Why is the media getting so butt hurt over Hydroxychloroquine?

Is the media upset just because Trump is talking about it?

Like if someone is literally on their death bed what harm does it hurt to try it?
They keep saying it's not proven and it's not FDA approved for covid treatment.
Well guess what... Nothing is. There is no treatment.

And this shit is prescription only so its not like everyone is going to Kroger and buying some. You literally can't take it without a doctor recommending it.

What gives?

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coz trump is no doctor and has no idea what the fuck he's talking about. if you're on your death bed you better pray because that shit won't save you

Got any proof?
A lot of other countries are using it successfully.

It’s just TDS, plus kikes in big pharma running interference against a cheap generic drug

Because they dont want to promote random drugs you retard.

It’s too cheap, and in the pubic domain. No money to be made here.

Big pharma prefers proprietary stuff that brings in nice profits.

Because Trump said it, Trump could come out supporting Ubi and Medicare for all and they would hate it.

it's being used in the United States as well. it seems it can help but the doctors don't know exactly how it should be dosed, when, etc. it's believed to be more effective when used in the early stages of the virus before you're grasping for life

Trump is not a doctor, but doctors seem to be getting good results with the drug. At the end of the day, who gives a fuck if Trump is convinced it works? He can't prescribe it.

ok rabbi

It's a cheap generic their bosses can't make money on

Because it works and Trump promoted it. Jewish passive aggressive behavior kicks in automatically, the kikes can't help themselves.

He's the fucking president of the United States, not some shitposting twitter hot take retard.

Yea this. The multinational big pharma kikes would prefer the treatment to be $50 a pill modified HIV antivirals than $.10 per pill 65 year old anti-malarial drugs.

But its not a random drug. It's been shown to be effective against corona class viruses since 2004

Its because there been a number of overdoses and deaths because americans are literally retarded and do everything the media tells them to. If the media promoted it more people will die

>why is everyone getting butthurt over reality TV star president advising people to use drug that is unproven for COVID-19 that could potentially have very serious side effects on people

gee I wonder why

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And the president's job is to provide hope, if hope exists.

>Trump could come out supporting Ubi and Medicare for all and they would hate it
That's exactly what happened with the stimulus bill.

>Its because there been a number of overdoses and deaths because americans are literally retarded and do everything the media tells them to. If the media promoted it more people will die

Amazon.com and the internet do not make you a physician. But somehow its always Trump's fault.

>Its because there been a number of overdoses and deaths
Really? How many? Post the bodies.

>deaths start leveling off in New York after getting the medicine to their people


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They're angry he is right about something this important. They literally have to make sure it fails so people die as long so their Orange Man Bad narrative can continue in their head.

It causes them actual pain to think otherwise, so you get simps defending such a ludicrous position.

Don't forget some of the same ones saying this are also saying he's going to profit off the public domain medicine (that doesn't work).

Because if it works Trump looks like a godsend. Nobody even knows who our French science man is, Trump pimped the pill to the world and its success makes him look like a genius.

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Its quite loterally TDS. Democrats need to start being locked up NOW.
They are deranged communist agents working for china.

Suck my dick you fucking boomer cretin

this drug is being used extensively in Italy and Spain. It has been proven again and again to help some patients.

trump should try telling people not to jump off high cliffs for shits and giggles

You fucking idiot. Doctors are treating with it and it has been directly supported by evidence as successful.

"Muh, double bind studies."

How about we shove a paradigm shift up yours assholes

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Its not that effective if you're already fucked up with COVID. Works best with doses on day 2 and 5 prior to the onset of severe symptoms.

>that is unproven
nigger it takes 3-9 months to academically "prove" it works. You're condemning people to death because you have TDS.

because the only reason Trump even talks about his miracle cure is because a major producer paid Trump a ton of money.


Trump isn't a prophet, but there is a lot to be said for his positive approach versus leftist constant doomsaying. That's even without their TDS symptoms.

>it's believed to be more effective when used in the early stages of the virus before you're grasping for life

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Trump has the keys to the castle he proved this with the area 51 talk.
He probably asked is there a drug that can combat this thing. He got the answer he was looking for. Boom. Thats how easy it is when you have all the keys to all the rooms.
Now they reveal sheep dip can cure the flu.

