The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
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They went from warriors to drugs addicts. Quite sad...
I agree, before the industrial revolution there were only members of the human race in europe and after it there are niggers and muslims.
Jesus christ that Abo is fucking ripped. Looks like he might be in his 30s or 40s too. Insanity. I can only imagine what native europeans looked like when they didn't practice this awful modern lifestyle.
MAOA-L gene is a motherfucker
>Looks like he might be in his 30s or 40s too
probably in his 20's desu
Looking at the effects colonialism had on native genetics we get a real understanding of why everyone is so fucked these days. You think European hunter gathers needed bracers, or had gyno? Of course not.
go back to sniffing petrol
Carbohydrates are cheap to produce. Eat the bread goy.
Wheat and other grains are a shitty carb and micronutrient source desu
shut it burger fat. Heart disease is one of the biggest killers in your nation
Why does it affect Aborigines significantly more than others to have a modern diet? I've known tons of Africans and Indians, and especially whites with perfect teeth on modern diets.
choose one
dude og abbos didnt even look hideous wtf, we did this to them?
Unlikely to be due to modern diet. It's more likely due to giving babies pacifiers type things. Also, a lot of cross breeding.
Braces dude.
They are also low in nutrients.
I feel genuinely sorry for abbos but I also hate them with a passion. It's an abstract kind of feel.
Because of their isolation. It's like introducing it directly to early humans whereas Africans, Indians etc. have already been exposed to agrarian society and haven't been hunter gathers for centuries. There are Africans that are affected but they are from more remote regions.
We gave them sugar and booze
The Chad carnivore vs. the subhuman grain eater.
It's not because of industry, that's the work of the welfare state.
I will ASSuME they are like natives of the American Southwest and there local adaption to a lean diet was to have a "Thrifty Metabolism" so the body extracts maximize nutrition from the food (and they had to walk at least 3 hours a day to eat) so on a modern diet their bodies extract Maximum nutrition from an over abundant diet and get fat
What is the ideal diet? Carnivore?
>It's not because of industry, that's the work of the welfare state (that exists because of industry)
wow big brain over here
Based. All anons should get into whole grains and home milling, if you have a coffee grinder it's a good start. Don't let yourselves get jewed out of the full nutrition of your grain and try to prioritize heritage varieties which usually have more complex nutrient profiles. Grain isn't your enemy, it's a tool that you need to use properly to succeed.
one is male the other is female
>Because of their isolation.
This. You need hundreds of years to get used to a change in diet. Guess it doesn't help abos are low IQ either.
Conventional answer would be a balanced diet is ideal. Not all meat, not all wheat, not all veg and def not all sugar.
Predominately a good mix of healthy meats (low nitrates/preservatives, less processed, etc.) and healthy vegetables while limiting simple carbs (breads, pasta, rice, etc.), sugar, overly processed foods, and general junk food. Occasional fruit and nuts are fine, but excessive amounts are not great because they have a lot of sugar and fat/calories respectively. Dairy is dependent on how you tolerate it, for most white people its fine.
Lean diet? Wtf you talking about? No one eats a lean diet, no one. You know why all wild game today is lean? Because humans in the past thought they were shit because of how lean they were. So they instead killed and domesticated the fatty animals. Because that’s all humans ever gave a shit about, The fat of the animal. Without fat you go insane and weak
warriors? they literally raped their own kids on the regular and were laying around all day, just like they do now -the petrol they drink and welfare, so they had to hunt.
Because these fucks don't have to desperately work for food, the industrial revolution is a failure?
The reason it's a failure at all is because we don't sterilize people living off welfare.
not different from anglos then
>human race
Dude you used to be able to buy aborigine meat in Taiwan's markets back in the 1920s.
Man dominates nature so easily.
>eat local
>eat non-processed
>eat balanced
>live as naturally as possible (expose yourself to the elements in a controlled manner)
That's all there is to it.
It's not the industrial revolution, it's the choices people make.
>this thread
So the lefties were right and you guys are retarded.
Source? Wtf, chinks really do eat anything.
Ted was right, Abos aren't human though.
Np. Just to clarify after re-reading what I wrote, simple carbs aren't the devil and you probably don't have to go full ketogenic diet, they just shouldn't be the bulk of what you eat. If you look at one of the plates like in the pic, standard american diet would probably have some carb like pasta in the big portion and some meat in the small portion and veg in the other small portion. I would recommend veg in the big portion meat in the small portion and either some carb or a different veg in the other small portion.
just ban soda and your abos will be thin again.
they were late on the bus
stop repeating fanfics from psychohistory guy
same like with infectious diseases, they had no time to select to tolerate those diets better. Europe especially turned to those diets slowly, so ther was enough time for selection to get rid of the worst effects. Same thing happened when syphilis was brought to europe, first it basically ate the person alive, eventually the effects became much milder.
look at this champs
The worst thing is that they have their local version of agriculture that was adapted to local situation.
Sadly its all go to hell when Anglos landed and unleashed sheep, rabbits and Irish.
>first colonist report green grassy plains with park like forest
>abbos used fire to manage terrain and flora
>sheep come and eat everything when colonists hunted abbos
>when land is not tended and sheep overgrazed it it turn to desert like wasteland
>sheep and colonist move forward
some were definitely shredded as fawk, but the average aboriginal has a strange kinda skinnyfat build. Or many of them do at any rate. Superb eyesight and hand eye coordination, really athletic, but swole or shredded as you'd expect for such natural athletes, just kinda smooth or, as I said before, skinny fat.
Not a rip on abos, or criticism, just an observation.
While likely true, this is quite useless. We need to know what exactly is our modern diet missing (or what poison it contains), general ramblings like this are completely useless for dealing with the problem.
their population was also reduced to like 100k in early XX century
>kill the best enslave the rest
They belong in a reserve, with zero contact. Selling them alcohol should be a capital offence.
>sheep turn grassland into desert
>abos used fire to manage terrain and flora
I don't think you should put desertification on the colonists' bill. Australia used to have large interconnected forested areas, until the abos "managed" it all away.
surely they know how to make their own by now?
That seems like the likely the case, unless there is a deficiency or toxin that prevents it, we may just be genetically unable to burn large amounts of fat, (outside ketosis/starvation) because it was never needed, fat was rare and rarely comprised a large fraction of our diet.
No evidence or even indication of any of this.
fire was one of their tools and they actually know what they were doing not like colonists
Goddamn that middle dude looks like he is 50 but built like a tank
Is this what we're all supposed to look like naturally bros? Did we get jewed out of looking like Greek gods?
>Is this what we're all supposed to look like naturally bros?
pretty much
good diet and phisical activity and living under th sun and close to nature build you
especially diet is important
>also notice that they have no tattoos- its ritual scarring
Intelligence is a measure of your environment user. If you live in modern society, understanding Kierkegaard and maths equations makes you intelligent.
If you live in the wild, being able to understand and exploit flora and fauna makes you intelligent. Your knowledge of Kierkegaard would make you dumb in that environment, just as your knowledge of making bows and knives from flint would make you dumb in a corporate boardroom.
most of their teeth fall out due to violence lol