Is this place a cult?

Is this place a cult or does it have any kind of good influence on you? Granted 90% of whats going on here its shit, but everyone is here for the small amounts of good content you find every 3 days, or for the interesting anons you find once a week, its like africans digging for diamonds in cow manure. I digress. I came to this place a long time ago and out of all the places I ve been to throughout my life like different countries, schools ,work places etc. this places has easily had the biggest influence on me and on how I see the world and now I pass everything that I come across or all the things that happen to me through the filters that I acquired here. I don't just blame everything blindly on the jews or on the women or on the surface Yas Forums shit that everyone spams out of boredom here, but sometimes those really are the answears. I slowly grew to reject everything from the modern world bit by bit and I am not even sad about it, the only thing that stops me from completely dropping out of the rat race is because my parents worked hard to offer me an education and they would be disappointed in me. I see no point in hoarding money because, at the end of the day I dont really want a lot of things that money could buy, I am enganged so I dont care about whymbens, on the grand scheme of things power and social status mean nothing so I dont care about those either. To be honest the older I get the more I think getting closer to God is the only sane and meaningful thing I could ever do. As Emil Cioran once put it

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Other urls found in this thread:

"I don’t understand why we must do things in this world, why we must have friends and aspirations, hopes and dreams. Wouldn’t it be better to retreat to a faraway corner of the world, where all its noise and complications would be heard no more? Then we could renounce culture and ambitions; we would lose everything and gain nothing; for what is there to be gained from this world? As far as I am concerned, I resign from humanity. I no longer want to be, nor can still be, a man. What should I do? Work for a social and political system, make a girl miserable? Hunt for weaknesses in philosophical systems, fight for moral and esthetic ideals? It’s all too little. I renounce my humanity even though I may find myself alone. But am I not already alone in this world from which I no longer expect anything?" I dont feel like I am getting black pilled here, because ever since I started thinking like this I am way happier than I used to be when I was striving for money and status. I know there are a lot of people in this same situation on this board, but did we really come to this way of thinking by ourselves or did we get brainwashed like cultists by Yas Forums ( not just posts, also books and other related material)

Word word fjdjkd. Disks kfkc kkks John backdrop man

a true ef pee bee pee

I'm addicted to this place. I think it's mostly for emotional reasons.

YES YES YES!!!! I've been saying this all along! A thousand times yes! It's about time somebody finally listened! You're not special! We don't need anything more than MSM to give us our news! This place is just a cult of conspiracy junkies! Stop drinking the koolaid! Go outside! Talk to real people!

You have sharpened your perception about useful vs useless things. Many things in high esteem are mostly useless. What I don't get is how so many of you derive happiness from it.


Cults do not allow outside influence or opinion. You have this place confused with the rest of social media and reddit. Any idea can and will be presented here. Worst case everyone calls you a nigger.


Who says we derive happiness from Yas Forums? We enjoy our anger. Lurk more.

>What I don't get is how so many of you derive happiness from it.
its not that I derive happiness from it directly, but from the fact that I was lucky enough not to remain a slave to the hedonistic propaganda that we ve been spoon fed all our lives since childhood
>This place is just a cult of conspiracy junkies
I don't agree because the people you are talking about are just neo cons who are stupid as hell, there s a lot of them here but I don't think they make up the majority
>I'm addicted to this place. I think it's mostly for emotional reasons.
we all are to some degree, what do you mean by emotional reasons?

pick one faggot
Yes, neocons use stupid people to implement their agenda but they are not stupid. They control this whole fucking planet.

Nah, Yas Forums does more good than harm as long as you stay grounded in reality and take all things in moderation. Remind yourself that no matter how shitty society becomes, you can still find personal happiness in this dystopia.

One interesting thing I've noticed, though, is that I might be getting addicted to anger. Whenever I read some infuriating shit like pic related, I get an adrenaline / endorphin rush. Can righteous moral indignation become addicting, bros?

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>Is this place a cult or does it have any kind of good influence on you?
Probably not to the first part and maybe 2nd.
Spending a lot of time here is influence but
most people remember a pol in a land before
shills and it just doesn't exist anymore.
Jannies can try their best to kill these leftypol
and shill fags but they don't or if they do it never
changes, at all. Since 2015-16 it has gotten
worse, more transparent, and if the mods of this
board had the brains or the balls they would
just start filtering out shit. "BUILT FOR BBC," or bbc in general (what does it have to do with politics?) are fucking anything. Instead we just see threads destroyed and no change. They don't care about us and it's up to us to make the best of it at this point. That's all we can do.

