I've been banned from every popular "left wing" reddit board. I'm convinced the 50 or so mods are all spooks.
I'll settle for a decent left wing copy pasta against lgbt.
I've been banned from every popular "left wing" reddit board. I'm convinced the 50 or so mods are all spooks.
I'll settle for a decent left wing copy pasta against lgbt.
>Anti-lgbt communists
You misspelled National Socialists.
You are on the right way comrade, don't let them subvert you into a liberal degenerate
Moralism in either direction is booj
Try /leftypol/ on the ocho, pretty sure they at least have room for socially conservative types. They bitch about progs constantly whining about muh LGBTPBBQ at least.
Although honestly, if you're already socially conservative and not tied to Marxist nonsense about abolishing the family and gemeinschaft in general you only have a very small list of realizations to make before you trade red for black, and not even very big ones either.
>racial/ethnic identity isn't going away
>race is real and differences between racial groups are meaningful
>market mechanisms are better at producing widgets than a command economy
>class isn't going away and conflict between social classes should be managed in a framework of collaboration for the betterment of the nation as a whole rather than eternally and unproductively inflamed
>I've been banned from every popular "left wing" reddit board
Reddit is a herding cage for idiots. It's only useful for seeing which way the herd is moving. You're better off without it.
As a national socialist I wonder where all the tankies went they been awfully quiet this time
A lot of them went to bunkerchan but not all. Not sure where the rest got to.
your only options are natsoc or nazbol buddy. neither are bad options
Was in the same boat as you for a long time. Progressives really are the niggers >market mechanisms are better at producing widgets than a command economy
of the earth.
This is something even though I and many people who are more left wing (economically speaking) realize but don't accept. I'd much rather have low productivity with better labor conditions/moral systems then what we have today (high degeneracy and poor laborers.)
Economic moderate filth.
None, both Trotsky and Lenin were pro faggotry. Stalin was an anomly unless you take the idea that fags are only useful for destablization, after which they are discarded.
I'm actually a National Socialist, like every other with a sense of decency and justice.
You'll only end up getting banned from anywhere on reddit no matter what your position is.
>I'd much rather have low productivity with better labor conditions/moral systems then what we have today (high degeneracy and poor laborers.)
So would I, but that doesn't have to mean a shitty centrally planned economy that constantly over or underproduces things and doesn't know what goods people want or how to price them anyway.
>I'll settle for a decent left wing copy pasta against lgbt.
It doesn't really exist user
You are the last of your kind and dying
is kill but their discord continues to spam up the board. Also the leftypol owner is a tranny faggot so OP is screwed even there
shut up faggot
Very true. Antilgbt anywhere gets you banned quick. I'm not even anti gay just the fucking LGBT cult
Gay culture is bourgeois decadence and gay sex is a destructive health practice. The lifestyle and "culture" based around where you stick your dick should not be promoted in public life.
I don't think the state should execute gays or anything like that though. Just keep it to themselves, be a decent person, don't build a personality around it, and stop trying to influence kids.
This is mindless moral idealism.
How can you consider yourself leftist or communist and not understand science or accept humanity as it is?
If youre trying to impose an ideology on the nature of humanity itself you’re too authoritarian to be communist.
Sounds like you have more of a problem with the T than the LBG.
>National Socialist
Do you mean like the Nazis or in a more broad sense. Nazi economics was fairly moderate.
Go back there
Fuck off
Poland still mad he was double-teamed lmao.
>Nazi economics was fairly moderate.
This is a meaningless statement. All economies are planned, the only distinction is who is doing the planning and what their ends are. National Socialism aspires to regulate economic and social activity so as to maximize the well-being of the Volk.
I have a feeling you're just a tankie. But the current global economic system of socialism mixed with neoliberal "late-stage" capitalism and the dominance of supranational organizations like the UN and IMF, which LGBT is a symptom of, was created from the clashing of free market capitalism and communism. Preferring to go back to either free market capitalism or communism because you think the current world order is pozzed beyond belief is like a COVID-19 patient on a ventilator wanting to go back to the fever stage. We're fucked and the only way is forward to the (hopefully) inevitable collapse.
>modern tankies
>not people who need to take their pills
You're not going to find any.
>implying leftypol isn't being flooded with meme tier r/chapotraphouse fags
I'm still surprised that stormniggers believe Nazi Germany was actually socialist.
>you're not a true leftist if you don't buy into intersectional theory 100%
Ok lib
>Gay culture is bourgeois decadence and gay sex is a destructive health practice.
The real redpill on homosexuality is that it is a medical condition. Research on the topic is totally verboten by our current ruling class as they are parasites who see the spread of this disease as essential to weakening their host population, but we do have some leads as to the cause of this pathology. All of the epidemiological traits of homosexuality point to a behavior-altering brain parasite which is spread by child sexual molestation. Homosexuality is a public health crisis which can easily be solved by removing Jews from leadership of our society and quarantining those infected with the homosexual pathology until an effective treatment can be developed.
