Anti-racists that browse Yas Forums - Why is racism wrong?

Genuinely curious, what is the moral axiom that you base your belief on? Let's say everyone else was doing it. What would be gained from not playing fair?

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All niggers must die.

>What would be gained from not playing fair?
Anything worth winning is worth cheating for.

it's not.
fuck wh*t*s

Don't bother.
Anti-racists are soulless useful idiots without self-awareness or jealous non-whites.
Arguing with leftists is a fucking waste of time

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You aren't gonna get a good answer OP, anti racists are some of the most racists people you will ever meet, except they are condescending about it.

My boss pays me to feel that way.


It was just a question. Every single leftist I've asked hasn't provided a good answer. It seems the moral axiom is usually the moral itself. Which is not true for any other belief I've encountered. It's extremely strange.

I suppose I'd appreciate you more if you put effort into creating an actual fucking ethnostate by means which don't involve killing civilians in random schools and mosques

You had the chance to become the avantgarde and set an example for a future anti-globohomo reality, but no, you and the glowniggers fucked it up as usual

racism is judging a person based on things they didnt choose which is inferior to judging a person based on their choices, its also more fair.

Which all well and good until you run into blacks. Then you wind up reach the same conclusion regardless of your basis. Judge them by their skin, judge them by your actions. Either way, you want them to stay away.

Calling people non human due to skin colour.

Even if this isnt authentically antifa we must post these in every major city

Fuck you taconigger, you stink and your work is shoddy

Yeah, they're pretty fucking stupid. That's what makes them dangerous. It's not that they mean to cause harm, but they're too fucking retarded to realize that they're being used as tools.

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Well it still doesn't disprove trends within groups. It all depends whether you value mindless adherence to morality or truth more. The value hierarchy and all that.

I can think of 3

>1. Religious, quasi religious, social. Negative judgment angers God, damns your soul, gives you bad energy or whatever. Most NPCs fit into this category
>2. Practical. The Bill Clinton "whites need political correctness for when they become a minority" argument. Of course, when your enemy is literally disarmed and you are handing him the gun, you have more problems than the minorities you're letting in
>3. Economic. The belief that other races can contribute to the economy, technology or culture in a net positive compared to the alternative, and that racism prevents them from doing so.

We're not against races. We're against culture. It just so happens that culture follows race pretty much 1:1.

They would use edgy fonts

Racism (i.e. racial hatred/discrimination) is wrong, but race is real and ethnic identity is natural and healthy.

Having two sets of rules for law abiding citizens based on ancestry is unjust.

>Stop being black

unfortunately for me, both these have merits.
I do judge people on their choices, but some people make fucked up choices due to their family and background, which, even if it is underprivileged, is still no reason to act like an animal.

there's good ones and bad ones just like any group
not really, how is judging people by their choices and actions 'not truth' ? these are the best predictors for said person's future actions which is the entire reason you judge people in the first place.

Why is it wrong? The only logical biological morality system is an inverse relationship between how much you care about someone and how closely related to you. I care about my kids more than I care about my niece and nephews more than I care about random NW euro kids more than I care about med/E. Euro kids more than I care about literally anyone more than blacks - in general, of course you can have friends who can "skip to the front of the line" in a sense, but any other system is self defeating. Any individual who does not prioritize his kin over strangers will see his kin out competed by strangers and thus those who may share his lack of in-group preference will go exist. In-group preference is.. inevitable.

We've gotten to the point that you bring up these trends. Even to spitball solutions for them, and you are banned from the majority of the internet. It's detrimental, we can no longer address problems. Problems breed grievances, grievances lead to war.

