Whats really to prevent China from doing it again? How do we stop him?
Whats really to prevent China from doing it again? How do we stop him?
Why would china attack their biggest customer? If anyone did it it was Americans
he looks like a huge faggot
again? you're already genocided cuck
what's the point of stoking hostilities
Fuck your trips, chink.
what’s the point of being a tripfag
Move all production out of China and stop buying their shit. Buy from india or invest in south america instead, anyone but the chinese.
I doubt it, but I recognize your trips.
Without China there wouldn't be hostilities.
UN could force them to break up into individual countries.
Put hunny in a tree hole too small for his butt to get through
hostilities don't persist well one-sidedly
forced anything would cause hostilities
Why are anglos like this? Stop waging war on the entire world.
It only takes 19 seconds
>back and to the left
Nobody was forcing China to destroy my nation.
I think they're free game. Do you know what free game means user? It means you're not a person anymore.
he did nothing you fucking racist assholes
China has had its dick in your ass for the last 10 years. America was getting cucked. Wouldn't surprise me if for the past 10 years Americans have been planning this.
>Nobody was forcing China to destroy my nation
your nation isn't destroyed
China is our best chance at destroying liberalism, thus I support them.
>UN able to do anything
Hey chang, stop infecting the rest of the world with your Chinese made bioweapons, kthx.
fuck off chang. fucking micro-cocked slant-eyed shit nigger
stupid ignorant retard
Here in Israel we hate his guts so bad... even the arabs despise him because how badly the insects treat the mudshits back in China. Our economy is fucked because of this lockdown.
I'm waiting for the burgers to do something desu, nuke that shithole already.
Why would America attack China? You guys destabilize south America for fruit companies.
the state needs enemies to be able to explain their necessity and desired budget increases to the public
so they make them
Even if China killed 6 million children in public, people will still buy product from them because it's cheaper.
should you make yourself less able to provide for your loved ones because other people did horrible things?
the United States government has kill millions of people horrifically - is it therefor incumbent on people to boycott all Americans?
you should make judgements about people's actual guilt, and then make judgements about how you think you ought to respond to bad or contemptuous human behavior in the world
Chinese virus is the natural outcome of chinese "culture”. Combine horrific wet market meat, savage cruelty, mei banfa and saving face this is what you get. It happened before and will happen again.
Chinese virus is the natural outcome of chinese "culture”. Combine horrific wet market meat, savage cruelty, incompetent corrupt government, mei banfa and saving face this is what you get. It happened before and will happen again.
No conspiracy required, every year there's some bird flu or swine flu wreaking havoc in the sick man of Asia.
Just isolate them from the civilized world.
Not that they did it on purpose you dumb cunt. They had a whoopsie daisy and now everyone has to get in the forever box.
I'm somewhat concerned you have copy/paste answers stored up.
Ultimate redpill: China doesn’t exist.
Ruthlessly destroy their economy which is what Trump's doing. China is so royally fucked, you guys don't even understand. There is no way out.
Releasing the virus was a move done out of desperation by China to slow everyone else down with them, while they started back up again and become the sole provider for the world for the next few months. In the end it doesn't matter, China is next level fucked.
He's old and sick and not much longer.
He's actually >76 years old.
>Heart Attack in 2012
>disappeared and had 'Unsteady Steps' in April 2019
He's not long
China is not responsible for American incompetence.
Deal with it.
How about you stop trading with them? Pretty sure that would solve a whole bag of problems
>unusual gait
he walks like a fag
i know that, retard.
> China is not responsible for America believing China's lies
> Cover up exisntence of epidemic
> Not transmissible
> We have it under control
> If you block flights from China you are rassist
>knows about it since late November
>actively keeps it secret
>orders testing labs to destroy samples of the virus at the very beginning
>silences medical professionals who try to warn their colleagues about a spread of a new SARS
>covers it up
>has the largest collective banquet in the world in Wuhan
>covers it up
>spread goes exponential in Wuhan
>forced to admit it and start taking action in January
>silences journalists that try to expose the hellish situation unfolding in Wuhan
>Chinese CDC state that they are 100% sure the virus originated in Wuhan.
>China uses its influence in the WHO to convince the world that its nothing to worry about
>incinerators running 24/7 in Wuhan
>reports of people being sent off to incinerators while still moving
>WHO tells world its nothing to worry about and to not restrict travel to and from China
> China massively under reports the number of infections and deaths, the infected graph looks simulated and Japan confirm that China do not count suspected cases in death numbers
>WHO praises China
>virus starts to spread around the world
>WHO say its not a pandemic just an epidemic in many countries around the world
>becomes a global pandemic the likes of which the world hasnt seen since the Spanish Flu
>China then decide to shift the blame on to the US
>China threatens to cut off US medical supply and "drown them in a sea of coronavirus"
>China claim it's racist to say the virus comes from China
Do un to others before they do un to you.
