The future of student loans

>inb4 everyone is ass blasted
This thread isn't about your feelings, it's about WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Is it safe to assume that student loan debts will be erased someday? I friend could really use a break like that. My guess is that as soon as democrats get in office it will happen.

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how the fuck are student loans even real. nigga like just go to a state school. apply for scholarships. maintain good grades for grants lmao free money

Son of a fucking bitch, pay my fucking student loans boomers.

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>i ugh... my friend
how did you type this without wanting to throw up?

Bernie wanted to erase student loan debt, didn't he? Just another reason the DNC wouldn't tolerate him winning. So basically, cold day in hell, user. You're on the hook because you're a pillar of our filthy Jewish usury-based economy.

I will literally never pay my student loans. I think a sizable portion of the population is in the same boat at this point. They might not have a choice. We just lmao won't pay.
I'm my only friend nigger.

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You’ll be poor forever. Even if student loans get erased, you’re gonna be poor because you don’t understand money.

>I will literally never pay my student loans. I think a sizable portion of the population is in the same boat at this point. They might not have a choice. We just lmao won't pay.
They literally don't care as long as you're kept as a wageslave and they can seize your assets whenever they want. If they decide to garnish your wages they have every right. All it really means is that even if they can't get blood out of a stone, they'll never stop squeezing. Even if all it accomplishes is to keep you on the bottom, never letting you breathe.

simply not true. im a first generation college student and without loans, i wouldn't have been able to go to college.
t. loving my Audi S7, especially with no traffic

Nah, I'm just not gonna pay, and then my debts will be forgiven, and then life will be awesome. Ballliiin. Right now I'm doing what this bitch is doing

the thing i love most is telling my low class family members they can't smoke in the car. love it.

>Right now I'm doing what this bitch is doing
Smoking crack and blowing niggers for pocket change in back alleys? Is that really gonna help, user?

That's the one instance wherein private loans are better than federal loans. They have a time limit on when to act and if they don't take you to court before that time runs out, all they can do is bark at you. Those federal loans are easier to discharge if you work with em but if you try to ignore them they will bleed you dry one way or the other

Good on you then. If you were able to get an Audi why do you care about student loans?

honestly, i hope you guys get you shit paid off. every other corporation on the planet is getting bailed out and if corporations are people with rights, then so are we. i take pride in the fact that i paid off all my loans. they did me a huge favor by giving me the loans in the first place and i have worked hard to make the most of my educational opportunities. i think the student loan forgiveness should come with some sort of penalty though, perhaps a mark similar to bankruptcy on a credit report to show massive financial unreliability.

The simple ability to default on student loans has proliferated more of a nigger culture, I pay mine. However, most of the individuals I went to college with don't, their idea is that, if I don't pay it someone else will.

I'm on some sort of a program where I make payments of $0 every month. The bitch who signed me up for it a year or so ago now said my loans might be forgiven someday (not really sure where she was getting that, but it sounds good to me). You have no idea how much of a meme my life has been since 18 anons....I went to berklee college of music, took out fuck loans of loans, and couldn't even afford to graduate. So I basically fucked my life over a stupidly expensive over priced music school. It was a retarded decision that I made at 18...but my parents shouldn't have allowed it. My dad already helped me out with most of it, but there is still about 17k left. I'm not paying that shit nigga. I'm not stupid, I just made 1 really retarded decision at 17, and it's because I was super talented and everyone told me to go to this school that basically ruined my life. Fuck boomers.

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you should have to pay that. you need to learn from your mistakes and the only way to do so is with pain, also known as negative reinforcement. you need to go without things you want and some things you need for a while to pay the price.

So you're brown?

Debt forgiveness is not a "thing" in this western system, even though circumstances would suggest it's not only responsible, but the right thing to do.

Who would be an enemy of this idea?

>honestly, I hope you guys geet you shit paid off
>you should have to pay that

Suck my cock, I'm not paying, your opinon doesn't mean shit.

no im white. my family are farmers.

i think you should be able to get out of the debt, but you shouldn't be allowed to take credit for probably a decade.

Your opinion doesn't mean shit.

>i think the student loan forgiveness should come with some sort of penalty though, perhaps a mark similar to bankruptcy on a credit report to show massive financial unreliability.
Scarlet letter tattooed on forehead. It'd be epic. >but there is still about 17k left
You're bitching about 17K? I'm pretty sure some people I know have over 100K, user. Get a fucking job and quit bitching. You should be able to pay 17K off in 2 years with a factory job or maybe even call center if you have low expenses.

