@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/6/20
>Black Voices for Trump ONLINE! 4/6/20
>EnSec Brouillette on FBN 4/6/20
>VASec Wilkie on JohnFredericksShow 4/6/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on F&F 4/6/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on (((FakeNews))) 4/6/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/6/20
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 4/6/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on GMA 4/6/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on TODAY 4/6/20
>SG Adams Special Message for NPHW 4/6/20
>SG Adams on CBSEveningNews 4/6/20
>NORAD&NORTHCOM Comdr AFGen O'Shaughnessy on FoxNews 4/6/20
>CDCVideo: Can ibuprofen make Corona-chan worse? 4/6/20
>CDCVideo: Can Corona-chan last on surfaces and in the air? 4/6/20
>CDCVideo: Can you catch Corona-chan via poo? 4/6/20
>WHVideo: WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx PSA - Stay The Fuck Back! 4/6/20

OP pastebin:

Attached: trumppodium.jpg (1009x566, 353.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ugh fuck wrong image, w/e
new baker needed


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Thanks for baking nn

>surely it wasn't this bad for the spanish flu
The spread to weird places? Of course not, people traveled less.


Help /ptg/
Just wondering if anyone here tried non-life insurance and can we get something out from it during this pandemic or nothing.
Im planning to get one if its useful and have a round 2 during December / cold season

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That one is good, but I prefer this one:

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Just ordered these Danner Skyridge boots. What do you bros think?

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fuck me that's good

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humorless twats not allowed. fuck off to /mlp

no i mean the shitty reporting / secrecy
we have no idea of the chinese numbers, the middle east numbers are also fabricated or wrong, italy and spain are to the point where even their death rate is unreliably measured, new york is going to be even worse at their pace, we'll never know africa or south/central america for reasons of their own incompetence


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I totally forgot about this one too.

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gosh, this will kick start their economy again like a rocket engine.

>go to Costco for prime ribeye cap
>literally every shopper in the store (hundreds) have an n95 mask on
>few with full PPE/face shield
>few retards with surgical mask
how do i get my hands on them at this point?

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Don't they get regular yearly boat niggers?

i hope Spain has a reincarnation of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera somewhere

coof to scare them away

Certainly they can't incinerate bodies that fast.

i got it

imagine having such a shit immune system that you actually need a mask

I got a few
>in honor of the jannies here with us tonight

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Wtf is that creature on the right supposed to be

If China or others were still dynasties it would be even more secretive. My family was recounting how I was showing them CCTV and cell videos of Chinese dying. Secrecy in moderately wealthy societies is much depreciated. ME numbers are massively wrong but so were they for MERS, it's to be expected, and the political situation in Iran, Syria, and Turkey makes it impossible to count correctly even if they wanted to. Why are Italian and spanish numbers inaccurate? People used to work harder, is a lot of the problem. They're looking to send federal people to NYC to help out, we'll see what happens.

kill them and loot the bodies like in vidya, duh

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brb moving to barthelona
inb6 catalonia secedes

I do see filters for 3m full face masks on ebay still, kinda expensive but I don't know, might be a good idea.

what;s the point of masks if they just get germs on them anyways

Well now people will have died because they lied about PPE only magically working if you're a hospital worker.

so whos going to do the work now?

Nice subtle joke user, good shit.

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You can’t get one. At least wear a mask or cloth to cover your face. Won’t be available for the public for at least 6 months. Probably longer.

You can make your own mask out of thick cloth. It’s much better than nothing

The dog girl from Animal Crossing. There's a lot of cross over art with Doom and Animal Crossing since the new games came out so close together.

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>Why are Italian and spanish numbers inaccurate?
it's obvious why the infected count is wrong, but for deaths see pic related. what they are reporting for the coronavirus deaths is not matching the drastic increase in mortality from all causes. that's either the "hospital surge effect" people keep talking about, or those are people that had the disease but never tested positive so it could not be attributed to coronavirus for the death

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If everyone else in PPE then you don't need PPE

>mocking the tongue-ly challenged

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I really wish Trump would just let the experts speak instead of pretending he knows everything.

They could have just said:

>We do not have enough N95 masks
>We are going to prioritize them for our healthcare workers

But they lied to our face instead

He is making sure all the city and suburban liberal retards die first.

We're beyond simple incompetency at this point, this is a concerted effort to maximize the amount of damage inflicted.

I wish your mom would swallow instead of making me finish on her chest. Let's see who gets lucky first.

>USSR returning soon

When this happens, how will Yas Forums react?

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dude the red states are about to get ass fucked with no lube.don't pretend like this virus has any form of control.

>8 deleted posts
>43 remaining


That's a bit bizarre, so people are dying without knowing they have it?


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I bet it was Fauci’s idea to fucking lie about it. I really don’t trust him

But the general public still doesn’t need N95 masks. If you are worried about stopping droplets you just need a simple cloth face covering.

Can we send the jannies to the gulag to break rocks?


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No reason to trust any of them, they're all in on it.


>donald you gots my moms blood on yer hands

holy shit this is fucking pathetic

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Somebody probably reported you for the wall of replies in that post. Jannies and mods like to ban that shit.

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trillions in welfare to niggers and big banks is actually based am I right fellow principled conservapedes?

What’s going on

/ptg/ is not a place for tonguelets

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>>USSR returning soon

Every single time.


Bathed Authi

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Can you retards speak in anything other than memes?

i’d suggest finding all of the hardware/medical supply/paint/woodworking stores around you and ask/figure out when they restock, then rush when they do.

Look comfy. You hike?

Why are Trump tards all austic pedophiles?