China has won before you tards even knew a game was being played.
Memeflaggot garbage.
who cares, european lose either way
The only real countries you could break off from China would be Tibet and maybe some Uighur Muslim abomination, both of which together would account for at most 5% of the population, which would basically not have any effect on China's seemingly inevitable rise to power. The rest of the country is one ethnicity, breaking it up would be as arbitrary and doomed to failure as breaking up Italy or Germany into their 19th century substates.
And America had months to learn and prepare after seeing other countries go into lockdown. But it didn't. China isn't responsible for American incompetence.
And since they are decidedly anti-leftist, I support their rise and your downfall. Liberalism must be obliterated. All other "questions" are meaningless.
Be nice to your masters Anglo.
irresponsible racist cope. why can't you accept that trump mishandled it? are you his personal fluffer?
Europe under United States influence has become a hellhole of multiculturalism and liberalism. China seems to not really give a shit about its client states as long as they are open for business. China seems like it would be a better hegemon from a European standpoint.
You have no idea of the capital and business going back and forth between us, do you? Europe is benefiting from China's rise but unlike Anglo tards we aren't shitting on them for reasons of hubris and meaningless pride.
Croatia alone has multiple infrastructure and tech deals with China and we're selling shitloads of food to them. Deal with your obsolescence by yourself.
They took huge chunks of artery out of his leg for the bypass surgery. He couldn't go to a Western or Japanese hospital so it was 1980s level open-heart surgery, no Davinci or orthroscopy.
no one knows that, they could have let it loose on their own to spread it around the world. you think the party would care about 1mil dead factory workers?
it would be pretty good odds in a military operation to loose 1mil to gain the world, and if it fails you can always say "huhh sowwy it was the baaaats"
but like i said no one knows, it could have dajoos, the burgers, the poos, the bats, the ayys, tibet or some random chink death cult.
really? he's a beast to have survived that
You mean Australia didn’t choose the path of easy money that results in it becoming a Chinese colony?
In the end his eyes will get ripped out of his head by his own people. A fitting end.
>China seems like it would be a better hegemon from a European standpoint.
americans is shit towards the people under its influence, but at least they are white
and i mean this seriously
at least we are still perceived as strong because we are white too
>Croatia alone has multiple infrastructure and tech deals with China and we're selling shitloads of food to them. Deal with your obsolescence by yourself.
and that's why in the near future you will see croatian women being sluts for chinks and other non whites treating local men like powerless shit
>Choosing between a friend and a pimp
Australia do not fuck this up
Millions of people survive this surgery, and most of them recover better than he has.
there are not exactly people dying in the streets
there are ~15% less deaths this week than there were the same week last in the midst of a "crisis"
Why do you speak of KIng trump like that?
so he IS a faggot confirmed
Too late mate, the slanty eyed cunts are everywhere and they treat us like a shopping mall.
pretty sure China already disappeared those that leaked this out into the public
America is not white anymore. Very soon we will be ruled by a mongrel mulatto race, whose only culture is greed, debauchery, lack of heritage, and worst of all a desire to spread those vices abroad. China cannot be worse than that.
it still dominated mostly by whites and white looking jews
>China cannot be worse than that.
every non white will be worse for whites
being dominated by another race is ALWAYS worse
once it happens you will understand it
Memeflaggot, you have no idea what Croatia is like or what you're talking about. And the US is not white, it's a dead brown shithole.
Also, we have no immigrants.
I have a hard time believing it was a accident
>it still dominated mostly by whites and white looking jews
>white looking jews
Ah, as expected you're a real shill. Anti-chinese shilling is Soros' doing.
Die on your verminous continent with your browns and "white looking Jews" you worship.
What exactly are you going to do when you have no tourists this year? Croatian girls are mad sluts for foreign cock.
>it still dominated mostly by whites and white looking jews
And I'm telling you this will not be the case for long. I will tell you now that the new abomination race brewing in America is unironically the enemy of all mankind.
>trump brings factories home, goes after intellectual property violations and forces China to be dependent on US agricultural Taking away their free ride to global power that was set up for them over the last 50years
Gee I wonder
the United States is enormous
Weaponized accident.
This all happened after the virus. America will come out on top in the coming years which is why It makes no sense for China to purposefully release it
>you have no idea what Croatia is like or what you're talking about.
this things are the same in every country in europe
>And the US is not white
it still is dominated by white people
>Also, we have no immigrants.
you will in the future, when women won't see white men as the powerful ones they will stab us the back(and for real this time)
i obviously can't convince you, if you want to believe in the non white ally, you are free to do it
maybe, but china will not be any better for europeans
i don't worship anything, but that's the reality of things
the world is shallow, people are shallow
you have to pick the lesser of the two evil
Rods from God.