Are trangender men naturally conservative

i see a trend of transgender men (women to became men) embracing traditional gender roles and i wonder if that makes them natural conservatives. What does Yas Forums think?

Sorta... all of the naturally conservative transgenders join the 40%

Nah, they just deranged from all the birth control and feminist propaganda.
>A retarded, faggot shark still eats fish, but that don't mean it ain't a retarded, faggot shark...

What's the subreddit?

They are trying to become an image of their grandmothers.

well yeah. based trannies

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seriously wtf is this shit I keep seeing it too..
seems like just 10 yrs ago they all wanted to be harley fookin quinn

Disgusting, why can't people just be fucking normal?

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Are fake vaginas capable of getting wet?

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It’s a ftm in the pic, and it’s doing a poor job


Hah, gross.
It's like it knows what it's done to itself and subconsciously has to engage in bizarre masochistic rituals to compensate.

Nah, anybody who falls for the tranny meme is a fucking rube.
Surgery can't make you into something you aren't.

Transgender and conservative? Have you recently suffered a blow to your head?

Only cuties are based ones. The rest should be gassed.

Suffering from gender dysphoria is not a political issue, but a medical one. Someone could have gender dysphoria and be liberal, conservative, libertarian, fascist, etc. They're completely unrelated. To say that someone can't be trans and conservative is like saying someone can't be diabetic and conservative; a purely medical issue has no bearing on one's political beliefs.

it’s a fetish

It's not a medical issue, it's a cultural one.
Someone taught these kids that if they don't act like they're expected to the solution is invasive life-altering surgery.
The very concept of transgenderism entering public discourse has made it a focal point for attention seekers with body dismorphia issues, and people who reject the role of their sex out of feelings of inadequacy, or distaste.
"Transgenderism" isn't naturally occurring, it is a manufactured phenomenon, and must be brutally stamped out, starting with the clinicians that advocate it as a "treatment".

More of a psychological disorder and should be treated as such.

Most transgendered actually like the traditional gender roles because it is a sure way to behave as the gender they want to be. The non traditional ones are usually the ones you see reading to children or screaming that they want more rights, the silent ones just want to be someone's trad wife and don't even want to be remembered about being trans everyday. Tldr; gas the drag queen reading hour types, save the trad ones so they can adopt white orphans in a trad household

Why is it so difficult to accept who you really are? It's a psychological disorder, ask any expert in developmental psychology

That place made me want to vomit. Of course those of freaks want to be degraded. They've turned themselves into repulsive monstrosities who nobody wants anything to do with beyond using up their freak hole as a gimmick.

>gender dysphoria
gender dysphoria is not real, and you can thank pimozide for letting us all know your fetish is really a psychotic episode

How about they all be persecuted? Things were better back in the day when freaks were shamed

let me tell you what transgender really means. it means you're a gay guy who is not attracted to gay men. it means youre a gay who is attracted to heterosexual men, and to make your fantasies a reality you get surgery.

Yes, those straight guys would be thrilled to land a wife/husband like that. Visit a shrink, (wo)man.

>mentally ill woman pretends to be a man
>gets autogynephilia
9000 keks

Why does Yas Forums seem to completely memoryhole the existence of ftm? This happens way too frequently.

It's not that hard to accept really. I know I was born a men and never will be a biological woman but I also know that I will never be a man in the traditional sense. I'm to much of a weakling to protect and provide but I do like to cook, make sure the house is organised, make sure everything is nice when my bf comes home. I always have done things like this even before hormones and to me it seems better if kids grew up in a father/ (fake) mother household than in a father/father household or in some kind of children's home. I pay for my own transition by working part time and saving, I don't push it to people I meet, hell I don't even talk about it until someone asks me something and both my bf and I are happy with it. What's the problem I'm causing here?

Yes , with blood and pus .

He's undermining trannies by equating them with being thirsty faggots who are willing to chop their dicks off for an outside shot at a heterosexual man.

Please friend Polan, do not proliferate the stereotype that the Polak is dense; you represent it too well.

kys tranny

I kinda agree with killing all the freaks. attention whores, get them. Drag queens, get them. People so lazy they need mobility scooters to go to the store, get them. I only think my definition of freak is more something like, an unusual creature (like me indeed) who can't contribute anything to society because of their condition (not like me)

>girls pretending to be men embracing traditional gender roles
No, they become a caricature of what they think a man is. That's why they shave their heads, wear trashy clothes, grow a scraggly soibeard, smash their bodies in, and talk in that ridiculous 'man voice' that sounds like Patrick Star.

Because there doesn't seem to be as many ftm .
And they're just sad . So sad that even pol doesn't want to pick on them .



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You clearly show intellectual superiority here. Do you think you can form a sentence so you can adres your thoughts or are you just as bad as the ones screaming kill trump without being able to back this up with arguments?

It's a woman that cut off her tits, then put on fake tits to feel like a woman and it turns her on? What kind of mental retardation is this?

