Guy says Trump has guy's mom's blood on his hands
Guy says Trump has guy's mom's blood on his hands
That's what a woman in Germany posted about Merkel on Faceook after an illegal killed her daughter.
She was banned for hate speech.
That guy gets the rope.
Who knew a viruses could kill each other so nicely
>orange man bad bahh
>he has to deal with a virus outbreak that was out of his control that kills boomers like my mom with preexisting conditions
>waa so it's all his fault
The bitch was 86'd
>blames Trump
>not deblasio who kept all the schools open so all the nigger kids could get free lunch
the hallmarks of these people's lives is party loyalty, denial, and delusion
OyVey muh 82 year old mom died of something!
fuck this smarmy little jew boy
>Donald Trum has blood on his hands.
Holy Shit, who the fuck is this Trum guy? Should i be worried?
Being this irrelevant that Trump grabbing his moms pussy when it was still fresh is the only noteworthy thing about him
It had nothing to do of course, with the Chinese bio-weapon released from an illegal laboratory in Wuhan.
Shame it didn't get the son jew as well.
Third world shit hole mismanages pandemic and blames Trump.
This looks mighty jewish.
>pretending states rights aren't a thing.
The only tactic MAGACHUDS know is deflect, deflect, deflect. Normal people see right through you.
People in grief say some dumb shit.
Or, he could be trying for the Ghetto Lottery.
I'm sure some Shekelbergstein will pick up his case and sue...
hope the virus takes him next. Boomer bugman.
Lol what an ugly pair of kikes
>surprise, it is another jew
Ten years ago, Yas Forums always being right was like a joke.
If he doesnt blame the chinese he is spitting on his mothers grave.
What a scumbag.
I'm being serious right now: I hope Trump personally sprayed an aerosol can full of the virus in that old bag's apartment.
Day of the pillow dawns
>It's Trump's fault NY told people to hug chinks
the democrats where busy impeaching trump over literally nothing when all of this began. the democrats are guilty for murdering every single coronavirus victim.
we should settle for nothing less than the summary execution of all democrats who voted yes for impeachment.
She didn't die. She killed herself because he son is a cock sleeve faggot..
he looks jewish even in the thumbnail
oh look its another whiny fish lipped jew
Fuck this Jew all the way back to Jew York fucking city.
>be 86
>blumpf did this
>De Blasio tells people to go outside like retards
> The fucking health official tells everyone to attend a Chinese New Year festival
>Cuomo does a horrible fucking job responding to this pandemic
>Donald Trump has blood on his hands
People are retarded holy shit
Why does China and the CCP get to skate by without so much as a glance? Oh, that's right, that would be (((WAYCISSS))).
Fucking stooge...
alot of men have had their hands on his mom
kek, maybe the mayor of NYC shouldn't have been telling people to go to the Orient New Year's celebration a month ago. fucking retard using his mother's death as a political tool
Lmao these retarded never trumpers pin any and everything on him
Y'all seen this shit with the medicine he's been talking about?
Some shill journos are saying he could be responsible for manslaughter LMAO
Cuomo is already testing it in NY
Well that aged nicely. Did someone archive that?
TDS is a serious mental disability.
>someone died while nyc still hadnt yet run out of supplies
>this is trumps fault, surely she would have survived if we had 10000 more ventilators in nyc
Until like 2 weeks ago it was racist to be afraid of coronavirus in NYC.
Chuckie Schemer deleted it, but it has been reproduced countless times. At some point some faggot will claim it's fake.
Surprising literally no one.
Trump, who banned flights from Iran, but had his ban overturned by an activist judge?
NYC, whose patient 0 flew in from Iran after Trump banned flights from Iran?
This guy needs to go fuck his mother
Meanwhile, Governor Coomer did nothing wrong.
Yup my Jewdar started howling just from the thumbnail. He’s got that textbook Neanderthal look.
I wonder if this guy was hoping his mom would die so he could use her death to bash drumpf.
he looks like the type of jew who complains about niggers behind closed doors
Libtards love doing that
Did it with McCain
If you think Trump has this kind of power then you truly see him as your god.
Maybe they should get their brains chequed if they cant handle the chaos of the real world.
She should not have listened to Pelosi
she should have stayed out of China town
Pelosi killed her because she is a democrat sheep
that refused to think for herself
Pelosi has her lung goo on her hands.
Every. Fucking. Time.
I can tell from the pic, that's a Jew.
I could also tell from the fact that he uses his own mother's death as a cudgel for political argument.
i'm pretty sure 86 year olds die every day from all sorts of different reasons
not anymore. this is now holocaust stories 2.0.
>my 90 year old grandmother was healthy as a horse and then she got coronavirus. her last words were "donate more money to sandy hook non profits"