They call us mutts and burgers in an attempt to cripple our patriotism

Western Euroshits, Chinks, and Russians have done a damn good job at manipulating the public, and most importantly the American public, into believing the CIA is a force for evil when the agency has been one of the most instrumental factors in maintaining U.S. cultural, military, and economic dominance.

These information terrorists have managed to dupe the American public into believing those who protect them are actually the people who harm them. Can you imagine a world where the CIA ceased to exist? Picture a massive political vacuum; a space that every power-monger will try to fill for their own greedy ends. I'm talking about an unregulated power struggle -- panic, civil war, chaos. Like it or not, the CIA is an organization that needs to exist to maintain the modern, free world.

Quick rundown:
>CIA toppled commie dictatorships and liberated the people
>Empowered patriotic companies domestically and abroad through grants and other funding
>Pushed American ideals through the media
>Prevented foreign nations and companies from undermining U.S. sovereignty
>Funded English teachers in moving abroad to make English the lingua franca of the world
>Brought terrorists to justice

They are jealous of American success and virtue.
They tremble before the proud American.
The proud mutt.

>Thread theme

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Other urls found in this thread:

You can be patriotic and also recognize the horrors that the CIA has committed and continue to commit. You can also recognize that the organization isn't %100 evil. You just need to develop a more complex view of things.

Based and fact-pilled. They are bitter. The entire modern western paradigm is built around American culture. Most Europeans are resentful of that fact.

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Okay, do something about the cartels that are beheading people at the border and the giant chicom spy network in our unis.

Of course but it isn't that simple. If everyone was rational then sure but people aren't. We are fascinated with the negative aspects and focus on them. We shine the light on the tragedies and rarely the good. This creates a negative perception towards America and American agencies.

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Don't bother. Most of the people on here that hate law enforcement are the same people that jerk off to cartoon children.

>They call us mutts and burgers in an attempt to cripple our patriotism.
OP is a faggot
Reminder burgers can't handle banter.
Pic very related

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Without the CIA we would have been successfully subverted by commie faggots decades ago, and lost the cold war. We took damage and still do (1/5 college professors are commies),.

Take off the memeflag. It's obvious there is a concerted effort to smear America and Americans on Yas Forums.




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Shitposting flag OFF


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Aussies and Canucks really are the worst flag posters..


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There are no more whites

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>Concerted effort to smear America and Americans.
No you cunts just can't handle banter and the rest of us get a fucking kick out winding you shitskins up

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>anecdotal story to jab at our healthcare
We invest more than any other nation on the planet and our #1 when it comes to medical innovation.

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Too bad nobody can afford it lmao!

>They tremble before the proud American

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>thinks his interests align with the jews that run the government
No greater pinnacle of good goyness than this user

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you made this thread yesterday. Also America is only a country in name at this point.

This is pure evil. America is evil, CIA is evil, and you've been the enemy of the whole world since your inception.

You and your shilling for immigration, niggers, faggots and all other shit is pure evil.


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The 'muh joo' meme is getting boring. They are a key ally in an important geopolitical region. It would make zero sense for us to abandon Israel.

Good fucking goy!

Deep down, you will always wish to be a mutt.

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back to plebbit with you

Please make a case as to why we should support anyone when our country is being raped from every angle geopolitically by them?

>They are a key ally in an important geopolitical region
Haha they spy on you on your on turf and you don't do shit because you are a bitch ass glownigger.

if only you could overthrow the third world socialist government which governs you

what is wrong being a burger? you don't like your own culture and call yourself patriot.

Last I checked allies dont sink your ships and blame it on the other guy.

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The U.S. is being constantly attacked by Russia, China, Iran, Syria, and North Korea. You folks must have no idea how badly they want us to abandon Israel so they can swoop in and conquer the Middle East. Not only that but they have been waging a misinformation war to stir up infighting in the U.S.

>commie dictatorships
Oh you mean the democratically elected socialists, trying to liberate their people from the corporations that have monopolies over their entire country?