It's a dangerous drug to begin with so overdoses will happen when people take drugs without a doctors approval. But there was 2 people who died in burgerland last week. Just look it up

Fish tank cleaner is not FDA approved drug.
Malaria drugs are not dangerous even if you don't have malaria. its just a waste of time to take them.

Trumps a stand up guy. He said very solemnly things are going to get serious and a lot of people will die.
Name one piece if shit politician that would say that. Name any politician in the world that has the guts to say that.

>Trump makes a speech saying it's a miracle drug
The next day people die from taking it cause muh freedoms. Hard not to blame him

I love how deep into the spiral of insanity the left is going over this DESU. I hope more news writes about these anti-vaxxer contrail tier conspiracies so people can see the level of panty twisted faggots we're dealing with in every corner of the media world.

Conspiracies that now apparently assume Trump is simultaneously a complete idiot and also time travelling prophet that predicted Coronavirus in 2016.

>written 10 hrs ago by msn

>It just so happens that one of the largest manufacturers of the drug, Novartis, previously paid Trump’s now-incarcerated former personal attorney Michael Cohen more than $1 million for healthcare policy insight following Trump’s election in 2016.


Are you retarded it's a very dangerous and powerful drug

>Its not that effective if you're already fucked up with COVID.
And if you wait till stage 4 of cancer instead of treating it at stage 1 you die. If you take HIV drugs within 48 hours it kills the virus. If you take anti-bacterial within days of contracting it kills lyme disease. OH MAN IT'S ALMOST LIKE THIS APPLIES TO EVERYTHING?

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they want a vaccine solution, not a real cure

>Trump is going to get rich off of a public domain drug!
You are insane.

>It's a dangerous drug to begin with

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Agreed, and it was disgusting watching the media try to fish for a sound bite in that moment.

>How many!? Can you give us exact numbers Mr. President?!!!

You could just feel their excitement that Americans were going to die, and they could use that to undermine the man working his ass off to stop it.

>trump saves america
>NOOOOO DruMPF this is not a good thing
Just start putting the demo shits in camps.

Have you actually watched any of the coronavirus task force press briefings, or did you just copy and paste something from twitter? All he ever said was it's a drug that has promising early results that we're looking into, that the FDA is fastracking its approval, and trials will begin in NYC.

Because Giuliani pushed trump into saying it works. He bought a bunch of stocks in February for the company that manufactures it.

>But there was 2 people who died in burgerland last week.
1 person.
His wife fed him 5 grams of fish tank cleaner.
The dosage, if a powder is the same thing as a pill that is prescribed, is 200 mg.
You are brainwashed by propaganda.

Prove it. Post a study.

It is also reported docs have been using it over here in Taiwan withe success

Yet no one in fucking fucking media cry fire about it as they are not doctor

Yet for some reason MSM think they are and right out stating thing that is best left to the medical professions

not enough to go around for every goy, so they are trying to slow the consumption down and buy it themselves

>Prove it. Post a study.

Anecdotally I took the HCQ before I went on my mission to Africa and it turned me gay. I don't see that on the side-effects list so I think this may be a psy-op.

>Its not that effective if you're already fucked up with COVID

Currently, there are 11 companies that make it.
As the patent is expired, EVERY company, university, and lab can make it.
The average price per pill here in America is $1.
There is no possibility of a profit motive in this drug. If you believe there is, you are incredibly dumb.

Shills Gone Crazy...

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You're a faggot because what Trump actually says is this:
>it's between the doctor and their patient relationship whether to prescribe it or not

The media and those who need the estrogen slapped out of them like yourself can screech all they want but one thing that they can't deny is a pattern with Trump: He is always willing to defer to experts and local government. He believes in personal freedom, which seems to be alien to leftists these days but that's why we need to ensure they never get near any seat of power again.

"Most toxic pharmaceutical on swedish market"
"30% of users had permanent blindness"

If it's the doctors business then why is trump promoting this drug?

Its amazing how things perspectives can change in 48 hours.

