Haha he's a helicopter get it! I hate trans people
Haha he's a helicopter get it! I hate trans people
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I apologize for this Canadian
lol niggers
I love how liberals seethe so hard at stonetoss that not only do they edit his comics to try to "reverse" his jokes they even started doing copycat comics in his artstyle but with typical leftist attempt at humor to prove him wrong.
They just can't help themselves
Borders are bullshit, I'm not a Canadian
Stonetoss is a Nazi and so are you
How much time did you spend on this piece of garbage? I bet you looked through the monitor proudly, catching a glimpse of your reflection as you admired your artwork and how you're going to show them intolerant nazi transphobics. Did you even read your own bullshit? It reads like some dumb fucking 39 year old basement dwelling virgin faggot limp wristed onions dick wannabe-stacy-that-gets-bent-over-and-shit-full-of-spunk wrote this as a fantasy of their retardation.
better edit
I also apologize for this absolute faggot tarnishing the Canadian flag. He has probably posted the words "blacked" and "made for BBC" at least twenty times in the last day. If I knew where he lived, I would shoot him, personally.
>Haha he's a helicopter get it! I hate trans people
This but unironically
>that cop hand gesture
"this is e restraining ordere mama mia!"
Feels real bad.
The issue comes from people misunderstanding what is being stated. Perhaps it is deliberately presented by others as if they misunderstand, but actually get it. Just because they hate the idea of transsexuals. I'm sure some genuinely misunderstand though
Read pic related
>Stonetoss is a Nazi and so are you
There is no such thing as trans people, just mentally ill people
90% of people during WW2 would have rather lost the war than integrate the country with blacks
This. Making tranny soup from boiling bags just to keep your dicklet is peak mental illness
>mutilates genitalia beyond use
>self-inflicts a hormonal imbalance that kills sexual drive
>attempts suicide
I don't get it. It's just eugenics with extra steps. Any mentally ill people looking to speed things up, I've got a box of surplus 7.62 to spare.
Thanks for admitting that. It only took you 5 years to understand that they are mentally ill people.
Holy shit! Are you posting with an earnest self righteousness? I have many questions. Are you trans, gay or raising a child not your own?
KYS worthless tranny scum!
Its sad they have zero creativity that they cant even make their own comics
>Stonetoss is a Nazi and so are you
yeah, so?
while this edit is terrible the attack helicopter joke was never funny
>fake tits
>cuts off penis
>i was born like this
When, Lord?
based leaf
wait i thought that was the joke..? Fucking lefty comics jjfc im going to bed
he does seem to piss people off with little effort
I didn't really care until they started to fuck up women's sports and try to browbeat lesbians into sucking dick
>not Canadian
So jewish is the name of the game aye? I raise you 3 sheakels and blame specifically white men for global warming.
>wanna here a joke
>HERE a joke
Epic win my dude! xD Nazis pwned.
Mind if I repost this to r/antifastonetoss?
Stonetoss really struck a nerve, didn't he?
I see you're a man of culture yourself
oh they understand the comics
Why does this person assume that jokes aren't meant to offend anyone? Talk about a sense of self importance. I'm a manlet and I hear jokes all the time about it. So?
I love trannyfags now.
it's all natural kike psychiatrists said so
it's all fun and games until someone grows gynecomastia
well he puts a mirror up to their faggy faces
Boogie is a fat cunt.
Why, why you're such a fag?
This one is subtle; I like it.
When the Cult of Cybele came to Rome from Asia Minor via a high ranking Queen socialite, it became all the rage to dress up as women with make up. Priests of the Cult of Cybele would also cut off their dicks and beg in the streets for money.
The mutilation fad got so out of hand, Rome had to deprive citizenship (and thus free grain) from anyone who had been castrated.
Pic related: It's Attis, the Bronze Age castrated cuck, the god of all male-to-female trannies
You people are worse than the Welsh.
I love that picture. Perfect representation of the liberal.
I wish I had a based version, though. One where the guy is smirking instead of weeping, and not wearing a Marxist shirt.
Attis of Phrygia, hence the Phrygian cap
These edits reflect a high schooler thought process. It says I can't beat you rhetorically, so I'm just going to invent a scenario where you embarrass yourself in a contrived way making your point. It's something that would only work on someone who is insecure. It's also infuriating, because to engage it is to lose.
Reminds me of pic related.
No tats classy
Body like an athlete
Nice hat, Seal of the Senate
Yeah, for sure, and disgusting.
But gender, as it is defined now, is the name for the social construct of boy and girl
Sex = biological, XX, XY
Gender = crap like how one sex wears a certain type of clothes sometimes, while the other aren't allowed to. So yeah, technically there could be infinite types, like some humans only wearing purple hats or some crap.
People expand this to crap like
>muh attack helicopter
to make it seem totally absurd that humans would ever break the "sacred" rules of some wearing one type of clothes for example
I'm using clothes as an example but im sure people get the point
Taking HRT, to appear feminine and get tits, as well as do things girls do and wear things girls wear, means you've picked the collection of crap we associate in the social construct of gender as a certain type
It's hard to explain, and the confusion people initially feel by not comprehending it correctly allows people to misrepresent the entire thing so as to frame it as bad.
And the whole sex change situation, thats an entirely different discussion.
And it's still funnier than any single thing you've ever come up with.
The left couldn't accomplish something so great and yet so simple with a copy pasta. You're terrible at it and we have had picture of you admitting to sucking at it. r/therightcantmeme is entirely fake shit and gaslit shit to parody or replace the infamous and still true "the left can't meme,"
You're actually so fucking dumb I hope you die in minecraft on hardcore mode and never beat the game like even children do and I mean that 100% ironically
pure hypocrisy
here have another
>suicide rate 41%
Lol, only 41%
How long has it been stuck at 41%?
Four days? Five days?