He should be taking it up with Cuomo, de Blasio, and his own unhygienic heeb community that spread this shit in the state from AIPAC.

it's either that or it's people with other diseases/injuries dying because the hospitals are overburdened. i think it's the dying without knowing they have it though, because the symptoms are kinda subtle to begin with and by the time it becomes serious they may just be left in their beds to die or never seek aid or there just wasn't a test available while they died in the hospital so it couldn't be attributed properly. but the mortal impact of the disease is being severely underestimated by the death count if that's true
unfortunately, those kinds of stats are late to update because it depends on how efficient every coroner's reporting is. those graphs might not even be the full data because some deaths take weeks to be added. in the US the same kind of graph isn't fully up to date until several weeks after the time you want to look at. but that will be the best way to estimate the actual diseases direct/indirect impact, because eventually all those dead bodies will be tallied regardless of cause of death

kys tranny freak

what did he want trump to do?

you showed him

shit/10 boots
by classic boots

Raise his mother from the dead and pull a vaccine out of his ass. No travel bans though. Those are racist.

Woah cool it with the transphobia and antisemitism pede, we’re better than that.

Let’s show the democrats who the real progressives are!

Step down and let Hillary become President somehow, probably.

Kinda. I'm a terrible astro-photog so I do timelapse shots on occasion. But I'm VERY amateur. But I do enjoy the outdoors and setting up shoots so ya man. Wanted something I could wear everyday.

>Complaining about this at prime shitposting hours

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that particular memeflaggot always posts shit like that.

Bullshit. You go into a crowded area you need AT LEAST an N95. That’s what they do in South Korea. They won’t even let you into a store if your mouth isn’t covered.

They use KN95, which are similar. If you want to stop this virus, the public NEEDS N95 masks


Guess who's dying in those red states.

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Mexico is importing chinese made equipment to fight the virus
should i be worried?

You are a paid shill.

>t. tranny kike

Are those boots American made?

Trump will win 2020


Trump is a fat faggot ziocuck. Are y’all seriously still supporting him?

I think lots of people who need medical attention are not seeking it but that seems like a possibility. I saw footage much earlier of Italian hospitals stuffing 10 of them in small rooms and hallways, maybe that sort of care isn't conducive to getting results of positive. The stark contrast to east asian deaths doesn't support the idea that the mortality is much much higher. How many people died today anyways?

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Danner is based in Oregon. I have not received the boots yet so idk beyond that.

They're after you.

Yes. Everything made in China is crap.

This virus doesn’t aerosolize outside of very specific circumstances. N95 is over kill when all you need is to prevent spittle from getting in your mouth.

>Can you retards speak in anything other than memes?

where do you think you are?

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I'm doing my part pede, are you?

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>LARP post
Oh so it's nothing then

Trump made antisemitism a crime pede. Plus many based pedes are Jewish. Trumps entire family is Jewish and so is most of his based cabinet and advisors.

Lmao they really love per capita

show geoflag, kike

Yeah, get back to me in 2 years when you confirm that with your bullshit study. Until then, I’m wearing my N95. I bought them in January

>It's a larp
>People suffering under a corrupt system that want to go back to the old ways is a LARP

Chinese found

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that's still 30% of whites that are getting hit. of course the nigger kill ratio is going to be up because niggers are too stupid to follow rules but that just means the virus is going to have more carriers to spread farther and faster.

the red states are not going to come back from this.

Don't forget that most "no prior medical history" deaths likely had an undiscovered medical condition. Its not like they're going to perform an autopsy and tox screen on an infected patient.

if they cross the line with us, many chinks are going to get murdered by goblins again

well well well. the german story about "murica stole our masks in thailand!" turns out to be TOTAL BULLSHIT.

>The left-wing politician, who represents Germany's Social Democratic Party, had described the shipment's disappearance as 'an act of modern piracy' on Friday.

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The niggers in that area are in cities, cities are where the infections are.

Enjoy these press conferences while they last, because Joe is shutting them down

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Who becomes PM if Boris dies?

NY has 50% of all cases. Red states are more rural and thus less optimal for spreading viruses.

I bet it's really just supplies for your cartels. Aren't they running low?


awoovement cancelled

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worldwide it was about 5.2k, 1,255 for america
discrepancy in east asian fatality rate might be due to them shielding the at risk population more, so the fatality rate for their entire experience is dragged down by the fact that the ones most likely to die from it don't get infected as often. that, and the obesity thing. even japan is reporting up to 2.4%, korea 1.6%, malaysia 2%? might be different now
italy is reporting 12%. it's probably only that high because their infection rate is severely under-reported, i cannot possibly see it being truly over 5% in the west, even with obesity problems

Another sign the NY op is running out of steam. HCl is working and the hospitals aren't filling up. DeBlasio's admin is resorting to fear porn about park burials. Cuomo can only keep his daily show going so long. Today was beautiful in NYC. Tucc was right, if we're not all catching at the super market, we'll be fine in the office.

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>the red states are not going to come back from this
You're retarded, it'll will free up a lot of factory jobs from all the nogs dying off, wages for long time employees will inch up.

Why wouldn’t you wear them if you have them? They just aren’t necessary. Where officials screwed up is saying that no mask was needed when preventing droplets from entering the mouth and nose is a benefit.

>Who becomes PM if Boris dies?
You do.

it is the mexican military that is actually importing it downstairs neighbor (an old jewish lady) is coughing...
I want to go out for a run tomorrow morning super early, but I'll have to touch a door knob she uses to go out.

What should i do? I do have hand sanitizer but i dont wanna use up all of it just cause i wanna go for a jog and stay fit every other day.

Since that meme is clearly mocking gun rights activists, is it safe to assume that you are a gun control activist?