I need help. I need to convince my cousin to be racist. She is dating a Filipino and can do far more better because she looks decant. unfortunately she has grown up with Mongs in her life and her closest friend is into them.

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post cousins tits


Too late probably.

I knew this was an Australian flag before I even clicked. Geeezzzuuusss fucking christ.

built for tiny mongol she-penis

She's already been tainted, been fucked and eaten out by the mongoloid. She's finished.

Hope she's not hot.

What's wrong with a filipino

Look at yourself and find out.


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Still whiter than you Mohammed.


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Start small by redpilling her on other races


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Where did you learn English OP?


Unfortunately :(

Yea I have been trying.

Just keep trying, she won't wake up overnight. What redpills have you been dropping?


I'm going to tell her about black people. Does anyone have statistics on black intelligence?

I hate on Asians but some are cool but I especially hate no loathe Filipinos they can’t shut up about the dirty fucking Philippines they’re always like “oh yeah I’m Filipino ohh look a Filipino restaurant omg that’s so me because I’m Filipino” I fucking hate they’re also ugly ass hell

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Well thats the type of cunt we are dealing with here, Its my fucking brothers fault their together too. the dickhead set them up.


Just make sure it doesn't come out of nowhere, otherwise it will be awkward.

Show her elliot rodger videos

first rape and then disown her

Do you have anything like that in asian too?

Do you have a link?

sea mexicans chinks with nigger nose

thats more of a nigger thing

Ew, I've met a mis bread before

Ew, I've met a mix bread like that before.

Asian countries have slightly higher average IQ's than white countries,


Asian education is fucking brutal, they're almost like slaves and they need to go through all of that just to have slightly higher IQ's than lazy whites who have no discipline. I'm sure that westernised Asians can't even complete with whites intellectually.

Natural ancient Chinese medicine. Big peepee much virility.

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my half brother is a hapa, I have blond hair and hazel eyes, he has black eyes and redhair. redpill her with that. another hapa i know is a tranny as well

Post your cousins pic, your pic and the filipinos pic. Lets see why youre so jealous

i bet your brother drinks onions and likes getting cucked as well.

Yea well thats true.

That's a typical flip. But I hate them more because of my personal experience with one of them.

Fucking oath aye.

can you record yourself swearing on vocaroo? just say cunts and fucks few times along with some other things. I need to laugh

Bellcurve bullshit from the book "The Bell Curve"

I guess i could push the idea that filipinos make some pretty bad psychopaths since i personally know a few.

and most of them are trannies like Thaicunts
you can tell her that her children will be born trannies

im a white girl who exclusively dates asian guys AMA

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is that you? If so you are not white.

You look like an Arab or north African

How racist is Australia anyway? I know there's a ton of shitposting here but what's it like in practice

timestamp with tits or gtfo

stfu mutt

says the mutt

>user thinks girl he’s stalking is white >MEGAKEK

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Ok Muhammad

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Go back to r/aznidentity dicklett larper

what do u care do u want to fuck her or something

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probably the same as America but we are alot more quiet about it, there are safe towns to be open about it such as mine and in the city nobody remembers you.

Obviously you either don't have family or dont care about them.