While I thought there would be a need for a 1 year lockdown, and there would be 2nd and 3rd waves of infection (with the 2nd usually being the most deadly), and while I believe there will be 2nd and 3rd waves, its not actually all that dire. (Nunavut being the exception for needing a 1 year lockdown)

For COVID, I thought that the method of death was primary drowning (mechanical cause) in your blood because your lungs broke open, and secondary kidneys shutting down to either lack of oxygen (from lungs) or enzyme corruption. (ACE2)

However, the primary method of death for COVID appears to be hypoxia (low oxygen in your blood). Basically you die of carbon monoxide poisoning without the carbon monoxide. (chemical cause), Your organs shut down usually kidneys because of lack of oxygen or I guessing you have heart attack because your heart normally beats faster to get more oxygen when you are low.

A chemical cause in this case is a lot easier to fix than a mechanical cause.

Carbon Monoxide poisoning , basically your blood carries the CO2, and your (wet) lungs pull out the CO2 and put back in fresh O2 which each breath, duhhhh.

So if your blood is just carrying CO monoxide then your lungs cant pull it out of your blood. Heres why:

>He bought a bunch of stocks in February for the company that manufactures it.
there is no "the company that manufactures it", it's off patent and dirt cheap. any pharma company can make it. just shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about, jesus.

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Msm is working for china.

FIG 1 (excuse my drawing in Paint on my computer)

On the left is CO2 two O's and a C
On the right is CO - one O and a C
(kind of funny because the neighbours kid has interest in the periodic table and elements and compounds, and Ive been meaning for the past month to give him the carbon monoxide example on flash cards, just havent gotten around to it yet)

At the bottom of FIG1 are two red blood cells. Basically the 2nd oxygen (carbon di-oxide) atom sticks out of the red blood cell for the lungs to swap it out with O2.
For Carbon Monoxide poisoning (mono-oxide) there is no 2nd oxygen atom for the lungs to grab and swap out. So it takes about 24 hours for your body to swap out what usually happens in a few seconds. (diffusion / osmosis)

This brings us to the drug for malaria parasites. When I first heard that malaria drug can help COVID, I was like WTF. (although I was trying to order some) This was really unfamiliar to me. Virus, bacteria, parasites, etc., all different things. For a virus it is very rare a drug can actually help unless it targets viral replication.

So for your red blood cell to work it needs hemoglobin which basically needs a single iron atom, which the carbon atom grabs onto. No iron, no hemoglobin, no carrying oxygen, ie your anemic.

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Malaria is a parasite that eats the iron atom in your hemoglobin. So people become anemic. (Interesting fact, there is a gene that controls for sickle cell anemia, if you get the same gene from both parents you get sickle cell anemia, if you get the gene from only one parent, your blood is normal but also you are immune for malaria because it cant get at your iron atoms in your blood. This is why in some circles they (improperly) say sickle cell anemia is an Africa condition. As malaria infects millions in Africa, darwin evolution would give competitive advantage with those of the sickle cell anemia gene). The downside of sickle cell anemia is that you die much earlier and have shorter lifespan, but you means you get through child bearing age first. Now if you really want to know why its called sickle cell, its because the normal flat blood cell folds because it has the gene from both parents. A genetic protein is responsible. The same protein that protects the iron atom from malaria, because the malaria cant eat through the protein. When you get the gene only from one parent, I guess the protein is only on the inside of the cell, not the outside, so it doesnt fold. (ok I made this last line up, but Ive researched enough about it to say that its probably close enough)

So back to COVID, and the malaria drug: chloroquine and the newer version hydroxychloroquine

Basically chloroquine messes with the malaria enzyme ability to get at the iron atom and eat it. Whatever enzyme that malaria uses, is similar or the same to what the COVID virus uses. Hydroxychloroquine the newer version also has a side effect that it changes the PH of the blood and greatly slows down viral replication.

Do you think Africa has good health care?

Wait a minute, what does COVID and the iron atom have to do with each other? Well COVID viral proteins are eating through the hemoglobin, and then this iron atom, gets dislodged from your red blood cell then is sitting in your lungs or your organs, which is toxic to your normal cells. On top of that, now your blood cant carry oxygen as well, and you start to suffocate. (hypoxia). Coat the hemoglobin with chloroquine and no more hypoxia. Use hydroxychloroquine, and the infection spreads much less through the body before the immune system learns to defend itself.

