All of you are going to be vaccinated

Since this is really going to happen against your own will, what are the BEST methods to quickly annul a vaccine?
>Drink alchool and hope to piss it out?
>Drain out some blood?
>Heroin/Adrenaline injection?
>Suck it out like poison?
You have less than 18 months to come up with a solution.

Attached: XpgonN0X.jpg (399x399, 22.49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What authority does this geek have?


You can't, enjoy being sterile.


the only source of power in this world, immense wealth

Bro, this dude lives in my state. Every time I see this little sucker he skeeves me the fuck out. He walks around with that little weasel looking head smirking knowingly at shit. Fucking hate this dude.

>a land full of fully chipped zogbots
seems like a bretty chipper idea how bout we anhero some more figgy towers while we at it yo

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I'd rather die than to take the vaccine

pls do something

Guy literally stole the concept he got rich off of. Why this is such a common theme for rich sociopaths?


Maybe the towers are the most reliable way to activate the killswitch in the chip

Hell no. I try to avoid any place he is. Creepy little fucker.

I have already immunity.

Thats a good movie. In minecraft.

Being a sociopath in society is heavily rewarded.

You know what must be done in Minecraft, faggot.

I suggest watching this movie and making it a meme. Not related to OP at all.

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Lmao, you talk casually about one of the richest men in the world like if you know him. Also pls do something

This is the mindset we need to have. Death is coming lads, whether you're ready or not.

The 5G meme isn't just a meme. It's how Covid-19 spreads. 5G at 60 GHz when pointed at you will stop your cells from absorbing oxygen, as claimed by David Icke in a recent interview with LondonReal, a video that was just taken down off Youtube.

You remember the videos in Wuhan of people dropping dead mysteriously? The sudden lack of oxygen in their lungs caused them to collapse. This is their end goal, this is how we are killed off.

Wuhan is the most populous city in Central China, and they were the first to get the 5G rollout in mid-October 2019... A month before the first recorded outbreak of Covid-19
>Wuhan City, the capital of Hubei, is expected to have 10,000 5G base stations by the end of 2019, said Song Qizhu, head of Hubei Provincial Communication Administration.
>China Mobile Hubei Branch has activated 1,580 5G base stations in the city as of mid-October, achieving the 5G coverage of universities, transportation hubs and other densely populated areas, according to the branch.

It gets crazier. It gets creepier.
It's all about control. About monitoring your movements, your purchases, your thoughts.

They're setting up these 5G towers and launching 5G satellites as we speak that will control us through fear, or force, or by melding our minds to AI.

They're locking us down while they set up these 5g towers. Who dares oppose the elite Lucifarian pedophiles now? Welcome to the happening. Not what you expected, is it?

Bill gonna cure us like he did to Windows XP PC is still infected.

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Refuse it


How do you propose we fight it?

I'd probably take the vaccine if it's not like an actual chip/mark
I believe in God, but, if it's a regular shot. what's the difference from me taking the flu shot and this shit?

the thing about it is I know it's no flu shot, there is literally articles out there that now say it's a tattoo or something. I'm obviously not taking that shit.


Vaccines basically unleash an immune reaction in your body, which in the worst cases can develop into severe inflammation and auto-immunity. It's typical to get the flu shot and have "flu" symptoms for the next days.
Vaccines are no joke and shouldn't be taken like they are candy as redditors and other imbeciles preach.


>happen against your own will
If it's the actual mark it must be taken as a conscious decision.

You can't it's already been foretold and guaranteed. Best we can do is wait for the tower of bable to fall

>implies he takes the flu shot
>implies he's a Christian
>says he'll take the vaccine

>5G at 60Ghz when pointed at you blah blah blah
Good thing 5G is 3.5Ghz then, you fucking schizo.
5G is on 3.5ghz, brainlet. You have no idea what you are talking about.

You're spreading defeatism backed by mindless religious predictions which there is no evidence for. Nobody should listen to you. In a time of war, you would be hung.

don't be dumb, Muhammad, I'm 20 years old. I grew up getting shots.
I've read revelation, it's one of my favorite books to study.
This Mark or Chip must go in your right hand or forehead.

He has the big hand of jew right up his arsehole.

When his lips move, it is jew fingers operating them!

>20 years old
You're at the age when you think you know everything when in fact you know nothing. Drop the religious bs and learn to think for yourself. Drop the corporate medical bs and learn to think for yourself. Or die.

Oh hey its THIS thread again
>"this is really going to happen"
>just accept it goy
Obvious shill slide thread

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>you fucking schizo
What are you going to do, shill? Kill me for speaking the truth? I'm going to make peace with my maker tonight. What are you going to do? Pray to Lucifer? Will the oligarchs care about you once you've sold your fellow man down the river?

>Joe Imbriano warns that 5G technology will broadcast at 60 GHz, which is the absorption spectrum of oxygen molecules, which means it can kill at a distance. At the molecular level, these frequencies affect the orbit of electrons, and that affects the ability of blood hemoglobin to bind with oxygen. If blood cannot hold oxygen, the result is death by suffocation. In short, 5G technology has the potential of being used as a weapon to quickly weaken, disable, or destroy individuals or populations.

What does a wounded animal do when it's backed into a corner with nowhere to go?