Explain to me how you are going to get to every single person you run in to on a daily basis at a deep enough, personal level, to judge them based on who rather than what they are. Its utterly impossible. By your same logic we ought not have laws, since they are presuming certain characteristics onto individuals. Why ban me from owning a nuke? You dont *know* that Ill use it to turn your heeb infested abomination of a country into a glowing ball of flame, I may just lock it up in the basement. Or why cant I drive 100 mph everywhere I go until Ive crashed and proven I cant handle it? Its perfectly valid to assume an average person of any given group will be approximately average

just to be clear im not categorically against using race as a metric to make judgments, for example when i served in the police we did most of the searches and generally targeted most of our efforts of finding criminal behavior on arabs which makes perfect sense because arabs are far more likely to be criminals than normal people.
this is however a situation where you cant judge people by their past actions since we have no knowledge of those and even in that situation race shouldnt be singled out, you make judgments based on the information you have and that is race,body language,sex,manner of speech,clothing, who the person is with, how he reacts to you and so on when you're out on patrol or at a checkpoint as a policeman you start developing an instinct which often turns out to be right (ofc you should never trust it 100% and still sometimes to 100% random searches)

what im saying is in the situations where you cant judge the person based on their personal history and have to use racism you shouldnt just use racism but also all the metrics available to you.

>START being human
The messaging here is incredible.

Yeah but I'm not going to hate someone solely because they are black.

was this by antifa or trolling them ? i'd assume the latter but these days so many things are presented as satire and become real a few years down the line that you cant really know.

either way printing and putting more of these up would be a great idea.

in group preference is not the same as racism,racism is assuming someone is incompetent and malicious based on race, in group preference is placing more importance on your family\countrymen\whatever ingroup than on outsider groups and treating your own better regardless of competence or intent.

you can (and should) have in group preference without automatically resorting to racism.

I'd tell you because it is illogical to judge people collectively based on their perceived ethnicity and so you should rather judge them on an individual basis by, well, the content of their character. but this apparently puts me in the set 'racist' based on what appears to be the prevailing wisdom of the day, so I guess I'm not qualified to answer your question


Nothing is wrong with racism

Were you born retarded?

We need two sets of laws -- one for you, and one for everyone else.

The one for you mandates a dick sucking quota.

because it makes you a stinky meanie doodoo head

Youre so retarded I dont know where to begin

This is bullshit. You literally do not Judge people solely by their actions. You're acting as if you're a saint.

Begin by learning how to use an apostrophe.

You're. Heh. Nice try, kid. If you're so smart, why are you having trouble knowing where to begin?

You've explained in previous posts why people feel closest to their kin, but that doesn't imply that the legal system can only recognize the rights of those with particular ancestry.

To be clear, I don't give a shit if someone doesn't like black people, or redheads, or whatever. I'm only concerned about a just legal system that doesn't favor one over another based on race.

Heh. Reddit spacing.

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. You knew exactly what I was saying, nitpicking that I didn't bother with apostrophes in contractions that have pretty much become words in their own right is just being gay.
I am about 8 beers deeper than I was in those posts so I'm not going to bother anymore, but the basic point boils down to what even is a citizen and why does the USA erode the distinction between citizen and non-citizen. There is pretty much no right or privilege reserved only for citizens. Foreigners get welfare, foreigners get drivers licenses, and the Left seeks to allow voting for all. Non-whites are not a member of my Nation, I care not for what their super duper special piece of paper says.

>Genuinely curious, what is the moral axiom that you base your belief on?
Holy fuck how is this even a question?
>'All men are created equal'
That is the axiom
The authors of the Declaration were obviously not implying it in any scientific sense.
>Judge each man by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin

>Non-whites are not a member of my Nation, I care not for what their super duper special piece of paper says.
That's literally not how any of this works. There is nothing in our legal system that says you have to be white to be a citizen. I don't like the erosion of citizen/non-citizen, and I think we should heavily filter those who get to be citizens, but to claim that the US is your nation by right of race is fucking insane.

