@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/6/20
>Black Voices for Trump ONLINE! 4/6/20
>EnSec Brouillette on FBN 4/6/20
>VASec Wilkie on JohnFredericksShow 4/6/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on F&F 4/6/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on (((FakeNews))) 4/6/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/6/20
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 4/6/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on GMA 4/6/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on TODAY 4/6/20
>SG Adams Special Message for NPHW 4/6/20
>SG Adams on CBSEveningNews 4/6/20
>NORAD&NORTHCOM Comdr AFGen O'Shaughnessy on FoxNews 4/6/20
>CDCVideo: Can ibuprofen make Corona-chan worse? 4/6/20
>CDCVideo: Can Corona-chan last on surfaces and in the air? 4/6/20
>CDCVideo: Can you catch Corona-chan via poo? 4/6/20
>WHVideo: WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx PSA - Stay The Fuck Back! 4/6/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:





Not bad

no dumness in this thread
smartposts only

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Make the UK great again too

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love that fresh bread smell

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Imagine being an user who never baked, what a sad life of unMAGAness

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Trump's nefarious intent knows no depth too deep.

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blooming, like the onions of australia!

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yaru na

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imagine being dum (and gay)
how absolutely embarrassing

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... Well?

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Oh no.
He wants people to not die.
What a horrible monster he is.


Damn his ass wanting to heal Americans and get us back on track!
Selfish bastard!

It will be just fine and it wasn’t a pandemic then.

i honestly can't
it's a fate worse than death

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That's the best picture I've ever seen of the White House, she really has taste.

Yo fuck u wh*te boi

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when are the next primary thingies for dems to pick either bernie or biden? it's been awfully quiet lately on that front

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Get Yas Forums and score yourself a nice white wife after this is over!

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Can anyone give their opinion on whether we are a democracy, a constitutional republic or a mixture of the two? I’m in a debate with my friend and can’t find common ground. For all intents and purposes it appears we operate under both. Thanks

hi Tedros.

That means there is absolutely no other way I could be running outside and doing indoor workouts mhmmm gonna sip this beer over here okay

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what's your point?
WHO also dismissed it as a pandemic until it arrived in Europe.
Also people like Elon Musk where dismissing this thing on shitter.

honestly kinda surprised

I'm forgoing movers for all but the stuff too bulky to carry by myself. Heavy boxes up and down stairs is a good workout.

These people are truly fucking braindead
They rail about right wing conspiracy theories and then come up with shit that makes right wingers look sane because their is actual fucking proof no matter how slim

You're new and yet you're already putting out classic ancapanon content like this!

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I swear, of Boris dies I will fucking break shit.

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Lucky. My house is one-story. (My area has a high water table, no basement.)

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third opinion; we’re a constitutional oligarchical republic with democratic tendencies.

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You will never be White and it makes you so angry.

i get to pinch those love handles when quarantine is over

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I'm the genuine article though des and certainly not new.

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I wonder the political ramifications if Boris dies

Nothing in the constitution sets us up specifically for oligarchy, that’s just how it turned out.

China will 1000% collapse if he dies.


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have you tried to use soviet boomer wojacks?

Imagine not utilizing the stuff in your backyard as work out equipment.

I've got an old 200 lb cable spool that I used to use as a table in my garage. I've spent the last several days flipping it in my backyard for a few hours at a time. Gets me sunlight and fresh air and keeps me from losing the gainz.

Because if you take out a very well famous political leader, and open up wet markets, do you really expect people to lie down like little good goys and get away with it?

I got a stash.

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>reading between imaginary lines
user, i didn’t say the oligarchical elements resulted from the constitution did i?

Nice, I just love the machines so much. I pray they will LET ME IN soon but yeah I'm gonna have to run around outside like a crackhead

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I would agree with that opinion also but the words and terms now seem to be just splitting hairs, know what I mean. Both republics and democracies have elected representatives, which by turn can easily be categorized as a group of oligarchs.
Link related

>inb4 wiki links don’t count

this is going to happen anyway
once this is over a lot of govts are going to force any business to move their production out of China to either back home or more likely somewhere else
trust in China is the lowest it has ever been
they purposefully spread this so they wouldn't be the only ones hit by it and that plan is going to backfire on them hard
I foresee Vietnam, Indonesia, Taiwan and India being the big winners after all is said and done

You did by putting it between constitutional and republic. Move it after republic and it’s fine.

Hence why the USSR can come back.
Without a major nation to host what China did, people will take that as a way to rebuild a old nation.

See this, and this

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I truly don’t believe that anything will change globally after this

Mexico too. They're cheaper than China these days and a lot closer.


Do you know anyone who wants to build factories in China right now?

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On second thought this is mostly a nit pick. I still don’t like your particular word order.

No one.

wouldn’t your interpretation put oligarchical first? i have a feeling you misread my post as constitutionally oligarchical republic. for what it’s worth i’m not privy to government naming conventions.

then you aren't paying attention
people are pissed
govts are pissed
China basically rekt the world with their lies and deceit and everyone knows it
not to mention stopping ships to some places like Australia and then sending both defecting and kung flu infected medical supplies to other places
their threats to withhold US owned, China made pharma
things are going to change

Just enough to get board notes?

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Do you have a better one user?

fuck, the speech bubble is cropped out. ma ii ka

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> black guy coofing into his hand

should we tell him?

Trump is an evil genius hell bent on making us all politically uncomfortable.

What were they gonna say?

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whats gonna happen this easter bros? will Trump disclose some truths? will nothing happen? will everything happen?

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The republic is set up by the constitution, hence constitutional republic. On further reflection you could consider all representative democracies as oligarchical since only a few people ever hold actual day to day power, but this is oligarchy in the traditional sense of “a few people holding power”. Democracy (as a concept) in theory at least allows those few people to be replaced.


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>whats gonna happen this easter bros?
Christ returns

i changed my mind. we’re a non-binary attack heliocentric inter-galactic empire.

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What I’m gather from this is that whatever it is that we operate under, what it’s CALLED is largely inconsequential??

>will Trump disclose some truths?
Q said there would be alien disclosures

From a practical standpoint no. It just doesn’t read well to me and seems to have negative connotations, ie that the constitution was specifically written for to have the outcome that we currently have.


I imagine all corporations are spooked enough to avoid China for the foreseeable future. Trump can offer massive incentives to companies that stay in the US. Or that at least avoid China.

Bottom line is, Congress must pass a law about critical supplies being manufactured inside our borders. Trump will have the mandate to force the Democrats to sign. They will fight it, but will look completely anti American doing it. They will be forced to sign

The Easter bunny will rise on the third day. In fulfillment of the scriptures.

I suggest we should work with Russia if China fails.
Thing is, there is a chance that they will go communist again.
But if that happens, maybe we can head back into space again without gooks ruining everything.

easter bunny is a jew invention to take away the holiday from Christ just like Santa and Christmas

these tards keep copy and pasting the same shit. has anyone debunked it yet? ive yet to find sources for any of these quotes.

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So a friend of mine was posting bat memes on Faceberg while talking about corona coming from bats, and got this. IDK how to feel.

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