And here's everything saying it's effective:

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16115318 (Covid-19 is a sars-like virus and shares the same viral family and infection style)

Here is a double blind study with explanation video:
Here is a direct link to that study: medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.22.20040758v2.full.pdf

Recent talks on said subject.

Medcram and updates on the previous trials and studies:

Post the video clip of him "promoting it."

You can't. You can post a clip of him saying the early results look very promising, but you'll never find him saying it's a cure because he never said it. Like all politicians, everything he ever said about it has lots of weasel wording so he can backtrack on it if necessary.

What shills don’t tell you is no drug has been clinically tested for covid because it’s a new disease. Trial and error is all we can do at this stage.

You stupid bitch

And now for the anecdotes as that was all academic stuff:


if you understand the pathology of disease it becomes much more simpler on the proper therapy

"hey guys, take this xyz drug, maybe it'll help maybe it won't, who the hell knows LOL hehe"
>but, is it approved for this particular illness?
"no, but won't hurt to try"
>aren't there some serious side effects for it?

the absolute state of Trumptards

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Jews are allergic to admitting that a Christian is smarter than them

>if you're on your death bed you better pray because that shit won't save you
>it seems it can help
Pick one

>it's believed to be more effective when used in the early stages of the virus
Which is why you shills say to avoid the danger of a headache you better not give chloroquine to anyone not about to die

Every time he talks he mentions how amazing the drug is. He has to understand hes addressing millions of people and some of those people arent very smart which is why he shouldn't have mentioned the drug.

They haven't proved that it's that effective. It's based on a couple flawed studies. Trump was irresponsible acting like it's a cure all miracle, but it's not like he just pulled this shit out of his ass either. At least it has actual trials being conducted and is a drug already in use for other conditions. It's worth trying in severe cases where not much is known about other solutions and you are desperate. Democrats should be more open to the possibility of it working regardless if Trump champions it but it's understandable why they'd be skeptical.

I know it works in certain cases. Doesn't change the fact it's an extremely toxic drug

TDS is more dangerous than any virus

yes, that is kinda of how laws work

laws arent for the smart people, they are for the really stupid people, the weakest link in the chain who do really stupid shit and because of them we all have to suffer with really stupid lawz

>Is the media upset just because Trump is talking about it?
Yes. We are seeing that quite literally Trump can cure cancer and they will be mad about it.

My dad needs it for lupus and many people in South Florida seem to be hoarding it. He wasn't able to get his prescription filled fully because of this hype.

If this works on ligma then it should absolutely be tried but the people who actually need it should be prioritized first

How bad are the side effects of this? I know it's in use for malaria but not sure how bad it could get. I've heard it can cause paranoia and heart arrythmia.

They ate trying to spin it like Trump recommended the stuff even if he's not a doctor. They actually want you to think that there are actually many stupid as fuck people out there that would take the meds without doctor's advice.
Is the same shit for years now, where media treats you like you have an under 75 IQ.

You're doing god's work user

Trump should come out strongly against suicide.

This. It 100% confirmed the meme that the Left will oppose literally anything Trump is for.



And Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Zinc is the proper therapy.
The Hydroxychloroquine is the ionophore that inserts the zinc into the infected cells. Then the zinc prevents the virus from reproducing, allowing your immune system to fight off the now neutered virus.
The Azithromycin, is there to stave off secondary infections and to help keep the cytokine storm from killing the patient.

So in reality, the zinc is the actual cure. Hydroxychloroquine is just the vehicle it uses.

they’re already forming over the big bucks dreaming of the shekels they’re gonna make when every country needs to buy their proprietary “cure”

He doesn't harp on chloroquine at all. He talks about how we have to get the people back to work, but bounces questions about covid19 to birx or fauci. He's mentioned some research going on -- maybe he shouldn't name specific chemical names because some moron will drink koi pond cleaner, but most people have sense.

The media full of hacks like Dr OZ. at 5:15 Doctor OZ suggests giving corona virus patients PLACEBO instead of HCQ. Dr.Raoult promptly tells him to fuck off.