Here is a good discussion on the growing research field of behavior-altering parasites in mammals: youtube.com
>National Socialism aspires to regulate economic and social activity so as to maximize the well-being of the Volk.
Well in practice what Germany had was a central central government in charge of corporatist entities. Or in other words, a technocratic approach 'lets let industries regulate themselves y'all's, so I'm a bit weary of that kind of approach, considering the corporatism approach of neoliberalism here in the US not having very stellar results. Plus I don't have a clear Idea on how the Nazis planned on succession once the old man died, seems to me it would have just fallen apart or just become the Soviet Union after destroying the Soviet Union.
National Socialists are not communists and one of their very tenets is anti-communism you stupid fuck
>I'm still surprised that stormniggers believe Nazi Germany was actually socialist.
Socialism is any system which seeks to explicitly regulate social and economic activity towards some higher end. Do you have some alternative definition of socialism?
How are they moderate? They’re sensible. The fuck do you expect them to do, go full blown retard gommie?
Nazbol strasserism is an answer. All troskists, neomarxist and neotrosksist-globalists swines should be gulaged.
How come you wish to suppress white people?
Maybe create an economic situation that didn't retardily cut off trade with the outside world and that needed bullshit like MEFO bills to function (temporarily)?
Face it, Nazis were economic centrists wrapped up with pretty language and held together with ducktape. Their socialism had no way to sustain itself with going into a war they had no chance of winning because Hitler was a tard.
Nazbol-strasserism is even dumber than nazism.
Go read Stalin's notes on the letter that one British fag journalist sent him, should cheer u up but then make u sad when u realize commies like that have gone the way of the dinosaur and now chairman tranny is in charge
Disagree, Hitlerism is dumber, worse than Mussolini's fascism, and Mussolini's fascism worked so poorly the central government had to do everything as a defacto left-Socialist government.
>so I'm a bit weary of that kind of approach, considering the corporatism approach of neoliberalism here in the US not having very stellar results.
It is not the structure of a system that matters, so much as the end-goals of those who direct it. For example, every major private industrial concern in National Socialist Germany was required to have an NSDAP party member on its governing board in order to ensure compliance with regime directives, our system has a similar policy, the Jewish financiers who actually rule us require their representatives on all company boards in order to ensure that no Aryan ethnic networking or solidarity is possible.
>Plus I don't have a clear Idea on how the Nazis planned on succession once the old man died
That's a non-issue. National Socialist Germany was highly meritocratic, not only would the people vying for the top position be of excellent intellectual and moral character, but the bureaucracy itself would have come to increasing embody the ideals of the state, making the top position in the party less vital to the well-being of the system.
Yeah but at least they picked a side. Trying to straddle the line between ideologies who fundamentally hate each other just means you'll get despised by both of them and hence will never get anywhere.
>All economies are planned, the only distinction is who is doing the planning and what their ends are.
that's a bitter pill. if true. I want my God, my faith to govern the economy because I don't trust you and I don't trust myself.
>I'm not even anti gay just the fucking LGBT cult
You sound like a MIGApede, cuckold.
National Socialists were more anti-capitalist than anti-communist. The portrayal of National Socialists as capitalists is a Jewish post-war slander. Neither traditionalism nor nationalism are possible without a socialist state which regulates cultural and economic activities.
>I'll settle for a decent left wing copy pasta against lgbt.
LGBT is anti-natalist. They don't breed. That means they can only ever be net takers from the system, since they lack the productive drive of fathers in their prime years and will leave no children behind to replace them as they age. It's parasitism just the same as any usurious banker or landlord. What do good Communists do with parasites? They physically remove them, or reeducate them. Sending the trannies and queers to break rocks in Alaska or your nation's equivalent will reduce the problem in short order.
>It is not the structure of a system that matters, so much as the end-goals of those who direct it. For example, every major private industrial concern in National Socialist Germany was required to have an NSDAP party member on its governing board in order to ensure compliance with regime directives, our system has a similar policy, the Jewish financiers who actually rule us require their representatives on all company boards in order to ensure that no Aryan ethnic networking or solidarity is possible.
I see that as an entirely curruptable system. It's still having capitalists run the government and blaming Jews in particular was always a scapegoat, It's actually very naive that just getting rid of Jews would change capitalism's character. You would be run by the central bank and monied interests in no time with your approach.
>That's a non-issue. National Socialist Germany was highly meritocratic, not only would the people vying for the top position be of excellent intellectual and moral character, but the bureaucracy itself would have come to increasing embody the ideals of the state, making the top position in the party less vital to the well-being of the system.
Never going to make it. You need actual Socialism or that "meritocracy" turns into nepotism fast. I don't operate on idealized visions of comic booky politicians and corporations like that. Otherwise I'd be one of those people that worships George Washington.
>that's a bitter pill. if true.
