/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3005

► Detected: 1,347,689 (+1,685) ► Died: 74,783 (+129) ► Day: 89 (-19:28:57)

— 4.3 billion people put under lockdown —
— 213 countries and territories infected —
— 4.1x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,087 strains have been sequenced —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —


Ecuador hands out 2,000 cardboard emergency coffins

Boris Johnson, UK prime minister, admitted to hospital

NY official says morgues are full

NY official says deaths at home have multiplied by 10

51 patients in South Korea reinfected after "recovery"

Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

COVID-associated acute bleeding necrotizing brain damage

Teen death without previous conditions suspected in South Korea

"Recovered" men show half the normal levels of testosterone

Under 2 year old in Morocco dies of coronavirus

"We have entered a recession as bad or worse than 2009", IMF director

Most deaths go unreported, Italian mayor says

Beijing scientists: virus probably originated from Wuhan biolab

China burning bodies without testing or registration

CDC approvals delay testing in New York

05:51: 232 new cases and 55 new deaths in Italy
05:29: 586 new cases and 4 new deaths in Pakistan
05:28: 280 new cases and 9 new deaths in Peru
05:28: 87 new cases in the Czech Republic
05:21: 105 new cases and 6 new deaths in Norway
05:20: 255 new cases and 1 new death in Israel

► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2: MORE: pastebin.com/raw/qy5RFpVX

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Other urls found in this thread:


his name was gary


Can we get a dead BoJo within 24 hours?

So do you need a blood transfusion or a bone marrow transplant to beat Coronavirus?

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you mean 2-4 hours

Do you think Boris will make it?

Digits decide

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>"umm muh symptoms in household"
>apply for bux

He will die, but not from coronavirus, he will be run over by a truck of peace while leaving the hospital

SARS-likes should never have been allowed in the BSL-3/ABSL-3 category.

>still no treatment

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Singles and full recovery by the end of the week

the joy, ooohh the joy

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I hope we kill china


Does a lung donor have to be a family member in order for the transplant not to be rejected?
Asking for a friend

Missed the 3000 thread... not even postin a sad face anymore.

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>Georgia just added 65 deaths
>only had 10 deaths yesterday
lol what

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Does anyone still believe in a cure?

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out of the gate

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United States 367,650 (10,943) Spain 136,675 (13,341) Italy 132,547 (16,523) Germany 103,375 (1,810) France 98,010 (8,911) China 81,740 (3,331) Iran 60,500 (3,739) United Kingdom 51,608 (5,373) Turkey 30,217 (649) Switzerland 21,657 (765) Belgium 20,814 (1,632) Netherlands 18,803 (1,867) Canada 16,667 (323) Austria 12,332 (220) Brazil 12,232 (566) Portugal 11,730 (311) South Korea 10,331 (192) Israel 8,904 (57) Sweden 7,206 (477) Russia 6,343 (47) Australia 5,895 (46) Norway 5,865 (77) Ireland 5,364 (174) Czech Republic 4,822 (78) Chile 4,815 (37) India 4,778 (136) Denmark 4,681 (187) Poland 4,413 (107) Romania 4,057 (176) Japan 3,906 (92) Pakistan 3,864 (54) Malaysia 3,793 (62) Ecuador 3,747 (191) Philippines 3,660 (163) Luxembourg 2,843 (41) Saudi Arabia 2,605 (38) Peru 2,561 (92) Indonesia 2,491 (209) Mexico 2,439 (125) Thailand 2,258 (27) Serbia 2,200 (58) Finland 2,176 (27) Panama 2,100 (55) United Arab Emirates 2,076 (11) Qatar 1,832 (4)…

United States +646 (+72) Brazil +49 (+2) South Korea +47 (+6) Australia (+1) Norway (+1) Pakistan +98 (+1) Mexico +296 (+31) Thailand +38 (+1) Hungary +73 (+9) Bolivia +11 (+3) Sri Lanka +2 (+1) Guyana (+1) China +32 Austria +35 New Zealand +54 Lithuania +37 Kazakhstan +8 Bulgaria +16 Uzbekistan +15 Afghanistan +56 Taiwan +3 Oman +40 Cuba +13 Honduras +7 Ghana +73 Kyrgyzstan +12 Georgia +7 Paraguay +2 Cambodia +1 El Salvador +9 Guatemala +4 Fiji +1…


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Talks to the nation to announce his recovery.
Cytokine storm as he's talking live.

