I hope you fucking racist are happy, what does a Chinese restaurant in America have to do with the CCP?
based and redpilled
All anti-chinese shilling is done by US government agencies and is paid by Soros.
I support China because their rise means the death of liberalism.
I saw a story about a chink restaurant with 100 (!) health code violations. The place was run like a wet market.
Every chink is a sleeper agent.
And you're paid by the CCP.
Chinese restaurants catch fire ALL THE TIME they do it themselves for INSURANCE MONEY
>no more bat soup
>no more dog stew
>no more insect puree
tough stuff
people stopped going there, they made less money,
I would say confidently they torched it themselves for the insurance money.
Chink-Jew Lightning
The chink probably tried to put out a grease fire with a spray can that said "inframmable", not realizing that "frammable" and "inframmable" mean the same thing.
>Me Chinese
>Me know trick
>Burn down weswant
>Get paid quick
I wonder how many peoples’ restaurants are going to get “burned down by arsonists” so they can collect the insurance after going corona broke.
why does shit like this never get a reaction from americans? but hydroxycloroquine does?
that didn't even make sense you nigger.
>non partisan anti chinese league
I dont give money to non white businesses anyway
Is this the end for most chink immigration in the west? I mean, what else do they do except open chinese restaurants?
Hey Chang what you doing?
or it's an insurance fraud,,
bankruptcy because quarantine/isolations vs' insurance money
we should actually do this. imagine going a few states over and just burning down some chink businesses.
should be clean if youre careful in minecraft of course.
Either that or it’s another dreary false flag
That girl isn't a chink you dumb faggot.
>what does a Chinese restaurant in America have to do with the CCP?
Once a bug always a bug
insurance fraud
People don’t understand that if China can be a nation, if Russia can be a nation... YOUR country can be itself too.
This is THE reason why Soros hates China, and holds the USA up as an example to be followed. Others hate China because they want to run shit in their own country without rich Jews subverting every aspect of society.
America should decouple from China, of course, but if thier leaders actually gave a flying fuck about Americans they would be pissing off people like Soros and Theil too.
99% chance. And free pity points for Chinese.
I’m very cynical about ‘hate crimes’ these days.
If Boris Johnson dies, this will happen all over the UK. EDL type mongs will go on a rampage.
the majority of Chinese "Americans" are loyal to CCP first. They're traitors.
Stupid fucking faggot, they call you a foreigner in your own country in Chinese. They like it when China wins over USA in anything.
Fuck Chinese, I'll beat the shit out of the next chink I see.
clearly jewish lightning. or is it chinese lightning now?
restaurants are all failing now. this chink lit it on fire to collect insurance.
Dont be stupid, our greatest ally against the ccp is the chinese people.
One of the reasons jews are so effective, is because people's hate towards them makes jews united, jews realize their own identity when faced with outside persecution. By attacking Chinese with these random acts of violence, you are making Chinese realize who they are and you unite them together. And unified 1.4 billion Chinese are the force much more effective than jews.
Insurance scam. Chinks burnt their own place down.
What ya doing there chinky ???
She's 35 and single. That's why
I can tell you that niggers did this
San Diego? I can't imagine some onions boy latte drinking faggot committing setting this place on fire
Niggers claim to be victims of racism but they they are most racist of all.
oh that's in SD, i used to drive by there all the time. it could have been the chink owners, to get the insurance money, and then they flee back to china. now that the panic is in full swing, i doubt they'll send investigators to see if it was arson by random racists or if the owner dropped a match on some oily rags at 3am.
>what do they have in common?
>Chinese restaurant
>Chinese communist party
Chinese you idiot!
Whoever did this, you are doing God's work. Keep it up. I hope others will join soon.
Sink the chinks!
Go home chink
i've lived in san diego, there's not a whole lot of niggers there, at least not the type to set fires. they mostly do burglaries and small crimes to get money. if i were the chink owner of that restaurant, facing mounting losses, i would torch the place. it was probably the owner or someone he hired. look up "jewish lightning". the azns do it also. jews and azns are very similar.
