Hydroxychloroquine is literally two times less efficient than taking NOTHING. Enjoy taking medical advice from a reality TV star!
Hydroxychloroquine is literally two times less efficient than taking NOTHING. Enjoy taking medical advice from a reality TV star!
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OK now do the same with antidepressants and vaccines
Wait nevermind I thought this was a REAL STUDY
It's just doctors paid to give their "opinions"
You misinterpreted the data. That's not what it says at all.
So what you’re saying is HCQ is currently the most effective drug treatment for corona.
You are a blithering idiot.
sure thing, rabbi
Doesn't matter; it's already being distributed and saving lives, cuck.
oh your father needs a ventiralor? Too bad, those are MY ventilators
You're supposed to administer hydroxychloroquine with zinc. Eurofags know this but raging dems don't read.
Wonder how many of them are democrats/republicans. I know there must be atleast some doctors who heard Fauci and CDC say that there are no effective treatments, and are just parroting that.
dude you can clearly see that most of the world agree that Hydroxychloroquine is effective, why are you such a fucking nigger? do you get simp points for posting bait like this?
bill gates REALLY needs that vaccine going out huh? shit fuck you nigga and your damm chip
"One day, it's like a miracle, it will disappear."
Best cloroquine with azithromycin.Read it on French study.Sage this thread OP is stupid af.
Every other country rates hydroxychloroquine as being more effective than nothing.
Probably because they don't have CNN streaming into their doctors' ears that it's Trump brand snake oil.
hey rabbi, watcha doin
Show flag.
Not an argument.
People like you are the reason why Trump is getting reelected.
Lashing out won't make up for your inability to read, smooth brain
where did this come from chang?
When heat rises. Don't take words out of context. This is actually possible because the virus has low heat tollerance.
Do you have a source for this? Do you realize that youre spreading false information that can get people killed? fucking subhuman piecve of shit. Why dont you get over your little faggot power trip and join the rest of humanity trying to leave some kind of society left after all this? People like you suck so fucking bad
Reminder that we were warned by a leak here in Yas Forums.
The correct answer is nothing. There is no effective treatment for acute viral infections. THERE IS NO EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR ACUTE VIRAL INFECTIONS
Have sex.
Why are you celebrating the idea of covid-19 not disappearing?
"When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”
Shut him down.
>doctors consultingmedia outlets for medicinal advice
things that only happen in the US you low IQ faggot
Sorry NAZI'S, looks like your precious little study showing HCQ's effectiveness is DEBUNKED! It wasn't 6,000 doctors, it was only 2,100 doctors!
Also it doesn't matter what doctors BELIEVE, it matters what's true or not based off of SCIENCE. and SCIENCE says we MUST wait until April of 2021 for a double blind clinical study of thousands of people to be done before we can say that it's works!
Source, idiot. Shouldn't each column add up to 100%? Those numbers are meaningless unless provided with context of what questions were asked and why each column adds up to 200%+ One thing that is apparent though is that overall, Hydroxychloroquine is preferred above all other treatments. OP, go dilate.
imagine being as retarded as OP
imagine being the asshole who responded
i mean, i don't even know what the fuck that is, but it can't be the right answer.
>Ten simp points have been deducted from your roastie ledger, seriously what a fucking no good nigger you are
"look at my news screenshots"
In the mean time, papers about HQ have been published before corona had even left China, pointing to its potential.
Leave it to disinfo cretins to look like idiots.
literally fake news
why no mention of IV Vitamin C
I'm laughing at your president who LIED and MISINFORMED the American public about dangers of this virus, a guy who's the reason why America has had the WORSE response to a pandemic, a guy who will be the reason why hundreds of thousands americans will choke to death, a guy who still keeps lying about the unproven drug just so idiots like you have false hope
It's sad but it's funny, really
>The unqualified opinion of doctors is more relevant than studies showing that the drug reduces the duration of the disease by 2 and a half days
Based retard.