One million infected thread was the real party

anybody webms with sound of people losing their shit during this crisis ?

ex. streamable.com/fugn80

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So what happens when Europe and Latin America can't have their Proxy Wars due to lockdown?

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The 6 million infection thread will be our biggest party

Happeningfags BTFO!
Say it with me: JUST A FLU!

Did antibiotics really change much?

Bacterial pneumonia still has a 30% mortality rate and it wasn't that much higher before they came along.

r0lling for him to live and use his newfound gift of life to re-ignite the flames of nationalism and colonialism and catalyze the world against china

What happens next may shock you
I'm not even going to check the numbers again until 20 hours from now. Gonna be exciting

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I just checked back after wakeing up, and it didn't even have special Corona...

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TRUDEAU BUX are dumb, I don't get any either. If I work I lose. I don't wan't to quit because I know that would make me a shitty person, but .. fuck


>Some Swedish Hospitals Have Stopped Using Chloroquine to Treat COVID-19 After Reports of Severe Side Effects

>Several hospitals in Sweden have reportedly stopped administering chloroquine to coronavirus patients following reports the drug was causing adverse side effects.

>According to the national paper Expressen, hospitals in the Västra Götaland region are no longer offering the antimalarial medication, with side effects reported to include cramps and the loss of peripheral vision.

>One of the patients affected was Carl Sydenhag, a 40-year-old Stockholm resident. According to Expressen, Sydenhag was prescribed two tablets of chloroquine to take daily after he was diagnosed with COVID-19 on March 23.

>But instead of making him feel better, the medication produced unpleasant side effects. As well as cramps and vision loss, Sydenhag experienced a headache that felt like stepping into "a high voltage plant," he told the paper.

>Magnus Gisslén, a professor and chief physician at Sahlgrenska University Hospital infection clinic, told the Gothenburg Post he and others at the clinic administered chloroquine "like everyone else." But as of two weeks ago, Sahlgrenska University Hospital has stopped all use of chloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19.

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COVID-19, Mr FreeMan? That's the name that has been given? I don't see the problem of calling it by other names, such as: Commie Cough, That Other Yellow Fever, Sweet and Sour Coughing, CCP Virus and Kung Flu. After all it did originate in China.

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To all you newfags, this is a memeflag. memeflag is short for white hating, plague-spreading, parasitic, kike-nigger. And these fucking pole smoking trannies are everywhere. Just remember, If the flags a meme, it's not /our/team

antibiotics only work against bacteria user, Covid-19 is a virus. Sorry if I misunderstood you.

Which will come first:
1) 6 million actual worldwide deaths or
2) Israel claiming 6 million deaths inside israel alone

>quoting type-o negative is shilling
lol k

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Is this that pilgrimage bullshit they told them not to do?

Tuesday always picks up where Friday left off.

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What do you mean? Yes it did.

Anti malara drug to stop infecting red blood cells and a blood transfusion to put in healthy one sounds like a winar

How are the crematoriums doing at your countries lads?

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i'd check that. i'd check that so hard

Who else here has been getting drunk every night?

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tourist hikerino.

You misunderstood.

Even the silver bullet antibiotics really didn't change too much in regards to bacterial infections.

It can definitely be life and death in some conditions, but overall, mortality rates for heaps of bacterial conditions haven't changed much.

I doubt there'll be effective treatment for this the 1st go around.

The Israelis will be busy digging mass graves and filling them up with dummies and mannequins.

can anyone seriously reply, why would any of you incel neets want mass extintion? it's literally unamerican, inhuman, i know you guys are pretty damaged but come on

Weird? Maybe I got to a wrong 3000 on accident...