Why? You are only reticent about state power because the Jews have conditioned you to be so. Our ruling class are malevolent foreign parasites which have an internal esoteric system of tribal governance, this allows them to thrive when their host population has no coordinated system of governance. Jews prefer a deregulated economy and culture coupled with an impotent state, as the strong authoritarian state is the only effective means of collective defense which their host population can hope to deploy.
>It's actually very naive that just getting rid of Jews would change capitalism's character. You would be run by the central bank
Literally every central bank in the world is run by Jews. Kill them all, seize the national banks, and distribute money as work is performed.
>“Archive. An idiot and a degenerate. J. Stalin.”
I miss Uncle Joe.
I miss the old times when my country was great
The best part about this is that you were never great and you still aren't, you literal white nigger.
So what, you think Jews just spawn central banks and that nobody else can? Do you run on videogame logic? Do Jews have hypnotic powers that turns people into capitalists?
>So what, you think Jews just spawn central banks and that nobody else can?
That has in fact been the case since the middle ages, so yes.
I agree with you on this one, although queer rights are legitimate in communist ideology.
>You are the last of your kind and dying
This. Even questioning the constant push for LGBT shit is enough to get you kicked out of any leftist organization (at least it was for me). You would be surprised at how easy it is to make the leap to Fascism/National Socialism once you realize how shitty the modern left has become. Half the guys I know today are former tankies.
>having rights
Gulag yourself, subversive
LGBT - is the excess formation. I can't still realise why they should have their own separated from other people wing. I'm sure LGBT is Market's invention to distract working class from class conflict with bourgeoisie. Of course they are potential GULAG habitants as well as Trotskyists, Anarchists and etc are. That's it.
Fascism is gay
This. Hard line socialism cannot function without hard line ethnic nationalism
Lolwut? Queers aren't lumpenproles. They're naturally born that way whether they're influenced by capitalism or not. They've been around since the dawn of humanity.
The problem is co-opting genuine possible socialist movements into irrelevance by focusing on meaningless intersectionalist distinctions. It's just another way to take power away from honest, hard working people.
>It's still having capitalists run the government and blaming Jews in particular was always a scapegoat, It's actually very naive that just getting rid of Jews would change capitalism's character. You would be run by the central bank and monied interests in no time with your approach.
We are reaching the crux of the matter here. What exactly do we mean by capitalism? Is the existence of free enterprise and private property in itself a threat to the well-being of the Volk? What is the relationship of banking, finance and currency to capitalism?
The fact is that productive industries are not politically powerful, manufacturers are reliant on a symbiotic relationship with the Volk and the state and their power is inherently limited. We are not ruled by productive industries but by usurers. In our system, all productive industries rely on a cabal of private bankers to supply them with liquidity. We must disentangle finance from industry in our critique of free enterprise.
This documentary is a good introduction to the topic of currency:
In summary:
1. All of our states have handed over control of currency printing to anonymous private international stakeholders.
2. These stakeholders are also moneylenders, they use perpetual inflation to consume all savings, forcing all significant economic activity to require financing by moneylenders.
3. The private individuals who print the money have prior knowledge of future currency conditions, allowing them to always buy low and sell high, ensuring their total control over all strategic economic activity in perpetuity.
4. Effectively infinite wealth allows the people who print the money to pursue non-remunerative social engineering projects through media, politics, academia and industry.
Needless to say, under National Socialism the money will be printed by the state in transparent accordance with public demand, such as being tied directly to GDP, usury would be illegal.
>jelly cous all capitalism ever created was debt, war, racemixing, and being gay. While communism made white race strong.
Just like how the bots, uncover agents, and trolls co-opted this website from achieving any serious political dialogue. Same shit, different examples.
So Christian realms using Jews to get around usury laws is the fault of all Jews only and not the system at all.
Gotta go after the shop keepers and peasents and not the capitalists, right. Good luck with that logic.
degenerate behaviour is the sign of western decadency, so thats capitalism
>Never going to make it. You need actual Socialism or that "meritocracy" turns into nepotism fast.
The difference is that an ideologically nationalist state has certain obligations to the Volk, and would lose legitimacy if it failed to meet those obligations. A regime which merely presents itself as a management firm for an economic zone does not even make any commitments to the Volk to which it can be held.
>lets let industries regulate themselves y'all's
Absolute power isn't as absolute as you would think, they needed the barons of industry for the time being looking at the war effort. Doesn't mean that was the long term aim.
> They're naturally born that way whether they're influenced by capitalism or not
> They've been around since the dawn of humanity.
It's literally a bourjois disease. The more decadent, disfunctional and unequal society becomes the more faggots and other disfuntional "humans" you get. At the end you always get trannies. There is nothing natural in 1500% rise in this shit in last 10 years in Sweden alone. They are not the working class, never were and never would be. Their "struggles" are fake and invented by capitalists just like their identities.
>So Christian realms using Jews to get around usury laws is the fault of all Jews only
Digits confirm.
>While communism made white race strong.
Compared to Western Europeans, you are not white or European at all. Also, I am not a capitalist in the slightest.