Antidepressants are the "blue pills" of life, and people who can't deal with red pills take these to go back to sleep. What's funny is that they literally are sedating.
Jesus is the answer for seekers and not medicine.
literal COPE
Lmao extremely low quality bait. Anyone who knows how to read can see through it. The poll clearly states that doctors consider it the most effective treatment option available, seething faggot.
You know that you are making it more likely that Trump will be reelected, right?
Yeah, no brah. Literally everyone but the fda has been successfully implementing this. Fuck off shillfag.
Do you even know how to read data? Are you fucking kidding me?
>why America has had the WORSE response to a pandemic
More like New York.
>"hurr durr I'm gonna vote Trump just to spite you"
good for you kid. enjoy seeing your father choke to death
why are memeflags seething so hard about HCQ?
source faggot. see:
Probably pointed out already but
>personally seen used
For a controlled prescription medicine versus ‘nothing’ which is literally everywhere
the doctors who replied "NOTHING" are NOT saying they tried Hydroxycloroqine... you do realize that, right?
I don't like it either, my Arab friend
how many docs polled.... 5 of your friends in each country?
fake and ghey without sauce
I fucking hate you so much, and you will burn in hell
holy shit you're illiterate
Because it works and Trump called it.
>37% of physicians believe hydroxychloroquine is the most effective therapy
It’s right there in your pic faggot. Saged too so you don’t get a bump nigger
>t. big pharma shill cocksucker
>asks for a controlled study
>believes Trump without question
>Can’t even read a table
Dang OP, you are a faggot and an idiot.
notice how for doctors in the US - doing nothing is actually their preferred method.
in the rest of the world, doctors prefer not to let their patients die because the treating physician has TDS.
their preferred method of treatment is Hydroxychloroquine.
kys faggot
those retards aren't even using vitamin c. going to the hospital is basically a death sentence with this idiots running things
LOOK, I paid your lawyer $100k in cash, every month. You better believe this shit works. As had your retard audience
that's actually pretty funny. USA healthcare is a joke.
When are they gonna make it a bannable offense for someone to start a thread by posting a cropped image of an article without posting a link to the source?
"Nothing" is the correct answer, it's just the flu, bros.
If you need a placebo I suggest Maltesers.
It probably matters when you take the treatment.
"Right to try" won't help you because you'd be in too a dire state for it to help. You have to take it right when you get flagged for having it.
which means 63% believe it's NOT the most effective therapy, you fucking APE.
It's literally two times less efficient that LITERAL NOTHING
How many of that 51% haven't even tried Hydroxychloroquine?
I'm not gonna watch this shit, give me a tldr
its (obviously) taken from a shill article for fishtank cleaner as miracle cure. in the full absence of any actual proof this snakeoil does ANYTHING. OPs just pointing out the obvious flaw in THEIR OWN data.
Why don't you just admit you were wrong and create a good discussion instead of being a sperg?
Cloroquine WITH azithromycin is the proposed cure.Which are both at the top adding to 69%. And there is no choice to pick them both. So keep seething. You are only showing your stupidity.
Fortunately medical science advances through peer reviewed studies, and not polls. Such studies, particularly the first published by the French, show a lot of success in treatment with chloroquine and Azithromycin, both well known drugs with known safety profiles. This is a loser strategy for you, meme flag faggot.
Your tactics are obviously not working memeflaggot, try a VPN if you want the retards on this board to take you seriously.
Holy shit you dumb fucking nigger, a plurality of physicians believe that HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE TREATMENT
this is two weeks old.
according to these numbers, china actually had the virus, but literally just the flu in USA
>Literal who with a youtube channel says the top infectious disease expert in the world is wrong
Cloroquine WITH NOTHING also adds up to 69% you ABSOLUTE FOOL
You fucking retard that's not how it works. You don't add up the percentage of drug efficiencies.
what an embarrassment
trump admin talks about taking the drug in tandem with another drug...media talks about taking the drug alone. :thinking: ummm, fake news for 1000 alex