himself.
Can any of you
place before you a single child, smiling
squirming in your arms; and say
The death of this child is a fact of modern war; I accede
to that death. I regret it of course
but what can one do? We have to destroy
in order to save; villages, women, children,
The system traps us all...

The system; horrible word! Can the system
trap the conscience of a free man?
Traps are for animals; freedom is for men.
I cannot speak for you
but I will not wait upon Caesar
to instruct me in God's word.
I am a man. I can read:
If a man will save his life, let him lose it.
I say to you love your enemies,
do good to those who hate you.
Whatever you do to the least of these
my brothers, you do to me.
Blessed are you who suffer persecution
for justice's sake.

Wherein the Devil is encased in ice.

Not really surprising the Devil's own NASA sent a robot called Dante to explore Antarctica in 1992

Imagine all the Jews who died in the holocaust having to live with Hitler in Hell

>a butchered man

No, a butchered kike

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irreligious people have a need to live by their own ill informed and poorly meted "morals" which mean nothing without an axiom on which they are founded, but also consider the morals they have, which are inarguably based on Christian morality, to be independent of Christianity
which makes them cringeworthy retards

>You can't prove your own thoughts objectively.
Religion is not an objective matter, and you have no idea what my limits are. I can tell what yours are, though. Care to offer the proof I asked for, or are you more interested in ad-hom and sidestepping the issue?

And why is that good?

except Hitler is in heaven you faggot retard

You aren't even the guy I was talking to. Why did you respond to my post?

>This is terrifying
only if you are a faggot, a coomer or a kike

>This is terrifying and not at all inspiring
the fact that it's terrifying is exactly why it should be inspiring.

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obviously not if he failed to raise you

Abaddon didn't mean what it means today until the 17th century.

You’re a rootless mutt, which makes you a cringeworthy retard by default

Compared to what millions of people have gone through over the last 120 years, the suffering of Christ is a fucking walk in the park.

Jesus Christ is God. He came into the world as the ultimate blood sacrifice to wipe away our sins. Prior to Him, priests would offer animal sacrifices as a penance for sin: one life for another; the wages of sin is death. This practice pointed towards Christ's eventual sacrifice, which ended all other blood sacrifices His crucifixion therefore symbolizes this: God's mercy on sinners, which is all of us. It's like hanging your grandfather's medal of honor: it symbolizes his sacrifice.

A crucial detail that you should not miss is that He resurrected. He did not stay dead and tortured, He rose from the dead to show us that He is who He said He is and has dominion even over death. Read the new testament and repent, user.

>This is terrifying and not at all inspiring
It was explicitly done to shock Jews. Read the Bible, then think about why you are shocked by it.

>Devil's own NASA
Hahaha Are you serious? You think an organization developed to explore space is satanic?

Clavicum as well, ammirite?

History was invented by the Jesuits in the 1500s


t. cultureless stoner

>Religion is not an objective matter

By the same token, the statement "all true knowledge is obtained by scientific inquiry" itself is not scientifically verifiable. What rules are you playing by?

I said The Devil's own didn't I?

Go choke on a hamburger while you worship your rabbi, dumb mutt

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Mental gymnastics. You don't even know how ridiculous your logic chain is.

Hahaha keep trying, user.

It's true though, what is the axiom of Eudaimonia?

The truth is thus, we will all know in the end

atheist stoner dutch will be bred out by north africans whilst hardcore calvinist ones won't
What a shame :)

>This is terrifying and not at all inspiring

Good post.

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Shit, wrong image.

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Utmost virture according to the followers of Abrahamism, however pure evil to those who practise that of so-called Heresy.
Remember the Christinization of Europe, Christianity is a desert religion, that of whom attacked, killed and slain our ancestors.

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culture motherfucker

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I will keep worshipping my God while you keep those atheist birthrates up, tard. Good luck being a dog parent with a roastie.


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Remember kids.

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You’re probably just some bitter virgin who still lives with his mom. That’s probably why you’re a traditionalist Christian, it’s literally just virgin cope. You’ll probably die alone

To acknowledge the sacrifice he made to remind us of our sinful nature. He was a martyr through and through, hated by men for speaking the truth. A true heir to the son of god, a man of grief acquainted with great sorrows. To remind us that no matter how hard we try, we will always fall short of him and his fathers glory, only through Jesus we are delivered from that very nature that killed him.

You may be a Scot, Welsh, or NI but your Anglo in spirit


Because you attribute "religious" belief to the unverifiable yet can't see the flaws in your own reasoning.

Belief in god is like belief in the state.
Both rape your kids and project moral superiority.

okay nigger