>blood shortage across the US
>so bad they are letting faggots donate blood now
>somewhere reported that donated blood was infected at like +50% (not US)

>meme flag is a faggot
gee what a shocker

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>1 view
>it's me

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sadly no.

I was two tripels a night during the week at the onset and got pretty shitfaced on the weekends. Nothing too bad but didn’t wanna get fat, so I scaled back to one a night, still get blasted on the weekends though. I’m in Colorado though so I get high as fuck at the same time.

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So everyone is fucked

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Why do fascists have such awesome logos?

Check what's happening in Israel right now. A lot of people are breaking the lockdown and quarantine. Some areas are basically fighting with the police. One government official positive with corona basically broke quarantine and suspected to infect other officials and probably hundreds if not thousands of others.

March was the best month ever

Some nice graphs about the situation up north:


Looks like Denmark, Norway, Iceland and possibly Estonia might have passed the first wave. Finland is some way behind, Sweden shows no signs of slowing down.

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>meme flag
>terrible formatting
fuck off nigger

Memeflags like splitting threads, one US poster too. Argie threads are the stamp of approval.

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Not Safe For Kikes?

Do Not Reply to Meme flags

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He's going to go into a coma and come out with brain damage likely because they'll use all their medical wizardry to prolong his life even unnaturally.

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Local hockey rink is saving it's ice for when the morgue starts filling up. It's grim, lads

I have learned to ignore such chinks when... quelling them was out of the question

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>In the period from the 2nd to the 4th day, you need to give the medicine to the person - and that medicine is hydroxychloroquine. If you don't give the medicine, on the 7th day the patient will already have a completely compromised lung. When dry cough and shortness of breath appear, it will be very difficult to treat the disease. The Prevent network found that by starting treatment from the 2nd to the 4th day, and using hydroxychloroquine in combination with azithromycin, you save the person. She won't even be hospitalized. Prevent takes care of 25% of the population of São Paulo and has thousands of patients in the city. They made a protocol, based on telemedicine: if the number of breaths per minute is over 22, they send the medication to the person's home. With this, the patient is cured at home, without even using the hospital system.

>3 captchas

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good ideas lead to good fashion?

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I highly doubt it. You don't wanna pretend to get sick to get sympathy points, it makes you look weak. And, well... y'know. Sick. That's not a good look for a world leader.

You wanna look strong and stable, you don't want people thinking "oh shit my head of state literally might die because of flying chink AIDS." I don't think the benefit from any sympathy would be worth the risk.

Cuz it's not like he contracted it heroically. He wasn't saving lives or anything. He simply got sick by being stupid. There's nothing noble about that. The way he's handled being infected has been admirable, but I super duper doubt it would be of significant enough benefit to be worth faking.

back to plebbit with u

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Why is Sweden doing what they are doing?

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Blood and soil

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>inb4 nurselarp spergs out that the dude isn't a real doctor like he did last time

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I niw what happened. I started going back. Saw one called #3000 editon and though thst was it... I shouldn't be doubting Argi, but in my defence I litteraly just woke up

Do Not Reply to Meme flags

Social experiment

Thinking about covering "god was never on your side" to "trump was never on your side" to annoy /ptg/ shills

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what are you seething about winnie?

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not me

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>Shitty person
Think of it this way, who's a bigger jerk? The guy who quits during a pandemic or the boss that requires their workers to work without PPE during outbreak?

Fuck I remember that video

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Because they don't fear the initial peak yet and it's better to get it over with than collapse your economy in 1 week.

There is literally no reason to lockdown if you estimate your health care system will not be overwhelmed.

They wanted to genocide their elderly but ended genociding their refugees instead.


Cull the rapists?

>brooo it's only a cough broooooo

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Isnt the swedish health system getting overwhelmed already?

That first post alone. Ah, well. Worldometers stopped making their day-by-day graphs on the world level?

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I love a ZESTY blend.

>1 out of 10 peeps in mexico are diabetic
>75% of peeps in mexico are either overweight or obese
>the streets are packed, as always

yep, it's italia time

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forgot this one


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How long until the travel bans lift? I can't stand my family any longer.