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checked, based, redpilled, and /thread

Playing politics with the nations lives. Nothing personal, it's for the greater good.

Also, now we have hard data for the "If Trump cured cancer, the left would be reeeeing about the oncologists that are out of business" joke.

Turns out they would still twist it into ORANGE MAN BAD.

Its just fucking stupid and petty. Go watch some of the meetings, and take note of the kinds of questions the "reporters" ask him. Apparently, everyone wants Trump to not speak unless it is in absolutes. "no, you cannot say you have ventilators ready, you have to either say you shipped them now, or never had them at all". "no no don't talk about hope, either everyone will die, or nobody is". "no, don't talk about treatments, either its cured now, or there is no cure". "no don't talk about the stimulus stuff at all, either we get the money today, or its not coming". You can sum up every question in every fucking meeting in a formula. Moron asks all or nothing question, Trump gives "maybe" answer, moron slumps back in anger for Trump not saying anything solid at all. Rinse and repeat.

The first one is talking about doctors prescribing too many doses at once and confusing patients. The second is talking about the long term risks of HCQ use. On the order of 20 years.
From article 2:
"The risk of developing retinal toxicity has been found to be dependent on the daily HCQ dose and the duration of use. The risk of retinal toxicity is

Big pharma and the (((media))) is upset that the treatment for COVID-19 might be a medication that has been around for 70 years that's easy to manufacture, can be made for a couple of $$$s max, etc. To show you how big the big pharma lobbyist have become, just look at all of the shills that have no clue what they are talking about yet they hate the idea this cheap, easy, and readily available medicine might work. I don't think liberals meant to do this on purpose but they chose to side with big pharma and get in bed with mega companies versus allowing the possibility that this could make Trump look good and that he would get a win on this aspect of the fight against SARS-COV-2.

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Probably the clearest answer ITT

it's FDA approved from 1955 you brainlet

>Is the media upset just because Trump is talking about it?

>Like if someone is literally on their death bed what harm does it hurt to try it?
Depends on the ethics at hand.Do you let someone potentially die becase there is no current effective treatement, or do you use anecdotal evidence and medicate with a known immunosuppressant and an antibacterial.

>What gives?
The President of the United States is advocating the use of medication that is prescription only. It literally answers itself.


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I'm buying a rake.

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It's scary to me, the modern left is completely unhinged. After watching the mask slip, my mexican ass is no longer voting democrat.

>How bad are the side effects of this?
Not as bad as death

Toxic if you take it for decades and take more than 800 mg in a dose.
The treatment for covid is 6-10 days and the dosage is 200mg. So it is VERY unlikely to matter in the vast majority of cases.
They're using it nonstop in NYC right now. Where are all the people poisoned there if it was so toxic?

Look at the links I posted earlier. Sweden considered it one of the most toxic drugs on the market.

it has the same beginning part of the name but different last part of the name. not even the same chemical

This is the correct answer.
Bill Gates can't have a monopoly on things that can't be patented.

Because it's cheap and effective, especially with zinc and the illuminati, especially Bill gates and perhaps the Rothschild, pharmaceutical industry and Jews are getting furious because their NWO attempt is crumbling down by Trump. They can't profit it and it's cheap, compared to their "Vaccine" they want you to take.

Eat shit, you satanic Illuminati fucks. Your days are over.

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Doesnt take a doctor to intercompare results from several different sources.


SARScov2 is confirmed retroviral.
your covfefe does nothing. Its a nice larp read though.
Enjoy crippling your immune system.

>very serious side effects
It's been prescribed worldwide for 70 fucking years. It's extremely well-tolerated. KYS right fucking now.

SEETHING in rage over off label use.

This is exactly what I mean. At best, you're passionate about something you know nothing about. At worst, you're actively killing people because ORANGE MAN BAD. Over a drug that's no longer off label and China's been using since Late feb.


>Depends on the ethics at hand.Do you let someone potentially die becase there is no current effective treatement, or do you use anecdotal evidence and medicate with a known immunosuppressant and an antibacterial.
America has right to try laws, it is ultimately the patient's decision on what to take.

The media aren’t doctors either yet these shills keep screaming for more ventilators as their own miracle treatment when 80% of patients who end up on one DIE.