Racism is literally just a madeup concept like Suppressives in Scientology:

Its not insane at all. It is the nature of any country. That this blip in the span of human history does not recognize this Natural Truth is irrelevant. A country for anyone is a country for no-one. By your (admittedly presumed logic) literally anyone and anything can be an American. There is no racial test, no ideological test, no religious test, there is no binding factor besides a piece of paper that says you are "american" which means nothing. Also the entire united states had a white only policy up until the '65, so of its ~250 year history, 50 or so agree with you, and the rest follow the natural human arrangement of a Nation-State


The first immigration act ever signed stated that only europeans of good moral character are allowed citizenship

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because ultimately it's always the culture that is at fault
sure there are baseline differences for races and when comparing some, those differences can be drastic
doesn't change that any living human nowadays falls short when compared to cave dwelling stone age faggots like heidelbergensis
we have all this knowledge, all these superior forms of transferring culture, the baseline overall got a lot worse since we're sedentary but it's still possible to create really bright minds and well adepted people
we just don't have time for this
children need many hours of productive work where they are trained to responsibility, growing on it as well as thousands of little skills that have to be taught dedicated
instead people are addicted to their smartphones, treat their children like pleasure automatons for the first few years, fuck them up with valuing the smartphone over their children dozens of times a day and then when those children have abstract needs and can't be simple pleasure automatons anymore
the unfit parent will direct all their frustration and hate towards the child in really fucked up ways, because it'll be necessary to tell yourself how much you love it AS well as punish this into your child in creative ways that do not involve hitting it

discipline and education with responsibility from an early age (3) have been well known for thousands of years to work to produce good people, laszlo polgar created two female chess world masters that beat men left and right, just because he tried what he read about on them, he tried to put it into a scientific form of how the great teachers, kings and philosophers over the last 3.500 years said you'd create a genius
and we know, from twin studies, nigger studies, subhuman studies and so on
with what ease this is possible
the failure is a global one, there are root causes and the weak people can not overcome this or give their children a good start into life, at least not in majority, it's very class dependent

All you need is a simple syllogism to answer your question.

1: in the future humans will become more powerful
2: at some point 1 human will become powerful enough to kill all humans or the collective antagonisms of humans will kill all humans
3 solution the best way to minimize this risk is to destroy the disunity that causes strife. become one unified society with universal laws to protect agaisnt this threat. Uplift of all mankind.

Racism is outmoded. But thats not the question you wanted to ask. You wanted to have your racist viewpoint justified. But thats the wrong question.

You should ask why you care.

that it's fair is a bad argument
the reason why it's inferior is a good argument
don't exclude that..
there's a beauty to functional thought and perception

Races are different, it's a scientific fact. We're all predisposed to different traits. Acknowledging this isn't racism.

The reason racism is bad is because even if 99% of a given population are predisposed to be criminals, or dumb, or worse, it's not fair to the 1% who isn't. While a particular race can be predisposed to a trait, it is never the case that 100% of a race have a trait. There are even white blacks.

Everybody should be judged as an individual. A man should be judged by his decisions, not his ancestry.

That said, I still cross the street. 99% is 99%.

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Then why are you here

To find you Dave.

That was their first problem. Benjamin Franklin ended up being right. We should have only permitted other Anglos and British people to ever achieve citizenship.


That stupid Venti lady is so gross looking.

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there's no logical argument vs racism untill you're the one getting suffered by it

Why would you discriminate against someone based on something he/she didn't choose and can't change?

human identity is fascist because it excludes koalas. I seen people calling for the death of Koalas because of the pernicious lie that they carry clamidiya. Fight anti-koala species-ism!

Is this satire? A man living in the most racist country in the world, where they literally have separate roads for Arabs and Jews is lecturing /pol about racism?

Tear down your desert wall you hypocrite.

A bear doesn't choose to be a bear.
Does that make it human?

Eloquently put. But "values" are not universal, and in my experience, correlate along racial and cultural lines. Hence any "global order" will have a European flavour as its final form.

Living somewhere doesn't mean you agree with the countries ethics. For instance I think homeless people should be brought to labor camps, not given handout after handout.