This entire thread is dense, open your eyes.

uh, I'm turned on by this bitches bod... am I gay? whats going on, I don't understand anything any more.

I know a lesbian chick that dresses categorically male but is an 8/10 blond underneath her manly persona and she's told me that for the right dude, she likes both men and women. But just prefers women RN because they're easier for her to get along with. She said some shit about men all being terrible and she's not entirely wrong, but like every brainwashed normie she refused to accept that women are even more terrible and she only gets what she wants because dike whores consider her a catch.

>am I gay?
Yes, that's how this works. Getting turned on by a tranny makes you a flaming faggot with no desire for women anymore. See you at Pride, homo.

Th3 fact that the present you is unable to protect and provide doesn't mean the future you won't be able to. Wotk on yourself and don't give up without even trying. Cooking and other creative things are not necessarily femenine, it's just easier for women than it is for men to do these things. Stop being a faggot. You'll regret the hormones once you're an old man with tits. A man will never be able to replace a woman.

i'm ok with crossdressers and pretenders and gay/lesbian whatever, as long as they don't start cutting off body parts.
I mean, you have a fetish, you are addicted to vice, don't brag about not being normal, but self-mutilation is worse than a crime, it's a grave mistake.

The underboob doesn't look fake though.

Oh I know I can never replace a real woman, hell I can't even get my own kids. But to say that I could be a man if I dropped the hormones is a bit far fetched. Before I started I had absurd low t levels so to "work on it" I have to get testosterone supplements just to be in the male range. What's the difference in shotting up one or the other just to function? I will never be a full man if I go natural and I will never be a full woman if I go natural. Better choose the one that lines up with my personality and not bother anyone with it I think.

I think the ones that truly believe they are in the wrong body gravitate towards an idealized image of that gender. so like other user said, the grandma & not some kind of feminazi. So men do make better women after all.

Brain damaged is brain damaged. Should be disposed off immediately


>worse than a crime, it's a grave mistake.
it is a crime most foul, beyond vice or the deadliest sin. It is mutliation of that form made in his image, a vandalism that shakes the highest order, and spits directly onto that image of god. It is a crime under that high kingdom...

Let's not talk about brain damage if you're from South Africa. You're either a nigger or a white man who's forefathers thought it was a good idea to move to africa so please don't make a laughing stock of yourself

I just read your posts and thank you for explaining it, I have a lot of respect for you. I don't think you should be bunched in with the weird attention whore trannies with all the strange make up and costumes whatever... sure have fun, but who cares what a persons preference is unless they are messing with kids.

I noticed this trans girl at court one day, and she was dresssed very traditional, not drawing attention to herself, and just had a chill vibe. That, and there was this one change my mind episode and the transwoman was like do you think I would do all this if I didn't have to? So there is a difference, I know I'm not explaining it very well but I respect the 2 spirit people, can't stand attention seeking faggots

I am thoroughly confused by this.

Is this a biological female, who had her tits surgically removed but then wears fake ones?

Or is this just a strange larp? Or a male tranny on hormones?

Please explain.

it was a girl, she cut off her tits to be a boy, sometimes she (as a boy not) puts on fake tits to humuliate herself. It's like tranny inception or something

in other words, if she decided she was a girl again you could fuck her and not be a homo, just she would have wierd tits

Don't acquire kids pervert.

absolutely not, retard.

Thanks I appreciate that.
I personally think the attention seekers just don't really have a personality to display so that is why they clamp on to being trans so hard. Just like the kekistani faggots that don't have anything to be proud of so they just lump in with a group and make the whole group look bad. Besides, a lot of trannies are indeed failed males who don't even try but just scream about life being unfair. Life is unfair, get used to it. Putting yourself in a victim role and blaming others that they don't serve you with everything you scream for isn't gonna help you. Being a good person, not bothering others with what is or used to be in your pants and overcoming the obstacles you encounter in life by yourself will help you.


How can medical professionals enable this? I predict in about a decade we'll see enough lawsuits about post-transition regret (particularly in regards to child and young person's transitioning) that it might put the brakes on this shit a bit.

Is it better to let them grow up in nigger riddled child protection homes? Or let them get adopted by two father's? My blood line is weak and shouldn't be continued. That doesn't mean i shouldn't do what I think is best for all kids, namely growing up with a fatherly role figure in their life's as well as with a mother figure to care for them. Still have the feeling I'm doing a better job than abortion thots or incel keyboard warriors if it comes to preserving white children.

Yeah, I agree. For me at least sex with a partner is sacred and no ones business but mine and my partner. Interesting what you said about not having the personality, and how identity politics is pushed so hard in college (which I think now are formative years), but the identity is based on hate? hating the white man or whatever... instead of developing a personality where you are challenged and learn to love yourself. Some of the NPC's here won't get it, but makes sense to me. I'll see if I can find that video