As a Muslim I find it funny when you lot try to tell me I shouldnt be in Europe considering the history of things
As a Muslim I find it funny when you lot try to tell me I shouldnt be in Europe considering the history of things
What Moselm country are you from? Afghanistan?
Afghan heritage, born and raised in Britain
I'm sorry. Didn't hear what you said as I wiped the shit that you are off my shoe.
Ok, Achmed
Except islam is foreign. They were invaders in medieval times, and theyre invaders now.
Considering the history of things, I'm hoping you fuck off once again.
>Muzzie uses medieval data as an argument
oh irony
Every country writes their own history.
Nobody in Australia knows about the "emu war" we only care about the black war.
oh noes muhamama.. wut happened to "muh izlum"?
Let see if I can guess the province you are from. Somewhere in eastern Afghanistan.
> Dumb wog knows nothing about Christianity and the Eastern Roman Empire
this map is fabricated and homosex
The fuck is this bullshit, we were never under Islam
That map is kinda the point... your sandnigger ancestors stole all that land with your ant-people fag religion's endless wars.
That's why we don't want you around now, towelhead.
Get your ugly brown ass the fuck out of white homelands, nobody likes you, people only pretend to for social points due to ideological subversion you low-caste kike. That's the literal truth, I'm not even trolling. Your kind are hated all around the western world.
>As a Muslim I find it funny when you lot try to tell me I shouldnt be in Europe considering the history of things
The history of Europe proves exactly why you shouldn't be here.
Swathes of land were Christian and zoroastrian in the middle east before islam
Literally the map never looked like that. You are combining the height of the ottoman Turks with the height of moorish Spain and adding areas north of the Caspian Sea. Where did you learn this; towel head school?
Pic related. It's your mothers ankles. Go jack off or stone her.
Almost all the white people in the green areas were christian tho
cool but Europe's history goes back quite a bit further than the Middle Ages. that was almost 1500 years after the Romans figured out how to build roads, essentially starting modern civilization.
Muslims are just the second wave of what Christianity was. Christianity in Europe was forced ideological subversion, my sympathy goes out to the pagans who's leaders were bought out with jew money and paid to behead those who resisted it.
When did Islam ever simultaneously control that territory? Never. You're full of pig shit, musselman. The encroachment into France during the Battle of Tours was in the 8th c. of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Constantinople didn't fall until the 15th c.
we're lucky to be alive mate
White homelands will only ever stand a chance of being saved when the people stop buying into JEWISH RELIGIONS and start being who they were meant to be.
You're gonna get kicked out again. Just like last time.
All that green was Christian under the Roman empire all the way to Northern Africa, Syria and including Christian vassal states/tribes in Arabia. Nice bait tho.
You're Ottoman Empire rape babies
You din't even EXIST before 1000 years ago, fucking dogshit mudslime. For those more than 600 wars declare that you fags have done against europe. Is actually low IQ for Europe not to nuke you fags now that they have the chance. Real payback. Your kind are the same as kikes or even worse don't kid yourself mudslime.
So much cope in this thread
holy roman empire doesn't count
ignoring all the people that already made a fool out of you, do you not realize that those islamic areas are a result of an INVASION? also, just because the controlled did didn't mean everyone living there was a muslim. Was everyone under the mongols a muslim? muslims are actually retarded must be why u believe a stupid lying sandnigger named mohammed
You're a fucking moron, and your map is a pile of bullshit.
europeans spent centuries kicking you human filth out and it will happen again
What is a favela nigger doinh yelling about Muslims? There arent any there anyways. Shouldn’t you be more worried about your leader lining up his people to get Covid-19?
Nice bait
speaking of IQ where did you learn grammar
It's almost as if muslims are stuck in the middle ages
Ok monkey snort your cocaine before posting. If anything you should be nuked since you didn’t give anything of value to humanity since the day Spain taught and bred you to be more human.
>Ottoman Empire
Typical American
Map is bullshit.
It shows paganism at an arbitrary point in the early middle ages, shows Islam at it's points of maximum expansion (which happened almost 1000 years apart in the east and west) and attributes Christianity to the rest.
(((Who))) does these things?
>As a Muslim I find it funny when you lot try to tell me I shouldnt be in Europe considering the history of things
Your history in Europe is that of an imperial invader, and a dysgenic rapist.
The only time I have any respect for a muslim is when they're launching rockets into Israel. Outside of that, nobody wants anything to do with muslims, stay in your own land.
you didn't study much history did you, you goatfucking retard. Kill yourself.
>tfw balkans were occupied by ottoman chalifate, not converted
>tfw europe has been fully christianized before the shitskin invasion.
>tfw it's a literally the most misleading map I have ever seen.
Why are you posting from British lands?
In what year did it ever look like this?
Why is it that all the smack-dealers and pimps on my block are Muslim?
Are you people just inclined to engage in the most sordid practices imaginable, as long as the primary exploitees are kuffars?
I befriended an old pakistani man, and two weeks after he died, his eldest son tried to extort me.
I say tried, because he did not succeed.
What in fuck's name is wrong with you lot?
Because if you don't have an answer I'm gonna assume it;s the fact that you all marry your fucking cousins.
The Q.E. hospital in Brum is always full of conehead paki babies.
you need a proxy retard
Salty Muslim rats,that's who
the first Crusade.
i smell a jew
This is most likely when Islam was on the up and up
During this time they enslaved millions of Western Europeans, conquered Spain, and murdered thousands of whites
The history of things is that Islam is not a Western Ideology, it never will be.
That is unless the muslims begin to out breed the child phobic whites
I wonder why Globalists are importing so many Africans????? Hmmmm
>As a Muslim
timestamp or it's a larp
That map is incorrect. Is shows everywhere where a muslim army when, not where the populations was muslim. Now kindly fuck off back to your cave Ahmed
The map you're attempting to make your point with clearly shows you're wrong?
Very important, this map merely shows Muslim controlled regions, not a fucking population map (obviously)
Although at the rate we are going at, Western Europe will be 25-50% Muslim by 2070
I agree with you but remember that Europe was forged by predators killing each other. I hope european leftists have castrated what is left of native europeans or you are going to get a very bad wake up call, muslim. Corona will make europeans show their true colors.
That’s called an invasion
Which is why we pushed them out after ww1 and also why we had uprisings every 25 years or so
Fuck the Turks
I hope you die a slow painful death, along with your entire family you dirty spic.
Reparations for white slavery have yet to be rendered abdul.
In spite of your cousins ripped apart by a drone they never even saw :)
You’re right sandfuck. All Abrahamic religions don’t belong in Europe and need to fuck back off to the Middle East, where they belong
Germans took over France(once Gaul), Italy, Spain and North Africa and were invading the Celtic Britons to create England
riveting takiyya mudslime
The first places the disciplines went were Greece & Italy
Tip your fedora harder you fag
Fuck outta here mohammed
you will not be spared