I'm surprised people haven't started destroying CCP assets in the west. Persistent looting and destruction would probably hurt quite a bit.
>what does a Chinese restaurant in America have to do with the CCP?
They send their money back home and then split, leaving huge debt they never intended to pay off.
Fake news, no white person would set a chinese restaurant on fire without releasing the dogs and cats first.
That doesnt say that it was set ablaze by others or whether it was unintentional
fuck yanks
fuck chinks
fuck kikes
Odds are the Chink owners set it on fire themselves for the insurance money.
Heroic, also dead in the middle of chinatown.
They burn their shit semi-regularly for insurance claim money.
Hope it's real though, if even califags are somehow sneaking into chinatown and burning it down in the middle of the day, they are evolving.
>prc shills think we can't sight identify them
>appeals to consensus
>speaking in emphatics
>not jew-pilled
it's so fucking easy out here lately
gooks are even dumber than the jews and trannies we normally brain
If we decouple from China, there would be no economic consequences for destroying or seizing their assets
Makes you think
I for one will legit never eat Chink food ever again after all this
Maybe panda Express, maybe
Relax, it's just the owner trying to recoup losses from insurance. Car dealers are doing the same.
It’s actually smart.
>be restaurant
>lose 90% of your revenue
>burn restaurant
>collect insurance money
That's called an Armenian housecleaning in the San Fernando Valley. They do it for residential and commercial construction sites as well as operating locations.
>what does a Chinese restaurant in America have to do with the CCP?
Chinks are only loyal to their homeland. There are only a very few exceptions.
and remember how many chinks are trying so hard to spread the virus in the west
remember how Chinks were ordered by the CCP to buy medical stuff in the west and send it to china
remember how the west send medical stuff to china for free
remember that they are now trying to sell medical chinkshit back to the west (that shit doesn't work)
China fucked up big times AGAIN. It will happen again if we let them get away with it
just make it yourself, chink food is braindead tier easy
it just wont come with all the health code violations and suspect meat
Hey Chang, whatcha doin?
With Panda Express type restaurants, you need to gauge by sizing up the staff and overall cleanliness at that particular franchise.
Kearny Mesa is full of Asians and Mexicans, only. This is an accident or insurance fraud. There are hundreds of Chinese restaurants in that area - why would a 2nd story level be a target for arson?
it was done for 2 reasons - insurance money and to be used against americans for their evil opinion on the poor, poor chinks
it's like most of the people already forgot how chinks bought a shittload of masks and other essentials in january and shipped them to china
If white nationalists aren't regularly gunning blacks down in the street I severely doubt they'd bother with a Chinese restaurant.
insurance fraud
>shut down businesses for an indeterminant amount of time
>still have to pay rent and all your other bills
>don't know when its going to end
>take an easy out with a payout
It's called insurance fraud. Insurance companies are denying claims for business interruption because they have clauses for virus and bacteria, so they have to torch them.
Based. They really are traitors and should be deported.
Me so solly
Also investigating this would be an act of racism and grounds for the restaurant owners to sue the pd for persecuting them
Either that or it was a rival chink restaurant.
However, i think it's worth noting that if traditional chink gangster shit begins also being used for political optics plays on top of the regular fraud, it represents their final evolution into full blown nujews.
This is terrifying.
until the insurance investigators show up
pretty rare for them to get away with it, even when they hire it out
and chinks getting away with it?
>I hope you fucking racist are happy
Not yet, but when there isn't a single chink left alive then I will be.
>be chink
>business is RIP due to chink flu
>set fire for insurance muns
>claim muh racism because stupid round eye care
crispy rucky chinese
All these resources are now tied up instead of responding to real emergencies like corona, is the chink owner really to blame?
idk idc and the likiliness of it being political is as equal to it being racist which is we don't fucking know you fucking retard.
Yeah it’s over for them. I’ll miss their beef and broccoli and them talking shit about Americans, in America, in mandarin.
insurance fraud