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Honestly no, in the 1950s everybody wanted to be like you cowboys, but now you have little to no fans left.
Evilgelical taliban are much less adorable than cool cowboys.

>so they can swoop in and conquer the Middle East
who cares about the middle east

>100% american
>7 generations deep
Excuse me? Lmao, then everyone is a mutt, especially europeans.
Fuck shills, they are lower and lower quality by the week.
America is great, love my life, love my country, love being able to have "illegal" thoughts and say "illegal" things.
I love the insterstate, everything is so fucking cheap, the weed is the best, the beef is supreme, the national parks are fucking excellent, our anthem is great, we have so many unique "biomes" from our massive landmass.
We are pretty great, love it.
I don't go out of my way to shit on countries, but when they decide to get fresh just out of bitterness or poverty, it's pretty easy to dress them down, being they are either under our boot or under our thumb.
God Bless the United States of America

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>Foreign actors are waging a propaganda war in the US.
This isn't new foreign countries have been doing this since 1776.
Doesn't change the fact that you can't handle banter, nor can you differentiate between banter and propaganda.

If you weren't insecure as fuck about this shit, you wouldn't feel the need to make these threads and try to convince anyone.

What kills your arguments isn’t calling you a mutt or a burger it is
>made for BBC


t. bitter and jealous

Delusional pinko


that's right fellow american watch the europoors squeal as their filthy tactics fail them

Try to invade vietnam - get kicked out by a bunch of rice farmers

Last time you faced american banter, they spit such bars your country burned down.
Count your blessings that we stow such licks buried on dusty furtive mumblerap soundclouds.
Our true arsenal.

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You're getting treated very mildly. Compare how people talk about USA to how they talk about Sweden.

>A state of the art flying rescue ship descends from the clear blue sky to stop me from dying
>tfw not free
I hope you get fucked to death by a moose maplenigger

>Not only that but they have been waging a misinformation war to stir up infighting in the U.S.
No one spreads as much harmful propaganda in the USA as jews

>t. bitter and jealous

No, just telling how the europeans changed their minds. Nothing bitter about that, just the facts.
Also there is no reason to be jealous, we here are have the same standard of life and even a working social system.

I would make this same argument. It's not a nation, it's a country, and there's a big difference. That aside, you could also argue that America is barely anything more than an economic union at this point. Our society is so paralyzed by polarization and so subverted by "democracy" it's ridiculous. Just let it all collapse and burn already so we can rebuild another homogeneous European-centered nation from the ashes.

notice how all of your equipment is designed to fight pointless wars in the desert for your Israeli overlords?

why did those CIA niggers overthrow Yugoslavia and help muslims gain a stronghold in europe?

>didnt make thread
>didnt talk about other "countries" in north america
Listen jack, I don't walk into Hunan Garden and start talking shit on canada.
Can a faggot leaf even carry this much baggage? Or do we need to dial a man to do that for you?

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>Leave me... think... think of the economy *dies*

The Serbs were actively committing genocide against the Bosniak population. It's only right that the U.S. and NATO stepped in.

"liberated the people"
by installing puppet dictators and orwellian shahs? you're actually fucking braindead

>S-stop f-f-f-f-fl-lexing!
>How DARE y-you dictate global policy w-with your godly might!
>I w-w-w-waw-want brown anarchy! J-just like canada!

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>Fucking mutts,
Listen shitskin the only people that care about your "bars" are niggers.

South America has been ruled by oligarchic corporations for decades. The CIA openly prevented South American people from being allowed their freedom.

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there are so many fags following this dude holy shit, i did not expect so many butt pirates to be hitting on this dude in his comments.

Quit forcing this stan meme


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>it's not a nation.
Honestly at this point you're right, but it WAS a nation, and that was worth holding on to.

Don't get all tussled, less important canada, just bantz.
If I need abbo memes I'll give you a ring.
Shame you can't share a landmass with anything important.
Even new zealand fucked off, like kids leaving a dead steel town.

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One simple word, jealousy.

>They call us mutts and burgers in an attempt to cripple our patriotism
lol op can't handle the bantz

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