Get a private loan, pay off student loan, declare bankruptcy. Works, have friends that did it, some left the country after start anew with a degree somewhere else.

The government intentionally created the problem and has you by the balls. What do you think the odds of them letting go are?

Nope. Not paying it. I'm the perfect example of how predatory this system is.

Sure thing...right after you refund me mine.

>I'm the perfect example of how predatory this system is.
Not denying the system is predatory, but you seem kind of like the perfect example of a faggot.

Hyper delfation and your debt goes up

Nope, just super talented, from a small town, and a snooty school for rich kids ruined my life. I'm not going to be punished for being talented. I was manipulated. I came from a town of 20 thousand people. My parents should have been able to save me, but they are stupid boomers. Retard boomer parents plus being from a small town, being young and naive, I got fed to a predatory system. I'm not paying 17k for nothing, I didn't even get a degree.

We need our Hitler. We need him now.

Loans forgiven are income according to the IRS. Everyone would owe to the IRS in taxes.
>you should have to pay that. you need to learn from your mistakes and the only way to do so is with pain, also known as negative reinforcement. you need to go without things you want and some things you need for a while to pay the price.
How them boots taste? No one should go without so some rent-seeking entity can have more than it needs. You and everyone like you disgust me.
>one day you'll all get the rope

Forgive the loans only if universities have to co-sign on new loans

State schools are literally like 80k over 4 years, retard. The difference between private and state might have been appreciable when college wasn't a bubbled meme but at this point you're paying an arm and a leg to say "pick me not pajeet plz". It's financial russian roulette.

I think the best you'll get is they'll forgive a certain amount for families under a certain income because people who paid them off are didn't need them will whine about it. I don't have any but it's definitely a crippling issue for the US economy's future.

Sounds like you're a run of the mill dumbass.
Pay your debts, super talented retard.

>Be a liberal
>Advocate for government programs
>Get a government loan for education
>Decide you like your money too much
>Screw fellow taxpayers with glee

I paid $140,000 in student loans so whenever this shit comes up I have NO sympathy. Pay your own fucking loans... unless of course you want to give me my money back then sure I'm down.

System is super predatory. You pay an exorbitant sum to learn a skill and be recognized as learned in that skill.

Or you go into debt so its impossible to use your skill and your youth together. Essentially making radical innovation in an industry impossible. You'll give your greatest ideas to a corporation in exchange for a chance at a promotion instead.

We dont really live under capitalism anymore, more like a loose sort of feudalism.

Nope, 130 IQ. Good at everything I put my mind to. Not getting kiked. So far it looks like I'm going to win.

user that's a terrible idea the interest will fuck your shit up. You said your life is a meme, don't make yourself into the meme of memes holding a sign saying you're 100k in debt from interest over a music degree.

I think jewish systems should be replaced with a system where whiny libertarians are shot on sight and everyone else is trained to do what they can where society needs it, because fiat currency is fake anyway.

Agreed. It's not really true capitalism. It's more of an oligarchy where you're essentially a slave to corporations or bankers unless you get extremely lucky.

>Nope, 130 IQ. Good at everything I put my mind to.
>Not getting kiked. So far it looks like I'm going to win.
Also suuuuuuuurrrrrreeeee.

"farmers" are people making fat stacks of cash from government welfare to grow memecrops, don't make it sound like your dad was just an illiterate sharecropper and your mom a mountain hick who married him for his personality.

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I didn't even get a degree. I honestly think you would be hard pressed to find a story more fucked up than mine, other than the fact some people have higher debts racked up. At least they have a degree. I got completely fucked, and more than anything it's my parents fault. I'm simply not willing to slave away to work off a debt that gave me nothing.

>super talented
This has got to be a larp, this is too gay to be real

You're a dupe. It's okay, you can admit it.

Naw shit sucks but until the natsoc revolution clears away the bankers once and for all it's not really worth getting fucked over more to just stick it to them.

Suck my fucking dick $30k student loan plebs. I’m sitting at a comfy $355,000 in student loans can’t wait to pay this shit off with one silver dollar once the hyperinflation hits

I know where this comes from. You guys are low IQ average nobodies who want to boast about working trade jobs instead of going to college. I see through it, and I'm not having any of the bullshit. Trust me, I was raised in a town with a bunch of buck toothed nobodies like you who all hated the fact I got into a good school. There was a shit plan behind my post high school life, and behind every 17 year olds shit plan is shit parents. This is why I will vote democrat. I'm full 1488, but when I see you buck toothed low IQ wagies frothing at the mouth to have my life ruined over some predatory shit like this, THAT is where capitalism ends for me. Niggers can ruin everything, I don't care. I'm not paying this shit.

