>GERMANY: 103,375 infected, 1,810 dead
>fr*ance: 74,390 infected, 8,911 dead
As always, Deutschads won, while the snail eating fags lost.
God's in his heaven, all's right with the world
GERMANY: 103,375 infected, 1,810 dead
I wonder who is dying in France specifically.
nigs and nogs from no go zones have the right to leave their house because cops can't do anything about it. so their areas have a far higher death rate
no way to tell, they arent allowed to track racial demographics in crime so i doubt this would be any different. chicongo is reporting niggers getting it worse, but they dont wash either so there is that. silver linings.
Can we universally agree fuck china though
Based. Fuck em
yeah but hospitals use all the equipement for them
kek why am I just hearing this now?
I wish we had more deaths over here, especially in the big cities. Fuck city fags.
How many niggers do you guys have?
Banlieu 13 glassing of Paris when ?
Eh, it's mostly a thing that's only said here and maybe between some edgy normalfags.
Way moooore than you do, Hanz.
clearly you arent watching enough yt homosexuals to meet your quota.
Based France killing its nigger population and hiding it under "corona deaths".
Virgin Germany killing its based boomers and making sure nigs don't die.
Of course we get cucked again when a real happening is finally happening. Why do we Germans have to be so superior, damn.
I asked my Chinese friend if he has the shanghai shivers today
and told him Fox News warned me to stay away kek
What nigs kek
is that an actual question you retard?
niggers and arabs.
My guess is niggers. Probably also the reason US numbers are so high.
the nigs Germany
all of your nigs
Too bad more of your niggers didn't die off.
Kek, although if I were you, I wouldn't have any bugs as friends.
I was asking for a number. I assumed that guy might know. Don't be so rude in the morning, Hans.
oh don't worry if he was gonna murder me over PEECEE gaming it would have happened already
Very nice. Post more if you have.
You are already dead.
Is this only because Germany records deaths differently? Like how someone with stage 4 cancer who dies and coincidentally has the Chinese Virus is classified as a flu death
Love how chill those people in the back are. Just a gamer moment, bro.
not as bad as we think. but even 1 can be too many.
lmfao I didn't even notice holy shit
Understand in insect land to interfere makes you liable.
Don't want to get sued for helping a man not get macheted.
They really are not human beings.
It's a lot worse than on this picture, especially in Paris.
The yellow vests were a popular movement against taxes and the current government, immigration was one our request.
Obviously the "new french" don't give jack shit about that.
>t. French
Bugs do not have feelings like you or I.
I would say we have 12 to 15m arabs and niggers. The numbers between them must be pretty even. It's hard to estimate tho because our governement don't allow ethnic stats. The number come from my ass but is not too far away from the truth. It means France is 75% white, however the youth is much less white.
I remember reading an article a couple years ago that estimated African numbers with the sickle cell medical records.
literally looks like an insect. not all people are the same.
you do have 4.5 mil kikes tho, they keep track of themselves. you've got the 3rd highest concentration behind us and israel. remember that number, so you dont miss any.
um no
Yeah, the way we can know about the number of birth of people from Africa (95% of the migrants) is through a disease only present with africans.
When the gouvernment realised that they discontinued the stats for this disease. Here is the last iteration in 2016.
And remember the "Great Remplacement" is a far right hoax.
here is the image I cannot post it on Yas Forums idk why
>When the gouvernment realised that they discontinued the stats for this disease.
fucking lol. If Im reading that map correctly those are very worrying numbers.
Only 600 000 kikes. Not nearly as much as you said but still a lot.
My mother used to work in a jewish school (she is christian) and the kikes were very based (it's near a supermarket that was attacked by an arab in 2015).
The problem with kikes is the small minority of kikes who own the media. Including known pedophiles who don't face any pursuit (Jack Lang, DSK, Conh-Bendit and tutti quanti).
