Food Security

Wisconsin dairy farmers are being urged to quite or reduce their herds to keep the milk price up. School is out and they are a huge consumer of milk.

Attached: wisconsin dairy.jpg (640x955, 82.08K)

I fucking hate capitalism so much. Why does the profitable choice always need to be the worst choice?

Why can't we just have milk and gasoline at an affordable price? I'd buy it, if it was not too expensive, and we are capable of making more of it than we currently need. Yet, here we are, dumping perfectly good food because...why?

This sounds illegal.

The government is causing a food shortage on purpose. They aren't allowing some farms to lease machines needed to plant crops. We are being culled by the kike communists like Ukraine was in the Holomodor.
Screencap this.

This isn't uncommon at all. If the price of a product goes below production cost it can lead to farmer bankruptcy. We saw that in the great depression.
We pay farmers not to farm certain things all the time

o'er the laaaaand of the freeeeeee
and the hoooooome of thuuuuuhh

How do you quite?

> Blames capitalism
> Literally states assign milk prices through a crazy complex cartel system
> A fucking Leaf

>Option program
>Where they pay you not to do any work

you dumb
screencap this

The trump china farm deals just started a few days ago too, so while the store shelves are bare we are going to sell more food to china

Milk and gas are both sub 2.50 a gallon. Gas is actually less than $2

It's pronounced sequel

How is a bunch of farmers conspiring to rig pricing not illegal?

If they didn't do this, the milk prices would crash and then we'd lose all our milk. But that's not government's fault, it's the way the free market adjusts because it's an idiotic system where the majority suffer for the minority--see crypto currencies for examples of this imbalance.

>here we are, dumping perfectly good food because
Demand has decreased? If massive orders are being cancelled there's nowhere for the milk to go.
How does socialism handle a sudden reduction in demand?

What would the cost of milk be if the government just made it non profit and nationalized it?

>Milk and gas are both sub 2.50 a gallon. Gas is actually less than $2
Yes, but capitalists are doing everything in their power--including forming cartels--to stop this from happening.

>meanwhile, the milk shelf at the fucking supermarket

Attached: IMG_0301.HEIC-1.jpg (1200x1600, 581.57K)

let the cow farmers fail?

Fuck No! They just need a little injection of AMERICANISM (not-socialism)!

Attached: president nacho mountain dew.gif (480x270, 2.36M)

>If massive orders are being cancelled there's nowhere for the milk to go
How about we store it in the bellies of poor children? We make humanity a priority over profits.

That's not because of a lack of milk, but rather because of a lack of drivers and stockers.

Can buy a gallon of milk here for $1.25

This plan is part of the globohomo plans to
>1)reduce production of milk/cattle in the us
>2)create a dependency in dairy from other shitholes and destroy the american dairy/cattle industry like they destroyed our manufacturing
>3)push their vegan/insect eating agenda and push for soý/vegetable derived milk/meat products
Shits fucked man

This. They are dumping milking the same week I couldn't get any at the store.

theres a surprising amount of supreme court/constitutional law based on milk

Control the food supply, control the human chattel. That is the next step in the NWO consolidation of power. They have been culling the pollinators(bees) for years and have flooded the nation with GMOs that bear terminator seeds that aren't viable. This shutdown will likely be the final nail in the coffin of independent family run farms.

What state?

or we could store all the milk inside your face

Because that's fucking gay. The weak should fear the strong.

Why not just make cheese instead? It lasts a helluva lot longer. Do we not have the capacity for that?

Dairy has been overproduced for decades, why do you think the shitheels with 100 head or less keep bitching about milk prices?

make powder milk then and sell it to people the next time there's a run on grocery stores later this year
It doesn't take rocket science to adjust in a free market

>hurr all the milk crash
>need government to fix price

>see crypto currencies for examples of this imbalance.
what imbalance?
Every user can run a node, when someone spends their coins they are spent.
There's no government or Fed playing games and manipulating the flow of the economy.

The gubment had to buy a shitload of cheese from the dairy industry and sit on it as it got moldy in storage facilities

Capacity. Would need a lot more equipment to make a lot more cheese all of a sudden.

Then when it's all over you have twice the equipment you need and a big ass loan to pay off.

>make powder milk
This. I don't understand why the Danish have such a monopoly on reconstituted milk sold in the Arab Countries.

No demand? Destroy the supply!

drink more milk. its delicious.

It's all so tiresome, bros.

remember that user who posted that the government walked in and bought everyones best stock of bulls/cattle
got to protect the elites in their underground bases

make whey protein.
or just make good cheese.

So we feed poor people who produce more poor people and we feed them making an endless cycle of having a fucking load of people who do nothing that are kept around because it makes you feel good about yourself.

People like you are the reason Africa has some many starving people.

This is the opposite of capitalism. Capitalism lets the price of shit come naturally through supply and demand, not from price fixing.

This is retarded. With the drop in demand, you will expect a drop in income for the suppliers for sure, but that's life (unless they jewed with futures). However, of the price remains above the cost, then farmers will make income. If the price goes below the cost, then farmers will automatically begin to shut down their businesses. Econ 101, I'm sure you can find a free course online for this. And the cost includes what a farmer considers an income worth their while too in this case, so the profit can never drop below this margin, it's not like equilibrium is set by people making $0/hr.

>or just make good cheese.
Then all those snooty wine and cheese lovers would hate it if the plebs could afford it.

>Why not just make cheese instead?

>govt cheese

the memes are real.

Attached: 1585892196455.jpg (620x1024, 59.6K)

Jesus you might actually be retarded.

And that's because they pay truckers and stockers crap.
t. Ex-trucker.

Pure scare-mongering, it reads like a fucking TV licence letter. They even have the bold print to highlight the stuff they want to really scare people with. Wew, lad.

>snooty wine and cheese lovers
Wine and cheese is delicious. Fuck you.

>just throw it out
>because nothing is better than something
peak price fixing


If you’re in the midwest or buying store brand, not a surprise. Those two markets readily price their dairy below market price as a loss leader.

How is this different from price gouging

Ur moms a huge consumer of my CUM HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Attached: cokedouthorse.webm (368x640, 1.85M)

>or just make good cheese.
Making some aged cheese right now would be a good store of value

Farmers have found solutions to this problem for forever
Excess barley, make beer, excess beer, make whiskey
Excess crops, ferment them or can them for longer shelf life

Why is the government so bad at just leaving us alone
Farmers were going green before biofuels were the next meme to manipulate the free market
ban alcohol distillation>get everyone on standard oil>blame white people for crimes industrialists and politicians did

I paid $2.53 for a gallon today at Aldi in California.

Seriously though, I fucking doubt you have a milk shortage in the flat country that is the US when there's zero fucking shortages in Norway.
You got logistics issues as well as retards that keep stripping the stores faster than the stores can stock them.

This is also normal practice for the Midwest corn markets. Too much flooding the market will collapse the market, and make it even more difficult to recover... which would be fine in a purely libertarian society - but we stopped being that over 100 years ago

This. Based milk drinker.


I reckon that if milk is not at high enough price, it won't cover the expenses a farm has, cows require food, medicine it's not like milk is produced in an economic vacuum free from cost.

>Jesus you might actually be retarded
How is not wanting to waste milk retarded? Maybe you are indoctrinated.

Farming laws are weird. The cost to produce it can't drop below the the cost of sale. Because of that the government allows some kinds of "price fixing" that other industries would be banned from