You fucking brain let. Bernie was just as much a dem operative as Hillary. He honeypotted anyone who hates Hillary into backing her. Bernie is a price of shit just like the rest of them. And he’s a Jew, FYI.

Check out this retard who paid his student loans

They could easily cancel everyone's student loans if they wanted to.
>stop giving out the loans
>freeze payments and interest on current loans
>cut the insane military budget by 150 billion/yr
>pay off the loans over 10 years

Democraps will never help anyone, they make false promises and pander for votes and then fuck you.

It's not a difficult exercise if you get a decent job out of college you just need to be frugal and also not retarded.

>I'm not paying 17k for nothing, I didn't even get a degree.
I sand wood floors for a living. I made more than 17K last month. Don't you wish you learned to work hard instead of "work smart"
Plus, I couldn't get student loans and had to work full time and try to go to night classes at the state university. By the time I was a junior, I had already started a small business to fund y tuition needs and i realized I might as well be self employed

Did you buy the Owdee outright, or are you making jew payments on it?

Never said I liked him, user. I know he's a kike shill, but he's put forward some ideas that centrist Dems hate, even if he is a party loyalist in the end.

If you're actually as successful as you say you are, why are you personally sanding floors instead of managing the equipment/money and having some other shmuck do the work for you?

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100% fact. The only real difference now is that there is flexibility in location, employer, lifestyle as well as some degree of direct control on your own personal status.

Ambitious people climb higher then point to their success as an anecdote for their fellow commoners. Historically things get volatile for the powers that be when an ambitious person hits a ceiling.

Each decade makes it more difficult to climb that ladder, however. America is a ticking time bomb at this point of people getting older and older with less and less saved for retirement. Then the government will realize that they should have been fighting harder to secure the future of the middle class.

Edfag here. Op. You’re a fucking moron, who’s unable to comprehend that you are ALREADY IN A “PAY MY LOANS OFF” program.

No proposed program is better than the one you’re in. BTW. a pro tip, even though you don’t deserve it. Start saving for the taxes now. IRS considers loan forgiveness as income. And they will get what you owe them.

Blah, blah, blah, faggot. Your 130 iq is literally worthless.
Unlike you I actually finished college, am debt free, and work at a law firm in compliance. You aren't full 1488, you're full of shit. You're an entitled little bitch. Depending on what state you're in, at some point before the statute of limitations is up your debts are likely going to become judgments which will place liens on you for typically about 20 years.
You had shit parents? Boo hoo. So did a lot of people. Yet with your high iq you lack any sort of ability to mitigate even the simplest of adult endeavors. Did you even read your loan paperwork?

>You guys are low IQ average nobodies who want to boast about working trade jobs instead of going to college
I am high IQ and went to college yet I still have a job in the trades. Well not a job, I have my own business and I make great money with little investment. I only have to lay out a couple hundred bucks in materials to make revenues of 5K or more. Fuck you college bro dumbasses that couldn't cut a straight line on a board if your life depended on it. Plus, you have no idea how much revenue I can hide from the IRS when there's no 1099 filed. LOL you dumbfucks have no idea

You're retarded.
Anyone running on student loan forgiveness only wants one thing... your vote.

Because you're stupid enough to ever believe they'll "forgive them".

Get a clue, they'll never be forgiven.

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Saves on paying labor, would be my guess if he isn't full of shit.

>This is why I will vote democrat
aaaaand you lost me. now you have to pay.

Because it takes very skilled labor to do the job properly and you risk not being paid if the work is not correctly done. I can't find help with the talent to meet my standards so I work alone and keep all the money. I have some hack helpers I can use on shit jobs, but nobody is trainable these days. It's like their first day on the job every day they show up.

You are right.
>government takes away ability to use bankruptcy to get out of student loans
>government forces expanded lending
>government guarantees loans
>a lending spree to morons dumb enough to borrow like retards takes place
>government owns a whole generation of Lower and middle class whites
>you are now dependent on the government
>you are now treated like niggers are: promises to make your life better and never do, vote for us or we will stick instead of carrot
I'm shocked 130 iq guy wasn't able to figure this shit out.

COVID-19 is going to cause the student loan bubble to burst.

must be some other household because it's wasn't in my family. sorry brother, not all farmers are rich.

Nah, gubmint just hitting pause.

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Stupid cunt takes a loan to "get and education" gets a shitty degree and then "gets an education" welcome to the real world faggot. Buy what you can afford.