>I officially have a low grade fever. 99.03º. Last night I wrote a will. I'm so tired of people telling me I'm worrying too much and freaking out over nothing. This could very well be my last month on Earth.
>I have compromised lung capacity due to scoliosis. I'm obese. I'm male.

goodnight sweet prince

Attached: V0Sg1E5w_400x400.jpg (400x400, 23.94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

On the plus side, his high sugar diet will inhibit his Testosterone in his blood

he's faking it to avoid prison time.


rip in piss

Attached: FBA3D349-00EE-4321-93C2-2FF738E374A9.jpg (1500x1500, 722.86K)


See you spacecowboy


get fucked cripplemoot

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I shouldn't say this about someone disabled, but I want to punch him in the face. Not really, but in Minecraft.

can i get a quick rundown on this guy

>can i get a quick rundown on this guy

He plays a character called "Q user" on some forum

isn't this a little suspicious that he gets sick right after fleeing the philippines to avoid jail time

F nigger wheels

fuck him. he's a sellout and anti free speech.

how much that he's only playing it for attention?


Attached: CrippleJews.jpg (1373x1300, 219.07K)

>durr guise i have low fever i think i have corona please donate to my paypal

He got 8 chan shut down out of spite and workes with glowniggers thus Free speech. Forums have to go underground. Even further than before

Pro tip. Yas Forums is controlled Ops

He's a creator of Yas Forums

shouldnt have created a hate-filled forum for incel losers...too late now cripple boy

Attached: 1577375974482.jpg (473x500, 48.58K)

99? he does know that 98.5 is only the AVERAGE, right? When I wake up in the morning it's usually in the range of 97.5, and by the evening I'm hitting 99. This clown probably had a little coof, picked up a thermometer, took his temp and thinks he's going to die from a single reading.

I want to dropkick the fucking turd like a football, but in the Philippines.

Attached: VengeanceOnVaros.jpg (1200x675, 120.83K)

clip job looks like some tech pedo lead. .gov needs to dig on this weirdo.

What a dramatic fucking faggot.

He can do neither

Holy fuck 99° C, a literal Hotwheels

>a hate-filled forum for incel losers
posts anyway

RIP Spudley

v o a t . c o
Is hardly underground. Just censored on google.

Stop feeding it attention user.

Attached: ebba.jpg (2448x3264, 2.09M)

Squeaky Hotwheels is gonna get greased.

Gods medical care is a shit-coated turd. But the afterlife got bitches lined-up for the butthurt.

top-ranked wheelchair basketball player in the special olympics

his position is “the ball”

A fever is >100ºF

100ºF would be a low fever

99.03ºF isn't a fever

Goodnight sweet prince!!!!

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rip crip

Gee maybe he would be in a better position to survive the virus if he hadn't gone out of his way to betray literally everyone that has ever supported him in any manner.

Attached: last samauri hitler.jpg (567x850, 308.19K)

Voat isn’t inherently gay, but it is pretty gay nonetheless.

It has all the same problems as reddit on a smaller scale. While the big problems may be literally unsolvable they have taken zero steps to address the smaller problems.

The easiest and most effective change is one I’ve recommended for both platforms for a long time: fix the upvote.
The goal of the upvote is to encourage discussion, rather than act as a “like” or “censor” button.
The solution is extremely simple:
>if you upvote a post, you automatically upvote everything above it
>replying to a post automatically upvotes the entire chain above
And maybe:
>if you downvote a post, you automatically downvote everything below it
The first alone would be incredibly beneficial, the latter may be much less so, but still better than the modern implementation.
This latter reccomendation is still game-able, but requires more thought than “bad think bad” since you also downvote any arguments against what you are downvoting. This means any attempt to game the system would be pushed lower and lower along the comment chain as people adapt to the system.

While there is much more that could be done this change is so fucking Painfully simple to code the fact that it isn’t implemented speaks volumes


why here though?

It would be for me, my normal temp is 96.5

Censor the q-tard subs, and it's good for 3-4 visits a day.
Plus, there are so many near-normies that you can push further fringe.
The censor-kikes are afraid of 4channers getting our hands on them.
Pure putty!!! XDDD

Attached: CensoredVoat.png (679x754, 27.94K)

What happened to cripplechan anyways? I havent followed the shitstorms since 2016.

He lives there, from what I understand. Let's him diddle females his size.


Attached: EFa_mUvWwAAwEMd.jpg (880x1038, 102.27K)

oof savage

CodeMonkeyZ refuses to learn Angular.
Codebase is being crushed under its own weight.

>99.03º celsius

Too add, sorting could also easily be changed to put whatever had the most votes (up or down) as the top comment in a chain.
This means (With the other changes) the only way to “bury” a post is to ignore it.
It isn’t ideal, but most people don’t use up/downvotes as intended anyways, So it is still better than the current system.
It creates other problems, but destroys low-effort tampering of discussion; and most of the created problems require only ignoring

So there are two solutions to the problems of voat/reddit:
>systematically enforcing the purpose of the vote function.
>making downvotes improve visibility.

Both of these are so fucking easy to implement I imagine I could figure it out within an hour despite having no familiarity with how the websites are constructed.

But it will never happen.

God, I miss full poll. Fuck that little backstabbing ball of shit.

>99.03 F

jfc I hate the medically illiterate

You do realize you can pick and choose which subs you have visible, right?
You do realize people like you who have an eternal hate-boner for Q (which wasn’t even brought up) just make the Qult more zealous, right?
I assume you do know that, if only they did as well.

>leader of gamergate is dead

small victory for women all over the world

Better cripple

Attached: Ghost the cripple.png (300x399, 182.78K)

Why does he look like a fucking tranny now?

My bad. By "censor", I mean block.
Improves the experience immeasurably.
I still go to those subs, mind you, to check in on the kool-aid of the day.
Currently it's the whole tunnel-fantasy.
be sure to avoid the default filters by selecting Yas Forumsall after you block the shit subs.

What happened to him? He doesn't run 8ch anymore?

Attached: 1583013115622.jpg (850x907, 105.93K)

>I hate Q subs o fucking much bring them up unprompted
>also, I block them all
>also, I go there intentionally still

Have you ever considered that you may be way more mentally ill than literally 99% of humanity?

What the fuck even is this thing?

gave away the website then kept DDoSing it after it came back then Jim sent flip authorities after him then he ran away to murrica

I have no idea how does he manage considering he's wheel chair bound

He pretty much doxed them and threatened to dox their upstream providers any time they tried to setup shop.
Honestly, I don't know why anyone cared. I think it was a flimsy publicity stunt.
I hope this fever shit isn't.

S you fucking traitor

Original owner of Filteredchan who got spooked and turned tail.
Don’t be new on purpose, it is unbecoming.

Authorities actually broke his legs and submerged all his hardware after 8ch*n was taken down after the El Paso shooterino

Ok, firstly, their hopium is infinitely annoying, and I can't take it 24/7.
That doesn't mean it isn't occasionally entertaining as fuck.

That guy's a rancid waste of a big dick. What a mean genetic joke.

Secondly, that site is unusable without the blocks anymore because of the sheer ratio of q-tards to original goats.
Honestly, I get blackpilled browsing through their emotionally manipulated stupidity.

Expose them at birth!