Hey OP, I’m basically in your exact same boat. I’ve been here for a long time. Chased the money/status hard for a while and was very successful. I ultimately burned it all to the ground and checked out. I’m not sure where I’ll go from here. I have a 3 year old that I spend 95% of my time with and while there are tons of opportunities for me to hop back in to the race and make a ton of money, it no longer appeals to me. I’m trending more towards the renunciation of my humanity as well, save being a stable and loving father and partner.

Yes. I love the Chan. Both 4 and Corona. Yas Forums will bring about our enlightenment, while coronachan will bring about our destruction. It has all been foretold in the archives.

you are faggot. please, kys.

Old school Yas Forums is a Cult.

A cult that brainwashes you to think for yourself.

The alt chans destroyed themselves. It doesn't really matter where you go. You can't have real conversations with people and when you can, cherish that fucking shit. The rest is just this garbage now. Get down on your knees by the trash can. Reach down there and fucking eat it. Cause that's all we deserve at this point. You want free speech? It might be the closest thing you get anymore but it's silenced by all the vapid noise and pointless reddit/cth/leftypol faggots. They pretty much won because we let them and you faggots are so fucking stupid you fall for this shit. New fags everywhere and retards. Even me. I'm retarded for responding to this shit thread

I love all of you, including the psychos, schizos and morons. Maybe especially you guys.
There are outstanding autistic deep dives into dark and hidden matters here. It used to be much better, now jannies and Jews and chinks, who don't even bother pretending to be someone else anymore, foul up the works as much as they can. But they are easy to spot and dismiss. This board is still a great place, frens. There are a lot of clued-in and connected anons posting.

I've gone from libertarian to Trumpian to National Socialist and proud Aryan while lurking here. The Jews won WW2 and they won't stop until there are no more white people, only a deracinated mass of goyim. I love Jews - a lot are smart, and funny, and patriotic nationalist Americans. But their leadership wants us dead, as a people, and they are mindfucking us day and night. Mindfucking the kids. It has to stop. Facing up to this is realignment with reality, not cult indoctrination. Its a difficult reality to face, and I think only certain types of people are predisposed to face it. Our type of people.

>I’m retarded for replying to this thread
Yes, you are. We all are. Sad state of affairs we are in these days.

You’re right on the money, Señor.

>You have this place confused with the rest of social media and reddit
the people who use other social media and reddit act on those sites in the same way they act in real life. their cultist ideals were not created on there, they just get together in those places. As for the people who come here, they come here to get away from the tiresome world the redditors and other people you mentioned enjoy living in. But even here there's a consensus, there s generally accepted ideas and if you stray from them people call you a nigger, but people call you a nigger anyways just for the bantz so its no biggie, if freedom of speech exists here it doesn't necessary mean this place couldn't be a cult
>They control this whole fucking planet.
I don't think the average 65 year old neo con with skull decals on his truck is the same as the Bush family
>you can still find personal happiness in this dystopia.
true, as for the righteous moral indignation addiction, I ve been there too but I think its mostly because things are so openly dystopian and no one seems to give a damn.
Was your son born before or after you started feeling this way? I ve been talking to my fiancé about having kids, having them its the easy part, raising them on the other hand. There are a lot of things that concern me, mainly because after the kid turns 4-5 you barely spend any time with him, in kindergarten kids spend half the day there, they come home and watch cartoons or something who are filled with propaganda and product placement, then school follows for a whole decade and a half and you spend even less time with them, if you even try to teach them anything they ll just shut up boomer you because they ve been programmed to think parents are bad and are not worth listening to, nigger music on the other hand, that's where the true enlightenment is. Eventually he would snap out of it and come to his senses like we did, but that hurts too most of the time.

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God dammit OP! Take off your fucking flag and make PARAGRAPHS!!! I'm not reading all that shit!

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there is no consensus. There's just memes. Its nothing like a cult because there is no repercussions or reward

A cult? Nigga you just went full retard. This isn't a fucking cult.
Everyone here is here for the lulz, the end, full stop.
If you think anyone here takes anything they see here seriously, you must be some kind of nigger, or at least a spic.

>I don't think the average 65 year old neo con with skull decals on his truck is the same as the Bush family
This is how I know you are intellectually retarded and filled with half knowledge of things.

