He just confirmed it on discord, he's got the virus

He just confirmed it on discord, he's got the virus.


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is this some youtuber?

no goopha that's Yas Forums founder

You're a stupid faggot for just assuming we all know who every random jerkoff is. Kys

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Literally who?

Leave and never return election scum.

thats luggage lad

F for faggot

He has a huge head

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noodle arms
lack of testosterone

fuck off e-celeb loving newfag

That’s some dirty slut

You joke but the vast majority of the dozen or so mods live around NYC.


I think it's the AIDS that ultimately killed him

Did he get it or did the little girl version of himself get it?

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good tranny discord freak

good one

noooo not the zombie land guy

Literally WHO

Who bitch this is?

>eceleb YouTuber
>MFW all that’s left are newfags

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Seen nudes of him before. Probably gay porn star.

you're telling me you don't recognize OP pic and you're calling HIM the newfag...?


Literally who? Seriously, get the fuck out of here, shill.

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Sam Hyde I think

its mobe

His chances of getting serious complications are like 15%

Seems about right they both like little boys

RIP, Mark Zuckerberg. I never used Reddit but you were still kinda okay.

Jesus fucking christ i've only been on this board for 3 years and even i know who he is

Who is this guy? Some soundcloud rapper?

I kinda miss moot shitlosting kek we don’t do that with the chink

I’ll never forget when that pic was originally posted. Where does the time go?

who's this fag and why should we care?

>Yas Forums is 90% ptg redditors
Thanks for the reminder faggot.

just a small frame, like destiny

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The faggy singer?

Attached: mobyvegantattoo1809[1].jpg (1500x1000, 111.43K)

that's Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook

He created Yas Forums you fucking retard

Quick! Someone get him some soup!

Itt be retards, newfags and trolls pretending to be retarded newfags.
Rip in peace white hiro

Just like every celebrities advertising the crap out of that hoax

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Who's that basedboy?

Yas Forums began as smart cunts acting dumb and animeposting. We had caturday, Longcat and Tacgnol, the happy nigra, C.W. MONGLER...

The cancer, the chemo, the cancer, the disregarding of rules 1 and 2, fuck man has it really been a decade? I was 14 when I found/b/. I'm 31 now.

Le super seekret epic win club is no more. How much do you reckon gets pumped through here by the paid trannies? It's got to be thousands of paid hours.

Welp, time to smoke more bongs.


Nobody wants pics of your trannyfanny.

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haha gook moot is the superior moot anyway

Kek remember storm and when b use to be not gay


>3 years
Sad. Take me off life support if I ever make it to 3 years of this shit.

Mossad should really work on their memeflaggot training programs.

Show dick ladyboi.

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You know the rulez, faghag.

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You are here forever.

been here 12 years kid

>Where does the time go?
Straight down the shitter, like everything else.

gotta go fast

>obvious shiting on moot

Did you ever find the /i/ board?
Also when we fucked second life to shit, fort longcat was such a fucking epic journey. So many lulz.

Just a cuck

He died as he lived: wishing to be the little girl

Sigourney Weaver having the chinky flu? O tempora, o mores!

That's what he gets for pretending to be a leftoid

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he's the founder of 9gag


nonono only half of it is ironic

guess what, there will be a lot of people infected in the next months. probably including yourself

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Literally whoot

I think he was a reddit moderator or something.

>still falls for obvious bait

Ok it seems odd both Hotwheels and Moot get chink virus

Why can’t we have shit like that anymore all the anonymous larping fags were funny too

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pooles closed due to corona


This. Some of us are old enough to have literally been fucking these little shits mother's......

Even m00t was like where did you find this. Was it ever confirmed if it was really him?

being a sissy is a comorbidity

Wasn't it on 420chan for a while?

Huhuhu so epic Yas Forumsro huhuhu

Unless Kirt is a glownigger probably not.

>the disregarding of rules 1 and 2

This was the worst. Wild ride nonetheless. But man we could've done more

Inhaling cum compromises the lungs.

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The habbo raids Kek that’s nostalgic

at this point i can't distinguish between b8 and newfags

As much as it kills blacks the pool might be open in the future haha

Kirt is a proud flagrant paedophile that still hasnt been busted yet so he most probably is

Prolly shook a chinks hand

Founder of Reddit, gives great blowjobs

Best of luck mootykins

Then I could be remembering it wrong. I remember spardot being a tard, not much else.

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Fucking hell ive been here 14 years


A cooma

Virus is confirmed infected.
Press F for virus.