Indeed very worrying. That's why they discontinued it. Also when Macron set up his "Grand Débat" (great debate) where we could talk about every problems in public assemblies the immigration problem was forbidden despite being one of the most requested. In France we can talk about everything but not the death of our nation by the invasion of foreigners.
However according to polls, 58% of French want to stop immigration and even send some foreigners back home, considering the number of foreigner who can vote reaching 58 means people are pretty fed up.
French are much more based than germans in my experience but they vote for shitty parties.
>GERMANY: 103,375 infected, 1,810 dead
Don't forget that most of those 1810 are migrants, mostly from iran and afghanistan.
Germany, like Sweden and Switzerland are lying about their numbers.
>, 58% of French want to stop immigration
pretty much no Western population has ever wanted immigration if you poll the people. It was all done without the consent of the populace by treasonous unelected bureaucrats.
Indeed. But achieving this amount given how leftists the media are in France with a propaganda unmatched by the Soviet Union itself it is quite respectable. When i see more than half of mutt saying that diversity is a strength my eyes cry blood. That might be because they have more subhumans brown people to be polled however.
karma for sending niggers to the rhine and declaring war on us
It's the African genetics, Italians, Spaniards and French have more African genes, that's why more people are dying. The virus is more severe to Africans.
pic related is no joke.
And their niggers aren't either.
They are the most blackest yellow eyed niggers you'll ever see, pure bloods, not like American niggers.
>French and Italian have African genes
Complete bullshit, the spanish might have a bit of moor blood but the French and Italian certainly not.
Our death are due to a lack of respirator, a different reporting for propaganda purpose, a large population of unlawful niggers who continue selling drug and having parties during the lockdown.
This virus is an absolute nothingburger. All the numbers you see are bullshit and the lockdown idea was a stupid policy by the CCP that has been emulated by retarded european politicians.
>t. live in China
Hitler predicted exactly what would happen to France in Mein Kampf. Literally everything he said about France happened. Céline too.
*snail eating frogs
"Si l'évolution de la France se prolongeait encore trois cents ans dans son style actuel, les derniers restes du sang franc disparaîtraient dans l'Etat mulâtre africano-européen qui est en train de se constituer : un immense territoire de peuplement autonome s'étendant du Rhin au Congo, rempli de la race inférieure qui se forme lentement sous l'influence d'un métissage prolongé. "
Mein Kampf
If the evolution of France were to continue for another three hundred years in its present style, the last remnants of the Frankish blood would disappear in the African-European mulatto state that is in the process of being formed: an immense territory of autonomous settlement stretching from the Rhine to the Congo, filled with the inferior race that is slowly forming under the influence of prolonged crossbreeding.
if only you knew how bad things really are
>they're starting to figure it out
because we're not testing as much as the germans, we're probably almost past Italy stage now + this disease kills a lot of gypsies and nigs so the numbers are encouraging
>tfw corona chan proves race is deeper than skin
So they infect the minority of poor white retirees and then since they are younger they take their spot at emergency care at the hospital.
>nigger eat shit
>nigger smoke and do drug
>nigger don't respect preventive policies
>nigger don't care about their health
>nigger die
Who would have guess? Systematic racism still present, reparation NOW! Racists btfo.
>Racists btfo.
cope. they cant deny scientific evidence forever
And now they take our elders' beds.
Really, I hate niggers, more than ever.
The more hate niggers generate the better for us.
French are becoming more and more based. You can legit be anti-immigration without social stigma now.
If they behave and are nice it's a bad point for us. The niggers and arabs that try to integrate and are nice are the most detrimental. They represent the excuse for leftists and moderate to say "not all of them are like this" despite 90% of them being trash.
>You can legit be anti-immigration without social stigma now.
Not in the major city where most of the population lives.
It depends where. Even in Paris it's starting to be accepted. I was in a top engineering school and most of the people were to the right or the far right.
this. the left will probably track you down
Because hitler knew what happens to europe if nobody doesn’t do something about it. There is a reason he wants to conqueer whole of europe. To avoid racemixing.