>Take off your fucking flag
okay user
>You can't have real conversations with people and when you can, cherish that fucking shit
You know whats weird? the best conversations I had on here lately were in non political threads that get deleted by the jannies
>Its nothing like a cult because there is no repercussions or reward
I see what you mean now.
>This is how I know you are intellectually retarded and filled with half knowledge of things.
you really think the average neo conservative who is conservating liberal ideals from the 90s and wear shirts like this are the same as the Bushes?

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I'm glad you've honed your mind in this place. Many don't understand this but past the memes and infographs is a little bit of enlightenment.

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theres a whiff of coping in your commnets. just letting you konw.

stop talking about money and status so much, makes it sound (maybe it is the case) that you are actually pretty worried about it

if you're engaged to a woman you're not really that detached. you're on the outside looking in at people who really are that detached. you're not really one of us.

>you really think the average neo conservative who is conservating liberal ideals from the 90s...
Yes, neoconservative belief has strengthen 100 times after the 90s and 2001. You don't even know the basic principles of neo conservatism. You treat it as some kind of a buzz word.

I do live in the middle of nowhere.
Now that I’m developing chan symptoms after seeing a chick on sat, I will also go insane.
Pic hits home.

This, minus the successful part.

Good post OP. This place has good influence on me but I'm here way too much and the shills get to me. I remember how things used to be it was great.

This too.

sorry but neo conservatives are useless

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check this video

>the cult of Terry S. Davis

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lets dance for the king
it just takes too much to find normal people you can actually talk to now

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>It might be the closest thing you get anymore but it's silenced by all the vapid noise and pointless reddit/cth/leftypol faggots.

i swear to you. Nothing, nothing makes me more enraged than CTH people come to places like this. They really think they belong, they really think they're part of this somehow. It's not worth analyzing

this guy did it in a high faluten way but honestly everyone already knows on a gut level. They fucking infest places and ruin them in the most subtle, irreversible way. once they have enough numbers, due to the nature of social media, you can do almost nothing to rid yourselves of them. someone on FAGgit once said that the onyl reason tis place isn't dominated by cth is because the intensity of uncensored stuff here automatically filters out a lot of them who legit can't handle it and have no admin, mod, or janitor to send complaints to. that still doesn't, I've seen the more and more in the last say two years, and after participating in a few niche subreddits and observing them at length first hand, I can say they are a huge fucking problem wherever they go

I hate them so much it's hard to express it, I hate them more than when i see niggers murdering whites in the news, or jewish vulture capitalists bankrupting midwest towns and sending the proceeds to israel. on some deep personal level they represent all of those forces and they bring them at our very fucking digital doorstep, paces like here pc game communities. the last fucking refuge for people who have dropped out, who are done, who are not partiicpating at all and want to get away from it, and THEY FUCKING FIND US AND INFEST US.

and the weirdest part is that they somehow think we are the cool kids and are jealous of us and want to belong among us. I hate them so much i really can't describe it

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God always finds those who are willing to seek him out and find him. To them he rewards with knowledge.

His name is peace.

>meme flag
>no source
Do not reply to shills.

I took the memeflag off and what source? literally my ass, what source do you want me to give you for my own opinion

Ever ask yourself why they hate memeflags?

There are cult presences everywhere.

I just shitpost and fap so it's literally not helping a cause.

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Also space is fake and earth is flat

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>Is this place a cult?
Maybe if we weren't at each other's throats all the time

how so?

in a world of lies truth is a cult

it's a fun place to waste time
sometimes you have a good conversation, learn something new, get in a fight, or just enjoy good vibes
kind of a like a digital pub for angry loners and super-racists

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work through the anger. you will feel hate in the distance. don't go to it. a bit off it is the feeling of moderation that will lead you to virtue. I used to be angry. I felt hate coming on, I rejected it. It is irrational to hate non-whites. It is only rational to love our genes and hate the situation that is their extinction. Be moderate so your brutality, when necessary, is calculated, and devastating.

I love Yas Forumsspiration threads...
Love u faggots
No homo

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This place isn't a cult because literally any form of information or dissent is allowed here. This place is the direct opposite of Reddit because negativity and controversy is what drives other than gay faggot agreeing upvotes. There is no leader here and you can call anyone and everyone a nigger faggot and blow their thoughts out of the water if yours is better.

You consider it a cult because you probably had your feelings hurt or you're a weak fag but it's not Yas Forums's fault that it's always right.

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This place used to be a place where like minded peeps would share articles and have discussions relevant to those articles. It has since had a name change and many waves of newfags. The biggest wave is the magatard christcuck. The most recent wave being leftarded.

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