And you're a godless degenerate who are always the first to die. Do you think all this is happening for no fucking reason? Just because you don't believe in it doesnt me they don't. They want you to hate christ and be a spiritually dead drone. You're exactly what the elite gnostic kikes want. You've already been played by their antiChrist rhetoric.

i will never take will gates’ satanic vaccine id chip, i’ll use my samurai sword to assault the government agents first.


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No, I'm not dropping the religious bullshit, I will tell you that I love my Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. And He loves you too.

You know, it's funny, in the Bible, Christ tells you people will hate those who believe in Him, but have always hated Him first. Why do you want me drop this religious shit? Why do you hate something and someone like it's real to you?

Huge doses of Iodine, magnesium, special heavy metal chelators, lypsomal glutathione, and buy a Nuclear Receptor from Pyradyne. It will protect against all 5G waves, detox the body, protect the auric field, etc.

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Learn to free-run. It will literally leave you impervious to all forms of volatility, whether inter-personal, or technological. They can’t track individuals smoothly who purposefully take paths contrary to normal movement. Plus, when you’re moving they’d have to know where you’re going to remove the oxygen that will be there when you arrive. Run, it is the key to all freedoms.

>entire country goes into lockdown minus "essential workers"
>notice them putting two 5G towers up

"Frequencies are above 24 GHz reaching up to 72 GHz which is above the extremely high frequency band's lower boundary"

Ars Technica:
"5G networks will use both low and high frequencies, but they're supposed to offer their highest speeds on millimeter waves. Millimeter-wave spectrum is usually defined to include frequencies between 30GHz and 300GHz. But in the context of 5G, carriers and regulators have generally targeted frequencies between 24GHz and 90GHz"

now kindly go kill yourself, you lying whore

hide in a cupboard when hans comes knocking

He's just some rich dude who wants to help out the poorest of the poor, you schizo assholes.

Make insurance for side effects.

Hes not rich enough to take over the world he makes 12 billion a year thats nothing compared to 20 trillion a year america makes

Maybe so, but he's got friends who make more cash than America does.

Why is everybody always so fucking afraid? I am getting so fed up with this bullshit because fear is literally driving every decision and infecting the rationality of the masses. You are all so afraid of your governments. Learn to free run and only the devils will chase you.

Inject them with bullets when they try.

that won't fix your legs once you're disabled
yes, there are records of vaccines making you disabled

>dude, just let the greedy fucks shower your world in radiation & electromagnetic fields, run "free" and condemn your children with birth defects, infertility and extinction of sensitive small animals and insects!
>stop being afraid lol you're making ME fed up!

You're wrong. Bill gates is a fucking parasite. He fucking poisoned computers so bad that the only way to get a decent one that doesn't make your life hell is to buy a fucking fagbook. He has always been and will always be a fucking tyrant. He deserves to die for windows alone.

Imagine having steel particles (or worse) in your veins when you're being bombarded with 5G microwaves
Dude, just take the shot!

nuh uh

Says somebody who will never act or do anything. Running is the beginning. You don’t just run for the rest of your life and expect it to solve your problems. If you can control your body, you can begin to control the world around it. If you’re too weak to do even that, you’ll crumble under the weight. There will never be action taken by those who are unwilling to put one foot in front of the other, taking steps to achieve goals. If you think you’re doing a great job “fighting the power” from behind a screen, manufactured and constructed by the very people you claim are trying to “kill you”, then just off yourself now as you are so misinformed and deluded from all the propaganda you can’t possibly think for yourself. They are literally thinking for you, as you consume the product that you think is going to kill you. Tell me, please show me, where is your logic?

anti vaxers may be an ally in this. perhaps they can kick up a shitstorm.

Real funny hearing that from someone who's probably either laid off from work or paid to shill.
You don't that realize the economy is collapsing and the 5G is going to affect you too.
Just go take a drink, forget your worries, since coming here seems to make you so "fed up"

Come get your (((VAXXINIGGERISATION))), Goyim!

Insurance may reduce future failure for somebody else if you properly make a contract.
I know vaccines can even lose your life but insurance can be a solution for the society.

It never ceases to amaze me that at a time when humans are pushing back against technology, they fail to take a step back and realize that becoming more reliant on the very nature that makes them human is the only way to combat what is happening. Tell me, what was one of the first things children learn upon being born? Movement and manipulating their environment with their bodies. It’s time to stop having your thoughts funneled into their tunnel-vision model, where you have no choice but to go along “willfully”. Grow a pair and step out on your own into the dark, you’d be surprised what you can see once your eyes adjust.

You are so fucking dense and have yet to make an argument or statement worth addressing. Go ahead and throw gross assumptions about an anonymous character trying to impart some actual wisdom. I don’t give a shit what you do, but there are people who will take this into their own hands and they’ll never rely on you, so enjoy the ride that you’ve been strapped in to.
>imagine living your life like a theme park ride, only seeing the images they push in front of you because you were too scared to break the rules and take a step for yourself
Fucking pathetic

I have nothing against vaccines or insurances but all I can say is that I will absolutely never trust a vaccine made by / or funded by
a) China
b) Israel (or any jew for that matter)
c) Bill Gates

Vegans don't need to take the vaccine